5,961 research outputs found

    A concept for reducing oceanic separation minima through the use of a TCAS-derived CDTI

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    A concept for using a cockpit display of traffic information (CDTI), as derived from a modified version of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System 2 (TCAS 2), to support reductions in air traffic separation minima for an oceanic track system is presented. The concept, and the TCAS modifications required to support it, are described. The feasibility of the concept is examined from a number of standpoints, including expected benefits, maximum alert rates, and possible transition strategies. Various implementation issues are analyzed. Pilot procedures are suggested for dealing with alert situations. Possible variations of the concept are also examined. Finally, recommendations are presented for other studies and simulation experiments which can be used to further verify the feasibility of the concept

    Development and initial operating characteristics of the 20 megawatt linear plasma accelerator facility

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    A 20-megawatt linear plasma accelerator facility, a steady flow, Faraday-type plasma accelerator facility for high velocity aerodynamic testing, was constructed, developed, and brought to an operational status. The accelerator has a 63.5-mm-square and 0.5-meter-long channel and utilizes nitrogen-seeded with 2 % mole fraction of cesium vapor. Modification of the original accelerator design characteristics and the improvements necessary to make the arc heater a suitable plasma source are described. The measured accelerator electrode current distribution and the electrode-wall potential distributions are given. The computed and the measured values are in good agreement. Measured pitot pressure indicates that an accelerator exit velocity of 9.2 km/sec, is obtained with 30 of the 36 electrode pairs powered and corresponds to a velocity increase to about 2 1/4 times the computed entrance velocity. The computed stagnation enthalpy at the accelerator exit is 92 MJ/kg, and the mass density corresponds to an altitude of about 58 km. The 92 MJ/kg stagnation enthalpy corresponds to a kinetic energy content at low temperature equivalent to a velocity of 13.6 km/sec

    Exploring the Impact of Targeted Distribution of Free Bed Nets on Households Bed Net Ownership, Socio-Economic Disparities and Childhood Malaria Infection Rates: Analysis of National Malaria Survey Data from three Sub-Saharan Africa countries.

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    The last decade has witnessed increased funding for malaria control. Malaria experts have used the opportunity to advocate for rollout of such interventions as free bed nets. A free bed net distribution strategy is seen as the quickest way to improve coverage of effective malaria control tools especially among poorest communities. Evidence to support this claim is however, sparse. This study explored the effectiveness of targeted free bed net distribution strategy in achieving equity in terms of ownership and use of bed nets and also reduction of malaria prevalence among children under-five years of age. National malaria indicator survey (MIS) data from Angola, Tanzania and Uganda was used in the analysis. Hierarchical multilevel logistic regression models were used to analyse the relationship between variables of interest. Outcome variables were defined as: childhood test-confirmed malaria infections, household ownership of any mosquito net and children's use of any mosquito nets. Marginal effects of having free bed net distribution on households with different wealth status were calculated. Angolan children from wealthier households were 6.4 percentage points less likely to be parasitaemic than those in poorest households, whereas those from Tanzania and Uganda were less likely to test malaria positive by 7 and 11.6 percentage points respectively (p < 0.001). The study estimates and present results on the marginal effects based on the impact of free bed net distribution on children's malaria status given their socio-economic background. Poorest households were less likely to own a net by 21.4% in Tanzania, and 2.8% in Uganda, whereas both poorer and wealthier Angolan households almost achieved parity in bed net ownership (p < 0.001). Wealthier households had a higher margin of using nets than poorest people in both Tanzania and Uganda by 11.4% and 3.9% respectively. However, the poorest household in Angola had a 6.1% net use advantage over children in wealthier households (p < 0.001). This is the first study to use nationally representative data to explore inequalities in bed net ownership and related consequences on childhood malaria infection rates across different countries. While targeted distribution of free bed nets improved overall bed net ownership, it did not overcome ownership inequalities as measured by household socioeconomic status. Use of bed nets was disproportionately lower among poorest children, except for Angola where bed net use was higher among poorest households when compared to children in wealthier households. The study highlights the need for malaria control world governing bodies and policy makers to continue working on finding appropriate strategies to improve access to effective malaria control tools especially by the poorest who often times bears the brunt of malaria burden than their wealthier counterparts

    The Use of Test Pits to Investigate Subsurface Fracturing and Glacial Stratigraphy in Tills and Other Unconsolidated Materials

