240 research outputs found

    Invariant classification of vacuum PP-waves

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    We solve the equivalence problem for vacuum PP-wave spacetimes by employing the Karlhede algorithm. Our main result is a suite of Cartan invariants that allows for the complete invariant classification of the vacuum pp-waves. In particular, we derive the invariant characterization of the G2 and G3 sub-classes in terms of these invariants. It is known [Collins91] that the invariant classification of vacuum pp-waves requires at most the fourth order covariant derivative of the curvature tensor, but no specific examples requiring the fourth order were known. Using our comprehensive classification, we prove that the q<=4 bound is sharp and explicitly describe all such maximal order solutions

    Said, The World, the Text, and the Critic

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    Results of the Basin and Range Geoscientific Experiment (BARGE): A marine-style seismic reflection survey across the eastern boundary of the central Basin and Range Province

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    Approximately 120 km of marine-style deep seismic reflection data were shot during a survey on the waters of Lake Mead in southeastern Nevada. The survey extends from near the abrupt eastern edge of the Basin and Range Province (BRP) to a point ~80 km into the extended domain. Data quality throughout the survey ranged from fair to poor; the recorded data include significant towing noise and occasionally problematic diffractions and sideswipe from canyon walls. The upper 2–4 s of the data shows well-defined reflections from sedimentary fill, but below that point, reflectivity is weak. Lower crustal reflectivity is generally absent under the eastern part of the survey, with a slight increase in reflectivity to the west. The reflection Moho appears as a series of weakly defined, discontinuous reflections, most of which occur at 10–11 s. A particularly interesting feature of the data set is the relative lack of reflectivity from the lower crust, which is a region of strong reflectivity on other seismic reflection data sets from the BRP

    ASTRO Journals' Data Sharing Policy and Recommended Best Practices.

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    Transparency, openness, and reproducibility are important characteristics in scientific publishing. Although many researchers embrace these characteristics, data sharing has yet to become common practice. Nevertheless, data sharing is becoming an increasingly important topic among societies, publishers, researchers, patient advocates, and funders, especially as it pertains to data from clinical trials. In response, ASTRO developed a data policy and guide to best practices for authors submitting to its journals. ASTRO's data sharing policy is that authors should indicate, in data availability statements, if the data are being shared and if so, how the data may be accessed

    A study of strontium redistribution under controlled conditions of temperature and pressure.

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    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Geology and Geophysics. Thesis. 1965. Ph.D.Ph.D

    Symmetric teleparallel geometries

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    In teleparallel gravity and, in particular, in F(T) teleparallel gravity, there is a challenge in determining an appropriate (co-)frame and its corresponding spin connection to describe the geometry. Very often, the ‘proper’ frame, the frame in which all inertial effects are absent, is not the simplest (e.g, diagonal) (co-)frame. The determination of the frame and its corresponding spin connection for F(T) teleparallel gravity theories when there exist affine symmetries is of much interest. In this paper we present the general form of the coframe and its corresponding spin connection for teleparallel geometries which are invariant under a G6 group of affine symmetries. The proper coframe and the corresponding F(T) field equations are also shown for these teleparallel Robertson–Walker geometries. Further, with the addition of an additional affine symmetry, it is possible to define a teleparallel de Sitter geometry.publishedVersio

    Bianchi type cosmological models in f(T) tele-parallel gravity

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    Symmetry assumptions on the geometrical framework have provided successful mechanisms to develop physically meaningful solutions to many problems. In tele-parallel gravity, invariance of the frame and spin-connection under a group of motions defines an affine symmetry group. Here, we assume there exists a three-dimensional group of affine symmetries acting simply transitively on a spatial hypersurface and that this group of symmetry actions defines our affine frame symmetry group. We determine the general form of the co-frame and spin connection for each spatially homogeneous Bianchi type. We then construct the corresponding field equations for f(T) tele-parallel gravity. We show that if the symmetry group is of Bianchi type A (I, II, VI0, VII0, VIII or IX) then there exists a co-frame/spin connection pair that is consistent with the antisymmetric part of the field equations of f(T) tele-parallel gravity. For those geometries having a Bianchi type B symmetry group (IV, V, VIh, VIIh), we find that in general these geometries are inconsistent with the antisymmetric part of the f(T) tele-parallel gravity field equations unless the theory reduces to an analog of General Relativity with a cosmological constant
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