58 research outputs found

    Goodness-of-fit tests based on the empirical probability generating function

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    A choice of a proper parametric model for a given data is often a crucial question. This thesis deals with goodness-of-fit tests for Poisson distribution. The tests are based on a comparison of the empirical probability generating function with the theoretical Poisson generating function, or its parametric estimator. Tests for both simple and composite hypothesis are introduced. The comparison of the functions is made at one point and at more points and asymptotic distribution of the particular test statistics is derived. A simulation study is conducted in order to examine the choice of the number of points and their values that leads to the most powerful tests. The presented methodology is illustrated on real data analysis of monthly polio incidence and in analysis of chromosome aberrations as result of radiation exposure.

    Testy shody založené na empirické vytvořující funkci

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    Výber vhodného parametrického modelu pre namerané dáta je v praxi často kľúčo- vým krokom pre ďalšiu prácu s dátami. Táto práca sa zaoberá testami dobrej zhody pre Poissonovo rozdelenie, ktoré sú založené na porovnávaní empirickej vytvorujúcej funk- cie s vytvorujúcou funkciou Poissonovho rozdelenia, resp. jej parametrickým odhadom. V práci sú popísané testy pre jednoduchú a zloženú hypotézu. Funkcie sú porovnávané v jednom a vo viacerých bodoch a je odvodené asymptotické rozdelenie príslušných testo- vých štatistík. V simulačnej štúdii je skúmané, aký počet bodov a ktoré hodnoty bodov, v ktorých sa test vykonáva, sú najvhodnejšie. Tieto poznatky sú následne aplikované pri analýze reálnych dát mesačnej incidencie detskej obrny a analýze rozdelenia počtu chromozómových odchýliek následkom vystavenia radiácii. 1A choice of a proper parametric model for a given data is often a crucial question. This thesis deals with goodness-of-fit tests for Poisson distribution. The tests are based on a comparison of the empirical probability generating function with the theoretical Poisson generating function, or its parametric estimator. Tests for both simple and composite hypothesis are introduced. The comparison of the functions is made at one point and at more points and asymptotic distribution of the particular test statistics is derived. A simulation study is conducted in order to examine the choice of the number of points and their values that leads to the most powerful tests. The presented methodology is illustrated on real data analysis of monthly polio incidence and in analysis of chromosome aberrations as result of radiation exposure. 1Department of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsKatedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Dynamická predikce v analýze přežití

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    Often the motivation behind building a statistical model is to provide prediction for an outcome of interest. In the context of survival analysis it is important to distingu- ish between two types of time-varying covariates and take into careful consideration the appropriate type of analysis. Joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data, in con- trast to standard Cox model, enables to account for continuous change of the covariate over time in the survival model. In this thesis two examples of joint models are presen- ted, the shared random-effect model and the joint latent class model. Bayesian estimation of the model parameters and summary of methodology for dynamic prediction of indi- vidual survival probability is provided for the first one of the aforementioned types of models. Application of the theoretical knowledge is illustrated in the analysis of the data on primary biliary cirrhosis. The impact of number of patients, number of longitudinal measurements and per-cent of censoring on the quality of prediction and estimates of the model parameters is examined in the simulation study. 1Častou motiváciou na budovanie štatistického modelu je predikcia výsledkov. V kon- texte analýzy prežitia je dôležité rozlišovať dva druhy časovo premenlivých prediktorov a starostlivo zvážiť voľbu prežívacieho modelu. Združený model pre longitudinálne a cen- zorované dáta umožňuje, oproti štandardnému Coxovmu modelu, zohľadniť spojitý vývoj longitudinálnej premennej v čase v modeli prežitia. V práci sú uvedené dva typy zdru- žených modelov, združený model so spoločnými náhodnými efektami a združený model s latentnými kategóriami. Pre prvý spomínaný typ modelu je podrobne popísané baye- sovské odhadovanie parametrov a zhrnutá metodika dynamickej predikcie individuálnej pravdepodobnosti prežitia. Teoretické poznatky sú aplikované v ilustračnej analýze dát k primárnej biliárnej cirhóze. Následne je v simulačnej štúdii skúmaný vplyv počtu pa- cientov, počtu longitudinálnych meraní a percenta cenzorovania na kvalitu predikcií a odhady parametrov modelu. 1Department of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsKatedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Export strategy of a company Aerospool s.r.o.

