55 research outputs found

    Merging of the Islands of Information Services

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    Panel 10 Strategic Directions for IT Outsourcing: Past, Present and Future

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    When Kodak outsourced major components of its IT function in 1989, the information systems world viewed it as a watershed event. This event subsequently resulted, however, in a robust and thriving outsourcing services industry. Today, the US market exceeds $10B annually and is growing at an annual rate of 16% per year while the smaller European outsourcing market is growing even faster at an annual rate of more than 20%. Outsourcing arrangements that were once considered large are being dwarfedbyrecentdealssuchasthosesignedbyXerox,HughesAircraftandJPMorgan. Asthemarketmatures,itisapparent that numerous companies are routinely outsourcing large components of their information systems activities. Increasingly, the conventional rationale for outsourcing — vendor economies of scale and specialization — is becoming less convincing as client companies that should be able to accrue the same benefits as a vendor given their size are also engaging in outsourcing deals. Indeed,acloserexaminationrevealsthatmanyrecentoutsourcingarrangementsarestrikinglyinnovative. Thesedealsdisplay astunningdiversityintheirobjectivesandintheirstructure,varyinginscope,size,durationandcontract. Accordingly,while there has been a spate of new deals, there is a dichotomy of deals: many continue to follow the traditional model and a few companies are blazing new trails

    Л. Д. Ландау – організатор фізичної науки та освіти в Україні (до 100-річчя від дня народження)

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    Стаття присвячена 100-річному ювілею Льва Давидовича Ландау – фізика-теоретика колосального творчого потенціалу та надзвичайно широкого світогляду, який увійшов в історію науки як видатний вчений та талановитий вихователь кадрів теоретиків. Висвітлено науковий доробок вченого та оригінальну систему ефективної підготовки фізиків у теоретичній школі Л. Д. Ландау.Article is devoted to 100-year-old anniversary of Lev Landau – the physicist-theorist of enormous creative potential and extraordinary wide outlook who has become in the history of a science as the outstanding scientific and talented tutor of theorists. Scientific results of the scientist and original system of effective training of physicists at L. Landau's theoretical school are shown

    Systems Analysis Techniques for Business People: How Should These Techniques Differ from Techniques for IS Professionals

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    Much of the systems analysis and design literature and much of current practice seems to assume that the work will be organized and carried out by professional IS analysts. In the age of decentralization, flat organizations, and outsourcing, business professionals must take on more systems analysis responsibilities, either directly or through their subordinates and contractors

    Are Urban Parents Familiar With Ways to be Involved in a Child\u27s Education?

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    The purpose of the research was to ascertain if parents of students who attend school in an urban setting could identify ways to be involved in a child\u27s education at home and at school. The research was conducted over an eight week period. The subjects of the research were adults from various parts of the country. However, it should be noted that out of the twenty urban parents that took part in the research, the vast majority of them resided in the Rochester, New York area. The research was collected through interviewing the participants. The interviews were conducted over the phone or in person, depending upon the wishes of the participant. The results of the research collected show that most urban parents know how to be involved in a child\u27s education at home and at school. However, it is important to point out that although most parents were only able to identify one to three ways to be involved in a child\u27s education at home or at school. One of the suggestions for implications for future research include establishing a sound criterion that would gauge not only the quantity of answers given by parents, but also the quality of answers. Another suggestion would be to obtain a more random sample of urban parents, perhaps one that doesn\u27t have a large percentage of its parents in a centralized location in and around the city of Rochester

    The Informtion Systems Handbook

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    Ledakan Informasi & Manajemen

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