246 research outputs found

    Power solutions in the field: Solar power for laptop computers

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    The task of language documentation is increasingly tied to computers, for processing both text and audio. Working in the field can create problems that many of us do not experience in our home countries. Many language communities live in remote locations where mains electricity is non-existent or unreliable. One solution to this problem involves using solar panels to capture electricity, and a car battery to store it. This paper summarises the authors' experiences with powering laptops using solar panels and car batteries during our recent fieldtrips to Nigeria

    Gender and person agreement in Cicipu discourse.

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    The Cicipu language (Kainji, Benue-Congo) of northwest Nigeria has the kind of robust noun class system characteristic of Benue-Congo languages - GENDER agreement is found on a great many agreement targets inside and outside the noun phrase. For a number of these targets, gender agreement is in competition with a separate paradigm, that of PERSON agreement. The dissertation focuses on the distribution of this alternation with respect to subject prefixes, object enclitics, and pronouns, based on a corpus of 12,000 clauses of spoken language. The alternation proves to be complex to describe, involving a constellation of lexical, phonological, morphosyntactic, semantic and discourse-pragmatic factors. In particular, both animacy and topicality are CONDITIONS (Corbett 2006) on agreement. While inanimate or animal participants normally trigger gender agreement, if they are topics then they may trigger person agreement. Likewise while human nouns typically trigger person agreement, this is not always the case, and gender agreement is more likely if the referent is of incidental importance to the discourse. Furthermore it is argued that this alternation is sensitive to discourse topic (e.g. Dooley 2007) rather than sentence topic (e.g. Lambrecht 1994). Both gender and person subject prefixes are ambiguous agreement markers according to the typology of Bresnan and Mchombo (1987) and Siewierska (1999), since both can take part in grammatical or anaphoric agreement. Thus the Cicipu data supports Culy's (2000) contention that topicality is an independent dimension for the classification of agreement markers, rather than derivative of the grammatical vs. anaphoric agreement distinction, and leads us to re-evaluate the common assumption that dependent person markers (Siewierska 2004) cannot vary with respect to their discourse function. Since Cicipu is otherwise undescribed, a major part of the dissertation consists of a phonological and grammatical sketch

    Employment and Disability Policy: the role of the psychologist

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    Persons with minor or major disabilities represent a significant portion of the U.S. working-age population. Based on the 1993 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), approximately 30 million (19%) men and women 18 to 64 years of age report some type of physical or mental limitation. For approximately 55% of these individuals (about 10% of those 18 to 64), the limitations are severe