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    The first part of this paper analyses basic principles of light aircraft industry and an export strategy of the company Aerospool with the aim to identify key aspects of this industry. The second part covers specifically the market of the USA. It contains competition analysis and PEST analysis which identifies key specifics of this market. SWOT analysis discover strengths and weaknesses of the company in the context of US market and threats and opportunities, which company can meet at this market. In the end there is a proposition of possible way of bigger penetration of the company Aerospool

    Dynamic prediction in survival analysis

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    Often the motivation behind building a statistical model is to provide prediction for an outcome of interest. In the context of survival analysis it is important to distingu- ish between two types of time-varying covariates and take into careful consideration the appropriate type of analysis. Joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data, in con- trast to standard Cox model, enables to account for continuous change of the covariate over time in the survival model. In this thesis two examples of joint models are presen- ted, the shared random-effect model and the joint latent class model. Bayesian estimation of the model parameters and summary of methodology for dynamic prediction of indi- vidual survival probability is provided for the first one of the aforementioned types of models. Application of the theoretical knowledge is illustrated in the analysis of the data on primary biliary cirrhosis. The impact of number of patients, number of longitudinal measurements and per-cent of censoring on the quality of prediction and estimates of the model parameters is examined in the simulation study.

    Vývoj Beneluxu a jeho postavení v rámci EU

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    Práce hodnotí vývoj hospodářské unie Beneluxu a její postavení v rámci Evropské unie. Popisuje základní principy fungování unie Beneluxu a její orgány. Věnuje se také zahraničnímu obchodu členských zemí, tedy Belgie, Nizozemí a Lucemburska, ve snaze zhodnotit jeho význam pro spolupráci těchto zemí

    Factors Effecting the Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) Concentrations in Slovak Households

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    Thirty five Slovak households were selected for an investigation of indoor environmental quality. Measuring of indoor air physical and chemical factors and a questionnaire survey was performed during May 2017. The range of permissible operative temperature was not met in 11% of objects. Relative humidity met the legislative requirements in all monitored homes. Concentrations of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) were significantly higher in the apartments than in the family houses. The average TVOC levels in the apartments and family houses were 519.7 µg/m3 and 330.2 µg/m3, respectively. Statistical analysis confirmed the effect of indoor air temperature, relative humidity and particulate matter (PM0.5 and PM1) on the levels of TVOCs. Higher TVOC levels were observed also in homes where it is not a common practice to open windows during cleaning activities. Other factors that had a statistically significant effect on concentrations of volatile organic compounds were heating type, attached garage, location of the apartment within residential building (the floor), as well as number of occupants. Higher TVOC concentrations were observed in indoor than outdoor environment, while further analysis showed the significant impact of indoor emission sources on the level of these compounds in buildings. The questionnaire study showed a discrepancy between objective measurement and subjective assessment in the household environment, and pointed to insufficient public awareness about volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

    Investigation of Indoor Air Quality in Houses of Macedonia

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    People who live in buildings are exposed to harmful effects of indoor air pollution for many years. Therefore, our research is aimed to investigate the indoor air quality in family houses. The measurements of indoor air temperature, relative humidity, total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), particulate matters (PM) and sound pressure level were carried out in 25 houses in several cities of the Republic of Macedonia. Mean values of indoor air temperature and relative humidity ranged from 18.9 °C to 25.6 °C and from 34.1% to 68.0%, respectively. With regard to TVOC, it can be stated that excessive occurrence was recorded. Mean values ranged from 50 μg/m3 to 2610 μg/m3. Recommended value (200 μg/m3) for human exposure to TVOC was exceeded in 32% of houses. Mean concentrations of PM2.5 (particular matter with diameter less than 2.5 μm) and PM10 (diameter less than 10 μm) are determined to be from 16.80 μg/m3 to 30.70 μg/m3 and from 38.30 μg/m3 to 74.60 μg/m3 individually. Mean values of sound pressure level ranged from 29.8 dB(A) to 50.6 dB(A). Dependence between characteristics of buildings (Year of construction, Year of renovation, Smoke and Heating system) and data from measurements (Temperature, Relative humidity, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10) were analyzed using R software. Van der Waerden test shows dependence of Smoke on TVOC and PM2.5. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance shows the effect of interaction of Renovation and Smoke

    Interlinked Sustainability Aspects of Low-Rise Residential Family House Development in Slovakia

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    This paper compares the sustainability aspects of three family houses according to the Slovak building environmental assessment system (BEAS). Various categories of family houses were evaluated, including site selection, project planning, building construction, indoor environment, energy performance, and water and waste management. Based on the results, Family Houses 3 and 2 are certified as BEAS SILVER, with scores of 2.46 and 2.01, respectively. Family House 1 is certified as BEAS BRONZE, with an overall score of 1.44. The results show, not only the importance of the site in terms of availability, connectivity to the network and the potential to use renewable energy sources, but also the importance of the design and construction of the building, including the application of environmentally friendly building materials, ensuring the quality of the indoor environment and the energy efficiency of the building. The aims of this study were to highlight the current trend in the design and construction of low-rise residential family houses in Slovakia and to identify gaps in the design and construction of key sustainability aspects through the existing building environmental assessment system. In the future, many low-rise residential family houses will be assessed to modify and validate BEAS