1,166 research outputs found

    The Effect of Natural Dissolved Organic Carbon on the Acute Toxicity of Copper to Larval Freshwater Mussels (\u3cem\u3eGlochidia\u3c/em\u3e)

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    The present study examined the effect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), both added and inherent, on Cu toxicity in glochidia, the larvae of freshwater mussels. Using incremental additions of natural DOC concentrate and reconstituted water, a series of acute copper toxicity tests were conducted. An increase in DOC from 0.7 to 4.4 mg C/L resulted in a fourfold increase (36–150 μg Cu/L) in the 24-h median effective concentration (EC50) and a significant linear relationship (r2=0.98, p=0.0008) between the DOC concentration and the Cu EC50 of Lampsilis siliquoidea glochidia. The ameliorating effect of added DOC on Cu toxicity was confirmed using a second mussel species, the endangered (in Canada) Lampsilis fasciola. The effect of inherent (i.e., not added) DOC on Cu toxicity was also assessed in eight natural waters (DOC 5–15 mg C/L). These experiments revealed a significant relationship between the EC50 and the concentration of inherent DOC (r2=0.79, p=0.0031) with EC50s ranging from 27 to 111 μg Cu/L. These laboratory tests have demonstrated that DOC provides glochidia with significant protection from acute Cu toxicity. The potential risk that Cu poses to mussel populations was assessed by comparing Cu and DOC concentrations from significant mussel habitats in Ontario to the EC50s. Although overall mean Cu concentration in the mussel’s habitat was well below the acutely toxic level given the concentration of DOC, episodic Cu releases in low DOC waters may be a concern for the recovery of endangered freshwater mussels. The results are examined in the context of current Cu water quality regulations including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (U.S. EPA) biotic ligand model

    Clinical Trials and Novel Pathogens: Lessons Learned from SARS

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    During the recent global outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), thousands of patients received treatments of uncertain efficacy and known toxicity such as ribavirin and corticosteroids. Despite this, no controlled clinical trials assessing the efficacy of these agents were conducted. If a second global SARS outbreak occurred, clinicians would not have controlled data on which to base therapeutic decisions. We discuss the unique methodologic and logistical challenges faced by researchers who attempt to conduct controlled trials of therapeutic agents during an outbreak of a novel or unknown infectious pathogen. We draw upon our own experience in attempting to conduct a randomized controlled trial (trial) of ribavirin therapy for SARS and discuss the lessons learned. Strategies to facilitate future clinical trials during outbreaks of unknown or novel pathogens are also presented

    Role of the IL-1 Pathway in Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration and Decreased Voluntary Movement

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    Interleukin-1 (IL-1), a proinflammatory cytokine synthesized and released by activated microglia, can cause dopaminergic neurodegeneration leading to Parkinsons disease (PD). However, it is uncertain whether IL-1 can act directly, or by exacerbating the harmful actions of other brain insults. To ascertain the role of the IL-1 pathway on dopaminergic neurodegeneration and motor skills during aging, we compared mice with impaired [caspase-1 knockout (casp1(-/-))] or overactivated IL-1 activity [IL-1 receptor antagonist knockout (IL-1ra(-/-))] to wild-type (wt) mice at young and middle age. Their motor skills were evaluated by the open-field and rotarod tests, and quantification of their dopamine neurons and activated microglia within the substantia nigra were performed by immunohistochemistry. IL-1ra(-/-) mice showed an age-related decline in motor skills, a reduced number of dopamine neurons, and an increase in activated microglia when compared to wt or casp1(-/-) mice. Casp1(-/-) mice had similar changes in motor skills and dopamine neurons, but fewer activated microglia cells than wt mice. Our results suggest that the overactivated IL-1 pathway occurring in IL-1ra(-/-) mice in the absence of inflammatory interventions (e.g., intracerebral injections performed in animal models of PD) increased activated microglia, decreased the number of dopaminergic neurons, and reduced their motor skills. Decreased IL-1 activity in casp1(-/-) mice did not yield clear protective effects when compared with wt mice. In summary, in the absence of overt brain insults, chronic activation of the IL-1 pathway may promote pathological aspects of PD per se, but its impairment does not appear to yield advantages over wt mice.Funding Agencies|John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University</p

    Chronic Apocynin Treatment Attenuates Beta Amyloid Plaque Size and Microglial Number in hAPP(751)SL Mice

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    Background: NADPH oxidase is implicated in neurotoxic microglial activation and the progressive nature of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Here, we test the ability of two NADPH oxidase inhibitors, apocynin and dextromethorphan (DM), to reduce learning deficits and neuropathology in transgenic mice overexpressing human amyloid precursor protein with the Swedish and London mutations (hAPP(751)SL). Methods: Four month old hAPP(751)SL mice were treated daily with saline, 15 mg/kg DM, 7.5 mg/kg DM, or 10 mg/kg apocynin by gavage for four months. Results: Only hAPP(751)SL mice treated with apocynin showed reduced plaque size and a reduction in the number of cortical microglia, when compared to the saline treated group. Analysis of whole brain homogenates from all treatments tested (saline, DM, and apocynin) demonstrated low levels of TNFa, protein nitration, lipid peroxidation, and NADPH oxidase activation, indicating a low level of neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in hAPP(751)SL mice at 8 months of age that was not significantly affected by any drug treatment. Despite in vitro analyses demonstrating that apocynin and DM ameliorate Ab-induced extracellular superoxide production and neurotoxicity, both DM and apocynin failed to significantly affect learning and memory tasks or synaptic density in hAPP(751)SL mice. To discern how apocynin was affecting plaque levels (plaque load) and microglial number in vivo, in vitro analysis of microglia was performed, revealing no apocynin effects on beta-amyloid (Ab) phagocytosis, microglial proliferation, or microglial survival. Conclusions: Together, this study suggests that while hAPP(751)SL mice show increases in microglial number and plaque load, they fail to exhibit elevated markers of neuroinflammation consistent with AD at 8 months of age, which may be a limitation of this animal model. Despite absence of clear neuroinflammation, apocynin was still able to reduce both plaque size and microglial number, suggesting that apocynin may have additional therapeutic effects independent of anti-inflammatory characteristics

    Artemisinin Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Proinflammatory Responses by Inhibiting NF-κB Pathway in Microglia Cells

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    Microglial activation plays an important role in neuroinflammation, which contributes to neuronal damage, and inhibition of microglial activation may have therapeutic benefits that could alleviate the progression of neurodegeneration. Recent studies have indicated that the antimalarial agent artemisinin has the ability to inhibit NF-κB activation. In this study, the inhibitory effects of artemisinin on the production of proinflammatory mediators were investigated in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated primary microglia. Our results show that artemisinin significantly inhibited LPS-induced production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) and nitric oxide (NO). Artemisinin significantly decreased both the mRNA and the protein levels of these pro-inflammatory cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and increased the protein levels of IκB-α, which forms a cytoplasmic inactive complex with the p65-p50 heterodimeric complex. Artemisinin treatment significantly inhibited basal and LPS-induced migration of BV-2 microglia. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed increased NF-κB binding activity in LPS-stimulated primary microglia, and this increase could be prevented by artemisinin. The inhibitory effects of artemisinin on LPS-stimulated microglia were blocked after IκB-α was silenced with IκB-α siRNA. Our results suggest that artemisinin is able to inhibit neuroinflammation by interfering with NF-κB signaling. The data provide direct evidence of the potential application of artemisinin for the treatment of neuroinflammatory diseases

    Self-Collected Mid-Turbinate Swabs for the Detection of Respiratory Viruses in Adults with Acute Respiratory Illnesses

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    BACKGROUND: The gold standard for respiratory virus testing is a nasopharyngeal (NP) swab, which is collected by a healthcare worker. Midturbinate (MT) swabs are an alternative due to their ease of collection and possible self-collection by patients. The objective of this study was to compare the respiratory virus isolation of flocked MT swabs compared to flocked NP swabs. METHODS: Beginning in October 2008, healthy adults aged 18 to 69 years were recruited into a cohort and followed up for symptoms of influenza. They were asked to have NP and MT swabs taken as soon as possible after the onset of a fever or two or more respiratory symptoms with an acute onset. The swabs were tested for viral respiratory infections using Seeplex® RV12 multiplex PCR detection kit. Seventy six pairs of simultaneous NP and MT swabs were collected from 38 symptomatic subjects. Twenty nine (38%) of these pairs were positive by either NP or MT swabs or both. Sixty nine (91%) of the pair results were concordant. Two samples (3%) for hCV OC43/HKU1 and 1 sample (1%) for rhinovirus A/B were positive by NP but negative by MT. One sample each for hCV 229E/NL63, hCV OC43/HKU1, respiratory syncytial virus A, and influenza B were positive by MT but negative by NP. CONCLUSIONS: Flocked MT swabs are sensitive for the diagnosis of multiple respiratory viruses. Given the ease of MT collection and similar results between the two swabs, it is likely that MT swabs should be the preferred method of respiratory cell collection for outpatient studies. In light of this data, larger studies should be performed to ensure that this still holds true and data should also be collected on the patient preference of collection methods

