8,778 research outputs found

    Optical stark effect in the 2-photon spectrum of NO

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    A large optical Stark effect has been observed in the two-photon spectrum X(2)Pi yields A(2)Sigma(+)_ in NO. It is explained as a near-resonant process in which the upper state of the two-photon transition is perturbed by interactions with higher-lying electronic states coupled by the laser field. A theoretical analysis is presented along with coupling parameters determined from ab initio wave functions. The synthetic spectrum reproduces the major experimental features

    The role of cosmic rays and Alfven waves in the structure of the galactic halo

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    The effect that cosmic rays and the Alfven waves they generate have on the structure of the plasma distribution perpendicular to the galactic disk is examined. It is shown that the plasma distribution exhibits two length scales and the predicted values of gas density far from the galactic plane indicate that models involving hydrostatic equilibrium should be replaced by those allowing for a galactic wind

    Magnetosonic solitons in a dusty plasma slab

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    The existence of magnetosonic solitons in dusty plasmas is investigated. The nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic equations for a warm dusty magnetoplasma are thus derived. A solution of the nonlinear equations is presented. It is shown that, due to the presence of dust, static structures are allowed. This is in sharp contrast to the formation of the so called shocklets in usual magnetoplasmas. A comparatively small number of dust particles can thus drastically alter the behavior of the nonlinear structures in magnetized plasmas.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    First-principle density-functional calculation of the Raman spectra of BEDT-TTF

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    We present a first-principles density-functional calculation for the Raman spectra of a neutral BEDT-TTF molecule. Our results are in excellent agreement with experimental results. We show that a planar structure is not a stable state of a neutral BEDT-TTF molecule. We consider three possible conformations and discuss their relation to disorder in these systems.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, submitted to the proceedings of ISCOM 200

    Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in the Metallic Phase of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Superconductors

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    We give a quantitative analysis of the previously published nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments in the k-(ET)2X family of organic charge transfer salts by using the phenomenological spin fluctuation model of Moriya, and Millis, Monien and Pines (M-MMP). For temperatures above T_nmr ~ 50 K, the model gives a good quantitative description of the data in the metallic phases of several k-(ET)2X materials. These materials display antiferromagnetic correlation lengths which increase with decreasing temperature and grow to several lattice constants by T_nmr. It is shown that the fact that the dimensionless Korringa ratio is much larger than unity is inconsistent with a broad class of theoretical models (such as dynamical mean-field theory) which neglects spatial correlations and/or vertex corrections. For materials close to the Mott insulating phase the nuclear spin relaxation rate, the Knight shift and the Korringa ratio all decrease significantly with decreasing temperature below T_nmr. This cannot be described by the M-MMP model and the most natural explanation is that a pseudogap, similar to that observed in the underdoped cuprate superconductors, opens up in the density of states below T_nmr. Such a pseudogap has recently been predicted to occur in the dimerised organic charge transfer salts materials by the resonating valence bond (RVB) theory. We propose specific new experiments on organic superconductors to elucidate these issues. For example, measurements to see if high magnetic fields or high pressures can be used to close the pseudogap would be extremely valuable.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Mott Transition, Compressibility Divergence and P-T Phase Diagram of Layered Organic Superconductors: An Ultrasonic Investigation

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    The phase diagram of the organic superconductor κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2Cl has been investigated by ultrasonic velocity measurements under helium gas pressure. Different phase transitions were identified trough several elastic anomalies characterized from isobaric and isothermal sweeps. Our data reveal two crossover lines that end on the critical point terminating the first-order Mott transition line. When the critical point is approached along these lines, we observe a dramatic softening of the velocity which is consistent with a diverging compressibility of the electronic degrees of freedom.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study of the S=1/2 Anisotropic Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains with Quasiperiodic Exchange Modulation

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    The low energy behavior of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic XY-like XXZ chains with precious mean quasiperiodic exchange modulation is studied by the density matrix renormalization group method. It is found that the energy gap of the chain with length N scales as exp(cNω)\exp (-cN^{\omega}) with nonuniversal exponent ω\omega if the Ising component of the exhange coupling is antiferromagnetic. This behavior is expected to be the characteristic feature of the quantum spin chains with relevant aperiodicity. This is in contrast to the XY chain for which the precious mean exchange modulation is marginal and the gap scales as NzN^{-z}. On the contrary, it is also verified that the energy gap scales as N1N^{-1} if the Ising component of the exhange coupling is ferromagnetic. Our results are not only consistent with the recent bosonization analysis of Vidal, Mouhanna and Giamarchi but also clarify the nature of the strong coupling regime which is inaccesssible by the bosonization approach.Comment: 8 pages, 15 figures, 1 table; Proceedings of the workshop 'Frontiers in Magnetism', Kyoto, Oct. 199