27 research outputs found

    A Systematic Study and Comprehensive Evaluation of ChatGPT on Benchmark Datasets

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    The development of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT has brought a lot of attention recently. However, their evaluation in the benchmark academic datasets remains under-explored due to the difficulty of evaluating the generative outputs produced by this model against the ground truth. In this paper, we aim to present a thorough evaluation of ChatGPT's performance on diverse academic datasets, covering tasks like question-answering, text summarization, code generation, commonsense reasoning, mathematical problem-solving, machine translation, bias detection, and ethical considerations. Specifically, we evaluate ChatGPT across 140 tasks and analyze 255K responses it generates in these datasets. This makes our work the largest evaluation of ChatGPT in NLP benchmarks. In short, our study aims to validate the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT in various tasks and provide insights for future research using LLMs. We also report a new emergent ability to follow multi-query instructions that we mostly found in ChatGPT and other instruction-tuned models. Our extensive evaluation shows that even though ChatGPT is capable of performing a wide variety of tasks, and may obtain impressive performance in several benchmark datasets, it is still far from achieving the ability to reliably solve many challenging tasks. By providing a thorough assessment of ChatGPT's performance across diverse NLP tasks, this paper sets the stage for a targeted deployment of ChatGPT-like LLMs in real-world applications.Comment: Accepted by ACL 2023 Findings. The first three authors contributed equall

    BenLLMEval: A Comprehensive Evaluation into the Potentials and Pitfalls of Large Language Models on Bengali NLP

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as one of the most important breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP) for their impressive skills in language generation and other language-specific tasks. Though LLMs have been evaluated in various tasks, mostly in English, they have not yet undergone thorough evaluation in under-resourced languages such as Bengali (Bangla). In this paper, we evaluate the performance of LLMs for the low-resourced Bangla language. We select various important and diverse Bangla NLP tasks, such as abstractive summarization, question answering, paraphrasing, natural language inference, text classification, and sentiment analysis for zero-shot evaluation with ChatGPT, LLaMA-2, and Claude-2 and compare the performance with state-of-the-art fine-tuned models. Our experimental results demonstrate an inferior performance of LLMs for different Bangla NLP tasks, calling for further effort to develop better understanding of LLMs in low-resource languages like Bangla.Comment: First two authors contributed equall

    Relationships Between Rearing Enrichments, Range Use, and an Environmental Stressor for Free-Range Laying Hen Welfare

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    Enrichments during pullet rearing may improve adaptation and welfare of hens as they move from indoor rearing to a free-range system. Individual variation in outdoor ranging may also affect welfare. This study assessed the effects of rearing enrichments and an imposed environmental stressor on hen welfare and egg quality along with the association of welfare with ranging. Hy-Line Brown® chicks (n = 1,386) were reared indoors until 16 weeks with 3 enrichment treatments including a "control" group with standard floor litter, a "novelty" group that received novel objects that were changed weekly, and a "structural" group with H-shaped perching structures. Pullets were then moved to a free-range system with three replicates of each rearing treatment. Daily ranging was individually tracked from 25 to 64 weeks via radiofrequency identification technology. Individual hen welfare assessments were performed at 25, 33, 43, 56, and 64 weeks and correlated with ranging time prior to these dates. At 44 weeks, the range area was reduced by 80% for 11 days to induce stress. Changes in ranging behavior, albumen corticosterone concentrations and egg quality were evaluated. GLMMs showed significant interactions between hen age and rearing treatment for live weight, number of comb wounds, plumage coverage, and toenail length (all P ≤ 0.003), with the enriched hens showing more consistent live weight at the later ages, fewer comb wounds at 33 weeks, and better plumage coverage at the later ages, whereas the structural hens had shorter toenails as age increased. Plumage coverage showed a positive relationship with range use across most age points (P P = 0.03). Significant interactions between rearing treatment and stressor for albumen corticosterone concentrations showed the structural hens decreased concentrations immediately post-stress, but the control and novelty groups increased (P P ≤ 0.02). Overall, provision of rearing enrichments and greater range use may have positive impacts on hen welfare

    Effects of an integrated intervention on the nutritional status and IYCF practices under two years of children in the southern part of Bangladesh

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    Objective: The significance of appropriate infant and young children feeding (IYCF) to ensure proper nutrition for children is well-documented. Although nutrition interventions with agricultural components have the potential, the evidence for this relationship is insufficient. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of an integrated health-based intervention on the dietary pattern and nutritional status of children under two years of age. Methodology: This study was a pre-post analysis of secondary data of the project titled "Integrated Agriculture and Health-Based Interventions for Improved Food and Nutrition Security in Selected Districts of Southern Bangladesh", which were collected from Barisal and Khulna district. We used data of 268 children aged 0-23 months from baseline and 554 children from endline which comprised the study population to assess socio-demographic, anthropometric and IYCF indicators. Further, horticulture, cooking and hygiene indices were created to analyze the effectiveness of the project interventions. Results: A significant reduction of stunting and underweight and insignificant reduction of wasting were observed from baseline to end line. Compared to baseline, the horticulture index, hygiene index and cooking index differ significantly between the baseline and end line surveys. Further, significant improvement of 6 months exclusive breastfeeding and insignificant improvement of continued breastfeeding up to 1 year were found from baseline to end line. Conclusion: This study shows that integrated agriculture and health-based interventions with nutrition components have a positive impact on stunting and underweight but exert a mixed effect on wasting and IYCF practices. Bioresearch Commu. 8(1): 1077-1087, 2022 (January

    Cecal Microbiota of Free-Range Hens Varied With Different Rearing Enrichments and Ranging Patterns

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    Free-range pullets are reared indoors but the adult hens can go outside which is a mismatch that may reduce adaptation in the laying environment. Rearing enrichments might enhance pullet development and adaptations to subsequent free-range housing with impact on behavior and health measures including gut microbiota. Adult free-range hens vary in range use which may also be associated with microbiota composition. A total of 1,700 Hy-Line Brown® chicks were reared indoors across 16 weeks with three enrichment treatment groups: "control" with standard litter housing, "novelty" with weekly changed novel objects, and "structural" with custom-designed perching structures in the pens. At 15 weeks, 45 pullet cecal contents were sampled before moving 1,386 pullets to the free-range housing system. At 25 weeks, range access commenced, and movements were tracked via radio-frequency identification technology. At 65 weeks, 91 hens were selected based on range use patterns ("indoor": no ranging; "high outdoor": daily ranging) across all rearing enrichment groups and cecal contents were collected for microbiota analysis via 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing at V3-V4 regions. The most common bacteria in pullets were unclassified Barnesiellaceae, Prevotella, Blautia and Clostridium and in hens Unclassified, Ruminococcus, unclassified Lachnospiraceae, unclassified Bacteroidales, unclassified Paraprevotellaceae YRC22, and Blautia. The microbial alpha diversity was not significant within the enrichment/ranging groups (pullets: P ≥ 0.17, hen rearing enrichment groups: P ≥ 0.06, hen ranging groups: P ≥ 0.54), but beta diversity significantly varied between these groups (pullets: P ≤ 0.002, hen rearing enrichment groups: P ≤ 0.001, hen ranging groups: P ≤ 0.008). Among the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), the propionic acid content was higher (P = 0.03) in the novelty group of pullets than the control group. There were no other significant differences in the SCFA contents between the rearing enrichment groups (all P ≥ 0.10), and the ranging groups (all P ≥ 0.17). Most of the genera identified were more abundant in the indoor than high outdoor hens. Overall, rearing enrichments affected the cecal microbiota diversity of both pullets and adult hens and was able to distinguish hens that remained inside compared with hens that ranging daily for several hours

    Economic Crisis of Bangladesh's RMG Sector Effect of Government Borrowing to Meet the Budget Deficit

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    The economic crisis in Bangladesh's real estate industry sector is a cause for concern as it is heavily affected by the government's borrowing to meet the budget deficit. The high level of debt has led to inflation and a decrease in consumer spending, which has harmed the real estate market. Developers are struggling to find buyers for their properties and are facing financial difficulties as a result. The government should consider implementing policies to address the budget deficit and reduce the burden on the real estate industry. This could include measures to increase revenue through tax reform and reducing government spending. Additionally, the government should also focus on providing incentives for investors to invest in the real estate market, such as tax breaks and subsidies. Overall, addressing the budget deficit and providing support to the real estate industry is crucial to ensuring the stability and growth of the economy. The majority of the government's revenue comes from taxes, VAT, and the domestic sale of bonds and certificates of deposit, making it one of the largest corporations in any nation's financial industry. There are three organizations through which governments may occasionally borrow money from other nations: the World Bank, the IMF, or LIBOR London Inter Bank. To close the budgetary gap, higher-rate borrowing will be necessary. Estimating income and expenses before making any purchases or placing anything on the market is the primary tenet of a budget


