1,621 research outputs found

    Adoption of precision livestock farming technologies has the potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from beef production

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    To meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5Β°C, significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions will be needed across all sectors. This includes agriculture which accounts for a significant proportion of global GHG emissions. There is therefore a pressing need for the uptake of new technologies on farms to reduce GHG emissions and move towards current policy targets. Recently, precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies have been highlighted as a promising GHG mitigation strategy to indirectly reduce GHG emissions through increasing production efficiencies. Using Scotland as a case study, average data from the Scottish Cattle Tracing System (CTS) was used to create two baseline beef production scenarios (one grazing and one housed system) and emission estimates were calculated using the Agrecalc carbon footprinting tool. The effects of adopting various PLF technologies on whole farm and product emissions were then modelled. Scenarios included adoption of automatic weigh platforms, accelerometer based sensors for oestrus detection (fertility sensors) and accelerometer-based sensors for early disease detection (health sensors). Model assumptions were based on validated technologies, direct experience from farms and expert opinion. Adoption of all three PLF technologies reduced total emissions (kgCO2e) and product emissions (kg CO2e/kg deadweight) in both the grazing and housed systems. In general, adoption of PLF technologies had a larger impact in the housed system than in the grazing system. For example, while health sensors reduced total emissions by 6.1% in the housed system, their impact was slightly lower in the grazing system at 4.4%. The largest reduction in total emissions was seen following the adoption of an automatic weight platform which reduced the age at slaughter by 3  months in the grazing system (6.8%) and sensors for health monitoring in the housed system (6.1%). Health sensors also resulted in the largest reduction in product emissions for both the housed (12.0%) and grazing systems (10.5%). These findings suggest PLF could be an effective GHG mitigation strategy for beef systems in Scotland. Although this study utilised data from beef farms in Scotland, comparable emission reductions are likely attainable in other European countries with similar farming systems

    Adoption of precision livestock farming technologies has the potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from beef production

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    To meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5Β°C, significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions will be needed across all sectors. This includes agriculture which accounts for a significant proportion of global GHG emissions. There is therefore a pressing need for the uptake of new technologies on farms to reduce GHG emissions and move towards current policy targets. Recently, precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies have been highlighted as a promising GHG mitigation strategy to indirectly reduce GHG emissions through increasing production efficiencies. Using Scotland as a case study, average data from the Scottish Cattle Tracing System (CTS) was used to create two baseline beef production scenarios (one grazing and one housed system) and emission estimates were calculated using the Agrecalc carbon footprinting tool. The effects of adopting various PLF technologies on whole farm and product emissions were then modelled. Scenarios included adoption of automatic weigh platforms, accelerometer based sensors for oestrus detection (fertility sensors) and accelerometer-based sensors for early disease detection (health sensors). Model assumptions were based on validated technologies, direct experience from farms and expert opinion. Adoption of all three PLF technologies reduced total emissions (kgCO2e) and product emissions (kg CO2e/kg deadweight) in both the grazing and housed systems. In general, adoption of PLF technologies had a larger impact in the housed system than in the grazing system. For example, while health sensors reduced total emissions by 6.1% in the housed system, their impact was slightly lower in the grazing system at 4.4%. The largest reduction in total emissions was seen following the adoption of an automatic weight platform which reduced the age at slaughter by 3  months in the grazing system (6.8%) and sensors for health monitoring in the housed system (6.1%). Health sensors also resulted in the largest reduction in product emissions for both the housed (12.0%) and grazing systems (10.5%). These findings suggest PLF could be an effective GHG mitigation strategy for beef systems in Scotland. Although this study utilised data from beef farms in Scotland, comparable emission reductions are likely attainable in other European countries with similar farming systems

    The impacts of precision livestock farming tools on the greenhouse gas emissions of an average Scottish dairy farm

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    Precision livestock farming (PLF) tools are increasingly used in daily herd management to improve health, welfare, and overall production. While not intended to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on farm, PLF tools can do so indirectly by improving overall efficiency, thereby reducing the emissions per unit of product. This work modelled the potential effects of commercially available PLF tools on whole enterprise and product emissions of two average Scottish dairy farm systems (an 8,000  L and 10,000  L herd) using the Agrecalc carbon foot printing tool. Scenarios modelled included an improvement infertility and an improvement in fertility and yield from the introduction of an accelerometer-based sensor, and an improvement in health from introduction of an accelerometer-based sensor, with and without the use of management interventions. Use of a sensor intended to improve fertility had the large streduction in total emissions (kg CO2e) of βˆ’1.42% for a 10,000  L farm, with management changes applied. The largest reduction in emissions from milk production (kg CO2e) of βˆ’2.31% was observed via fertility technology application in an 8,000  L farm, without management changes. The largest reduction in kg CO2e per kg fat and protein corrected milk of βˆ’6.72% was observed from an improvement in fertility and yield in a 10,000  L herd, with management changes. This study has highlighted the realistic opportunities available to dairy farmers in low and high input dairy systems to reduce their emissions through adoption of animal mounted PLF technologies

    To What Extent Can UAV Photogrammetry Replicate UAV LiDAR to Determine Forest Structure? A Test in Two Contrasting Tropical Forests

