1,138 research outputs found

    Spin States of Homochiral and Heterochiral Isomers of [Fe(PyBox)2]2+ Derivatives

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    The following iron(II) complexes of 2,6-bis(oxazolinyl)pyridine (PyBox; LH) derivatives are reported: [Fe(LH)2][ClO4]2 (1); [Fe((R)-LMe)2][ClO4]2 ((R)-2; LMe=2,6-bis{4-methyloxazolinyl}pyridine); [Fe((R)-LPh)2][ClO4]2 ((R)-3) and [Fe((R)-LPh)((S)-LPh)][ClO4]2 ((RS)-3; LPh=2,6-bis{4-phenyloxazolinyl}pyridine); and [Fe((R)-LiPr)2][ClO4]2 ((R)-4) and [Fe((R)-LiPr)((S)-LiPr)][ClO4]2 ((RS)-4; LiPr=2,6-bis{4-isopropyloxazolinyl}pyridine). Solid (R)-3⋅MeNO2 exhibits an unusual very gradual, but discontinuous thermal spin-crossover with an approximate Tmath formula of 350 K. The discontinuity around 240 K lies well below Tmath formula , and is unconnected to a crystallographic phase change occurring at 170 K. Rather, it can be correlated with a gradual ordering of the ligand conformation as the temperature is raised. The other solid compounds either exhibit spin-crossover above room temperature (1 and (RS)-3), or remain high-spin between 5–300 K [(R)-2, (R)-4 and (RS)-4]. Homochiral (R)-3 and (R)-4 exhibit more twisted ligand conformations and coordination geometries than their heterochiral isomers, which can be attributed to steric clashes between ligand substituents [(R)-3]; or, between the isopropyl substituents of one ligand and the backbone of the other ((R)-4). In solution, (RS)-3 retains its structural integrity but (RS)-4 undergoes significant racemization through ligand redistribution by 1H NMR. (R)-4 and (RS)-4 remain high-spin in solution, whereas the other compounds all undergo spin-crossover equilibria. Importantly, Tmath formula for (R)-3 (244 K) is 34 K lower than for (RS)-3 (278 K) in CD3CN, which is the first demonstration of chiral discrimination between metal ion spin states in a molecular complex

    Optimizing memory function in temporal lobe epilepsy

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    PURPOSE: The study aimed to assess whether engagement in a memory training programme and performing internet brain training exercises improve memory function in people with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). METHODS: Seventy-seven people with TLE, complaining of memory difficulties, completed the study. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 67 years and 40 had left TLE. Participants were randomised to one of four conditions; Group 1: traditional memory training, Group 2: Lumosity, an on-line cognitive training programme, Group 3: traditional memory training and Lumosity, and Group 4: no training. Memory efficiency and mood were assessed at baseline and three months later. RESULTS: Group analyses indicated improved verbal recall after training (p<0.001) and improved subjective ratings (p<0.007). More participants reported a lessening of the memory burden (p<0.007) after training; differences were significant between Groups 1 and 3 compared to Group 4. Lumosity use was not associated with changes in the memory outcome measures but there was a relationship with depression ratings and the number of memory games played (p<0.01). Conventional memory training, IQ, and post-surgical status were associated with positive memory outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The study indicates traditional memory rehabilitation techniques can help reduce the burden of memory impairment in TLE. There was no evidence that Lumosity the on-line cognitive training programme had specific advantages. Positive change was not universal and larger studies will be required to explore factors associated with successful outcomes

    Growth in ataxia telangiectasia

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    BACKGROUND: Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is a DNA repair disorder that affects multiple body systems. Neurological problems and immunodeficiency are two important features of this disease. At this time, two main severity groups are defined in A-T: classic (the more severe form) and mild. Poor growth is a common problem in classic A-T. An objective of this study was to develop growth references for classic A-T. Another objective was to compare growth patterns in classic A-T and mild A-T with each other and with the general population, using the CDC growth references. A final objective was to examine the effects of chronic infection on height. RESULTS: We found that classic A-T patients were smaller overall, and suffered from height and weight faltering that continued throughout childhood and adolescence. When compared to the CDC growth references, the median heights and weights for both male and female patients eventually fell to or below the 3rd centile on the CDC charts. Height faltering was more pronounced in females. Birthweight was lower in the classic A-T group compared to mild A-T and the general population, whereas birth length was not. Finally, we investigated height and BMI faltering in relation to number of infections and found no association. CONCLUSIONS: Classic A-T appears to affect growth in utero. Although children appear to grow well in very early life, faltering begins early, and is unrelenting

