82 research outputs found

    Effects of moisture in infrared thermography of resin matrix composites

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    Several multiply graphite polyimide composite specimens were examined by real-time infrared thermography in order to study the effects of moisture on their thermograms. Heat was injected from one side and IR emission detected on the opposite side using AGA Thermovision System-680. No differences between the thermograms of dry and water containing specimens were detected for defect-free specimens. However, the presence of trapped water in defective specimens modified the thermographic contrast significantly. It is concluded that: (1) IR thermography can be used to detect moisture in defective composites, and (2) because of the possibility of moisture camouflaging defects, IR thermography for subsurface defect detection should be supplemented by other techniques - such as acoustical imaging and X-radiography

    The nature of the progenitor of the Type II-P supernova 1999em

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    We present high quality ground-based VRI images of the site of the Type II-P SN1999em (in NGC1637) taken before explosion, which were extracted from the CFHT archive. We determine a precise position of the SN on these images to an accuracy of 0.17''. The host galaxy is close enough (7.5 +/- 0.5 Mpc) that the bright supergiants are resolved as individual objects, however we show that there is no detection of an object at the SN position before explosion that could be interpreted as the progenitor star. By determining the sensitivity limits of the VRI data, we derive bolometric luminosity limits for the progenitor. Comparing these to standard stellar evolutionary tracks which trace evolution up to the point of core carbon ignition, we initially derive an upper mass limit of approximately 12M_sol. However we present evolutionary calculations that follow 7-12M_sol stars throughout their C-burning lifetime and show that we can restrict the mass of the progenitor even further. Our calculations indicate that progenitors initially of 8-10M_sol, undergoing expected mass loss, can also be excluded because a second dredge up sends them to somewhat higher luminosities than a star of initially 12M_sol. These results limit the progenitor's initial main-sequence mass to a very narrow range of 12 +/- 1 M_sol. We discuss the similarities between the Type II-P SNe 1999em and 1999gi and their progenitor mass limits, and suggest that SN Type II-P originate only in intermediate mass stars of 8-12M_sol, which are in the red supergiant region and that higher mass stars produce the other Type II sub-types. (Abridged).Comment: Replaced with accepted version to appear in ApJ, 30 pages, inc. 6 figure

    Terminal velocities of luminous, early-type SMC stars

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    Ultraviolet spectra from the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) are used to determine terminal velocities for 11 O and B-type giants and supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) from the Si IV and C IV resonance lines. Using archival data from observations with the Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph and the International Ultraviolet Explorer telescope, terminal velocities are obtained for a further five B-type supergiants. We discuss the metallicity dependence of stellar terminal velocities, finding no evidence for a significant scaling between Galactic and SMC metallicities for Teff < 30,000 K, consistent with the predictions of radiation driven wind theory for supergiant stars. A comparison of the v∞/vescv_\infty / v_{esc} ratio between the SMC and Galactic samples, while consistent with the above statement, emphasizes that the uncertainties in the distances to galactic O-stars are a serious obstacle to a detailed comparison with theory. For the SMC sample there is considerable scatter in this ratio at a given effective temperature, perhaps indicative of uncertainties in stellar masses.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, accepted by ApJ; minor revisions prior to acceptanc

    A Spectroscopic Study of Mass Outflows in the Interacting Binary RY Scuti

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    The massive interacting binary RY Scuti is an important representative of an active mass-transferring system that is changing before our eyes and which may be an example of the formation of a Wolf-Rayet star through tidal stripping. Utilizing new and previously published spectra, we present examples of how a number of illustrative absorption and emission features vary during the binary orbit. We identify spectral features associated with each component, calculate a new, double-lined spectroscopic binary orbit, and find masses of 7.1 +/- 1.2 M_sun for the bright supergiant and 30.0 +/- 2.1 M_sun for the hidden massive companion. Through tomographic reconstruction of the component spectra from the composite spectra, we confirm the O9.7 Ibpe spectral class of the bright supergiant and discover a B0.5 I spectrum associated with the hidden massive companion; however, we suggest that the latter is actually the spectrum of the photosphere of the accretion torus immediately surrounding the massive companion. We describe the complex nature of the mass loss flows from the system in the context of recent hydrodynamical models for beta Lyr, leading us to conclude RY Scuti has matter leaving the system in two ways: 1) a bipolar outflow from winds generated by the hidden massive companion, and 2) mass from the bright O9.7 Ibpe supergiant flowing from the region near the L2 point to fill out a large, dense circumbinary disk. This circumbinary disk (radius ~ 1 AU) may feed the surrounding double-toroidal nebula (radius ~ 2000 AU).Comment: 41 pages with 7 tables and 11 figures, accepted to Ap

    Genetics, recombination and clinical features of human rhinovirus species C (HRV-C) infections; interactions of HRV-C with other respiratory viruses

