162 research outputs found

    A Predictive Mirror Twin Higgs with Small Z2\mathbf{Z}_2 Breaking

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    The twin Higgs mechanism is a solution to the little hierarchy problem in which the top partner is neutral under the Standard Model (SM) gauge group. The simplest mirror twin Higgs (MTH) model -- where a Z2\mathbf{Z}_2 symmetry copies each SM particle -- has too many relativistic degrees of freedom to be consistent with cosmological observations. We demonstrate that MTH models can have an observationally viable cosmology if the twin mass spectrum leads to twin neutrino decoupling before the SM and twin QCD phase transitions. Our solution requires the twin photon to have a mass of ∼20\sim 20 MeV and kinetically mix with the SM photon to mediate entropy transfer from the twin sector to the SM. This twin photon can be robustly discovered or excluded by future experiments. Additionally, the residual twin degrees of freedom present in the early Universe in this scenario would be detectable by future observations of the cosmic microwave background.Comment: 7+4 pages, 4 figure

    The Exoneration of Job: A Discussion of the Joban and Yahwistic Speeches

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    This study aims to determine whether Job, staunchly established as innocent in the prosaic introduction of the book, maintains his blamelessness throughout the lengthy poetic corpus. The speeches of the dominant characters, Job and Yahweh, will be examined in order to determine whether Job is in the end exonerated by Yahweh\u27s poetic words despite the harsh statements made in the man\u27s own speeches

    Maximizing Direct Detection with Highly Interactive Particle Relic Dark Matter

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    We estimate the maximum direct detection cross section for sub-GeV dark matter (DM) scattering off nucleons. For DM masses in the range 10 keV −100 MeV10 \text{ keV }- 100 \text{ MeV}, cross sections greater than 10−3610^{-36}- 10−30 cm210^{-30} \,\text{cm}^2 seem implausible. We present a DM candidate which realizes this maximum cross section: HighlY interactive ParticlE Relics (HYPERs). After HYPERs freeze-in, a dark sector phase transition decreases the mediator's mass. This increases the HYPER's direct detection cross section without impacting its abundance or measurements of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Microwave Background.Comment: 5+3 pages, 3 figures. v2: published in PRL with minor revision

    F-106B airplane active control landing gear drop test performance

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    Aircraft dynamic loads and vibrations resulting from landing impact and from runway and taxiway unevenness are recognized as significant factors in causing fatigue damage, dynamic stress on the airframe, crew and passenger discomfort, and reduction of the pilot's ability to control the aircraft during ground operations. One potential method for improving operational characteristics of aircraft on the ground is the application of active control technology to the landing gears to reduce ground loads applied to the airframe. An experimental investigation was conducted on series-hydraulic active control nose gear. The experiments involved testing the gear in both passive and active control modes. Results of this investigation show that a series-hydraulic active control gear is feasible and that such a gear is effective in reducing the loads transmitted by the gear to the airframe during ground operations

    Resonant Self-Interacting Dark Matter from Dark QCD

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    We present models of resonant self-interacting dark matter in a dark sector with QCD, based on analogies to the meson spectra in Standard Model QCD. For dark mesons made of two light quarks, we present a simple model that realizes resonant self-interaction (analogous to the ϕ\phi-K-K system) and thermal freeze-out. We also consider asymmetric dark matter composed of heavy and light dark quarks to realize a resonant self-interaction (analogous to the Υ(4S)\Upsilon(4S)-B-B system) and discuss the experimental probes of both setups. Finally, we comment on the possible resonant self-interactions already built into SIMP and ELDER mechanisms while making use of lattice results to determine feasibility.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Asymmetric Dark Matter May Not Be Light

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    It is often said that asymmetric dark matter is light compared to typical weakly interacting massive particles. Here we point out a simple scheme with a neutrino portal and O(60 GeV)\mathcal{O}(60 \text{ GeV}) asymmetric dark matter which may be ''added'' to any standard baryogenesis scenario. The dark sector contains a copy of the Standard Model gauge group, as well as (at least) one matter family, Higgs, and right-handed neutrino. After baryogenesis, some lepton asymmetry is transferred to the dark sector through the neutrino portal where dark sphalerons convert it into a dark baryon asymmetry. Dark hadrons form asymmetric dark matter and may be directly detected due to the vector portal. Surprisingly, even dark anti-neutrons may be directly detected if they have a sizeable electric dipole moment. The dark photons visibly decay at current and future experiments which probe complementary parameter space to dark matter direct detection searches. Exotic Higgs decays are excellent signals at future e+e−e^+ e^- Higgs factories.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
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