93 research outputs found

    Effects of preharvest treatments on yield and chemical composition of tomato

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    Postharvest losses in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) are among others, the prime factor affecting the quantity and quality of tomato fruits in the market. Options to avert these losses are limited, and thus the need to design research studies that are geared to developing such strategies. A field experiment was therefore conducted to study effects of preharvest treatment of ComCat® spray, manure, NP fertilisation and the combinations of ComCat® with the two forms of fertilisation and the control on yield and quality of tomato in semiarid climate in eastern part of Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted using randomised complete block design with 3 replications. Data were collected from two centeral rows of treatment plots to assess vegetative growth, yield and the chemical composition of fruits at harvest. The result showed that the use of ComCat® and its combination with manure gave the highest total yield 58.53 tha-1 and 55.77tha-1 of which 94% and 93% weremarketable and total yield, respectively. By using manure and NP fertiliser it was observed that both marketable and total yield was not significantly influenced. The control tomato plants were found to give higher total and marketable yield on comparison with the preharvest ComCat® + NP treatment. The chemical qualities of tomatoes were improved by preharvest ComCat®, ComCat® + manure and ComCat® = NP treatments. Based on the varied performance of the treatements imposed, adoption of a particular teatment will depend on a specificrecommendation dormain

    Seismic hazard assessment of Navarre (Northern Spain)

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    The RISNAV project, financed by the Civil Defence Department of Navarre (Northern Spain), aims at assessing seismic risk of the entire region. The final goal of the project is the definition of emergency plans for future earthquakes. With this purpose, four main topics are covered: seismic hazard characterization, geotechnical classification, vulnerability assessment and damage estimation. In this work, the seismic hazard and vulnerability assessment studies are presented

    Knowledge and perception towards net care and repair practice in Ethiopia.

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    BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are a key malaria control intervention. Although LLINs are presumed to be effective for 3 years under field or programmatic conditions, net care and repair approaches by users influence the physical and chemical durability. Understanding how knowledge, perception and practices influence net care and repair practices could guide the development of targeted behavioural change communication interventions related to net care and repair in Ethiopia and elsewhere. METHODS: This population-based, household survey was conducted in four regions of Ethiopia [Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, Southern Nations Nationalities Peoples Region (SNNPR)] in June 2015. A total of 1839 households were selected using multi-stage sampling procedures. The household respondents were the heads of households. A questionnaire was administered and the data were captured electronically. STATA software version 12 was used to analyse the data. Survey commands were used to account for the multi-stage sampling approach. Household descriptive statistics related to characteristics and levels of knowledge and perception on net care and repair are presented. Ordinal logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with net care and repair perceptions. RESULTS: Less than a quarter of the respondents (22.3%: 95% CI 20.4-24.3%) reported adequate knowledge of net care and repair; 24.6% (95% CI 22.7-26.5%) of the respondents reported receiving information on net care and repair in the previous 6 months. Thirty-five per cent of the respondents (35.1%: 95% CI 32.9-37.4%) reported positive perceptions towards net care and repair. Respondents with adequate knowledge on net care and repair (AOR 1.58: 95% CI 1.2-2.02), and those who discussed net care and repair with their family (AOR 1.47: 95% CI 1.14-1.89) had higher odds of having positive perceptions towards net care and repair. CONCLUSIONS: The low level of reported knowledge on net care and repair, as well as the low level of reported positive perception towards net repair need to be addressed. Targeted behavioural change communication campaigns could be used to target specific groups; increased net care and repair would lead to longer lasting nets

    Patient and health service delay in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Delay in the diagnosis of tuberculosis may worsen the disease, increase the risk of death and enhance tuberculosis transmission in the community. This study aims to determine the length of delay between the onset of symptoms and patients first visit to health care (patient delay), and the length of delay between health care visit and the diagnosis of tuberculosis (health service delay). METHODS: A cross sectional survey that included all the public health centres was conducted in Addis Ababa from August 1 to December 31 1998. Patients were interviewed on the same day of diagnosis using structured questionnaire. RESULTS: 700 pulmonary TB patients were studied. The median patient delay was 60 days and mean 78.2 days. There was no significant difference in socio-demographic factors in those who delayed and came earlier among smear positives. However, there was a significant difference in distance from home to health institute and knowledge about TB treatment among the smear negatives. The health service delay was low (median 6 days; mean 9.5 days) delay was significantly lower in smear positives compared to smear negatives. Longer health service delay (delay more than 15 days) was associated with far distance. CONCLUSIONS: The time before diagnosis in TB patients was long and appears to be associated with patient inadequate knowledge of TB treatment and distance to the health centre. Further decentralization of TB services, the use of some components of active case finding, and raising public awareness of the disease to increase service utilization are recommended

    Two-Thirds of Smear-Positive Tuberculosis Cases in the Community Were Undiagnosed in Northwest Ethiopia: Population Based Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) case detection rate remains low in Ethiopia. One of the underlying reasons is the emphasis on passive case finding strategy which may seriously underestimate the burden of the disease. Estimating the prevalence of smear-positive pulmonary TB through active case finding at population level can help assessing the degree to which passive case detection is successful. Methods and findings: This is population based cross-sectional study. The study population was all individuals aged 14years.Interviewsusingauniformquestionnaireweredoneinitiallytoidentifyindividualswithchroniccough(14 years. Interviews using a uniform questionnaire were done initially to identify individuals with chronic cough (15 days) and the two sputum (spot and morning) samples were gathered for standard smear microscopy. A total of 23,590 individuals aged 14yearswereinterviewedand984hadachroniccoughfor14 years were interviewed and 984 had a chronic cough for 15 days. Of 831 individuals who provided two sputum samples for acid fast bacilli (AFB), 41 had positive smears. A total of 22 smear-positive TB cases detected through passive case finding were on anti-TB treatment. The prevalence of new smear-positive TB was 174 per 100,000 in persons aged 14years(9514 years (95 % CI: 121–227).The ratio of active to passive case finding was 2:1. Higher rates of smear-positivity were observed among females [AOR: 3.28, 95 % CI (1.54–6.77)], and in the age group 45 years [AOR: 2.26, 95 % CI (1.12–4.59). Conclusions: The study revealed that about two-thirds of patients with active TB remain undiagnosed and thus untreated. This may indicate the need for strengthening case detection at the community level. Furthermore, the high burden of T
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