3,021 research outputs found

    HARM: A Numerical Scheme for General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics

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    We describe a conservative, shock-capturing scheme for evolving the equations of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. The fluxes are calculated using the Harten, Lax, and van Leer scheme. A variant of constrained transport, proposed earlier by T\'oth, is used to maintain a divergence free magnetic field. Only the covariant form of the metric in a coordinate basis is required to specify the geometry. We describe code performance on a full suite of test problems in both special and general relativity. On smooth flows we show that it converges at second order. We conclude by showing some results from the evolution of a magnetized torus near a rotating black hole.Comment: 38 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Ap

    Saturation of Magnetorotational Instability through Magnetic Field Generation

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    The saturation mechanism of Magneto-Rotational Instability (MRI) is examined through analytical quasilinear theory and through nonlinear computation of a single mode in a rotating disk. We find that large-scale magnetic field is generated through the alpha effect (the correlated product of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations) and causes the MRI mode to saturate. If the large-scale plasma flow is allowed to evolve, the mode can also saturate through its flow relaxation. In astrophysical plasmas, for which the flow cannot relax because of gravitational constraints, the mode saturates through field generation only.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures to appear in ApJ, Jun 2009, 10 v69

    Numerical Models of Viscous Accretion Flows Near Black Holes

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    We report on a numerical study of viscous fluid accretion onto a black hole. The flow is axisymmetric and uses a pseudo-Newtonian potential to model relativistic effects near the event horizon. The numerical method is a variant of the ZEUS code. As a test of our numerical scheme, we are able to reproduce results from earlier, similar work by Igumenshchev and Abramowicz and Stone et al. We consider models in which mass is injected onto the grid as well as models in which an initial equilibrium torus is accreted. In each model we measure three ``eigenvalues'' of the flow: the accretion rate of mass, angular momentum, and energy. We find that the eigenvalues are sensitive to r_{in}, the location of the inner radial boundary. Only when the flow is always supersonic on the inner boundary are the eigenvalues insensitive to small changes in r_{in}. We also report on the sensitivity of the results to other numerical parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, to appear in v573 n2 pt1 ApJ July 10, 200


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    Abundance estimates allow wildlife managers to make informed management decisions, but differential detectability of individuals can lead to biased estimates of abundance. Our objective was to quantify detectability for non-territorial and territorial sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) during summer. We hypothesized that territorial sandhill cranes would be detected more often than non-territorial cranes. In 2009, 3 wetland areas were surveyed 2 days per week during the nesting season near Briggsville, Wisconsin. We created capture histories for color-marked territorial (n = 52) and color-marked nonterritorial cranes (n = 23) and used the Huggins closed capture model in program MARK to estimate detection probability and abundance for each group. A priori models were developed that explained daily crane detection over the sampling period using distance from road, territorial status, observation event, and time of season as variables. The best approximating model included the variables territorial status and observation event (AICc weight = 0.92). Probability of detection was higher for territorial (0.11, 95% CI = 0.08-0.14) than for non-territorial ( 0.03, 95% CI = 0.01-0.07) sandhill cranes. In subsequent observation events, detection probability almost doubled to 0.18 (95% CI = 0.17-0.20) for territorial cranes, and almost tripled to 0.11 (95% CI = 0.09-0.14) for non-territorial cranes. Potential reasons for differential detection during subsequent observations include differing degrees of movement by birds and/or an observer effect in which the ability to observe birds or the perception by technicians of birds increased over time

    Design, analysis and test verification of advanced encapsulation systems, phase 2 program results

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    Optical, electrical isolation, thermal structural, structural deflection, and thermal tests are reported. The utility of the optical, series capacitance, and structural deflection models was verified

