51 research outputs found

    The geology and geophysics of Kuiper Belt object (486958) Arrokoth

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    The Cold Classical Kuiper Belt, a class of small bodies in undisturbed orbits beyond Neptune, are primitive objects preserving information about Solar System formation. The New Horizons spacecraft flew past one of these objects, the 36 km long contact binary (486958) Arrokoth (2014 MU69), in January 2019. Images from the flyby show that Arrokoth has no detectable rings, and no satellites (larger than 180 meters diameter) within a radius of 8000 km, and has a lightly-cratered smooth surface with complex geological features, unlike those on previously visited Solar System bodies. The density of impact craters indicates the surface dates from the formation of the Solar System. The two lobes of the contact binary have closely aligned poles and equators, constraining their accretion mechanism

    The MESSENGER Venus Flybys: Opportunities for Synergy with Venus Express

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    The trajectory of the MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) spacecraft, launched by NASA on 3 August 2004 and destined to be the first probe to orbit Mercury, includes two flybys of Venus during the period that the ESA Venus Express mission is operational in Venus orbit. MESSENGER's first Venus flyby occurred on 24 October 2006, at a closest approach distance of 3140 km, but no scientific observations were made because Venus was at superior conjunction and no direct communication with the MESSENGER spacecraft (or with Venus Express) was possible for an extended period. All MESSENGER instruments, however, will be trained on Venus during the spacecraft's second flyby on 6 June 2007, when closest approach will be at 300 km altitude over 12°S, 107°E, in the uplands of Ovda Regio. The Mercury Dual Imaging System will image the night side in near-infrared bands, and color and higher-resolution monochrome mosaics will be made of both the approaching and departing hemispheres. The Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrometer on the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer (MASCS) instrument will make profiles of atmospheric species on the day and night sides as well as observations of the exospheric tail on departure. The Visible and Infrared Spectrograph on MASCS will observe the planet near closest approach to sense cloud chemical properties and near-infrared returns from the lower atmosphere and surface. The laser altimeter will serve as a passive 1064-nm radiometer and will measure the range to one or more cloud decks for several minutes near closest approach. The combined observations of Venus Express and MESSENGER will permit simultaneous and complementary observations of particular value for characterization of the particle and field environment at Venus. MESSENGER's Energetic Particle and Plasma Spectrometer (EPPS) will observe charged particle acceleration at the Venus bow shock and elsewhere. The Magnetometer will provide measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), bow shock signatures, and pickup ion waves as a reference for EPPS and Venus Express observations. The encounter will enable two-point measurements of IMF penetration into the Venus ionosphere, primary plasma boundaries, and the near-tail region. During the MESSENGER flyby the instruments on Venus Express will be operated to maximize the synergy between the two spacecraft for this unique opportunit

    Parker Solar Probe observations of helical structures as boundaries for energetic particles

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    Energetic particle transport in the interplanetary medium is known to be affected by magnetic structures. It has been demonstrated for solar energetic particles in near-Earth orbit studies, and also for the more energetic cosmic rays. In this paper, we show observational evidence that intensity variations of solar energetic particles can be correlated with the occurrence of helical magnetic flux tubes and their boundaries. The analysis is carried out using data from Parker Solar Probe orbit 5, in the period 2020 May 24 to June 2. We use FIELDS magnetic field data and energetic particle measurements from the Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (IS⊙IS) suite on the Parker Solar Probe. We identify magnetic flux ropes by employing a real-space evaluation of magnetic helicity, and their potential boundaries using the Partial Variance of Increments method. We find that energetic particles are either confined within or localized outside of helical flux tubes, suggesting that the latter act as transport boundaries for particles, consistent with previously developed viewpoints. © 2021 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society.Immediate accessThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
