4,011 research outputs found

    Large-area sheet task: Advanced dendritic-web-growth development

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    Thermally generated stresses in the growing web crystal were reduced. These stresses, which if too high cause the ribbon to degenerate, were reduced by a factor of three, resulting in the demonstrated growth of high-quality web crystals to widths of 5.4 cm. This progress was brought about chiefly by the application of thermal models to the development of low-stress growth configurations. A new temperature model was developed which can analyze the thermal effects of much more complex lid and top shield configurations than was possible with the old lumped shield model. Growth experiments which supplied input data such as actual shield temperature and melt levels were used to verify the modeling results. Desirable modifications in the melt level-sensing circuitry were made in the new experimental web growth furnace, and this furnace has been used to carry out growth experiments under steady-state conditions. New growth configurations were tested in long growth runs at Westinghouse AESD which produced wider, lower stress and higher quality web crystals than designs previously used

    Large-area sheet task advanced dendritic web growth development

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    The thermal models used for analyzing dendritic web growth and calculating the thermal stress were reexamined to establish the validity limits imposed by the assumptions of the models. Also, the effects of thermal conduction through the gas phase were evaluated and found to be small. New growth designs, both static and dynamic, were generated using the modeling results. Residual stress effects in dendritic web were examined. In the laboratory, new techniques for the control of temperature distributions in three dimensions were developed. A new maximum undeformed web width of 5.8 cm was achieved. A 58% increase in growth velocity of 150 micrometers thickness was achieved with dynamic hardware. The area throughput goals for transient growth of 30 and 35 sq cm/min were exceeded

    Advanced dendritic web growth development and development of single-crystal silicon dendritic ribbon and high-efficiency solar cell program

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    Efforts to demonstrate that the dendritic web technology is ready for commercial use by the end of 1986 continues. A commercial readiness goal involves improvements to crystal growth furnace throughput to demonstrate an area growth rate of greater than 15 sq cm/min while simultaneously growing 10 meters or more of ribbon under conditions of continuous melt replenishment. Continuous means that the silicon melt is being replenished at the same rate that it is being consumed by ribbon growth so that the melt level remains constant. Efforts continue on computer thermal modeling required to define high speed, low stress, continuous growth configurations; the study of convective effects in the molten silicon and growth furnace cover gas; on furnace component modifications; on web quality assessments; and on experimental growth activities

    Large-area sheet task advanced dendritic web growth development

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    The computer code for calculating web temperature distribution was expanded to provide a graphics output in addition to numerical and punch card output. The new code was used to examine various modifications of the J419 configuration and, on the basis of the results, a new growth geometry was designed. Additionally, several mathematically defined temperature profiles were evaluated for the effects of the free boundary (growth front) on the thermal stress generation. Experimental growth runs were made with modified J419 configurations to complement the modeling work. A modified J435 configuration was evaluated

    Low cost silicon solar array project large area silicon sheet task: Silicon web process development

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    Growth configurations were developed which produced crystals having low residual stress levels. The properties of a 106 mm diameter round crucible were evaluated and it was found that this design had greatly enhanced temperature fluctuations arising from convection in the melt. Thermal modeling efforts were directed to developing finite element models of the 106 mm round crucible and an elongated susceptor/crucible configuration. Also, the thermal model for the heat loss modes from the dendritic web was examined for guidance in reducing the thermal stress in the web. An economic analysis was prepared to evaluate the silicon web process in relation to price goals

    Silicon web process development

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    Thirty-five (35) furnace runs were carried out during this quarter, of which 25 produced a total of 120 web crystals. The two main thermal models for the dendritic growth process were completed and are being used to assist the design of the thermal geometry of the web growth apparatus. The first model, a finite element representation of the susceptor and crucible, was refined to give greater precision and resolution in the critical central region of the melt. The second thermal model, which describes the dissipation of the latent heat to generate thickness-velocity data, was completed. Dendritic web samples were fabricated into solar cells using a standard configuration and a standard process for a N(+) -P-P(+) configuration. The detailed engineering design was completed for a new dendritic web growth facility of greater width capability than previous facilities

    Large area sheet task: Advanced dendritic web growth development

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    The growth of silicon dendritic web for photovoltaic applications was investigated. The application of a thermal model for calculating buckling stresses as a function of temperature profile in the web is discussed. Lid and shield concepts were evaluated to provide the data base for enhancing growth velocity. An experimental web growth machine which embodies in one unit the mechanical and electronic features developed in previous work was developed. In addition, evaluation of a melt level control system was begun, along with preliminary tests of an elongated crucible design. The economic analysis was also updated to incorporate some minor cost changes. The initial applications of the thermal model to a specific configuration gave results consistent with experimental observation in terms of the initiation of buckling vs. width for a given crystal thickness

    The effects of ultrasound on the electro-oxidation of sulfate solutions at low pH

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    The electro‐oxidation of sulfate solutions is a well‐established route for the generation of powerful oxidants such as persulfate. Despite this, the effects of simultaneous ultrasound irradiation during this process has attracted little attention. Herein, we investigate the effects of a low‐intensity ultrasonic field on the generation of solution‐phase oxidants during the electro‐oxidation of sulfate solutions. Our results show that at high current densities and high sulfate concentrations, ultrasound has little effect on the Faradaic and absolute yields of solution‐phase oxidants. However, at lower current densities and sulfate concentrations, the amount of these oxidants in solution appears to decrease under ultrasonic irradiation. A mechanism explaining these results is proposed (and validated), whereby anodically‐generated sulfate and hydroxyl radicals are more effectively transported into bulk solution (where they are quenched) during sonication, whereas in the absence of an ultrasonic field these radicals combine with one another to form more persistent species (such as persulfate) that can be detected by iodometry

    Moir\'e Superstructures in Marginally-Twisted NbSe2_2 Bilayers

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    The creation of moir\'e superlattices in twisted bilayers of two-dimensional crystals has been utilised to engineer quantum material properties in graphene and transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) semiconductors. Here, we examine the structural relaxation and electronic properties in small-angle twisted bilayers of metallic NbSe2_2. Reconstruction appears to be particularly strong for misalignment angles θP\theta_P < 2.9o^o and θAP\theta_{AP} < 1.2o^o for parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP) orientation of monolayers' unit cells, respectively. Multiscale modelling reveals the formation of domains and domain walls with distinct stacking, for which density functional theory (DFT) calculations are used to map the shape of the bilayer Fermi surface and the relative phase of the CDW order in adjacent layers. We find a significant modulation of interlayer coupling across the moir\'e superstructure and the existence of preferred interlayer orientations of the CDW phase, necessitating the nucleation of CDW discommensurations at superlattice domain walls.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure