7 research outputs found

    The effect of contextual teaching on cognitive and non-cognitive learning construct among engineering students

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    In universities, most engineering students have difficulty in understanding the statistics concepts and cannot relate the learning in class to the real world or engineering world. Contextual teaching and learning based on the constructivism theory that students are active learners who construct their own knowledge based on real life situations. Thus, this research was done to determine the dominant learning style and to investigate the effect of contextual learning on cognitive aspect which is the statistics achievement and on non-cognitive aspect which are approaches to learning and motivation, among university engineering students. In this study, four Solomon's groups were used for Quasi-experimental designs. All year two diploma-engineering students at UTHM from semester 2 session 2016/2017 were involved in this study: 268 civil, electrical and mechanical students. The four groups in this study consist of group 1 contextual with pre-test (G1 CTL Pre), group 2 non-contextual with pre-test (G2 NCTL Pre), group 3 contextual without pre-test (G3 CTL) and group 4 non-contextual without pretest (G4 NCTL). Majority of the students are Malay male students. Each group consisted of civil, electrical and mechanical engineering students. There was no interaction between these groups as there was no significant difference between pretest and post-test at a significance level of .05 ( P = .57). From the Post-test, questions on the problem solving for non-contextual and contextual, there was no significant difference between the groups. However, on the problem solving application of statistics, there was significant difference between the contextual and non-contextual groups. There was no significant difference between Motivation: Extrinsic, Control Belief, Task Value, Test Anxiety among the groups. However, there is significant difference between Motivation: Intrinsic and Self-efficacy among the groups. From the total marks of the Post-test, the contextual groups performed better than the noncontextual group. From the interviews, majority of non-contextual and contextual agreed that contextual video are able to explain how statistics were used in real-life situations. In conclusion, this study shows that the teaching and learning statistics contextually is effective to the engineering students where majority of them were Auditory Digital and using Deep Approach

    The effect of contextual teaching on cognitive and noncognitive learning construct among engineering students

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    In universities, most engineering students have difficulty in understanding the statistics concepts and cannot relate the learning in class to the real world or engineering world. Contextual teaching and learning based on the constructivism theory that students are active learners who construct their own knowledge based on real life situations. Thus, this research was done to determine the dominant learning style and to investigate the effect of contextual learning on cognitive aspect which is the statistics achievement and on non-cognitive aspect which are approaches to learning and motivation, among university engineering students. In this study, four Solomon's groups were used for Quasi-experimental designs. All year two diploma-engineering students at UTHM from semester 2 session 2016/2017 were involved in this study: 268 civil, electrical and mechanical students. The four groups in this study consist of group 1 contextual with pre-test (G1 CTL Pre), group 2 non-contextual with pre-test (G2 NCTL Pre), group 3 contextual without pre-test (G3 CTL) and group 4 non-contextual without pretest (G4 NCTL). Majority of the students are Malay male students. Each group consisted of civil, electrical and mechanical engineering students. There was no interaction between these groups as there was no significant difference between pretest and post-test at a significance level of .05 ( P = .57). From the Post-test, questions on the problem solving for non-contextual and contextual, there was no significant difference between the groups. However, on the problem solving application of statistics, there was significant difference between the contextual and non-contextual groups. There was no significant difference between Motivation: Extrinsic, Control Belief, Task Value, Test Anxiety among the groups. However, there is significant difference between Motivation: Intrinsic and Self-efficacy among the groups. From the total marks of the Post-test, the contextual groups performed better than the noncontextual group. From the interviews, majority of non-contextual and contextual agreed that contextual video are able to explain how statistics were used in real-life situations. In conclusion, this study shows that the teaching and learning statistics contextually is effective to the engineering students where majority of them were Auditory Digital and using Deep Approach

    The effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) on students’ motivation and attitude

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    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was developed at the University of California at Santa Cruz in the 1970's by its founders and principal authors, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, a professor of linguistics (Tosey & Mathison, 2003). Richard Bandler was a mathematics and computer science students while John Grinder is a linguistics professor. NLP helps in the teaching and learning process, especially in the classroom management. NLP was first introduced in Malaysia in the 21st century and since there are many training centres such as Akademi NLP Malaysia which train Malaysian universities and polytechnic lecturers and NLP Malaysia Centre of Excellence (NLPMC) which was the first to train NLP in Malay language

