53 research outputs found

    Telmisartan to prevent recurrent stroke - the PRoFESS study: was the baby thrown out with the bathwater?

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    Wormholes in AdS

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    We construct a few Euclidean supergravity solutions with multiple boundaries. We consider examples where the corresponding boundary field theory is well defined on each boundary. We point out that these configurations are puzzling from the AdS/CFT point of view. A proper understanding of the AdS/CFT dictionary for these cases might yield some information about the physics of closed universes.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figures, harvmac. v2: minor typos corrected and references adde

    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: Their potential role in blood pressure prevention and management

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    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from fish and fish oils appear to protect against coronary heart disease: their dietary intake is in fact inversely associated to cardiovascular disease morbidity/mortality in population studies. Recent evidence suggests that at least part of their heart protective effect is mediated by a relatively small but significant decrease in blood pressure level. In fact, omega-3 PUFAs exhibit wide-ranging biological actions that include regulating both vasomotor tone and renal sodium excretion, partly competing with omega-6 PUFAs for common metabolic enzymes and thereby decreasing the production of vasocostrincting rather than vasodilating and anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. PUFAs also reduce angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, angiotensin II formation, TGF-beta expression, enhance eNO generation and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. The final result is improved vasodilation and arterial compliance of both small and large arteries. Preliminary clinical trials involving dyslipidemic patients, diabetics and elderly subjects, as well as normotensive and hypertensive subjects confirm this working hypothesis. Future research will clarify if PUFA supplementation could improve the antihypertensive action of specific blood pressure lowering drug classes and of statins

    de Sitter gauge theories and induced gravities

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    Pure de Sitter, anti de Sitter, and orthogonal gauge theories in four-dimensional Euclidean spacetime are studied. It is shown that, if the theory is asymptotically free and a dynamical mass is generated, then an effective geometry may be induced and a gravity theory emerges. The asymptotic freedom and the running of the mass might account for an In\"on\"u-Wigner contraction which induces a breaking of the gauge group to the Lorentz group, while the mass itself is responsible for the coset sector of the gauge field to be identified with the effective vierbein. Furthermore, the resulting local isometries are Lorentzian for the anti de Sitter group and Euclidean for the de Sitter and orthogonal groups.Comment: Sections added. Text reviewed. References added. 14 pages, no figures. Final version to appear in EPJ

    Holography and Quaternionic Taub-NUT

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    As a concrete application of the holographic correspondence to manifolds which are only asymptotically Anti-de Sitter, we take a closer look at the quaternionic Taub-NUT space. This is a four dimensional, non-compact, inhomogeneous, riemannian manifold with the interesting property of smoothly interpolating between two symmetric spaces, AdS_4 itself and the coset SU(2,1)/U(2). Even more interesting is the fact that the scalar curvature of the induced conformal structure at the boundary (corresponding to a squashed three-sphere) changes sign as we interpolate between these two limiting cases. Using twistor methods, we construct the bulk-to-bulk and bulk-to-boundary propagators for conformally coupled scalars on quaternionic Taub-NUT. This may eventually enable us to calculate correlation functions in the dual strongly coupled CFT on a squashed S^3 using the standard AdS/CFT prescription.Comment: 1+36 pages, no figures. Some minor typos correcte

    Diabetes and hypertension

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    Current guidelines

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    Recent trial results

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