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    Author Institution: Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University ; Bennett and Williams Environmental Consultants Inc.Joints and fractures, common in Ohio glacial tills, often influence shallow ground water flow paths and rates. Environmental site investigations in glacial till and lacustrine sediments should include determination of the glacial stratigraphy and evaluation of the presence, extent, and density of subsurface fractures. The test pit is one approach to directly assess fracturing and stratigraphy. The design and construction of deep test pits is examined in this research report, which includes an extensive literature review and case studies from three test pit sites in Ohio. A generic design is recommended that may be used for 1-meter, 2-meter, 3-meter, or 4-meter deep test pits. Scaled drawings are included

    Directed mutagenesis as a technique to study protein function: application to β-lactamase

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    The function of a protein follows uniquely from its three-dimensional structure, which is unambiguously determined by the linear sequence of amino acids. Thus to undertake a systematic study of the relationship between protein structure and function, one would ideally like to be able to alter the structural gene in various ways to encode proteins with novel sequences, structures and functions. Various mutagenic strategies and methods have recently been developed that allow one to achieve these objectives

    Sentinel surveillance of HIV-1 transmitted drug resistance, acute infection and recent infection.

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    BackgroundHIV-1 acute infection, recent infection and transmitted drug resistance screening was integrated into voluntary HIV counseling and testing (VCT) services to enhance the existing surveillance program in San Francisco. This study describes newly-diagnosed HIV cases and characterizes correlates associated with infection.Methodology/principal findingsA consecutive sample of persons presenting for HIV VCT at the municipal sexually transmitted infections (STI) clinic from 2004 to 2006 (N = 9,868) were evaluated by standard enzyme-linked immunoassays (EIA). HIV antibody-positive specimens were characterized as recent infections using a less-sensitive EIA. HIV-RNA pooled testing was performed on HIV antibody-negative specimens to identify acute infections. HIV antibody-positive and acute infection specimens were evaluated for drug resistance by sequence analysis. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to evaluate associations. The 380 newly-diagnosed HIV cases included 29 acute infections, 128 recent infections, and 47 drug-resistant cases, with no significant increases or decreases in prevalence over the three years studied. HIV-1 transmitted drug resistance prevalence was 11.0% in 2004, 13.4% in 2005 and 14.9% in 2006 (p = 0.36). Resistance to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) was the most common pattern detected, present in 28 cases of resistance (59.6%). Among MSM, recent infection was associated with amphetamine use (AOR = 2.67; p&lt;0.001), unprotected anal intercourse (AOR = 2.27; p&lt;0.001), sex with a known HIV-infected partner (AOR = 1.64; p = 0.02), and history of gonorrhea (AOR = 1.62; p = 0.03).ConclusionsNew HIV diagnoses, recent infections, acute infections and transmitted drug resistance prevalence remained stable between 2004 and 2006. Resistance to NNRTI comprised more than half of the drug-resistant cases, a worrisome finding given its role as the backbone of first-line antiretroviral therapy in San Francisco as well as worldwide. The integration of HIV-1 drug resistance, recent infection, and acute infection testing should be considered for existing HIV/STI surveillance and prevention activities, particularly in an era of enhanced efforts for early diagnosis and treatment

    Arkansas\u27 Incendiary Wildfire Record: 1983-1987

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    All wildfire reports from lands protected by the Arkansas Forestry Commission for the calendar years 1983 through 1987 were studied. The number of wildfires steadily increased from 2,185 in 1983 to 4,150 in 1987, burning a total of 27,146 hectares in 1987. Incendiarism on forested lands in 1987 comprised 77% of the total fires and 84% of the area burned. Incendiarism was responsible for 40% of all fires and 60% of the area burned in 1983, but increased to 54% of all fires and 69% of the area burned in 1987. In 1987, 80% of all incendiary fires on industry lands were started by local residents. Most incendiary fires occurred on Class 3 (52%) and Class-2 (27%) fire-danger class-days. More incendiary fires (64%) occurred during the spring fire season (January through June). The general public reported 66% the non-incendiary fires, but only 56% of the incendiary-caused fires. Implications of these findings for wildfire prevention programs are discussed

    The slow-flow method of identification in nonlinear structural dynamics

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    The Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) has been shown to be effective for characterizing a wide range of nonstationary signals in terms of elemental components through what has been called the empirical mode decomposition. The HHT has been utilized extensively despite the absence of a serious analytical foundation, as it provides a concise basis for the analysis of strongly nonlinear systems. In this paper, we attempt to provide the missing link, showing the relationship between the EMD and the slow-flow equations of the system. The slow-flow model is established by performing a partition between slow and fast dynamics using the complexification-averaging technique, and a dynamical system described by slowly-varying amplitudes and phases is obtained. These variables can also be extracted directly from the experimental measurements using the Hilbert transform coupled with the EMD. The comparison between the experimental and analytical results forms the basis of a nonlinear system identification method, termed the slow-flowmodel identification method, which is demonstrated using numerical examples