    Awareness of computer ergonomic

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    Computer ergonomic is a medium of interaction between human and computer equipment that serves to prevent health problems to users. However, most users do not have formal knowledge on the importance of computer ergonomic. Therefore, a survey on whether computer users are aware of the importance of computer ergonomic had been carried out. The survey was conducted at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), with a total of 270 respondents which consists of 17 academic staff, 19 non-academic staff and 234 students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The results of this questionnaire were analysed using SPSS. From part I: The awareness of the correct sitting position, the respondent answered 7 questions for ‘no’ out of 9 questions. For part II: The awareness of computer ergonomic, the respondents answered ‘no’ for 4 questions out of 6 questions. Finally, for part III: The problems face by the respondents, respondents answered ‘no’ to 5 questions out of 8 questions. Many respondents suggested that exposure to computer ergonomic should be started from the primary school level. Most respondents said that the government or company do not provide exposure to computer ergonomic to their employees. They also stated that the lack of knowledge about computer ergonomic is the main cause why the users do not practice the science of ergonomic when using the computer. In conclusion, since users do not know the importance of computer ergonomic and they suggest that the computer ergonomic should be taught from school level

    Student’s Learning Style and Achievement after Being Taught Contextually

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    Contextual learning combines examples taken from everyday experience. The purpose of this research is to identify whether learning contextually will improve students' achievement. A quasi-experimental design used. The engineering students were divided into contextual and non-contextual groups. The Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP) VAKD Preferred Representational Systems Test shows, majority of both groups use auditory digital learning styles. There is a significant difference at a significance level of .05, in the achievement test where the contextual groups performed better. The majority of the students in both groups are auditory digital learning styles, learning statistics contextually is an effective method for engineering students. Keywords: NLP VAKD, learning styles, statistics, contextual eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6iSI4.290

    Sexual misconduct of minors: responsibilities of community to overcome it

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    Minors are part of community that plays very important roles because they are part of an asset that will lead the country in future. In 2008, it was recorded that 10.5 million over 27.7 million population in Malaysia are minors (Zakaria, 2010). Based on the studies that had been conducted in Malaysia, more than 300 individual between age of 13 and 25 were involved in sexual misconduct and about 80% of minors that had died due to this issue are under age of four (Pakianathan, 2006). As we all knew, the victims of this sexual misconduct are among minors. It is because they did not felt that the actions made towards them were not wrong, in fact, it was amusing. Besides, they were not exposed to the sexual education (Salleh, 2016)

    A study of the effectiveness of the contextual approach to the teaching and learning statistics in the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

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    Inaccurate concept in statistics contributes to the assumption by the students that statistics do not relate to the real world and is not relevant to the engineering field. Since the introduction of technology in the teaching and learning, there are universities who introduced learning statistics using statistics lab activities. However, the learning is more on the learning how to use software and not to enhance the knowledge in statistics. The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of technology in the teaching and learning engineering statistics contextually. This study will investigate the effectiveness of the teaching and learning engineering using contextual approach. The teaching and learning contextually using statistics video clips embedded in power point, class activities using statistics lab with SPSS software are used in order to understand the statistics concepts. In this research, combining methods is used. This research use qualitative research to find the perspectives of the respondents as to answer research question 1 and 2, and this research also use quasi-experiment as to answer research question 3 and 4 in investigating effectiveness of the contextual learning. Solomon's Four-Group Design was used where the students were divided into four groups: 2 control groups and 2 treated groups. The research instruments consisted of a structured interview, two sets of statistical lab activities assignments, a set of questionnaire, a pre-test and a posttest and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). From Research Question 1 which is "Does the statistics video clips embedded in power point presentations in learning statistics helps students to understand the statistics concepts?", the contextual group gave more positive responses compare to the noncontextual group. From Research Question 2 which is "Does the mathematical lab using SPSS in learning statistics helps students to understand the statistics concepts?" the contextual group gave positive more responses compare to the noncontextual group. From Research Question 3 which is "1s there any statistical significant difference in the level of motivation in cIass between the contextual with the non-contextual groups?", the contextual group were more motivated compared to the non-contextual group. From the MSLQ, the overall mean for Section 2 (contextual) is 3.8955 compared to and Section 6 (non-contextual) which is 3.5264. From Research Question 4 which is "Is there any significant difference between the students achievement in the post-test of the contextual group with the non-contextual group?", the contextual group perform better than the non-contextual group. There is significant diEerent and the mean of Contextual Group (Section 2) is 38.63 from the full mark of 50 while the Non-contextual Group (Section 6) is 28.589. The treated group, which is the contextual group, did better than the non-contextual group. This research has focused on the teaching and learning engineering statistics contextually for the engineering students in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. This research has identified that teaching and learning engineering students contextually were abIe to motivate and perform better in their test