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    Digital Bangladesh is a notion which involves the use of ICT for management, administration and governance to make sure transparency, accountability and answerability at all tiers of human beings and state. Without the enhancement of ICT sector, the dream of a Digital Bangladesh would be totally a nightmare for the inhabitants. ICT is moreover a combination of bodily shape and brain. Computers, Network equipment, Software, Wire and Wireless Connectivity Systems, Broadcast Hardware and many other Hardware and Accessories are the bodily structure. The qualified men and woman at the again of the form act as the brain. To materialize the concept of digital Bangladesh, improvement of country wide shape and a big vast range of qualified human resources are the necessary. In this paper, we have proposed an advantageous Information System Model for implementing electronic governance (e-governance) and e-services in Bangladesh which is in an innovative and prescient of developing into „Digital Bangladesh?. We have also analyzed the vision of Digital Bangladesh and the want of e-governance for conducting that vision. Our Information system mannequin courses the improvement of the new e-government structure and managing the challenges of growing e-governance in Bangladesh emphasizing on the utilization of reachable assets and facilitating e-services in greater than a few sectors of government. In addition, we provide unique pointers for creating e-governance in the most feasible, cost-effective, and environment friendly manner

    Impacts of rearing enrichments and range use on production, behaviour, health and welfare of free-range hens-dataset

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    The dataset is organised by chapter. Chapter 2 contains data relating to free-range egg production from different laying locations throughout their laying cycle (18 – 64 weeks). The hen-day egg production from 18 to 25 weeks was recorded in a sheet whereas egg production from 26 to 64 weeks was recorded in another sheet. The egg weights were also recorded at weekly intervals. The number of abnormal eggs was also recorded daily. The egg quality parameters at 44, 52, 60, and 64 weeks were recorded in another sheet of the dataset.
 Chapter 3 data contains the welfare parameters of the free-range hens throughout their laying cycle from different rearing treatments and range use patterns. Also, it contains the data of egg quality upon implementing an environmental stressor. The range use difference of hens after implementing stressors was also recorded. Egg albumen corticosterone concentration levels were recorded from different levels of stressor implemented.
 Chapter 4 data contains the fearfulness tests outcomes including tonic immobility (TI), emergence test (ET), open field test (OFT), and novel object test (NOT). It contains the vocalisations and automated step analysis data in the OFT.
 Chapter 5 data contains the post-mortem analysis constraints including the external and internal health parameters. In addition, it contains the welfare parameters of hens just prior to the post-mortem analysis along with the information CT scan of whole hens for their body composition.
 Chapter 6 data contains the relevant information for gut microbiota composition of hens from different rearing treatments and ranging patterns. In addition, it contains information on pullets required for the gut microbiota composition analysis

    Impacts of Rearing Enrichments and Range Use on Production, Behaviour, Health and Welfare of Free-Range Hens

