999 research outputs found

    Pros and Cons of Focal Therapy for Localised Prostate Cancer

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    In prostate cancer, an interesting and intriguing option to overcome the risks of whole-gland treatment is focal therapy, with the aim of eradicating known cancer foci and reducing collateral damages to the structures essential for maintaining normal urinary and sexual function. Ablation of all known lesions would favorably alter the natural history of the cancer without impacting health-related quality of life and allows for safe retreatment with repeated focal therapy or whole-gland approaches if necessary. Our objective is to reassess the possibilities and criticisms of such procedure: the rationale for focal therapy and the enthusiasm come from the success of conservative approaches in treating other malignancies and in the high incidence of overtreatment introduced by prostate cancer screening programs. One of the challenges in applying such an approach to the treatment of prostate cancer is the multifocal nature of the disease and current difficulties in accurate tumor mapmaking

    Pelvic floor muscle behavior during Valsalva leak point pressure measurement in males and females affected by stress urinary incontinence.

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    PURPOSE: We evaluated pelvic floor muscle (PFM) behavior during Valsalva leak point pressure (VLPP) measurement in males and females affected by stress urinary incontinence and investigated whether VLPP results are influenced by PFM contraction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 25 females and 14 males underwent surface electromyographic (EMG) recording of PFM activity while performing VLPP. We investigated 2 conditions, VLPP during spontaneous strain (test A), and with simultaneous relaxation of the pelvic floor (test B). We analyzed average EMG activity (microV) at rest and during VLPP in tests A and B, the increasing EMG activity during tests A and B (the difference between average EMG activity during tests A and B and at rest), and the mean duration (seconds) of EMG activity during tests A and B. RESULTS: We detected a significant increase in EMG activity during tests A and B as compared to activity at rest (p <0.0001). Increasing EMG activity during test B was significantly reduced in females (p <0.05) but not in males. During test A patients reporting urinary incontinence showed a significantly lower EMG activity than that of continent patients (p <0.05). A significant reduction in maximum abdominal pressure was detected in test B compared to test A, but there was no difference in VLPP values between tests A and B. CONCLUSIONS: PFM activity significantly increases during VLPP measurement. Eliminating muscular contraction of the pelvic floor does not significantly alter VLPP results

    Antisense to Epstein Barr virus-encoded LMP1 does not affect the transcription of viral and cellular proliferation-related genes, but induces phenotypic effects on EBV-transformed B lymphocytes

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    It is generally accepted that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent genes EBNA-2, EBNA-3A, -3C, EBNA-LP and LMP1 are essential for growth transformation and immortalization of B lymphocytes. Among these genes, LMP1 plays a key role in the survival and dissemination of the infected B cells by inducing anti-apoptotic genes and surface expression of several activation antigens and adhesion molecules. We have previously shown that antisense oligodeoxynucleotides directed to LMP1 mRNA, effectively suppress LMP1 gene expression and substantially reduce B95.8 cell proliferation. In this study, we have used antisense LMP1 oligomers to investigate whether LMP1 suppression might influence the expression of latent EBV genes with oncogenic potential, anti-apoptotic genes, or affect the phenotype of EBV-infected B95.8 cells. Our data show that LMP1 suppression does not affect the transcription of EBNA-2, EBNA-3A, -3B and -3C genes, or that of bcl-2 and mcl-1 anti-apoptotic genes. In contrast, consistent modifications in the expression of CD39, CD54, CD23, CD11 and CD10 molecules were observed in B95.8 cells after treatment with antisense LMP1. Our findings support the possibility for using LMP1 antisense oligomers as therapeutics in EBV-associated tumors

    Electron Emission Observations from As-Grown and Vacuum-Coated Chemical Vapor Deposited Diamond

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    Field emission has been observed from chemical vapor deposited diamond grown on Mo and Si substrates. Emission was observed at fields as low as 20 kV/cm. The samples were tested in the as-grown form, and after coating with thin films of Au, CsI, and Ni. The emission current was typically maximum at the onset of the applied field, but was unstable, and decreased rapidly with time from the as-grown films. Thin Au layers, approximately 15 nm thick, vacuum deposited onto the diamond samples significantly improved the stability of the emission current at values approximately equal to those from uncoated samples at the onset of the applied field. Thin layers of CsI, approximately 5 nm thick, were also observed to improve the stability of the emission current but at values less than those from the uncoated samples at the onset of the applied field. While Au and CsI improved the stability of the emission, Ni was observed to have no effect

    Re: A review of continuous vs intermittent androgen deprivation therapy: Redefining the gold standard in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Myths, facts and new data on a ?perpetual dispute?

