276 research outputs found

    Moina Micrura (Kurz) As A Live Food Substitute For Artemia Salina (L.) In Larval Rearing Of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii (De Man)

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    sebanyak empat eksperimen utarna iaitu ( i ) penggunaan A . salina dan Moina micrura , sama ada secara tunggal atau gabungan , ( ii ) kadar penelanan Artemia dan M . micrura , ( iii ) penggantian Artemia dengan M . micrura sama ada secara mendadak atau secara beransur-ansur , ( iv ) kesan minyak limpa ikan kod ( CLO ) yang diperkaya dengan kastard telur , telah dijalankan untuk menilai penggunaan M. micrura sebagai makanan hidup yang digunakan pada waktu malarn bagi menggantikan Artemia dalam penternakan larva Macrobrachium rosenbergii .Larva M . rosenbergii yang diberikan diet campuran Artemia dan Moina dan larva yang diberikan Artemia serta diikuti dengan Moina telah memberikan hasil sama ada sama atau lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pasca larva yang telah diberi makanan Artemia sahaja

    The Challenges of Traditional Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) Retailers of Sylhet in Emergence of Organized Retailing

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    Organized retailing in Bangladesh is growing rapidly. Though the researchers and academicians studied the retail industry of Bangladesh in different dimension, very few of them intended to explore the challenges of traditional retailers so far. In line with this problem, the objective of this study is to identify the challenges of the traditional FMCGs retailers in emergence of organized retailing in Sylhet city. The study is quantitative in nature, data were collected from 400 traditional retailers on the basis of convenience with a semi-structured questionnaire. In analyzing data, descriptive statistics and factor analysis were used with the SPSS software. The traditional retailing is male dominated, low capital and turnover, small sized business in Sylhet and are facing challenges like decrease in sales and revenue, maintaining more hygienic environment, ensure the availability of quality products, launching the use of technology etc. in emergence of organized retailing. To minimize the challenges, the traditional FMCGs retailers need to be educated to obtain knowledge on business, ensure quality products and services, establish joint venture or partnership with other retailers to create chain stores, design effective loyalty programs and arranging customized merchandize for the loyal customers etc. The present study will help the traditional retailers in identify the real challenges of their business and designing strategies to minimize those. The policy makers and stakeholders may also get insight from the study in formulating policies to protect the traditional retail business from the competition of organized retail

    Relative Dissatisfaction and Its Impact on Employees’ Intention to Quit

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    This study aims at showing the factors of relative job dissatisfaction and the influence of those factors on employee intention to quit. The study has conducted a field survey of 143 respondents from different famous private sector companies of Bangladesh. The findings of this study are that most of the factors of relative job dissatisfaction lead to employee intention to quit. Such as:  in the expectation of more pay and better working conditions employees intend to quit the job or organization, similarly employees possess the intention to quit when they want to lessen their workload or to get good supervision. Likewise, employees possess the intention to quit the job or organization in case of getting sound retirement benefits. On the other hand, employees are not found to possess the intention to quit the organization or job in order to get and accept more challenging jobs. The findings of this study will help manager and concerned authorities to be aware about the factors of relative job dissatisfaction of an employee as well as to take care about the factors that lead the employees to possess the intention to quit the organization which is similarly harmful for any organization as the real turnover. Keywords: Relative dissatisfaction, turnover intention, factors, turnover

    Motivations behind Attending Fitness Clubs in Bangladesh: A Survey Study on Clubs' Members in Sylhet

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    Fitness club is a place where people join to have physical exercise. Though it has been practicing from the ancient nomadic lifestyles, the fitness industry is experiencing the boom when Dr. Ken H. Cooper in 1968 released his concepts to prevent the growth of chronic diseases, regular exercise and fitness is essential. This study is descriptive in nature and aims to know the reasons for which the fitness club members attend fitness clubs in Sylhet. 200 members were asked several questions, 99 of whom seems physical exercise improves their health conditions, 81 thinks it develop their self-control, 49 found it as an way to gain status, 79 beliefs it helps to stay away from diabetes. The study will helpful to different individuals interested to practice physical exercise, operators and trainers of fitness clubs and also future researchers. Key words: Fitness club, Motivation, Physical Exercise, Physical Accord

