5,148 research outputs found

    SmokeFree Sports Project Report

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    Children and young people are amongst the most vulnerable groups in society and are highly susceptible to smoking experimentation and addiction. In Liverpool, smoking prevalence is significantly higher than the UK average. Therefore early intervention strategies are required for smoking prevention and cessation. Research has found a negative association between smoking and physical activity. SmokeFree Sports aims to explore whether physical activity and sport can be used to promote the smoke free message to children and young people. SmokeFree Sports is an innovative multi-dimensional campaign that incorporates social-marketing strategies alongside the provision of sports and physical activities to: a) de-normalise smoking among youth b) empower youth to stay smoke free, and c) increase awareness of the dangers of smoking using positive messaging through the medium of sport and physical activity. This project is delivered across Liverpool and aims to reduce the prevalence of smoking and prevent the uptake of smoking in children and young people. The initiative, which is managed by Liverpool John Moores University in partnership with Liverpool PCT, employs a variety of strategies to promote and deliver the smoke free message to children and young people including a) training sports coaches and teachers to deliver the smoke free message, b) delivering SFS messages in schools and youth clubs through sport and physical activity, c) asking children to sign a pledge to be smoke free, d) support voluntary sports clubs to adopt a smoke free policy on their playing fields, e) encouraging organizations and individuals interested in health and sport to sign up to the SmokeFree Sports Charter and f) signposting children to smoking cessation services

    Waste Corn as a Source of Inoculum of Aspergillus Flavus, the Cause of Aflatoxin

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    Aspergillus Flavus occurs worldwide in diverse habitats on a variety of plant and animal substrates. In the United States, contamination of susceptible crops particularly maize, peanuts, cottonseed, and tree nuts has become a major health concern because of the development of the carcinogen, aflatoxin. Extensive research into all aspects of the biology of A. flavus over the past twenty years still has left many unanswered but very basic questions about the ecology of this important organism

    Low-Mach-number turbulence in interstellar gas revealed by radio polarization gradients

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    The interstellar medium of the Milky Way is multi-phase, magnetized and turbulent. Turbulence in the interstellar medium produces a global cascade of random gas motions, spanning scales ranging from 100 parsecs to 1000 kilometres. Fundamental parameters of interstellar turbulence such as the sonic Mach number (the speed of sound) have been difficult to determine because observations have lacked the sensitivity and resolution to directly image the small-scale structure associated with turbulent motion. Observations of linear polarization and Faraday rotation in radio emission from the Milky Way have identified unusual polarized structures that often have no counterparts in the total radiation intensity or at other wavelengths, and whose physical significance has been unclear. Here we report that the gradient of the Stokes vector (Q,U), where Q and U are parameters describing the polarization state of radiation, provides an image of magnetized turbulence in diffuse ionized gas, manifested as a complex filamentary web of discontinuities in gas density and magnetic field. Through comparison with simulations, we demonstrate that turbulence in the warm ionized medium has a relatively low sonic Mach number, M_s <~ 2. The development of statistical tools for the analysis of polarization gradients will allow accurate determinations of the Mach number, Reynolds number and magnetic field strength in interstellar turbulence over a wide range of conditions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published in Nature on 13 Oct 201

    Homomeric Q/R edited AMPA receptors conduct when desensitized

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    Desensitization is a canonical property of ligand-gated ion channels, causing progressive current decline in the continued presence of agonist. AMPA-type glutamate receptors, which mediate fast excitatory signaling throughout the brain, exhibit profound desensitization. Recent cryo-EM studies of AMPAR assemblies show their ion channels to be closed in the desensitized state. Here we report the surprising finding that homomeric Q/R edited AMPARs still allow ions to flow when the receptors are desensitized. GluA2(R) expressed alone, or with auxiliary subunits (γ-2, γ-8 or GSG1L), generates large steady-state currents and anomalous current-variance relationships. Using fluctuation analysis, single-channel recording, and kinetic modeling we demonstrate that the steady-state current is mediated predominantly by ‘conducting desensitized’ receptors. When combined with crystallography this unique functional readout of a hith-erto silent state enabled us to examine cross-linked cysteine mutants to probe the conformation of the desensitized ligand binding domain of functioning AMPAR complexes within the plasma membrane

    The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions IV.: NGC3576

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    We present deep, high angular resolution near-infrared images of the obscured Galactic Giant H II region NGC3576. Our images reach objects to ~3M_sun. We collected high signal-to-noise K-band spectra of eight of the brightest objects, some of which are affected by excess emission and some which follow a normal interstellar reddening law. None of them displayed photospheric features typical of massive OB type stars. This indicates that they are still enshrouded in their natal cocoons. The K-band brightest source (NGC3576 #48) shows CO 2.3 micron bandhead emission, and three others have the same CO feature in absorption. Three sources display spatially unresolved H_2 emission, suggesting dense shocked regions close to the stars. We conclude that the remarkable object NGC3576 #48 is an early-B/late-O star surrounded by a thick circumstellar disk. A number of other relatively bright cluster members also display excess emission in the K-band, indicative of reprocessing disks around massive stars (YSOs). Such emission appears common in other Galactic Giant H II regions we have surveyed. The IMF slope of the cluster, Gamma = -1.51, is consistent with Salpeter's distribution and similar to what has been observed in the Magellanic Cloud clusters and in the periphery of our Galaxy.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Resource polyphenism increases species richness: a test of the hypothesis

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    A major goal of evolutionary biology is to identify the causes of diversification and to ascertain why some evolutionary lineages are especially diverse. Evolutionary biologists have long speculated that polyphenism—where a single genome produces alternative phenotypes in response to different environmental stimuli—facilitates speciation, especially when these alternative phenotypes differ in resource or habitat use, i.e. resource polyphenism. Here, we present a series of replicated sister-group comparisons showing that fishes and amphibian clades in which resource polyphenism has evolved are more species rich, and have broader geographical ranges, than closely related clades lacking resource polyphenism. Resource polyphenism may promote diversification by facilitating each of the different stages of the speciation process (isolation, divergence, reproductive isolation) and/or by reducing a lineage's risk of extinction. Generally, resource polyphenism may play a key role in fostering diversity, and species in which resource polyphenism has evolved may be predisposed to diversify

    Magellanic Cloud Periphery Carbon Stars IV: The SMC

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    The kinematics of 150 carbon stars observed at moderate dispersion on the periphery of the Small Magellanic Cloud are compared with the motions of neutral hydrogen and early type stars in the Inter-Cloud region. The distribution of radial velocities implies a configuration of these stars as a sheet inclined at 73+/-4 degrees to the plane of the sky. The near side, to the South, is dominated by a stellar component; to the North, the far side contains fewer carbon stars, and is dominated by the neutral gas. The upper velocity envelope of the stars is closely the same as that of the gas. This configuration is shown to be consistent with the known extension of the SMC along the line of sight, and is attributed to a tidally induced disruption of the SMC that originated in a close encounter with the LMC some 0.3 to 0.4 Gyr ago. The dearth of gas on the near side of the sheet is attributed to ablation processes akin to those inferred by Weiner & Williams (1996) to collisional excitation of the leading edges of Magellanic Stream clouds. Comparison with pre LMC/SMC encounter kinematic data of Hardy, Suntzeff, & Azzopardi (1989) of carbon stars, with data of stars formed after the encounter, of Maurice et al. (1989), and Mathewson et al. (a986, 1988) leaves little doubt that forces other than gravity play a role in the dynamics of the H I.Comment: 30 pages; 7 figures, latex compiled, 1 table; to appear in AJ (June 2000
