199 research outputs found

    A Media Manager Responsibilities and Duties: A Synopsis

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    A manager is person of managing the capacities as per the span of manger. Media manager is the for the development and managing the communication forces through defining the boundary of particularization , this study is based on the secondary sources that relates with published articles and books. The objective of the study is to particularize the responsibilities and duties of media manager. It has been raveled on the basis of the the observatory information there found some mentionable points that a media manager always drives to implement the communication efforts. The duties and responsibilities of the media are comprehensively describes the area of main focusing of media manager. Keywords: Media, Manager, Communication, Duties and Responsibilitie

    Workers' Satisfaction with Grievance-Handling Procedure: A Study on the Selected Garment Factories in Bangladesh

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    Employees are the most important asset in the organization. There should always be a good relationship between employer and employee. If employees are happy in the organization, then the organization can move towards success. Satisfaction towards grievance handling procedure is important in this regard since one of the most important consequences of mishandling of grievances is labor unrest. An employee’s grievance can be over the wage and salary, working hours, condition of work premises, employment conditions, etc. Keeping the views in mind, this study was conducted to examine the level of satisfaction towards different dimensions of grievance handling procedure and its influence on overall satisfaction among workers in some selected factories in the Readymade Garments (RMG) sector in Bangladesh. Data was collected using the Grievance Handling Procedure Questionnaire. A total of 284 garment workers from different garment factories located in Dhaka, Gazipur, and Narayanganj took part in the survey. Measures of central tendency, dispersion, and association have been used as part of descriptive statistics while multiple linear regression analysis has been used to identify significant predictors of turnover intention. The results indicated that four dimensions of grievance handling procedure, i.e., a decision given, time taken for solving grievance, follow up mechanism, and attitude of supervisors significantly predict workers’ overall satisfaction. However, structural features of the grievance procedure were found statistically insignificant. Finally, it was concluded that if managers and supervisors are well trained and workers’ grievances are handled effectively, they will be encouraged, assured, and will have positive feelings towards their organization and this would increase their overall satisfaction and, thereby, productivity


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    With the advent of globalization, postsecondary education is considered a very significant part for any country's socio-economic development. Higher education in Bangladesh is in a state of flux while responding to the challenges of globalization and the privatization policies of the government in line with the neo-liberal economy have resulted in progressive growth of private universities in Bangladesh. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of socioeconomic status on selecting postsecondary institution in Bangladesh. Survey method with a semi-structured questionnaire is used to explore the consequences and the result reveals that socioeconomic status of the students has been playing an important role on selecting post-secondary institutions in Bangladesh. Consequently, competent recommendations are proposed to improve the situation in institutional and policy levels.  Article visualizations

    Multiplex-PCR protocol development for rapid screening of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in shrimp

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    This study was aimed to develop a faster single step multiplex PCR protocol for the simultaneous detection of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) with its host (i.e. shrimp) as internal positive control. To do so, four combinations of primer were tested (I. 16S rRNA+Lo F1R1; II. 16S rRNA+Lo F2R2; III. 16S rRNA+Lo F1R2; IV. 16S rRNA+Lo F2R1) which were selected based on two pairs of WSSV specific primer (Lo F1R1 and Lo F2R2) and one pair of shrimp specific primer (16S rRNA). DNA extracted from WSSV infected shrimp were amplified by PCR in a single tube using each of the primer combinations and the thermal cycling conditions as well as reagent compositions were optimized. All the primer combinations yielded their expected band sizes with stronger band resolution intensity that indicated the development of four multiplex PCR protocols. The developed multiplex protocols reduced the chance of cross contamination and these were found to be faster, single step and unique with less effort and resource use. Considering sensitivity and specificity, among the protocols, we suggested the protocols based on 16S rRNA+Lo F1R1 and/or 16S rRNA+Lo F2R2 primer combinations for rapid and routine screening of WSSV in shrimp PL, juvenile and adult

    Decent Work and Inclusive Economic Growth: Bangladesh Perspective

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    The study has made an effort to analyze the performance of Bangladesh economy in line with the decent work and inclusive economic growth target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the period of 2015 to 2019 and to identify the challenges of achieving decent work for all by 2030. Bangladesh has ranked 109th among the 166 countries and moved seven notches up from 116th of 2019 in the SDGs Index 2020. Analyzing the International Labour Organization (ILO) modeled estimated data on the decent work indicators like labour force participation rate, employment to population ratio, unemployment rate, youth unemployment, informal employment, child labour and employment in agriculture, industry and service sector, the study reveals that the high youth unemployment, informality in the job market, mismatch between demand and supply of skilled labour, less female participation in the labour force, insufficient investment, participation of child and forced labour in hazardous work, etc. are the major hindrance for ensuring decent work for all. Skill development programs, large scale investment, products diversification, good governance, elimination of child and forced labour from hazardous work, etc. may help to create more employment opportunities, decent work environment as well as inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Bangladesh. Keywords: Decent Work, Inclusive Economic Growth, SDGs, Bangladesh. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-16-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Engineered chitosan for improved 3D tissue growth through Paxillin-FAK-ERK activation