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    Objectives: To review the literature and present new data of continuous androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) vs intermittent androgen deprivation (IAD) as therapies for prostate cancer in terms of survival and quality of life and clarify practical issues in the use of IAD. Materials and Methods: We conducted a systematic search on Medline and Embase databases using “prostatic neoplasm” and “intermittent androgen deprivation” as search terms. We reviewed meta-analyses, randomised controlled trials, reviews, clinical trials and practise guidelines written in English from 2000 and onwards until 01/04/2013. Ten randomized controlled trials were identified. Seven of them published extensive data and results randomizing 4675 patients to IAD versus CAD. Data from the other three randomized trials were limited. Results: Over the last years studies confirmed that IAD is an effective alternative approach to hormonal deprivation providing simultaneously several potential benefits in terms of quality of life and cost effectiveness. Thus, in patients with non metastatic, advanced prostate cancer IAD could be used as standard treatment, while in metastatic prostate cancer IAD role still remains ambiguous. Conclusions: Nowadays, revaluation of the gold standard of ADT in advanced prostate cancer appears essential. Recent data established that IAD should no longer be considered as investigational, since its effectiveness has been proven, especially in patients suffering from non-metastatic advanced prostate cancer

    Negative Electron Affinity Effect on the Surface of Chemical Vapor Deposited Diamond Polycrystalline Films

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    Strong negative electron affinity effects have been observed on the surface of as-grown chemical vapor deposited diamond using Secondary Electron Emission. The test samples were randomly oriented and the surface was terminated with hydrogen. The effect appears as an intensive peak in the low energy part of the spectrum of the electron energy distribution and may be described in the model of effective negative electron affinity

    Alteration of glyoxalase genes expression in response to testosterone in LNCaP and PC3 human prostate cancer cells.

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    Glyoxalase system, a ubiquitous detoxification pathway protecting against cellular damage caused by potent cytotoxic metabolites, is involved in the regulation of cellular growth. Aberrations in the expression of glyoxalase genes in several human cancers have been reported. Recently, we described a possible regulatory effect by estrogens on glyoxalase genes in human breast cancer cell lines. This result, along with those ones regarding changes in glyoxalases activity and expression in other human hormone-regulated cancers, such as prostate cancer, has prompted us to investigate whether also androgens, whose functional role in prostate cancer pathogenesis is well known, could modulate glyoxalases gene expression. Therefore, we treated LNCaP androgen-responsive and PC3 androgen-independent human prostate cancer cell lines with testosterone at the concentrations of 1 nM and 100 nM. After a two days treatment, glyoxalases mRNA levels as well as cell proliferation were evaluated by real-time RT-PCR analysis and [3H]thymidine incorporation, respectively. Results pointed out that testosterone affects the expression of glyoxalase system genes and cell proliferation in a different manner in the two cell lines. The possibility that modulation of glyoxalase genes expression by testosterone is due to glyoxalases-mediated intracellular response mechanisms to the androgen-induced oxidative stress or to the presence of androgen response elements (ARE) in glyoxalase promoters are discussed. Knowledge regarding the regulation of glyoxalases by testosterone may provide insights into the importance of these enzymes in human prostate carcinomas in vivo

    Inhibition of Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase impairs Epstein Barr Virus lytic cycle progression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poly(ADP-ribosylation) is a post-translational modification of nuclear proteins involved in several cellular events as well as in processes that characterize the infective cycle of some viruses. In the present study, we investigated the role of poly(ADP-ribosylation) on Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) lytic cycle activation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Inhibition of PARP-1 by 3-aminobenzamide (3-ABA) during EBV induction, diminished cell damage and apoptosis in the non-productive Raji cell line while markedly reducing the release of viral particles in the productive Jijoye cells. Furthermore, incubation with 3-ABA up-regulated the levels of LMP1 and EBNA2 latent viral proteins. At the same time, it slightly affected the expression of the immediate early BZLF1 gene, but largely down-regulated the levels of the early BFRF1 protein. The modulation of the expression of both latent and lytic EBV genes appeared to be post-transcriptionally regulated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Taken together the data indicate that PARP-1 plays a role in the progression of EBV lytic cycle and therefore, PARP inhibitors might represent suitable pharmacological adjuncts to control viral spread in EBV productive infection.</p