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    To estimate the frequency, molecular epidemiological and clinical associations of infection with the newly described species C variants of human rhinoviruses (HRV), 3243 diagnostic respiratory samples referred for diagnostic testing in Edinburgh were screened using a VP4-encoding region-based selective polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for HRV-C along with parallel PCR testing for 13 other respiratory viruses. HRV-C was the third most frequently detected behind respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and adenovirus, with 141 infection episodes detected among 1885 subjects over 13 months (7.5%). Infections predominantly targeted the very young (median age 6–12 months; 80% of infections in those &#60;2 years), occurred throughout the year but with peak incidence in early winter months. HRV-C was detected significantly more frequently among subjects with lower (LRT) and upper respiratory tract (URT) disease than controls without respiratory symptoms; HRV-C mono-infections were the second most frequently detected virus (behind RSV) in both disease presentations (6.9% and 7.8% of all cases respectively). HRV variants were classified by VP4/VP2 sequencing into 39 genotypically defined types, increasing the current total worldwide to 60. Through sequence comparisons of the 5β€²untranslated region (5β€²UTR), the majority grouped with species A (n = 96; 68%, described as HRV-Ca), the remainder forming a phylogenetically distinct 5β€²UTR group (HRV-Cc). Multiple and bidirectional recombination events between HRV-Ca and HRV-Cc variants and with HRV species A represents the most parsimonious explanation for their interspersed phylogeny relationships in the VP4/VP2-encoding region. No difference in age distribution, seasonality or disease associations was identified between HRV-Ca and HRV-Cc variants. HRV-C-infected subjects showed markedly reduced detection frequencies of RSV and other respiratory viruses, providing evidence for a major interfering effect of HRV-C on susceptibility to other respiratory virus infections. HRV-C's disease associations, its prevalence and evidence for interfering effects on other respiratory viruses mandates incorporation of rhinoviruses into future diagnostic virology screening

    The B-Supergiant Components of the Double-Lined Binary HD1383

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    We present new results from a study of high quality, red spectra of the massive binary star system HD 1383 (B0.5 Ib + B0.5 Ib). We determined radial velocities and revised orbital elements (P = 20.28184 +/- 0.0002 d) and made Doppler tomographic reconstructions of the component spectra. A comparison of these with model spectra from non-LTE, line blanketed atmospheres indicates that both stars have almost identical masses (M_2/M_1 = 1.020 +/- 0.014), temperatures (T_eff = 28000 +/- 1000 K), gravities (log g = 3.25 +/- 0.25), and projected rotational velocities (V sin i < 30 km/s). We investigate a number of constraints on the radii and masses of the stars based upon the absence of eclipses, surface gravity, stellar wind terminal velocity, and probable location in the Perseus spiral arm of the Galaxy, and these indicate a range in probable radius and mass of R/R_sun = 14 - 20 and M/M_sun = 16 - 35, respectively. These values are consistent with model evolutionary masses for single stars of this temperature and gravity. Both stars are much smaller than their respective Roche radii, so the system is probably in a pre-contact stage of evolution. A fit of the system's spectral energy distribution yields a reddening of E(B-V)=0.55 +/- 0.05 and a ratio of total-to-selective extinction of R=2.97 +/- 0.15. We find no evidence of H-alpha emission from colliding stellar winds, which is probably the consequence of the low gas densities in the colliding winds zone.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Co-circulation of Four Human Coronaviruses (HCoVs) in Queensland Children with Acute Respiratory Tract Illnesses in 2004

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    Acute respiratory illnesses (ARIs) with unconfirmed infectious aetiologies peak at different times of the year. Molecular diagnostic assays reduce the number of unconfirmed ARIs compared to serology- or culture-based techniques. Screening of 888 inpatient and outpatient respiratory specimens spanning late autumn through to early spring, 2004, identified the presence of a human coronavirus (HCoV) on 74 occasions (8.3% of all specimens and 26.3% of all respiratory virus detections). Prevalence peaked in August (late winter in the southern hemisphere) when they were detected in 21.9% of specimens tested. HCoV-HKU1 and HCoV-OC43 comprised 82.4% of all HCoVs detected. Positive specimens were used to develop novel reverse transcriptase real-time PCRs (RT-rtPCRs) for HCoV detection. An objective clinical severity score was assigned to each positive HCoV patient. Severity scores were similar to those from a random selection of young children who were positive for respiratory syncytial virus at a different time but from the same specimen population. During the cooler months of 2004, sensitive and specific RT-rtPCRs identified the concurrent circulation of all four HCoVs, a quarter of which co-occurred with another virus and most of which were from children under the age of two years

    Distinguishing Molecular Features and Clinical Characteristics of a Putative New Rhinovirus Species, Human Rhinovirus C (HRV C)

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    Background: Human rhinoviruses (HRVs) are the most frequently detected pathogens in acute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) and yet little is known about the prevalence, recurrence, structure and clinical impact of individual members. During 2007, the complete coding sequences of six previously unknown and highly divergent HRV strains were reported. To catalogue the molecular and clinical features distinguishing the divergent HRV strains, we undertook, for the first time, in silico analyses of all available polyprotein sequences and performed retrospective reviews of the medical records of cases in which variants of the prototype strain, HRV-QPM, had been detected

    The iron abundance of the Magellanic Bridge

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    High-resolution HST ultra-violet spectra for five B-type stars in the Magellanic Bridge and in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds have been analysed to estimate their iron abundances. Those for the Clouds are lower than estimates obtained from late-type stars or the optical lines in B-type stars by approximately 0.5 dex. This may be due to systematic errors possibly arising from non-LTE effects or from errors in the atomic data as similar low Fe abundances having previously been reported from the analysis of the ultra-violet spectra of Galactic early-type stars. The iron abundance estimates for all three Bridge targets appear to be significantly lower than those found for the SMC and LMC by approximately -0.5 dex and -0.8 dex respectively and these differential results should not be affected by any systematic errors present in the absolute abundance estimates. These differential iron abundance estimates are consistent with the underabundances for C, N, O, Mg and Si of approximately -1.1 dex relative to our Galaxy previously found in our Bridge targets. The implications of these very low metal abundances for the Magellanic Bridge are discussed in terms of metal deficient material being stripped from the SMC.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
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