8 research outputs found

    Discrimination of the notifiable pathogen Gyrodactylus salaris from G-thymalli (Monogenea) using statistical classifiers applied to morphometric data

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    The identification and discrimination of 2 closely related and morphologically similar species of Gyrodactylus, G. salaris and G. thymalli, were assessed using the statistical classification methodologies Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and k-Nearest Neighbours (KNN). These statistical methods were applied to morphometric measurements made on the gyrodactylid attachment hooks. The mean estimated classification percentages of correctly identifying each species were 98±1% (LDA) and 97±9% (KNN) for G. salaris and 99±9% (LDA) and 73±2% (KNN) for G. thymalli. The analysis was expanded to include another 2 closely related species and the new classification efficiencies were 94±6%(LDA) and 98±0% (KNN) for G. salaris; 98±2% (LDA) and 72±6% (KNN) for G. thymalli; 86±7% (LDA) and 91±8% (KNN) for G. derjavini ; and 76±5% (LDA) and 77±7% (KNN) for G. truttae. The higher correct classification scores of G. salaris and G. thymalli by the LDA classifier in the 2-species analysis over the 4-species analysis suggested the development of a 2-stage classifier. The mean estimated correct classification scores were 99±97% (LDA) and 99±99% (KNN) for the G. salaris±G. thymalli pairing and 99±4% (LDA) and 99±92% (KNN) for the G. derjavini±G. truttae pairing. Assessment of the 2-stage classifier using only marginal hook data was very good with classification efficiencies of 100% (LDA) and 99±6%(KNN) for the G. salaris±G. thymalli pairing and 97±2%(LDA) and 9±2%(KNN) for the G. derjavini±G. truttae pairing. Paired species were then discriminated individually in the second stage of the classifier using data from the full set of hooks. These analyses demonstrate that using the methods of LDA and KNN statistical classification, the discrimination of closely related and pathogenic species of Gyrodactylus may be achieved using data derived from light microscope studies

    Partial human Janus kinase 1 deficiency predominantly impairs responses to interferon gamma and intracellular control of mycobacteria.

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    PURPOSE: Janus kinase-1 (JAK1) tyrosine kinase mediates signaling from multiple cytokine receptors, including interferon alpha/beta and gamma (IFN-α/β and IFN-γ), which are important for viral and mycobacterial protection respectively. We previously reported autosomal recessive (AR) hypomorphic JAK1 mutations in a patient with recurrent atypical mycobacterial infections and relatively minor viral infections. This study tests the impact of partial JAK1 deficiency on cellular responses to IFNs and pathogen control. METHODS: We investigated the role of partial JAK1 deficiency using patient cells and cell models generated with lentiviral vectors expressing shRNA. RESULTS: Partial JAK1 deficiency impairs IFN-γ-dependent responses in multiple cell types including THP-1 macrophages, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-transformed B cells and primary dermal fibroblasts. In THP-1 myeloid cells, partial JAK1 deficiency reduced phagosome acidification and apoptosis and resulted in defective control of mycobacterial infection with enhanced intracellular survival. Although both EBV-B cells and primary dermal fibroblasts with partial JAK1 deficiency demonstrate reduced IFN-α responses, control of viral infection was impaired only in patient EBV-B cells and surprisingly intact in patient primary dermal fibroblasts. CONCLUSION: Our data suggests that partial JAK1 deficiency predominantly affects susceptibility to mycobacterial infection through impact on the IFN-γ responsive pathway in myeloid cells. Susceptibility to viral infections as a result of reduced IFN-α responses is variable depending on cell type. Description of additional patients with inherited JAK1 deficiency will further clarify the spectrum of bacterial and viral susceptibility in this condition. Our results have broader relevance for anticipating infectious complications from the increasing use of selective JAK1 inhibitors

    Preconditioning shields against vascular events in surgery (SAVES), a multicentre feasibility trial of preconditioning against adverse events in major vascular surgery: study protocol for a randomised control trial