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    Free-range egg production is gaining popularity among consumers in Australia. Free-range pullets are typically reared indoors, but adult hens get outdoor access. This inconsistency in the rearing and adult housing may affect the production, health, behaviour and welfare of freerange hens. Enrichments provided during rearing might increase the adaptation of hens when moved to new adult housing in the free-range system, and thus might improve welfare. Freerange hens consistently show high individual variation in ranging which could result in impacts on their welfare. This dissertation aimed to address the effect of rearing enrichments and range use on the production, behaviour, health and welfare of free-range hens. Chapter 1 of this dissertation provides the background of the study along with an in-depth literature review and justification for the study. The new free-range environment for the pullets when moved to a free-range housing system might be challenging to adapt to, which might affect the egg production and egg quality. Chapter 2 addressed the effect of rearing enrichments on free-range egg production, and egg quality along with hens' nest use behaviour. Enrichments during pullet rearing might also improve the adaptation to stress and welfare of hens across the laying cycle. Individual variation in outdoor ranging may also affect their welfare. Chapter 3 evaluated the effects of rearing enrichments and an imposed environmental stressor on hen welfare and egg quality along with the association of welfare with ranging. The mismatched environments between the indoor pullet rearing and adult housing may increase fearfulness in free-range hens. Rearing enrichments and/or range use may reduce adult fearfulness. Chapter 4 assessed the fearfulness of hens at different age points throughout the laying cycle. Additionally, enrichments in rearing may optimise pullet development and subsequent welfare of adult free-range hens. Outdoor ranging might also contribute to improved health and welfare. Chapter 5 assessed the external and internal health and welfare of hens following rearing enrichments and individual variation in range use. Finally, enrichment in rearing and ranging in adults may also contribute to microbiota variation and gut health of both pullets and adults. Chapter 6 illustrated the caecal microbiota profiles of pullets and adult hens from different rearing enrichment groups and ranging patterns. Chapter 7 described the overall findings, their implications along with the limitations of the current study and future research prospects. To accomplish the research, 1386 Hy-Line Brown® chicks were reared indoors with three enrichment treatments across 16 weeks including a control group with standard litter housing conditions, a novelty group that were provided with weekly changing novel objects, and a structural group with custom-designed H-shaped structures to enhance navigation and perching. Pullets were moved to a free-range system at 16 weeks and were provided outdoor access daily from 25 until 64 weeks of age. Daily ranging was individually tracked from 25 to 64 weeks via radio-frequency identification technology. In Chapter 2, the daily egg production at different laying locations (large nests, small nests and floor), weekly egg weights and egg abnormalities were recorded from 18 to 64 weeks old. External and internal egg quality parameters were measured at 44, 52, 60 and 64 weeks. In Chapter 3, individual hen welfare was assessed at different age points across their laying cycle and correlated with the hens' respective ranging patterns before each assessment. At 44 weeks, the range area was reduced by 80% for 11 days to induce stress and the changes in ranging behaviour, albumen corticosterone concentrations and egg quality were assessed. In Chapter 4, a total of 135 hens were selected at 62 weeks from the three rearing treatments and two ranging groups (indoor: no ranging, and outdoor: daily ranging) based on individual radio-frequency identification tracking. Individual behavioural tests of tonic immobility, emergence, open field, and novel object (pen level) were carried out on hens along with spectrograms of vocalisations and computer vision tracking of their locomotion in the open field test. In Chapter 5, a total of 307 hens were selected at 65 weeks based on their range use patterns across the last 54 days including indoor, low outdoor and high outdoor range use. The external and internal health and welfare parameters were evaluated via external assessment of welfare and post-mortem evaluation of internal organs and keel bones along with whole-body CT scanning for body composition. In Chapter 6, a total of 45 pullet caecal samples and 91 adult caecal content samples were collected and DNA was extracted for their 16S rRNA sequencing to demonstrate their microbiota profiles. Chapter 2 revealed the novelty hens laid more eggs in the large nest boxes and fewer eggs on the floor than both the structural and control hens (P P P = 0.03). Significant interactions between rearing treatment and stressor for albumen corticosterone concentrations showed the structural hens decreased concentrations immediately post-stress, but the control and novelty hens increased (P P ≤ 0.02). Chapter 4 demonstrated few effects of rearing treatments on the fearfulness of hens, and the outdoor rangers were less fearful than indoor hens. The latency to step in the open field test negatively correlated with hen feather coverage. Chapter 5 showed the control hens had the lowest feather coverage (P P = 0.03) than the novelty hens. The high outdoor rangers had fewer comb wounds than the indoor hens (P = 0.04), the shortest toenails (P P P P P = 0.01) but neither group differed from the structural hens. The high outdoor hens showed the highest spleen (P = 0.01) and empty gizzard weights (P = 0.04). Chapter 6 revealed the most common bacteria in the pullets were Clostridium, Aldercreutzia, Prevotella, Blautia, and Methanobrevibacter, but in adults they were Ruminococcus, Blautia, Sutterella, and Helicobacter. The microbial diversity was not significant within the group but significantly varied between groups. The Blautia, Sutterella, and Ruminococcus were more predominant in the enriched hens than the control group. Most of the genera identified were more abundant in indoor hens than the high outdoor hens. Overall, this study indicated that rearing enrichments might have some impacts on production parameters in free-range hens. The provision of rearing enrichments and greater range use had positive impacts on hen welfare. Rearing enrichment had minimal effect on fearfulness, but the subsequent ranging had a greater impact. At later ages, rearing enrichments had some effects on hen health and welfare, but subsequent range use had the greatest impact. In addition, rearing enrichments affected the microbiota composition of both pullets and adult hens showing the long-term changes in free-range hens that result from exposure to different types of environments during their rearing period