    Dinámica de golpeo y propiedades cinéticas de guantes de boxeo y de MMA

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    [ES] La creciente popularidad de las Artes Marciales Mixtas (MMA) como deporte competitivo ha suscitado preguntas sobre la respuesta dinámica y propiedades de los guantes de MMA. Los impactos de alta potencia de los puñetazos en MMA son muy similares a los del boxeo, pero en la competición de MMA se utilizan guantes de 4 onzas sin dedos, en contraste con los guantes de boxeo que son totalmente cerrados. Este estudio evaluó las propiedades cinéticas y la dinámica de golpeo del guante de MMA y comparó los resultados con los del guante de boxeo tradicional. Los guantes, montados en un puño moldeado, fueron golpeados repetidamente sobre un yunque instrumentado diseñado para los impactos durante un periodo de 5 horas en el que se realizaron 10.000 golpes continuos y consistentes. Los datos cinéticos de los impactos se muestrearon al principio de la toma de datos y seguidamente cada 30 minutos (cada 1.000 golpes). El guante de MMA produjo un pico de fuerza 4‐5 veces mayor, y un índice de carga 5 veces más rápido que los guantes de boxeo. También, el guante de MMA mostró síntomas de fatiga del material, con incrementos de la fuerza pico del 35% y del índice de carga del 60% a lo largo del test. Las características del guante de boxeo también se deterioraron pero en menor medida. En resumen, las propiedades cinéticas del guante de MMA se diferenciaron sustancialmente de las del guante de boxeo, resultando en impactos caracterizados por fuerzas pico más altas y un desarrollo de fuerza más rápido. Las propiedades del material, incluyendo la rigidez y el grosor, juegan un papel en las características cinéticas del impacto, y se puede deducir que alterarán los mecanismos de lesión producidos por traumatismos contundentes.[EN] With the growing popularity of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) as a competitive sport, questions regarding the dynamic response and properties of MMA gloves arise. High‐energy impacts from punches are very similar to boxing yet MMA competition requires the use of 4 oz fingerless glove, compared to the larger full enclosure boxing glove. This work assessed the kinetic properties and strike dynamics of MMA gloves and compared findings with traditional boxing gloves. Gloves mounted on a molded fist were impacted repetitively on an instrumental anvil designed for impact, over a 5 hour period resulting in 10,000 continuous and consistent strikes. Kinetic data from impacts were sampled at the beginning of the data collection and subsequently every 30 minutes (every 1,000 strikes). MMA gloves produced 4‐5 times greater peak force and 5 times faster load rate compared to the boxing glove. However, MMA gloves also showed signs of material fatigue, with peak force increasing by 35% and rate of loading increasing by 60% over the duration of the test. Boxing glove characteristics did deteriorate but to a lesser extent. In summary, the kinetic properties of MMA glove differed substantially from the boxing glove resulting in impacts characterized by higher peak forces and more rapid development of force. Material properties including stiffness and thickness play a role in the kinetic characteristics upon impact, and can be inferred to alter injury mechanisms of blunt force trauma.[PT] A crescente popularidade das Artes Marciais Mistas (MMA), como desporto competitivo, tem suscitado questões sobre a dinâmica e as propriedades das luvas de MMA. Os impactos de alta potência dos socos em MMA são muito similares aos do boxe, mas na competição de MMA utilizam‐se luvas de 4 onças sem dedos, em contraste com as luvas do boxe que são totalmente fechadas. Este estudo analisou as propriedades cinéticas e a dinâmica dos socos das luvas de MMA e comparou os resultados com as luvas de boxe tradicional. As luvas, calçadas num punho moldado, foram golpeadas repetidamente sobre um aparelho instrumentalizado, desenhado para os impactos dos socos durante o período de 5 horas, em que se realizaram 10.000 socos contínuos e consistentes. Os dados cinéticos dos impactos foram recolhidos no início e seguidamente em cada 30 minutos (cada 1.000 golpes). As luvas de MMA produziram um pico de força 4‐5 vezes maior e um índice de carga 5 vezes mais rápido do que as luvas de boxe. As luvas de MMA mostraram também alguma fatiga do material, com incremento da força pico de 35% e no índice de carga de 60% no decurso do teste. As características das luvas de boxe também se deterioraram, mas em menor medida. Em resumo, as propriedades cinéticas das luvas de boxe de MMA diferenciaram‐se substancialmente das luvas de boxe, resultando impactos caracterizados por forças pico mais altas e o desenvolvimento de força mais rápida. As propriedades do material, incluindo a rigidez e a espessura, têm um papel fundamental nas características cinéticas do impacto. Pode‐se, assim, deduzir que se alteram os mecanismos de lesão produzidos pelos traumatismos contundentes

    Landowner willingness to engage in long-term timber leases in West Virginia, USA

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    As global competition increases for wood-based products, the need for more efficient supply chains becomes increasingly important. In the forest products sector, these supply chains involve individuals and firms ranging from private forestland owners with standing timber to factories producing final finished products. Under the assumption that ‘transparent’ supply chains are beneficial to members within the supply chain, the authors are investigating how this transparency can be increased and what benefits might accrue to private forest owners who are associated with a specific supply chain under a long-term agreement. In recent years, hunting lease agreements between family forest owners and various organized hunt clubs or individuals have become commonplace in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia. Can long-term timber leases become a new opportunity for landowners, forestry professionals, and wood-based industries? This paper describes a survey of private forestland owners in West Virginia that investigated the perceived concerns, benefits and barriers landowners have with regard to entering long-term timber leases with forestry professionals and timber firms

    Activació dels músculs del tronc durant situacions que requereixen l’estabilització del raquis. Estudi de cas únic