    Radiation Hardness of Thin Low Gain Avalanche Detectors

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    Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) are based on a n++-p+-p-p++ structure where an appropriate doping of the multiplication layer (p+) leads to high enough electric fields for impact ionization. Gain factors of few tens in charge significantly improve the resolution of timing measurements, particularly for thin detectors, where the timing performance was shown to be limited by Landau fluctuations. The main obstacle for their operation is the decrease of gain with irradiation, attributed to effective acceptor removal in the gain layer. Sets of thin sensors were produced by two different producers on different substrates, with different gain layer doping profiles and thicknesses (45, 50 and 80 um). Their performance in terms of gain/collected charge and leakage current was compared before and after irradiation with neutrons and pions up to the equivalent fluences of 5e15 cm-2. Transient Current Technique and charge collection measurements with LHC speed electronics were employed to characterize the detectors. The thin LGAD sensors were shown to perform much better than sensors of standard thickness (~300 um) and offer larger charge collection with respect to detectors without gain layer for fluences <2e15 cm-2. Larger initial gain prolongs the beneficial performance of LGADs. Pions were found to be more damaging than neutrons at the same equivalent fluence, while no significant difference was found between different producers. At very high fluences and bias voltages the gain appears due to deep acceptors in the bulk, hence also in thin standard detectors

    Black Hole Spin Evolution

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    We consider a subset of the physical processes that determine the spin j = a/M of astrophysical black holes. These include: (1) Initial conditions. Recent models suggest that the collapse of supermassive stars are likely to produce black holes with j ~ 0.7. (2) Major mergers. The outcome of a nearly equal mass black hole-black hole merger is not yet known, but we review the current best guesses and analytic bounds. (3) Minor mergers. We recover the result of Blandford & Hughes that accretion of small companions with isotropically distributed orbital angular momenta results in spindown, with j ~ M^{-7/3}. (4) Accretion. We present new results from fully relativistic magnetohydrodynamic accretion simulations. These show that, at least for one sequence of flow models, spin equilibrium (dj/dt = 0) is reached for j ~ 0.9, far less than the canonical value 0.998 of Thorne that was derived in the absence of MHD effects. This equilibrium value may not apply to all accretion flows, particularly thin disks. Nevertheless, it opens the possibility that black holes that have grown primarily through accretion are not maximally rotating.Comment: 22 pp, 4 figures, accepted to Ap

    Three-dimensional MHD Simulations of Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flows

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    We present three-dimensional MHD simulations of rotating radiatively inefficient accretion flows onto black holes. In the simulations, we continuously inject magnetized matter into the computational domain near the outer boundary, and we run the calculations long enough for the resulting accretion flow to reach a quasi-steady state. We have studied two limiting cases for the geometry of the injected magnetic field: pure toroidal field and pure poloidal field. In the case of toroidal field injection, the accreting matter forms a nearly axisymmetric, geometrically-thick, turbulent accretion disk. The disk resembles in many respects the convection-dominated accretion flows found in previous numerical and analytical investigations of viscous hydrodynamic flows. Models with poloidal field injection evolve through two distinct phases. In an initial transient phase, the flow forms a relatively flattened, quasi-Keplerian disk with a hot corona and a bipolar outflow. However, when the flow later achieves steady state, it changes in character completely. The magnetized accreting gas becomes two-phase, with most of the volume being dominated by a strong dipolar magnetic field from which a thermal low-density wind flows out. Accretion occurs mainly via narrow slowly-rotating radial streams which `diffuse' through the magnetic field with the help of magnetic reconnection events.Comment: 35 pages including 3 built-in plots and 14 separate jpg-plots; version accepted by Ap

    The X-ray emission lines in GRB afterglows: the evidence for the two-component jet model

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    Recently, X-ray emission lines have been observed in X-ray afterglows of several Îł\gamma-ray bursts. It is a major breakthrough for understanding the nature of the progenitors. It is proposed that the X-ray emission lines can be well explained by the Geometry-Dominated models, but in these models the illuminating angle is much larger than that of the collimated jet of the Îł\gamma-ray bursts(GRBs). For GRB 011211, we obtain the illuminating angle is about Ξ∌45∘\theta\sim45^{\circ}, while the angle of GRB jet is only 3.6∘3.6^{\circ}, so we propose that the outflow of the GRBs with emission lines should have two distinct components. The wide component illuminates the reprocessing material, and produces the emission lines, while the narrow one produces the Îł\gamma-ray bursts. The observations show that the energy for producing the emission lines is higher than that of the GRBs. In this case, when the wide component dominates the afterglows, a bump will appear in the GRBs afterglows. For GRB 011211, the emergence time of the bump is less than 0.05 days after the GRB, it is obviously too early for the observation to catch it. With the presence of the X-ray emission lines there should also be a bright emission component between the UV and the soft X-rays. These features can be tested by the SwiftSwift satellite in the near future.Comment: 10 pags, 1 figure, ChJAA in pres