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    Background: Patients undergoing vascular surgery procedures constitute a 'high-risk' group. Fatal and disabling perioperative complications are common. Complications arise via multiple aetiological pathways. This mechanistic redundancy limits techniques to reduce complications that target individual mechanisms, for example, anti-platelet agents. Remote ischaemic preconditioning (RIPC) induces a protective phenotype in at-risk tissue, conferring protection against ischaemia-reperfusion injury regardless of the trigger. RIPC is induced by repeated periods of upper limb ischaemia-reperfusion produced using a blood pressure cuff. RIPC confers some protection against cardiac and renal injury during major vascular surgery in proof-of-concept trials. Similar trials suggest benefit during cardiac surgery. Several uncertainties remain in advance of a full-scale trial to evaluate clinical efficacy. We propose a feasibility trial to fully evaluate arm-induced RIPC's ability to confer protection in major vascular surgery, assess the incidence of a proposed composite primary efficacy endpoint and evaluate the intervention's acceptability to patients and staff.Methods/Design: Four hundred major vascular surgery patients in five Irish vascular centres will be randomised (stratified for centre and procedure) to undergo RIPC or not immediately before surgery. RIPC will be induced using a blood pressure cuff with four cycles of 5 minutes of ischaemia followed by 5 minutes of reperfusion immediately before the start of operations. There is no sham intervention. Participants will undergo serum troponin measurements preoperatively and 1, 2, and 3 days post-operatively. Participants will undergo 12-lead electrocardiograms pre-operatively and on the second post-operative day. Predefined complications within one year of surgery will be recorded. Patient and staff experiences will be explored using qualitative techniques. The primary outcome measure is the proportion of patients who develop elevated serum troponin levels in the first 3 days post-operatively. Secondary outcome measures include length of hospital and critical care stay, unplanned critical care admissions, death, myocardial infarction, stroke, mesenteric ischaemia and need for renal replacement therapy (within 30 days of surgery).Discussion: RIPC is novel intervention with the potential to significantly improve perioperative outcomes. This trial will provide the first evaluation of RIPC's ability to reduce adverse clinical events following major vascular surgery

    Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency

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    Cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) deficiency is a rare inherited disorder in the methionine catabolic pathway, in which the impaired synthesis of cystathionine leads to accumulation of homocysteine. Patients can present to many different specialists and diagnosis is often delayed. Severely affected patients usually present in childhood with ectopia lentis, learning difficulties and skeletal abnormalities. These patients generally require treatment with a low-methionine diet and/or betaine. In contrast, mildly affected patients are likely to present as adults with thromboembolism and to respond to treatment with pyridoxine. In this article, we present recommendations for the diagnosis and management of CBS deficiency, based on a systematic review of the literature. Unfortunately, the quality of the evidence is poor, as it often is for rare diseases. We strongly recommend measuring the plasma total homocysteine concentrations in any patient whose clinical features suggest the diagnosis. Our recommendations may help to standardise testing for pyridoxine responsiveness. Current evidence suggests that patients are unlikely to develop complications if the plasma total homocysteine concentration is maintained below 120 μmol/L. Nevertheless, we recommend keeping the concentration below 100 μmol/L because levels fluctuate and the complications associated with high levels are so serious

    National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic

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    Changing collective behaviour and supporting non-pharmaceutical interventions is an important component in mitigating virus transmission during a pandemic. In a large international collaboration (Study 1, N = 49,968 across 67 countries), we investigated self-reported factors associated with public health behaviours (e.g., spatial distancing and stricter hygiene) and endorsed public policy interventions (e.g., closing bars and restaurants) during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic (April-May 2020). Respondents who reported identifying more strongly with their nation consistently reported greater engagement in public health behaviours and support for public health policies. Results were similar for representative and non-representative national samples. Study 2 (N = 42 countries) conceptually replicated the central finding using aggregate indices of national identity (obtained using the World Values Survey) and a measure of actual behaviour change during the pandemic (obtained from Google mobility reports). Higher levels of national identification prior to the pandemic predicted lower mobility during the early stage of the pandemic (r = -0.40). We discuss the potential implications of links between national identity, leadership, and public health for managing COVID-19 and future pandemics.</p

    Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency

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    Genomic reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England

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    AbstractThe evolution of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus leads to new variants that warrant timely epidemiological characterization. Here we use the dense genomic surveillance data generated by the COVID-19 Genomics UK Consortium to reconstruct the dynamics of 71 different lineages in each of 315 English local authorities between September 2020 and June 2021. This analysis reveals a series of subepidemics that peaked in early autumn 2020, followed by a jump in transmissibility of the B.1.1.7/Alpha lineage. The Alpha variant grew when other lineages declined during the second national lockdown and regionally tiered restrictions between November and December 2020. A third more stringent national lockdown suppressed the Alpha variant and eliminated nearly all other lineages in early 2021. Yet a series of variants (most of which contained the spike E484K mutation) defied these trends and persisted at moderately increasing proportions. However, by accounting for sustained introductions, we found that the transmissibility of these variants is unlikely to have exceeded the transmissibility of the Alpha variant. Finally, B.1.617.2/Delta was repeatedly introduced in England and grew rapidly in early summer 2021, constituting approximately 98% of sampled SARS-CoV-2 genomes on 26 June 2021.</jats:p