1,065 research outputs found

    Multiple primary tumours in a population-based series of patients with histopathologically peer-reviewed sarcomas.

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    Multiple primary tumours occurring in a three-year population-based series of patients with histopathologically peer-reviewed sarcomas from North West England were ascertained in order to look at the patterns of neoplasms seen. A total of 30 out of the 310 patients entered in the study had additional primary tumours. Very few patients were aged under 60 years at diagnosis of both their malignancies. The youngest was a known case of neurofibromatosis and, although seven patients were diagnosed with a sarcoma and carcinoma of the breast--a combination of cancers characteristic of the Li-Fraumeni cancer family syndrome--no other patients could directly be identified as suffering from any other cancer predisposition syndrome

    Sarcomas in north west England: II. Incidence.

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    Incidence data on a population-based series of bone, soft tissue and visceral sarcomas from the North West of England are presented. The data are derived mainly from a total of 429 cases registered with the North Western Regional Cancer Registry and diagnosed during the period 1982-84, 76% of which were confirmed as sarcomas by a panel of five pathologists. Overall incidence of confirmed sarcomas per million person years was slightly higher in females (26.81) than in males (24.71) but there was no sex difference when 38 non-reviewed cases were taken into consideration (females 29.07, males (28.83). After exclusion of tumours of female genital tract, incidence of soft tissue tumours was very similar in both sexes (females 18.25, males 18.70). Bone tumours were almost twice as frequent in males (6.01) as in females (3.55)

    Sarcomas in north west England: III. Survival.

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    Survival data on a population-based series of bone, soft tissue and visceral sarcomas diagnosed in the North West of England between 1982-84 and subjected to histopathological peer review are presented. Five-year crude survival for all cases was 34%. Survival in males and females did not differ significantly (P = 0.6, 5-year survival 32% vs 36%) but was markedly worse for patients diagnosed over the median age of 60 years, even when allowance was made for underlying mortality (P = 0.03, 34% vs 44%). Five-year survival rates for the major site groups were: bone 44%; soft tissues of head, neck and trunk 36%; soft tissues of extremities 35%; female genital tract 35%; retroperitoneum 15%; gastro-intestinal tract 13%. Analysis by the major histological types revealed the following survival rates: leiomyosarcoma--female genital tract 25%, gastro-intestinal tract 14%, non-visceral soft tissue 21%; malignant fibrous histiocytoma of soft tissue 29%; liposarcoma 52%; osteosarcoma of bone 46%; and chondrosarcoma of bone 50%

    Sarcomas in north west England: I. Histopathological peer review.

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    A total of 468 cases of bone, soft tissue and visceral sarcomas (and certain other tumours) diagnosed during the years 1982-84 in North West England were entered in a study of histopathological peer review, incidence and survival. This paper describes the effects of peer review. Material was reviewed by a panel of five pathologists for 413 of the 450 cases originally registered as sarcomas with the Regional Cancer Registry. The diagnosis of sarcomas was confirmed in 76% cases and and there was agreement on sub-type for 53% cases. Measures of agreement were lowest for the two sub-types most commonly diagnosed i.e. malignant fibrous histiocytoma and leiomyosarcoma. Degree of agreement between individual pathologists and final panel diagnosis was also very variable but never less than 65%. It is concluded that second opinion is essential in cases of presumed sarcomas for studies of incidence and aetiology and to ensure that appropriate treatment is selected

    Evolving the theory and praxis of knowledge translation through social interaction: a social phenomenological study

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    Background: As an inherently human process fraught with subjectivity, dynamic interaction, and change, social interaction knowledge translation (KT) invites implementation scientists to explore what might be learned from adopting the academic tradition of social constructivism and an interpretive research approach. This paper presents phenomenological investigation of the second cycle of a participatory action KT intervention in the home care sector to answer the question: What is the nature of the process of implementing KT through social interaction? Methods: Social phenomenology was selected to capture how the social processes of the KT intervention were experienced, with the aim of representing these as typical socially-constituted patterns. Participants (n = 203), including service providers, case managers, administrators, and researchers organized into nine geographically-determined multi-disciplinary action groups, purposefully selected and audiotaped three meetings per group to capture their enactment of the KT process at early, middle, and end-of-cycle timeframes. Data, comprised of 36 hours of transcribed audiotapes augmented by researchers\u27 field notes, were analyzed using social phenomenology strategies and authenticated through member checking and peer review. Results: Four patterns of social interaction representing organization, team, and individual interests were identified: overcoming barriers and optimizing facilitators; integrating \u27science push\u27 and \u27demand pull\u27 approaches within the social interaction process; synthesizing the research evidence with tacit professional craft and experiential knowledge; and integrating knowledge creation, transfer, and uptake throughout everyday work. Achieved through relational transformative leadership constituted simultaneously by both structure and agency, in keeping with social phenomenology analysis approaches, these four patterns are represented holistically in a typical construction, specifically, a participatory action KT (PAKT) model. Conclusion: Study findings suggest the relevance of principles and foci from the field of process evaluation related to intervention implementation, further illuminating KT as a structuration process facilitated by evolving transformative leadership in an active and integrated context. The model provides guidance for proactively constructing a \u27fit\u27 between content, context, and facilitation in the translation of evidence informing professional craft knowledge

    Clustering Attitudes and Behaviors of High/Low Involvement Grocery Shopper

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    The purpose of this exploratory and quantitative study was to examine the attitudes and behaviors of 14,807 grocery shop- pers. These respondents across the US were asked to answer attitudinal, behavioral, and demographic related questions. Shoppers were profiled by analyzing their responses to 16 relevant attitudinal and behavioral questions. A cluster analysis was performed followed by a discriminant analysis to deter- mine attitudinal and behavioral variables explaining cluster membership. A cross-tabulation analysis assessed demo- graphic variables that correlated with cluster membership. Two clusters were identified: high and low involvement grocery shoppers. In an event that has long been perceived as low involvement, a large percentage (53%) can be categorized as high involvement grocery shoppers. These shoppers tend to be younger. They were more likely to enjoy the hunt of finding products/deals, seek the advice of others and perceive that the products they buy reflect upon them. Grocery stores have a significant opportunity to target this high involvement shop- per. Grocery stores will need to create an integrative, engaging online and in-store experience to attract high involvement shoppers and ultimately increase store loyalty. The results of this research has significant communication, branding and digital marketing implications

    New Extremely Metal-Poor Stars in the Galactic Halo

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    We present a detailed abundance analysis based on high resolution and high signal-to-noise spectra of eight extremely metal poor (EMP) stars with [Fe/H] < -3.5dex,fourofwhicharenew.Onlystarswith4900<Teff<5650Kareincluded.Twostarsoftheeightareoutliersineachofseveralabundanceratios.Themostmetalpoorstarinthissample,HE14240241,has[Fe/H] 4dexandisthusamongthemostmetalpoorstarsknownintheGalaxy.IthashighlyanomalousabundanceratiosunlikethoseofanyotherknownEMPgiant,withverylowSi,CaandTirelativetoFe,andenhancedMnandCo,againrelativetoFe.Only(low)upperlimitsforCandNcanbederivedfromthenondetectionoftheCHandNHmolecularbands.HE0132 dex, four of which are new. Only stars with 4900 < Teff< 5650 K are included. Two stars of the eight are outliers in each of several abundance ratios. The most metal poor star in this sample, HE1424-0241, has [Fe/H] ~ -4 dex and is thus among the most metal poor stars known in the Galaxy. It has highly anomalous abundance ratios unlike those of any other known EMP giant, with very low Si, Ca and Ti relative to Fe, and enhanced Mn and Co, again relative to Fe. Only (low) upper limits for C and N can be derived from the non-detection of the CH and NH molecular bands. HE0132-$2429, another sample star, has excesses of N and Sc with respect to Fe. The strong outliers in abundance ratios among the Fe-peak elements in these C-normal stars, not found at somewhat higher metallicities, are definitely real. They suggest that at such low metallicities we are beginning to see the anticipated and long sought stochastic effects of individual supernova events contributing to the Fe-peak material within a single star. A detailed comparison of the results of the analysis procedures adopted by our 0Z project compared to those of the First Stars VLT Large Project finds a systematic difference for [Fe/H] of ~0.3 dex, our values always being higher.Comment: Accepted to the Ap

    Quantification of Urinary Mevalonic Acid as a Biomarker of HMG-CoA Reductase Activity by a Novel Translational LC-MS/MS Method

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    Background: Mevalonic acid (MVA), as a product of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, represents a potential multipurpose biomarker in health and disease. A translational urinary MVA quantification method was developed, validated and used to demonstrate the diurnal variation of urinary MVA excretion in rats and healthy children. Methods: Urinary MVA was converted to mevalonolactone at pH 2, extracted with ethyl acetate and quantified by reversed-phase liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results: The assay had a dynamic range of 0.0156-10 µg/ml with precision <15% CV, accuracy 85-115% and was transferred between laboratories. Urinary MVA excretion in rats and healthy children displayed a diurnal variation consistent with the known diurnal variation of hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity. Conclusion: Urinary MVA can be quantified accurately over a wide dynamic range by a validated translational and transferable method with biomarker capability