19 research outputs found

    A case of pulmonary hemorrhage and renal failure

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    Background: Alveolar hemorrhage can be seen in many vasculitic disorders. However, granulomatosis polyangiitis (formerly Wegener’s granulomatosis) uncommonly presents with life threatening alveolar hemorrhage and has only been discussed in a few case reports [1]. Case Presentation: A 53 year old Caucasian male presented with hemoptysis and profound anemia. Two weeks prior, he had presented with abdominal pain with normal renal function and numerous pulmonary nodules. During the current admission, the patient was hypoxic with acute renal failure requiring hemodialysis. Urine sediment demonstrated dysmorphic red blood cells. A bronchoscopy revealed diffuse alveolar hemorrhage. The diagnosis of pulmonary-renal syndrome was made and therapeutic plasma exchange was initiated. Laboratory studies were significant for a c-ANCA titer positive at 1:640 FIU and anti-proteinase (PR)-3 antibody titer positive with 78.3 U/ml. Renal biopsy demonstrated necrotizing crescentic glomerulonephritis. A diagnosis of granulomatosis vasculitis was determined. Conclusion: Alveolar hemorrhage is rare to be the presenting symptom of granulomatosis vasculitis where the common presenting features are recurrent sinusitis, epistaxis, chronic otitis media or rhinitis. Physicians should consider granulomatosis vasculitis in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary-renal syndrome presenting with hemoptysis

    A Complicated “Simple� Renal Cyst

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    Background: Simple renal cysts are usually asymptomatic and benign. Rarely, symptoms and complications can develop from local mass effect which is illustrated by this case. Case Presentation: 77 year old Caucasian male presents with abdominal pain for five days. Abdominal exam was diffusely tender, markedly distended, tympanic with absent bowel sounds. His work-up included an abdominal x-ray showing a colonic obstruction and abdominal CT showing a large 27 cm renal cyst. Drainage of the renal cyst resolved obstructive symptoms. Conclusion: A simple renal cyst should not be overlooked as the reason for acute abdominal pain. Simple renal cysts, though benign are not without complications

    A case of pulmonary hemorrhage and renal failure

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    Background:Alveolar hemorrhage can be seen in many vasculitic disorders. However, granulomatosis polyangiitis (formerly Wegener"s granulomatosis) uncommonly presents with life threatening alveolar hemorrhage and has only been discussed in a few case reports [1].Case Presentation:A 53 year old Caucasian male presented with hemoptysis and profound anemia. Two weeks prior, he had presented with abdominal pain with normal renal function and numerous pulmonary nodules. During the current admission, the patient was hypoxic with acute renal failure requiring hemodialysis. Urine sediment demonstrated dysmorphic red blood cells. A bronchoscopy revealed diffuse alveolar hemorrhage. The diagnosis of pulmonary-renal syndrome was made and therapeutic plasma exchange was initiated. Laboratory studies were significant for a c-ANCA titer positive at 1:640 FIU and anti-proteinase (PR)-3 antibody titer positive with 78.3 U/ml. Renal biopsy demonstrated necrotizing crescentic glomerulonephritis. A diagnosis of granulomatosis vasculitis was determined.Conclusion:Alveolar hemorrhage is rare to be the presenting symptom of granulomatosis vasculitis where the common presenting features are recurrent sinusitis, epistaxis, chronic otitis media or rhinitis. Physicians should consider granulomatosis vasculitis in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary-renal syndrome presenting with hemoptysis

    A Complicated “Simple” Renal Cyst

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    Background:\r\nSimple renal cysts are usually asymptomatic and benign. Rarely, symptoms and complications can develop from local mass effect which is illustrated by this case.\r\n\r\nCase Presentation:\r\n77 year old Caucasian male presents with abdominal pain for five days. Abdominal exam was diffusely tender, markedly distended, tympanic with absent bowel sounds. His work-up included an abdominal x-ray showing a colonic obstruction and abdominal CT showing a large 27 cm renal cyst. Drainage of the renal cyst resolved obstructive symptoms.\r\n\r\nConclusion:\r\nA simple renal cyst should not be overlooked as the reason for acute abdominal pain. Simple renal cysts, though benign are not without complications

    A Complicated "Simple" Renal Cyst

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    Background:Simple renal cysts are usually asymptomatic and benign. Rarely, symptoms and complications can develop from local mass effect which is illustrated by this case.Case Presentation:77 year old Caucasian male presents with abdominal pain for five days. Abdominal exam was diffusely tender, markedly distended, tympanic with absent bowel sounds. His work-up included an abdominal x-ray showing a colonic obstruction and abdominal CT showing a large 27 cm renal cyst. Drainage of the renal cyst resolved obstructive symptoms.Conclusion:A simple renal cyst should not be overlooked as the reason for acute abdominal pain. Simple renal cysts, though benign are not without complications

    Defining domains: Developing consensus-based definitions for foundational domains in OMERACT core outcome sets

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    Objective To develop a set of detailed definitions for foundational domains commonly used in OMERACT (Outcome Measures in Rheumatology) core domain sets. Methods We identified candidate domain definitions from prior OMERACT publications and websites and publications of major organizations involved in outcomes research for six domains commonly used in OMERACT Core Domain Sets: pain intensity, pain interference, physical function, fatigue, patient global assessment, and health-related quality of life. We conducted a two-round survey of OMERACT working groups, patient research partners, and then the OMERACT Technical Advisory Group to establish their preferred domain definitions. Results were presented at the OMERACT 2023 Methodology Workshop, where participants discussed their relevant lived experience and identified potential sources of variability giving the needed detail in our domain definitions. Results One-hundred four people responded to both rounds of the survey, and a preferred definition was established for each of the domains except for patient global assessment for which no agreement was reached. Seventy-five participants at the OMERACT 2023 Methodology Workshop provided lived experience examples, which were used to contextualise domain definition reports for each of the five domains. Conclusion Using a consensus-based approach, we have created a detailed definition for five of the foundational domains in OMERACT core domain sets; patient global assessment requires further research. These definitions, although not mandatory for working groups to use, may facilitate the initial domain-match assessment step of instrument selection, and reduce the time and resources required by future OMERACT groups when developing core outcome sets

    The evolution of instrument selection for inclusion in core outcome sets at OMERACT: Filter 2.2

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    Introduction: OMERACT uses an evidence-based framework known as the ‘OMERACT Filter Instrument Selection Algorithm’ (OFISA) to guide decisions in the assessment of outcome measurement instruments for inclusion in a core outcome set for interventional and observational clinical trials. Methods: A group of OMERACT imaging and patient-centered outcome methodologists worked with imaging outcome groups to facilitate the selection of imaging outcome measurement instruments using the OFISA approach. The lessons learned from this work influenced the evolution to Filter 2.2 and necessitated changes to OMERACT's documentation and processes. Results: OMERACT has revised documentation and processes to incorporate the evolution of instrument selection to Filter 2.2. These revisions include creation of a template for detailed definitions of the target domain which is a necessary first step for instrument selection, modifications to the Summary of Measurement Properties (SOMP) table to account for sources of variability, and development of standardized reporting tables for each measurement property. Conclusions: OMERACT Filter 2.2 represents additional modifications of the OMERACT guide for working groups in their rigorous assessment of measurement properties of instruments of various types, including imaging outcome measurement instruments. Enhanced reporting aims to increase the transparency of the evidence base leading to judgements for the endorsement of instruments in core outcome sets