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    Scaffold engineering has attracted significant attention for three-dimensional (3D) growth, proliferation and differentiation of stem cells in vitro. Currently available scaffolds suffer from issues such as poor ability for cell adhesion, migration and proliferation. This paper addresses these issues with 3D porous chitosan scaffold, fabricated and functionalized with cysteine-terminated Arg-Gly-Asp (Cys-RGD) tri-peptide on their walls. The study reveals that the compressive moduli of the scaffold is independent to RGD functionalization but shows dependence on the applied freezing temperature (TM) during the fabrication process. The low freezing TM (−80°C) produces scaffold with high compressive moduli (14.64 ± 1.38 kPa) and high TM (−30°C) produces scaffold with low compressive moduli (5.6 ± 0.38 kPa). The Cys-RGD functionalized scaffolds lead to significant improvements in adhesion (150%) and proliferation (300%) of human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC). The RGD-integrin coupling activates the focal adhesion signaling (Paxillin-FAK-ERK) pathways, as confirmed by the expression of p-Paxillin, p-FAK and p-ERK protein, and results in the observed improvement of cell adhesion and proliferation. The proliferation of hMSC on RGD functionalized surface was evaluated with scanning electron microscopy imaging and distribution though pore was confirmed by histochemistry of transversely sectioned scaffold. The hMSC adhesion and proliferation in scaffold with high compressive moduli showed a constant enhancement (with a slope value 9.97) of compressive strength throughout the experimental period of 28 days. The improved cell adhesion and proliferation with RGD functionalized chitosan scaffold, together with their mechanical stability, will enable new interesting avenues for 3D cell growth and differentiation in numerous applications including regenerative tissue implants

    An Economic and Modern Business Intelligence Solution for Textile Industries in Bangladesh

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    Textile Industries are doing most promising business in Bangladesh from last few years. We are already in top five garments exporting country list and the demand of our garments product is increasing day by day both in our country and outside the country. Because of increasing demand of this sector textile industries are also growing very fast in number. To meet the end users demand now textile industries have to compete with the quality of others so that they can satisfy the need of different users of garments product. Analyzing user mind is really a tough task to grow the textile business with latest trend and mode of new generations. Business Analytics can make this tough task very easy by analyzing different sales report with different perspectives. To meet the new trend and demand of new generation, proposed business analytics setup of different technologies is much better for the textile industries compared to existing systems used in Bangladesh. Textile industries can use this solution by collecting data from their different sales point for better production policy which will satisfy the end user of the textile product as well as enhance the textile business

    Genetic analysis of rust resistance genes in global wheat cultivars: an overview

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    Rust is the most devastating fungal disease in wheat. Three rust diseases, namely, leaf or brown rust caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks, stem or black rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici West, and stripe or yellow rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. Tritici Eriks, are the most economically significant and common diseases among global wheat cultivars. Growing cultivars resistant to rust is the most sustainable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach for controlling rust diseases. To date, more than 187 rust resistance genes (80 leaf rust, 58 stem rust and 49 stripe rust) have been derived from diverse wheat or durum wheat cultivars and the related wild species using different molecular methods. This review provides a detailed discussion of the different aspects of rust resistance genes, their primitive sources, their distribution in global wheat cultivars and the importance of durable resistant varieties for controlling rust diseases. This information will serve as a foundation for plant breeders and geneticists to develop durable rust-resistant wheat varieties through marker-assisted breeding or gene pyramiding

    Suppression subtractive hybridization technique in wheat for the identification of disease resistance differentially expressed genes

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    A resistant variety with high yielding potential is key for increasing crop production to fulfill the food requirement of the ever increasing world populations. Consequently, the aim of plant breeders is to develop high yielding varieties or cultivars that are resistant or tolerant to specific diseases or insects. For developing a resistant variety, it is enormously indispensable to incorporate or introgress the specific resistant genes of that particular disease into the recipient. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) is a powerful technique for the identification of disease specific differentially expressed genes that are expressed in a resistant or susceptible variety. This paper presents a brief review on the SSH technique with examples focusing on the identification of the wheat disease specific differentially expressed genes and their defense mechanisms against fungal pathogens in global wheat cultivars. This review is helpful for wheat researchers for the updated information on the SSH technique for the identification of differentially expressed genes in the global wheat cultivars and varieties. Eventually, the identified genes could be used to develop the disease resistance variety through marker-assisted backcrossing programme or conventional breeding

    Current status of bacterial contamination in some fish species of Bakkhali river Estuary, Bangladesh

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    The present study aims to investigate the isolation of human pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. Shigella spp. and Vibrio spp.) and in gills, intestines, skin of fishes of Bakkhali River Estuary, Cox’s Bazar. A total of 50 fish species (25 of Pomadasys hasta and 25 of Glossogobius giuris) were collected from two sampling stations namely Station-1 (Rumalia Chara) and Station-2 (Kusturi Ghat). Bacterial analyses were made by standard methods. Total heterotrophic bacterial load of the isolates was found to be lower than the recommended public health and standard. However, the highest pathogenic bacterial (E. coli, Salmonella spp. Shigella spp. and Vibrio spp.) count at Station-2 might be due to the contamination of municipal and domestic wastes and discharges from small industries that constitute the main pollution source of this estuarine river. Skin was found to be the most preferred organs for higher bacterial load compared to intestine and lower count was recorded in gills. Further research on the microbial quality assessment should be undertaken to prevent pollution of this river estuary