44 research outputs found
Guhl, Andrés. Café y cambio de paisaje en Colombia, 1970-2005. Medellín: Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, Banco de la República, 2008, 334 p.
Reseña de Guhl, Andrés. Café y cambio de paisaje en Colombia, 1970-2005. Medellín: Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, Banco de la República, 2008, 334 p
Doom and Boom on a Resilient Reef: Climate Change, Algal Overgrowth and Coral Recovery
Background: Coral reefs around the world are experiencing large-scale degradation, largely due to global climate change, overfishing, diseases and eutrophication. Climate change models suggest increasing frequency and severity of warming-induced coral bleaching events, with consequent increases in coral mortality and algal overgrowth. Critically, the recovery of damaged reefs will depend on the reversibility of seaweed blooms, generally considered to depend on grazing of the seaweed, and replenishment of corals by larvae that successfully recruit to damaged reefs. These processes usually take years to decades to bring a reef back to coral dominance
Chemical and Physical Environmental Conditions Underneath Mat- and Canopy-Forming Macroalgae, and Their Effects on Understorey Corals
Disturbed coral reefs are often dominated by dense mat- or canopy-forming assemblages of macroalgae. This study investigated how such dense macroalgal assemblages change the chemical and physical microenvironment for understorey corals, and how the altered environmental conditions affect the physiological performance of corals. Field measurements were conducted on macroalgal-dominated inshore reefs in the Great Barrier Reef in quadrats with macroalgal biomass ranging from 235 to 1029 g DW m−2 dry weight. Underneath mat-forming assemblages, the mean concentration of dissolved oxygen was reduced by 26% and irradiance by 96% compared with conditions above the mat, while concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and soluble reactive phosphorous increased by 26% and 267%, respectively. The difference was significant but less pronounced under canopy-forming assemblages. Dissolved oxygen declined and dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity increased with increasing algal biomass underneath mat-forming but not under canopy-forming assemblages. The responses of corals to conditions similar to those found underneath algal assemblages were investigated in an aquarium experiment. Coral nubbins of the species Acropora millepora showed reduced photosynthetic yields and increased RNA/DNA ratios when exposed to conditions simulating those underneath assemblages (pre-incubating seawater with macroalgae, and shading). The magnitude of these stress responses increased with increasing proportion of pre-incubated algal water. Our study shows that mat-forming and, to a lesser extent, canopy-forming macroalgal assemblages alter the physical and chemical microenvironment sufficiently to directly and detrimentally affect the metabolism of corals, potentially impeding reef recovery from algal to coral-dominated states after disturbance. Macroalgal dominance on coral reefs therefore simultaneously represents a consequence and cause of coral reef degradation
As origens de Brasil e Java: trabalho compulsório e a reconfiguração da economia mundial do café na Era das Revoluções, c.1760-1840
La Roya del café en Costa Rica: Epidemias, innovación y medio ambiente, 1950-1995
Resumen La historia de los cultivos tropicales en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, es en gran parte, una historia de innovación. Un análisis de esa historia de innovación nos permite vislumbrar la historia ambiental de esos cultivos. Mucha de la innovación de esa época, se hizo para controlar una ola de enfermedades y plagas vegetales sin precedentes. Recuperar la historia de esas enfermedades, nos permitirá, al mismo tiempo, comprender el aumento de la fragilidad ecológica de los principales cultivos en América Central. Este artículo analiza justamente esa problemática a partir del enfoque particular de la historia de la roya del cafeto -Hemileia vastatrix- en América Central, con énfasis en Costa Rica. Abstract The history of tropical crops in the second half of the twentieth century is, in large part, a history of innovation. An analysis of this history of innovation allows us to glimpse the environmental history of these crops. Much of the innovation in this period was done to counter an unprecedented wave of crop diseases and pests. Recovering the history of these diseases, in turn, allows us to understand the increasingly fragile ecology of the main crops in Central America. This article analyzes these themes through a history of the coffee rust - Hemileia vastatrix- in Central America, with particular emphasis on Costa Rica
Measuring the New World: Enlightenment Science and South America. By Neil Safier. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2009. xviii + 387 p., ill., notes, bibl., index. ISBN 978-0-226-73355-5 $49.00)
La Roya del café en Costa Rica: Epidemias, innovación y medio ambiente, 1950-1995
The history of tropical crops in the second half of the twentieth century is, in large part, a history of innovation. An analysis of this history of innovation allows us to glimpse the environmental history of these crops. Much of the innovation in this period was done to counter an unprecedented wave of crop diseases and pests. Recovering the history of these diseases, in turn, allows us to understand the increasingly fragile ecology of the main crops in Central America. This article analyzes these themes through a history of the coffee rust - Hemileia vastatrix- in Central America, with particular emphasis on Costa Rica.La historia de los cultivos tropicales en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, es en gran parte, una historia de innovación. Un análisis de esa historia de innovación nos permite vislumbrar la historia ambiental de esos cultivos. Mucha de la innovación de esa época, se hizo para controlar una ola de enfermedades y plagas vegetales sin precedentes. Recuperar la historia de esas enfermedades, nos permitirá, al mismo tiempo, comprender el aumento de la fragilidad ecológica de los principales cultivos en América Central. Este artículo analiza justamente esa problemática a partir del enfoque particular de la historia de la roya del cafeto -Hemileia vastatrix- en América Central, con énfasis en Costa Rica.