    Toxicity of insecticides to predators of rice brown planthopper: Wolf spider and carabid beetle

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    Field toxicity two insect growth regulators (IGR) viz. Award 40 SC (Buprofezin) and Haron 5 EC (Lufenuron) and one newer Thiacloprid viz. Calypso 280 SC against wolf spider, Lycosa pseudoannulata and carabid beetle, Ophionea indica, the predators of rice brown planthopper (BPH) was examined in the Entomology field laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Effectiveness of insecticides was assessed on the basis of populations of wolf spider and carabid beetle under field condition at 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 days after treatment. The abundances of wolf spider and carabid beetle were not changed significantly even when rice plants were treated with either Award or Haron. In contrast, Calypso 280 SC had significantly reduced wolf spiders (about 78%) and carabid beetle (about 57%) populations compared to the control. Therefore it is concluded from the present study that Award 40 SC @ 0.75 ml/L or Haron 5 EC @ 1.00 ml/L would be applied as the protector of predators of BPH in rice-ecosystem. On the other hand, Calypso 280 SC has adverse effects on the populations of wolf spider and carabid beetle in rice-ecosystem as well as other environmental components

    Skills Development for Graduate Employability in Bangladesh: Japanese Language in TVET Program

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    The tremendous potential of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) appears evident worldwide, including in Bangladesh, where the emphasis is primarily on individual skills development for decent employment. Numerous studies have demonstrated that varying degrees of development of soft skills and hard skills contribute to the strength and capability of human capital. It is well acknowledged that knowledge and technology are rapidly updated in the contemporary world. This study explores how skills development influences sustainable employability through the lens of the Japanese language skills development program in TVET. Moreover, this research aims to study the impact of Japanese language programs in Bangladesh's TVET system on skills development and sustainable employability. It aims to assess how the skills acquired through these programs benefit both the domestic and international job markets related to Japanese language abilities. This research employs a mixed-methods research approach examining the participants’ perceptions and understandings of those TVET students who have enrolled or graduated from the Japanese language program. The research endeavours to conduct a theoretical examination of the human capital development theory and to establish a connection between the Japanese language program and its associated approach, knowledge, and method. By examining the research findings, this study found that the TVETs’ Japanese language program significantly positively impacts individuals’ hard and soft skills development, improving the quality and form of employability, increasing individual wages, and playing a supportable role in achieving the SDG 8 of decent work and economic growth. Several practical initiatives have been recommended to increase this language program’s sustainability in TVET

    Parental aspirations for children’s early childhood education enrolment in Bangladesh

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    Early childhood education (ECE) contributes to all young children’s cognitive and non-cognitive development. Most developed countries invest in early childhood education to boost human capital development. In countries such as Bangladesh which are impoverished and underdeveloped, the government has not provided enough access, enrollment, and quality early childhood education. Consequently, parents motivate early childhood education, whose financial circumstances alter to enroll children in school. This study examines the parental aspiration that encourages and motivates them to enroll their children in ECE schools. FGDs and KIIs were conducted with the individual respondents using a qualitative case study method. The findings indicate that parental aspirations, anxieties, and socio-economic conditions significantly affect children’s enrollment in ECE schools. The probability that a child will be enrolled in an ECE school is heavily influenced by the socio-economic position of parents, social recognition, quality of service, and the school’s reputation. This study argued that parental aspiration for children’s enrollment and non-enrollment in ECE impede social justice in education for all children. Finally, all the stakeholders should take innovative policy initiatives to ensure institutional justice and equal enrollment opportunities for children aged 3-5

    Coping Strategies of Stress Tolerance in Relation to Military Training

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    No one can escape stress but we can learn to cope with it The work stress is found in all professions Military professionals are very stressed because they are highly target driven and highly pressured on results Military education and training is a process which intends to establish and improve the capabilities of military personnel in their respective roles Military profession by virtue of its inherent nature is full of stress where anxiety insecurity and uncertainty always prevail Military personnel are experiencing numerous type of stress based on situations like war time peace time and UN mission time Irrespective of officers and soldiers start their professional life through training in the academy where stresses are more intense So our writing will be focusing on those issues and try to draw a comprehensive guideline to enhance the performance of the military personnel by coping up with stress in adverse situation