725 research outputs found

    Dyspepsia in Medical Practice

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    In this paper I propose to discuss the various forms of dysfunction of the stomach dealing particularly with so-called Functional types of Dyspepsia, outlining the method I adopt in arriving at a diagnosis and the treatment I have found most suitable. As a student and later as a resident I rarely came across cases of functional dyspepsia largely because these were not of the type for hospital admission, and in ordinary text-books of Medicine little information was forthcoming. As Alvarez says, "More than half of the persons who go to a physician for advice in regard to chronic indigestion have symptoms which appear to be largely functional in nature. That the field is a neglected one in medical schools should be evident to anyone who has attended seminars, lectures, or clinics." This is an opinion with which I agree

    Entropy and Barrier-Hopping Determine Conformational Viscoelasticity in Single Biomolecules

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    Biological macromolecules have complex and non-trivial energy landscapes, endowing them a unique conformational adaptability and diversity in function. Hence, understanding the processes of elasticity and dissipation at the nanoscale is important to molecular biology and also emerging fields such as nanotechnology. Here we analyse single molecule fluctuations in an atomic force microscope (AFM) experiment using a generic model of biopolymer viscoelasticity that importantly includes sources of local `internal' conformational dissipation. Comparing two biopolymers, dextran and cellulose, polysaccharides with and without the well-known `chair-to-boat' transition, reveals a signature of this simple conformational change as minima in both the elasticity and internal friction around a characteristic force. A calculation of two-state populations dynamics offers a simple explanation in terms of an elasticity driven by the entropy, and friction by barrier-controlled hopping, of populations on a landscape. The microscopic model, allows quantitative mapping of features of the energy landscape, revealing unexpectedly slow dynamics, suggestive of an underlying roughness to the free energy.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, naturemag.bst, modified nature.cls (naturemodified.cls

    An Invariance Principle of G-Brownian Motion for the Law of the Iterated Logarithm under G-expectation

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    The classical law of the iterated logarithm (LIL for short)as fundamental limit theorems in probability theory play an important role in the development of probability theory and its applications. Strassen (1964) extended LIL to large classes of functional random variables, it is well known as the invariance principle for LIL which provide an extremely powerful tool in probability and statistical inference. But recently many phenomena show that the linearity of probability is a limit for applications, for example in finance, statistics. As while a nonlinear expectation--- G-expectation has attracted extensive attentions of mathematicians and economists, more and more people began to study the nature of the G-expectation space. A natural question is: Can the classical invariance principle for LIL be generalized under G-expectation space? This paper gives a positive answer. We present the invariance principle of G-Brownian motion for the law of the iterated logarithm under G-expectation

    The Role of High-Dimensional Diffusive Search, Stabilization, and Frustration in Protein Folding

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    Proteins are polymeric molecules with many degrees of conformational freedom whose internal energetic interactions are typically screened to small distances. Therefore, in the high-dimensional conformation space of a protein, the energy landscape is locally relatively flat, in contrast to low-dimensional representations, where, because of the induced entropic contribution to the full free energy, it appears funnel-like. Proteins explore the conformation space by searching these flat subspaces to find a narrow energetic alley that we call a hypergutter and then explore the next, lower-dimensional, subspace. Such a framework provides an effective representation of the energy landscape and folding kinetics that does justice to the essential characteristic of high-dimensionality of the search-space. It also illuminates the important role of nonnative interactions in defining folding pathways. This principle is here illustrated using a coarse-grained model of a family of three-helix bundle proteins whose conformations, once secondary structure has formed, can be defined by six rotational degrees of freedom. Two folding mechanisms are possible, one of which involves an intermediate. The stabilization of intermediate subspaces (or states in low-dimensional projection) in protein folding can either speed up or slow down the folding rate depending on the amount of native and nonnative contacts made in those subspaces. The folding rate increases due to reduced-dimension pathways arising from the mere presence of intermediate states, but decreases if the contacts in the intermediate are very stable and introduce sizeable topological or energetic frustration that needs to be overcome. Remarkably, the hypergutter framework, although depending on just a few physically meaningful parameters, can reproduce all the types of experimentally observed curvature in chevron plots for realizations of this fold

    Profiling in wildlife crime : recovery of human DNA deposited outside

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    Incidents of bird of prey persecution receive a lot of media coverage in the UK, with investigations rarely recovering sufficient evidence to proceed to prosecution. One of the main challenges is to identify a suspect, as these offences are carried out in remote locations without witnesses, and crime scenes may not be found for days. However, traps, poisoned baits and bird of prey carcasses can be recovered from these crime scenes. This study aimed to determine whether reportable human DNA profiles could be recovered from any of these substrates after periods of time outside. Experiments depositing human touch DNA on duplicate substrates (traps, rabbit baits and corvid carcasses) set for 0, 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10 days outside were carried out, with DNA recovery and profiling following standard operating procedures for Scottish Police Authority Forensic Services. Weather conditions varied among experiments, including some heavy rainfall. Results demonstrated that it was possible to obtain reportable DNA profiles from all substrates after at least 1 day outside. Most promisingly, the traps showed no drop-off in DNA persistence over the experiments as complete DNA profiles were obtained after the full 10 days outside. A further experiment using 4 bird of prey carcasses confirmed that it is possible to obtain reportable human DNA profiles from them after 1 day outside (n = 2 reportable profiles). These results show that touch DNA can persist in an outdoor environment, and provide a tantalising avenue for inquiry in bird of prey persecution investigations

    Phase Separation in Binary Fluid Mixtures with Continuously Ramped Temperature

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    We consider the demixing of a binary fluid mixture, under gravity, which is steadily driven into a two phase region by slowly ramping the temperature. We assume, as a first approximation, that the system remains spatially isothermal, and examine the interplay of two competing nonlinearities. One of these arises because the supersaturation is greatest far from the meniscus, creating inversion of the density which can lead to fluid motion; although isothermal, this is somewhat like the Benard problem (a single-phase fluid heated from below). The other is the intrinsic diffusive instability which results either in nucleation or in spinodal decomposition at large supersaturations. Experimental results on a simple binary mixture show interesting oscillations in heat capacity and optical properties for a wide range of ramp parameters. We argue that these oscillations arise under conditions where both nonlinearities are important

    Shear flow effects on phase separation of entangled polymer blends

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    We introduce an entanglement model mixing rule for stress relaxation in a polymer blend to a modified Cahn-Hilliard equation of motion for concentration fluctuations in the presence of shear flow. Such an approach predicts both shear-induced mixing and demixing, depending on the relative relaxation times and plateau moduli of the two components
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