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    Tropical forests are complex multi-layered systems, with the height and three-dimensional (3D) structure of trees influencing the carbon and biodiversity they contain. Fine-resolution 3D data on forest structure can be collected reliably with Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors mounted on aircraft or Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), however, they remain expensive to collect and process. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) Digital Aerial Photogrammetry (SfM-DAP), which relies on photographs taken of the same area from multiple angles, is a lower-cost alternative to LiDAR for generating 3D data on forest structure. Here, we evaluate how SfM-DAP compares to LiDAR data acquired concurrently using a fixed-wing UAV, over two contrasting tropical forests in Gabon and Peru. We show that SfM-DAP data cannot be used in isolation to measure key aspects of forest structure, including canopy height (%Bias: 40%–50%), fractional cover, and gap fraction, due to difficulties measuring ground elevation, even under low tree cover. However, we find even in complex forests, SfM-DAP is an effective means of measuring top-of-canopy structure, including surface heterogeneity, and is capable of producing similar measurements of vertical structure as LiDAR. Thus, in areas where ground height is known, SfM-DAP is an effective method for measuring important aspects of forest structure, including canopy height, and gaps, however, without ground data, SfM-DAP is of more limited utility. Our results support the growing evidence base pointing to photogrammetry as a viable complement, or alternative, to LiDAR, capable of providing much needed information to support the mapping and monitoring of biomass and biodiversity

    Net Zero requires ambitious greenhouse gas emission reductions on beef and sheep farms coordinated with afforestation and other land use change measures

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    CONTEXT: The UK Climate Change Committee has recommended a 64% reduction in greenhouse gas emissionsfrom the agriculture and land-use sector to meet the 2050 Net Zero target in the UK. However, it is unclear howthis reduction can be achieved at a farm level.OBJECTIVE: Using detailed real farm data and novel modelling approaches, we investigated the managementinterventions and afforestation that would be required to deliver Net Zero within the farm boundary.METHODS: Baseline carbon footprints were calculated for twenty Welsh beef and sheep farms using the Agrecalccarbon calculator, whilst carbon sequestration was estimated using Bangor University’s Carbon FootprintingTool. Scenarios were created to determine the emissions reductions achievable on each farm through implementationof cost-effective mitigation measures. Mitigation measures and their abatement potentials weresourced from the most recent UK Marginal Abatement Cost Curve, which allow emissions to be reduced mostlythrough improvements in efficiency thus maintaining the production of the system. Area footprints werecalculated for production, with and without offset (afforested) areas needed to achieve Net Zero

    Imaging in thick samples, a phased Monte Carlo radiation transfer algorithm

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    This work was supported by the EPSRC (Grant No. EP/K503162/1).Significance : Optical microscopy is characterized by the ability to get high resolution, below 1  μm, high contrast, functional and quantitative images. The use of shaped illumination, such as with lightsheet microscopy, has led to greater three-dimensional isotropic resolution with low phototoxicity. However, in most complex samples and tissues, optical imaging is limited by scattering. Many solutions to this issue have been proposed, from using passive approaches such as Bessel beam illumination to active methods incorporating aberration correction, but making fair comparisons between different approaches has proven to be challenging. Aim : We present a phase-encoded Monte Carlo radiation transfer algorithm (Ο†MC) capable of comparing the merits of different illumination strategies or predicting the performance of an individual approach. Approach : We show that Ο†MC is capable of modeling interference phenomena such as Gaussian or Bessel beams and compare the model with experiment. Results : Using this verified model, we show that, for a sample with homogeneously distributed scatterers, there is no inherent advantage to illuminating a sample with a conical wave (Bessel beam) instead of a spherical wave (Gaussian beam), except for maintaining a greater depth of focus. Conclusion : Ο†MC is adaptable to any illumination geometry, sample property, or beam type (such as fractal or layered scatterer distribution) and as such provides a powerful predictive tool for optical imaging in thick samples.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The relationship between the systemic inflammatory response, tumour proliferative activity, T-lymphocytic and macrophage infiltration, microvessel density and survival in patients with primary operable breast cancer

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    The significance of the inter-relationship between tumour and host local/systemic inflammatory responses in primary operable invasive breast cancer is limited. The inter-relationship between the systemic inflammatory response (pre-operative white cell count, C-reactive protein and albumin concentrations), standard clinicopathological factors, tumour T-lymphocytic (CD4+ and CD8+) and macrophage (CD68+) infiltration, proliferative (Ki-67) index and microvessel density (CD34+) was examined using immunohistochemistry and slide-counting techniques, and their prognostic values were examined in 168 patients with potentially curative resection of early-stage invasive breast cancer. Increased tumour grade and proliferative activity were associated with greater tumour T-lymphocyte (P<0.05) and macrophage (P<0.05) infiltration and microvessel density (P<0.01). The median follow-up of survivors was 72 months. During this period, 31 patients died; 18 died of their cancer. On univariate analysis, increased lymph-node involvement (P<0.01), negative hormonal receptor (P<0.10), lower albumin concentrations (P<0.01), increased tumour proliferation (P<0.05), increased tumour microvessel density (P<0.05), the extent of locoregional control (P<0.0001) and limited systemic treatment (Pless than or equal to0.01) were associated with cancer-specific survival. On multivariate analysis of these significant covariates, albumin (HR 4.77, 95% CI 1.35–16.85, P=0.015), locoregional treatment (HR 3.64, 95% CI 1.04–12.72, P=0.043) and systemic treatment (HR 2.29, 95% CI 1.23–4.27, P=0.009) were significant independent predictors of cancer-specific survival. Among tumour-based inflammatory factors, only tumour microvessel density (P<0.05) was independently associated with poorer cancer-specific survival. The host inflammatory responses are closely associated with poor tumour differentiation, proliferation and malignant disease progression in breast cancer
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