    Selenium uptake, translocation and speciation in wheat supplied with selenate or selenite

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    Selenite can be a dominant form of selenium (Se) in aerobic soils; however, unlike selenate, the mechanism of selenite uptake by plants remains unclear. Uptake, translocation and Se speciation in wheat (Triticum aestivum) supplied with selenate or selenite, or both, were investigated in hydroponic experiments. The kinetics of selenite influx was determined in short-term (30 min) experiments. Selenium speciation in the water-extractable fraction of roots and shoots was determined by HPLC-ICPMS. Plants absorbed similar amounts of Se within 1 d when supplied with selenite or selenate. Selenate and selenite uptake were enhanced in sulphur-starved and phosphorus-starved plants, respectively. Phosphate markedly increased K-m of the selenite influx. Selenate and selenite uptake were both metabolically dependent. Selenite was rapidly converted to organic forms in roots, with limited translocation to shoots. Selenomethionine, selenomethionine Se-oxide, Se-methyl-selenocysteine and several other unidentified Se species were detected in the root extracts and xylem sap from selenite-treated plants. Selenate was highly mobile in xylem transport, but little was assimilated to organic forms in 1 d. The presence of selenite decreased selenate uptake and xylem transport. Selenite uptake is an active process likely mediated, at least partly, by phosphate transporters. Selenite and selenate differ greatly in the ease of assimilation and xylem transport

    Cytosine deaminase base editing to restore COL7A1 in dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa human:murine skin model

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    Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is a debilitating blistering skin disorder caused by loss-of-function mutations in COL7A1 encoding type VII collagen (C7), the main component of anchoring fibrils (AFs) at the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ). Although conventional gene therapy approaches through viral vectors have been tested in pre-clinical and clinical trials, they are limited by transgene size constraints and only support unregulated gene expression. Genome editing could potentially overcome some of these limitations, and CRISPR/Cas9 has already been applied in research studies to restore COL7A1 expression. Delivery of suitable repair templates for repair of DNA cleaved by Cas9 is still major challenge, and alternative base editing strategies may offer corrective solutions for certain mutations. We demonstrate highly targeted and efficient cytidine deamination and molecular correction of a defined RDEB mutation (c.425A>G) leading to restoration of full-length C7 protein expression in primary human fibroblasts and iPSCs. C7 basement membrane expression and skin architecture were restored with de novo AFs identified by electron microscopy in base edited human RDEB grafts recovered from immunodeficient mice. The results demonstrate the potential and promise of emerging base editing technologies in tackling inherited disorders with well-defined single nucleotide mutations

    Consumer use of “Dr Google”: a survey on health information-seeking behaviors and navigational needs

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    BACKGROUND: The Internet provides a platform to access health information and support self-management by consumers with chronic health conditions. Despite recognized barriers to accessing Web-based health information, there is a lack of research quantitatively exploring whether consumers report difficulty finding desired health information on the Internet and whether these consumers would like assistance (ie, navigational needs). Understanding navigational needs can provide a basis for interventions guiding consumers to quality Web-based health resources. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to (1) estimate the proportion of consumers with navigational needs among seekers of Web-based health information with chronic health conditions, (2) describe Web-based health information-seeking behaviors, level of patient activation, and level of eHealth literacy among consumers with navigational needs, and (3) explore variables predicting navigational needs. METHODS: A questionnaire was developed based on findings from a qualitative study on Web-based health information-seeking behaviors and navigational needs. This questionnaire also incorporated the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS; a measure of self-perceived eHealth literacy) and PAM-13 (a measure of patient activation). The target population was consumers of Web-based health information with chronic health conditions. We surveyed a sample of 400 Australian adults, with recruitment coordinated by Qualtrics. This sample size was required to estimate the proportion of consumers identified with navigational needs with a precision of 4.9% either side of the true population value, with 95% confidence. A subsample was invited to retake the survey after 2 weeks to assess the test-retest reliability of the eHEALS and PAM-13.RESULTS: Of 514 individuals who met our eligibility criteria, 400 (77.8%) completed the questionnaire and 43 participants completed the retest. Approximately half (51.3%; 95% CI 46.4-56.2) of the population was identified with navigational needs. Participants with navigational needs appeared to look for more types of health information on the Internet and from a greater variety of information sources compared to participants without navigational needs. However, participants with navigational needs were significantly less likely to have high levels of eHealth literacy (adjusted odds ratio=0.83, 95% CI 0.78-0.89, P<.001). Age was also a significant predictor (P=.02). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately half of the population of consumers of Web-based health information with chronic health conditions would benefit from support in finding health information on the Internet. Despite the popularity of the Internet as a source of health information, further work is recommended to maximize its potential as a tool to assist self-management in consumers with chronic health conditions