    Philosophy of Hope

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    The philosophy of hope centers on two interlocking sets of questions. The first concerns the nature of hope. Specific questions here include how to analyze hope, how hope motivates us, and whether there is only one type of hope. The second set concerns the value of hope. Key questions here include whether and when it is good to hope and whether there is a virtue of hope. Philosophers of hope tend to proceed from the first set of questions to the second. This is a natural approach, for one might expect that you must develop a basic understanding of what hope is before you can determine its value. The structure of this chapter thus follows this approach. But readers should not be misled: there is in fact a good deal of feedback between the two sets of questions. A theory of hope is more plausible to the extent that it fits well with plausible ideas about the value of hope. So the movement from hope’s nature to its value is one of emphasis rather than a strict, step-wise process

    Neuroinflammation, Mast Cells, and Glia: Dangerous Liaisons

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    The perspective of neuroinflammation as an epiphenomenon following neuron damage is being replaced by the awareness of glia and their importance in neural functions and disorders. Systemic inflammation generates signals that communicate with the brain and leads to changes in metabolism and behavior, with microglia assuming a pro-inflammatory phenotype. Identification of potential peripheral-to-central cellular links is thus a critical step in designing effective therapeutics. Mast cells may fulfill such a role. These resident immune cells are found close to and within peripheral nerves and in brain parenchyma/meninges, where they exercise a key role in orchestrating the inflammatory process from initiation through chronic activation. Mast cells and glia engage in crosstalk that contributes to accelerate disease progression; such interactions become exaggerated with aging and increased cell sensitivity to stress. Emerging evidence for oligodendrocytes, independent of myelin and support of axonal integrity, points to their having strong immune functions, innate immune receptor expression, and production/response to chemokines and cytokines that modulate immune responses in the central nervous system while engaging in crosstalk with microglia and astrocytes. In this review, we summarize the findings related to our understanding of the biology and cellular signaling mechanisms of neuroinflammation, with emphasis on mast cell-glia interactions

    Estructura agraria y dinámica de pobreza rural en el Perú

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    A partir de un panel provincial para el periodo entre los censos agropecuarios de 1994 y el 2012, este estudio pretende esclarecer el signo de la relación entre estructura agraria y dinámicas de pobreza rural en el Perú. Los resultados descriptivos revelan que las provincias con reducciones importantes en las tasas de pobreza rural son aquellas cuyas unidades agropecuarias tenían, al inicio del periodo, una mayor cantidad de tierra agrícola - en equivalente de riego -, una estructura de propiedad menos fragmentada, una distribución de la tierra más equitativa y una mayor proporción de productores con capacidad de innovación tecnológica. Por otro lado, los resultados econométricos sugieren que un importante determinante de la dinámica de pobreza rural observada es el tamaño de la propiedad, y no la estructura agraria. Asimismo, se muestra que las provincias cuya tasa de emigración es más alta y cuya tasa de inmigración es más baja son las que sufren un mayor aumento de la pobreza rural. Por último, junto con variables que pueden estar determinando un acceso diferenciado a los mercados, persiste un impacto positivo del grado de diversificación de la actividad productiva sobre las posibilidades de generar dinámicas de reducción de la pobreza en áreas rurales

    Minimalistic control of biped walking in rough terrain

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    Toward our comprehensive understanding of legged locomotion in animals and machines, the compass gait model has been intensively studied for a systematic investigation of complex biped locomotion dynamics. While most of the previous studies focused only on the locomotion on flat surfaces, in this article, we tackle with the problem of bipedal locomotion in rough terrains by using a minimalistic control architecture for the compass gait walking model. This controller utilizes an open-loop sinusoidal oscillation of hip motor, which induces basic walking stability without sensory feedback. A set of simulation analyses show that the underlying mechanism lies in the “phase locking” mechanism that compensates phase delays between mechanical dynamics and the open-loop motor oscillation resulting in a relatively large basin of attraction in dynamic bipedal walking. By exploiting this mechanism, we also explain how the basin of attraction can be controlled by manipulating the parameters of oscillator not only on a flat terrain but also in various inclined slopes. Based on the simulation analysis, the proposed controller is implemented in a real-world robotic platform to confirm the plausibility of the approach. In addition, by using these basic principles of self-stability and gait variability, we demonstrate how the proposed controller can be extended with a simple sensory feedback such that the robot is able to control gait patterns autonomously for traversing a rough terrain.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant 0746194)Swiss National Science Foundation (grant PBZH2-114461)Swiss National Science Foundation (grant PP00P2_123387/1