Letter from J. Horace McFarland to W[illia]m E. Colby, 1908 May 4.


POSTALTELEGRAPH COMMERCIAL CABLESCLARENCE H. MAC KAY, PresidentTELEGRAMREGISTERED TRADE-MARK, DESIGN PATENT NO.36369. The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company (Incorporated) transmits and delivers this message subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back of this blank.149NY.S, 14. 5-20p Received at(wHERE ANY REPLY SHOULD BE SENT.)Harrisburg ,pa . tllty .4 .08 MillS Blg., Sanfran.Have John Muir write me strong brief hetchy letter for presidential conference next week.J.Horace Mcfarland.0624

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