    A compendium and functional characterization of mammalian genes involved in adaptation to Arctic or Antarctic environments

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    Many mammals are well adapted to surviving in extremely cold environments. These species have likely accumulated genetic changes that help them efficiently cope with low temperatures. It is not known whether the same genes related to cold adaptation in one species would be under selection in another species. The aims of this study therefore were: to create a compendium of mammalian genes related to adaptations to a low temperature environment; to identify genes related to cold tolerance that have been subjected to independent positive selection in several species; to determine promising candidate genes/pathways/organs for further empirical research on cold adaptation in mammals

    Fine sediment reduces vertical migrations of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in response to surface water loss

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    Surface and subsurface sediments in river ecosystems are recognized as refuges that may promote invertebrate survival during disturbances such as floods and streambed drying. Refuge use is spatiotemporally variable, with environmental factors including substrate composition, in particular the proportion of fine sediment (FS), affecting the ability of organisms to move through interstitial spaces. We conducted a laboratory experiment to examine the effects of FS on the movement of Gammarus pulex Linnaeus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) into subsurface sediments in response to surface water loss. We hypothesized that increasing volumes of FS would impede and ultimately prevent individuals from migrating into the sediments. To test this hypothesis, the proportion of FS (1–2 mm diameter) present within an open gravel matrix (4–16 mm diameter) was varied from 10 to 20% by volume in 2.5% increments. Under control conditions (0% FS), 93% of individuals moved into subsurface sediments as the water level was reduced. The proportion of individuals moving into the subsurface decreased to 74% at 10% FS, and at 20% FS no individuals entered the sediments, supporting our hypothesis. These results demonstrate the importance of reducing FS inputs into river ecosystems and restoring FS-clogged riverbeds, to promote refuge use during increasingly common instream disturbances

    Retrospective harm benefit analysis of pre-clinical animal research for six treatment interventions

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    The harm benefit analysis (HBA) is the cornerstone of animal research regulation and is considered to be a key ethical safeguard for animals. The HBA involves weighing the anticipated benefits of animal research against its predicted harms to animals but there are doubts about how objective and accountable this process is.i. To explore the harms to animals involved in pre-clinical animal studies and to assess these against the benefits for humans accruing from these studies; ii. To test the feasibility of conducting this type of retrospective HBA.Data on harms were systematically extracted from a sample of pre-clinical animal studies whose clinical relevance had already been investigated by comparing systematic reviews of the animal studies with systematic reviews of human studies for the same interventions (antifibrinolytics for haemorrhage, bisphosphonates for osteoporosis, corticosteroids for brain injury, Tirilazad for stroke, antenatal corticosteroids for neonatal respiratory distress and thrombolytics for stroke). Clinical relevance was also explored in terms of current clinical practice. Harms were categorised for severity using an expert panel. The quality of the research and its impact were considered. Bateson's Cube was used to conduct the HBA.The most common assessment of animal harms by the expert panel was 'severe'. Reported use of analgesia was rare and some animals (including most neonates) endured significant procedures with no, or only light, anaesthesia reported. Some animals suffered iatrogenic harms. Many were kept alive for long periods post-experimentally but only 1% of studies reported post-operative care. A third of studies reported that some animals died prior to endpoints. All the studies were of poor quality. Having weighed the actual harms to animals against the actual clinical benefits accruing from these studies, and taking into account the quality of the research and its impact, less than 7% of the studies were permissible according to Bateson's Cube: only the moderate bisphosphonate studies appeared to minimise harms to animals whilst being associated with benefit for humans.This is the first time the accountability of the HBA has been systematically explored across a range of pre-clinical animal studies. The regulatory systems in place when these studies were conducted failed to safeguard animals from severe suffering or to ensure that only beneficial, scientifically rigorous research was conducted. Our findings indicate a pressing need to: i. review regulations, particularly those that permit animals to suffer severe harms; ii. reform the processes of prospectively assessing pre-clinical animal studies to make them fit for purpose; and iii. systematically evaluate the benefits of pre-clinical animal research to permit a more realistic assessment of its likely future benefits