8,924 research outputs found

    The correlation of Skylab L-band brightness temperatures with antecedent precipitation

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    The S194 L-band radiometer flown on the Skylab mission measured terrestrial radiation at the microwave wavelength of 21.4 cm. The terrain emissivity at this wavelength is strongly dependent on the soil moisture content, which can be inferred from antecedent precipitation. For the Skylab data acquisition pass from the Oklahoma panhandle to southeastern Texas on 11 June 1973, the S194 brightness temperatures are highly correlated with antecedent precipitation from the preceding eleven day period, but very little correlation was apparent for the preceding five day period. The correlation coefficient between the averaged antecedent precipitation index values and the corresponding S194 brightness temperatures between 230 K and 270 K, the region of apparent response to soil moisture in the data, was -0.97. The equation of the linear least squares line is given

    Development of an early warning system of crop moisture conditions using passive microwave

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    Emissivities were calculated from the Nimbus 5 electrically scanning microwave radiometer (ESMR) over 25 km grid cells for the southern Great Plains includin the western two-thirds of Kansas and Oklahoma and northwest Texas. These emissivities, normalized for seasonal temperature changes, were in excellent agreement with theory and measurements made from aircraft and truck sensors at the 1.55 cm wavelength of ESMR. These emissivities were related to crop moisture conditions of the winter wheat in the major wheat producing counties of the three states. High correlations were noted between emissitivity and an antecedent precipitation index (API) used to infer soil moisture for periods when the soils were essentially bare. The emissivities from ESMR were related through API and actual crop condition reports to progress of fall planting, adequacy of crop moisture for stand establishment, and periods of excessive moisture that necessitated replanting. Periods of prolonged frozen soil in the winter were observable at several grid points. The average emissivities of the canopy/soil surface during the maximum canopy development times in the spring showed a good agreement with moisture stress inferred from rainfall and yield data

    The why and how of liturgical theology : Dissecting a method

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    Liturgical theology is a relatively new sub-discipline of theology. Despite many efforts, clarity is still lacking in both its purpose and methodology. In this study, the liturgical-theological method of luminary Kevin W. Irwin is dissected, diagrammed, and evaluated in direct response to recent calls in the academy for clarity in liturgical-theological method; the study also contributes to the ongoing conversation as to what liturgical theology is, why it matters, and how it is to be undertaken

    Electronic risk assessment for venous thromboembolism: investigating physicians' rationale for bypassing clinical decision support recommendations.

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    Objective: The underutilisation of venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis is still a problem in the UK despite the emergence of national guidelines and incentives to increase the number of patients undergoing VTE risk assessments. Our objective was to examine the reasons doctors gave for not prescribing enoxaparin when recommended by an electronic VTE risk assessment alert. Design: We used a qualitative research design to conduct a thematic analysis of free text entered into an electronic prescribing system. Setting: The study took place in a large University teaching hospital, which has a locally developed electronic prescribing system known as PICS (Prescribing, Information and Communication System). Participants: We extracted prescription data from all inpatient admissions over a 7-month period in 2012 using the audit database of PICS. Intervention: The completion of the VTE risk assessment form introduced into the hospital-wide electronic prescribing and health records system is mandatory. Where doctors do not prescribe VTE prophylaxis when recommended, they are asked to provide a reason for this decision. The free-text field was introduced in May 2012. Primary and Secondary Outcome Measures: Free-text reasons for not prescribing enoxaparin when recommended were thematically coded. Results: A total of 1136 free-text responses from 259 doctors were collected in the time period and 1206 separate reasons were analysed and coded. 389 reasons (32.3%) for not prescribing enoxaparin were coded as being due to 'clinical judgment'; in 288 (23.9%) of the responses, doctors were going to reassess the patient or prescribe enoxaparin; and in 245 responses (20.3%), the system was seen to have produced an inappropriate alert. Conclusions: In order to increase specificity of warnings and avoid users developing alert fatigue, it is essential that an evaluation of user responses and/or end user feedback as to the appropriateness and timing of alerts is obtained

    A concept for reducing oceanic separation minima through the use of a TCAS-derived CDTI

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    A concept for using a cockpit display of traffic information (CDTI), as derived from a modified version of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System 2 (TCAS 2), to support reductions in air traffic separation minima for an oceanic track system is presented. The concept, and the TCAS modifications required to support it, are described. The feasibility of the concept is examined from a number of standpoints, including expected benefits, maximum alert rates, and possible transition strategies. Various implementation issues are analyzed. Pilot procedures are suggested for dealing with alert situations. Possible variations of the concept are also examined. Finally, recommendations are presented for other studies and simulation experiments which can be used to further verify the feasibility of the concept

    The Civil Investigative Demand: A Constitutional Analysis and Model Proposal

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    This Note first traces the initial judicial reaction to administrative demands for information and administrative investigations and delineates the constitutional requirement set forth therein. The Note next examines the development of CIDs and analyzes decisions upholding their constitutionality. This Note contends that most courts either have incorrectly applied current administrative standards to the CID or have failed to apply such standards altogether. The analysis is broken down into six parts,each dealing with a separate constitutional basis for a CID challenge. Because most suits that contest CIDs are based on fourth amendment search and seizure issues, the bulk of this Note is dedicated to a discussion of this area. CIDs, however, do have utility as investigative devices when proper safeguards are afforded the demandee. Therefore, this Note concludes by presenting a proposed model civil investigative demand statute designed to meet the constitutional objections outlined herein

    Letter from J. Horace McFarland to W[illia]m E. Colby, 1908 May 4.

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    POSTALTELEGRAPH COMMERCIAL CABLESCLARENCE H. MAC KAY, PresidentTELEGRAMREGISTERED TRADE-MARK, DESIGN PATENT NO.36369. The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company (Incorporated) transmits and delivers this message subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back of this blank.149NY.S, 14. 5-20p Received at(wHERE ANY REPLY SHOULD BE SENT.)Harrisburg ,pa . tllty .4 .08 MillS Blg., Sanfran.Have John Muir write me strong brief hetchy letter for presidential conference next week.J.Horace Mcfarland.0624

    Alien Registration- Mcfarland, Fred J. (Oakfield, Aroostook County)

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    How Clean is the Clean Room?

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    In order to limit contamination and protect the integrity of search-for-life missions, spacecraft assembly clean rooms should be free of microorganisms to the extent that planetary protection guidelines require of the mission. This study monitored the bioburden of the clean room in which the Mars-destined InSight lander was being assembled. Samples of ten locations inside the clean room and one location outside were taken at monthly intervals, starting in March 2014 and scheduled to end in September 2014. Bioburden was determined using qPCR and ATP analyses with qPCR targating 16S rRNA gene copy number and ATP targating metabolic activity of microbes. Samples were treated with propidium monoazide (PMA) to selectively distinguish between viable and non-viable cells prior to DNA extraction and qPCR. Analyses of total ATP, internal ATP, and ATP as measured by a handheld device were done. Results from the first three samplings shows that the amount of both untreated and PMA treated DNA decreased significantly between the first sampling (3/21/2014) and the second sampling (5/13/2014), possibly as a result of increased assembly activity and rigorous cleaning practices. Results of the ATP analyses showed no significant changes in total ATP, but internal and handheld ATP decreased between the second and third samplings. The preliminary results indicate that the bioburden of the clean room changes inversely as a result of assembly activity and cleaning efforts. The clean room will continue to be monitored through an additional three months
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