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi va ser analitzar la intensitat de la contracció i la coordinació de 14 músculs del tronc i del muscle d’un subjecte durant la recepció i el llançament d’una pilota medicinal (acció pliomètrica), una acció d’embranzida en posició dempeus (pressió de pit horitzontal amb politja) i l’ús del Bodyblade® (barra flexible l'oscil·lació de la qual sotmet el cos a vibracions i desequilibris continus). Igualment, amb l'objecte de facilitar la discussió en relació amb l'estabilització activa del raquis, es va registrar la resposta dels músculs esmentats durant l'aplicació controlada sobre el tronc de càrregues i descàrregues desequilibrants. Els nostres resultats indiquen que l'activació dels músculs del tronc és important, tant per a estabilitzar el raquis davant pertorbacions i desequilibris sobtats, com per a l'execució d'accions on els membres superiors manegen objectes. En aquest sentit, la coactivació dels músculs del tronc va ser necessària per estabilitzar el raquis davant les oscil·lacions del Bodyblade® i davant les forces de reacció produïdes en empènyer una càrrega pesada en posició erecta. De la mateixa manera, la recepció i el llançament immediat de la pilota medicinal és una activitat relativament complexa que requereix l'acció coordinada dels músculs del tronc i de les extremitats

    Direct radiative effect of aerosols emitted by transport from road, shipping and aviation

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    Aerosols and their precursors are emitted abundantly by transport activities. Transportation constitutes one of the fastest growing activities and its growth is predicted to increase significantly in the future. Previous studies have estimated the aerosol direct radiative forcing from one transport sub-sector, but only one study to our knowledge estimated the range of radiative forcing from the main aerosol components (sulphate, black carbon (BC) and organic carbon) for the whole transportation sector. In this study, we compare results from two different chemical transport models and three radiation codes under different hypothesis of mixing: internal and external mixing using emission inventories for the year 2000. The main results from this study consist of a positive direct radiative forcing for aerosols emitted by road traffic of +20±11 mW m−2 for an externally mixed aerosol, and of +32±13 mW m−2 when BC is internally mixed. These direct radiative forcings are much higher than the previously published estimate of +3±11 mW m−2. For transport activities from shipping, the net direct aerosol radiative forcing is negative. This forcing is dominated by the contribution of the sulphate. For both an external and an internal mixture, the radiative forcing from shipping is estimated at −26±4 mW m−2. These estimates are in very good agreement with the range of a previously published one (from −46 to −13 mW m−2) but with a much narrower range. By contrast, the direct aerosol forcing from aviation is estimated to be small, and in the range −0.9 to +0.3 mW m−2

    Limited Impact of the Protein Corona on the Cellular Uptake of PEGylated Zein Micelles by Melanoma Cancer Cells

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    The formation of a protein layer corona on the nanoparticle surface upon entry into a biological environment was shown to strongly influence the interactions with cells, especially affecting the uptake of nanomedicines. In this work, we present the impact of the protein corona on the uptake of PEGylated zein micelles by cancer cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. Zein was successfully conjugated with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) of varying chain lengths (5K and 10K) and assembled into micelles. Our results demonstrate that PEGylation conferred stealth effects to the zein micelles. The presence of human plasma did not impact the uptake levels of the micelles by melanoma cancer cells, regardless of the PEG chain length used. In contrast, it decreased the uptake by macrophages and dendritic cells. These results therefore make PEGylated zein micelles promising as potential drug delivery systems for cancer therapy

    Digital tracking algorithm reveals the influence of structural irregularities on joint movements in the human cervical spine

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2018.04.015 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Background Disc height loss and osteophytes change the local mechanical environment in the spine; while previous research has examined kinematic dysfunction under degenerative change, none has looked at the influence of disc height loss and osteophytes throughout movement. Methods Twenty patients with pain related to the head, neck or shoulders were imaged via videofluoroscopy as they underwent sagittal-plane flexion and extension. A clinician graded disc height loss and osteophytes as “severe/moderate”, “mild”, or “none”. A novel tracking algorithm quantified motions of each vertebra. This information was used to calculate intervertebral angular and shear displacements. The digital algorithm made it practical to track individual vertebrae in multiple patients through hundreds of images without bias. Findings Cases without height loss/osteophytes had a consistent increase in intervertebral angular displacement from C2/C3 to C5/C6, like that of healthy individuals, and mild height losses did not produce aberrations that were systematic or necessarily discernable. However, joints with moderate to severe disc height loss and osteophytes exhibited reduced range of motion compared to adjacent unaffected joints in that patient and corresponding joints in patients without structural irregularities. Interpretation Digitally-obtained motion histories of individual joints allowed anatomical joint changes to be linked with changes in joint movement patterns. Specifically, disc height loss and osteophytes were found to influence cervical spine movement in the sagittal plane, reducing angular motions at affected joints by approximately 10% between those with and without height loss and osteophytes. Further, these joint changes were associated with perturbed intervertebral angular and shear movements.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant