24 research outputs found

    Noril'sk/Siberian plateau basalts and Bahama hot spot: Impact triggered?

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    Twenty-eight years after one of us argued that Sudbury was an astrobleme, this interpretation has only recently attained wide acceptance; not so for the view that the Sudbury Cu/Ni sulfide ores are cosmogenic. Other research has provided the triggering of plateau basalts by super-large impacts a modicum of respectability. The recent apparent successful tying in of the K/T extinctions to the Chicxulub astrobleme in the Yucatan encourages the search for an impact event that may have caused the other two major post-Paleozoic extinctions (P/Tr, Tr/J). This gives us heart to offer two further outrageous hypotheses. The cosmogenic concept for the Sudbury ore deposite remains viable because it is giant, nonultramafic, and unique (except for Noril'sk). The Triassic/Jurassic boundary catastrophic extinctions have been attributed to the Manicouagan asteroidal impact, but recent radiometric dating indicates these events are diachronous (Manicouagan astrobleme 212 +/- 2 Ma and Tr/J boundary 200 Ma)

    Shatter cones: Diagnostic impact signatures

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    Uniquely fractured target rocks known as shatter cones are associated with more than one half the world's 120 or so presently known impact structures. Shatter cones are a form of tensile rock failure in which a positive conical plug separates from a negative outer cup or mold and delicate ornaments radiating from an apex are preserved on surfaces of both portions. Although distinct, shatter cones are sometimes confused with other striated geologic features such as ventifacts, stylolites, cone-in-cone, slickensides, and artificial blast plumes. Complete cones or solitary cones are rare, occurrences are usually as swarms in thoroughly fractured rock. Shatter cones may form in a zone where an expanding shock wave propagating through a target decays to form an elastic wave. Near this transition zone, the expanding primary wave may strike a pebble or other inhomogeneity whose contrasting transmission properties produce a scattered secondary wave. Interference between primary and secondary scattered waves produce conical stress fields with axes perpendicular to the plane of an advancing shock front. This model supports mechanism capable of producing such shatter cone properties as orientation, apical clasts, lithic dependence, and shock pressure zonation. Although formational mechanics are still poorly understood, shatter cones have become the simplest geologic field criterion for recognizing astroblemes (ancient terrestrial impact structures)

    Analysis of the Gran Desierto, Pinacte Region, Sonora, Mexico, via shuttle imaging radar

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    The radar discriminability of geolian features and their geological setting as imaged by the SIR-A experiment is examined. The Gran Desierto and Pincate volcanio field of Sonora, Mexico was used to analyze the radar characteristics of the interplay of aeolian features and volcano terrain. The area in the Gran Desierto covers 4000 sq. km. and contains sand dunes of several forms. The Pincate volcanio field covers more than 2.000 sq. km. and consists primarily of basaltic lavas. Margins of the field, especially on the western and northern sides, include several maar and maar-like craters; thus obtaining information on their radar characteristics for comparison with impact craters

    Proterozoic to Mesozoic evolution of North-West Africa and Peri-Gondwana microplates: Detrital zircon ages from Morocco and Canada

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. The complex history of assemblage and disruption of continental plates surrounding the Atlantic Ocean is in part recorded by the distribution of detrital zircon ages entrained in continental sedimentary strata from Morocco (Central High Atlas and Argana basins) and Canada (Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick). Here we investigate detrital zircon from the latest Triassic (ca. 202 Ma) sedimentary strata directly underlying lava flows of the Central Atlantic magmatic province or interlayered within them. SHRIMP (Sensitive High-Resolution Ion MicroProbe) and LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry) U–Pb ages for zircon range from Paleozoic to Archean with a dominant Neoproterozoic peak, and significant amounts of ca. 2 Ga zircon. These ages suggest a prevailing West African (Gondwanan) provenance at all sampling sites. Notably, the Paleoproterozoic zircon population is particularly abundant in central Morocco, north of the High Atlas chain, suggesting the presence of Eburnean-aged rocks in this part of the country, which is consistent with recent geochronologic data from outcropping rocks. Minor amounts of late Mesoproterozoic and early Neoproterozoic zircon ages (ca. 1.1–0.9 Ga) in Moroccan samples are more difficult to interpret. A provenance from Avalonia or Amazonia, as proposed by previous studies is not supported by the age distributions observed here. An involvement of more distal source regions, possibly located in north-eastern Africa (Arabian Nubian Shield) would instead be possible. Paleozoic zircon ages are abundant in the Canadian sample, pointing to a significant contribution from Hercynian aged source rocks. Such a signal is nearly absent in the Moroccan samples, suggesting that zircon-bearing Hercynian granitic rocks of the Moroccan Meseta block were not yet outcropping at ca. 200 Ma. The only Moroccan samples that yield Paleozoic zircon ages are those interlayered within the CAMP lavas, suggesting an increased dismantling (i.e. uplift) of the Hercynian chain during emplacement of CAMP lava flows, combined with subsidence of the volcanic grabens

    Zircon U‐Pb Geochronology Constrains Continental Expression of Great Meteor Hotspot Magmatism

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    The New England-Québec Igneous Province is considered to be a continental expression of Great Meteor Hotspot magmatism, though other geodynamic scenarios have been suggested. Existing geochronologic data lack the needed accuracy and precision to permit tests of potential causal mechanisms. We provide zircon U-Pb ages for four igneous centers and a suite of plate reconstructions and show that the duration between magmatism in each branch of this province is ca. 3–6 Myr shorter and ca. 10 Myr older than predicted if the spatial-temporal distribution of magmatism conformed to a well-defined age progression. However, in addition to uncertainties in plate reconstructions, variable regional crustal thickness or lithospheric topography likely played a role in mediating the rates of melt transport to emplacement depth and we therefore cannot reject the hotspot hypothesis. Our results place the best-available chronological constraints on continental magmatism associated with one of the oldest and longest-lived hotspots. © 2021. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.6 month embargo; published online: 05 June 2021This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]