566 research outputs found

    A review of mammographic positioning image quality criteria for the craniocaudal projection

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    Detection of breast cancer is reliant on optimal breast positioning and the production of quality images. Two projections, the mediolateral (MLO) and craniocaudal (CC), are routinely performed. Determination of successful positioning and inclusion of all breast tissue is achieved through meeting stated image quality criteria. For the CC view, current image quality criteria are inconsistent. Absence of reliable anatomical markers, other than the nipple, further contribute to difficulties in assessing the quality of CC views. The aim of this paper was to explore published international quality standards to identify and find the origin of any CC positioning criteria which might provide for quantitative assessment. The pectoralis major (pectoral) muscle was identified as a key posterior anatomical structure to establish optimum breast tissue inclusion on mammographic projections. It forms the first two of the three main CC metrics that are frequently reported 1. visualisation of the pectoral muscle, 2. measurement of the posterior nipple line (PNL) and 3. depiction of retroglandular fat. This literature review explores the origin of the three metrics, and discusses three key publications, spanning 1992 to 1994, on which subsequent image quality standards have been based. The evidence base to support published CC metrics is sometimes not specified and more often the same set of publications are cited, most often without critical evaluation. To conclude, there remains uncertainty if the metrics explored for the CC view support objective evaluation and reproducibility to confirm optimal breast positioning and quality images

    Mapping the stability of spatial production in integrated crop and pasture systems: Towards zonal management that accounts for both yield and livestock-landscape interactions

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    Precision farming technologies are now widely applied within Australian cropping systems. However, the use of spatial monitoring technologies to investigate livestock and pasture interactions in mixed farming systems remains largely unexplored. Spatio-temporal patterns of grain yield and pasture biomass production were monitored over a four-year period on two Australian mixed farms, one in the south-west of Western Australia and the other in south-east Australia. A production stability index was calculated for two paddocks on each farm. An example is given here for one paddock from Western Australia. The stability index described here is unique in that it combines spatial and temporal variation across both cropping and pasture phases. Co-efficient of variation in yield was used as the threshold value for determining stability. Production in each stability zone was analysed statistically for consistency and correlation between the cropping and pasture phases. Results indicate that the stability index can be used in mixed farming systems to assist in management decisions and for the paddock described, spatial and temporal variation in production between crop and pasture phases was strongly correlated

    The role of metaphor in shaping the identity and agenda of the United Nations: the imagining of an international community and international threat

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    This article examines the representation of the United Nations in speeches delivered by its Secretary General. It focuses on the role of metaphor in constructing a common ‘imagining’ of international diplomacy and legitimising an international organisational identity. The SG legitimises the organisation, in part, through the delegitimisation of agents/actions/events constructed as threatening to the international community and to the well-being of mankind. It is a desire to combat the forces of menace or evil which are argued to motivate and determine the organisational agenda. This is predicated upon an international ideology of humanity in which difference is silenced and ‘working towards the common good’ is emphasised. This is exploited to rouse emotions and legitimise institutional power. Polarisation and antithesis are achieved through the employment of metaphors designed to enhance positive and negative evaluations. The article further points to the constitutive, persuasive and edifying power of topic and situationally-motivated metaphors in speech-making

    Effective lifetime radiation risk for a number of national mammography screening programmes

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    Background and purpose: The performance of mammography screening programmes is focussed mainly on breast cancer detection rates. However, when the benefits and risks of mammography are considered, the risk of radiation-induced cancer is calculated for only the examined breast using Mean Glandular Dose (MGD). The risk from radiation during mammography is often described as low or minimal. This study aims to evaluate the effective lifetime risk from full field digital mammography (FFDM) for a number of national screening programmes. Material and Methods: Using an ATOM phantom, radiation doses to multiple organs were measured during standard screening mammography. Sixteen FFDM machines were used and the effective lifetime risk was calculated across the female lifespan for each machine. Once the risks were calculated using the phantom, the total effective lifetime risk across 48 national screening programmes was then calculated; this assumed that all these programmes use FFDM for screening. Results: Large differences exist in effective lifetime risk, varying from 42.21 [39.12 - 45.30] cases/106 (mean [95% CI]) in the Maltese screening programme to 1099.67 [1019.25 - 1180.09] cases/106 for high breast cancer risk women in the United States of America. These differences are mainly attributed to the commencement age of screening mammography and the time interval between successive screens. Conclusions: Effective risk should be considered as an additional parameter for the assessment of screening mammography programme performance, especially for those programmes which recommend an early onset and more frequent screening mammography

    Undergraduate Urban Metagenomics Research Module†

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    The undergraduate urban metagenomics research module is an adaptable and tractable project that can be incorporated into exisiting microbiology, ecology, bioinformatics, introductory biology or other courses.  The module takes advantage of recent advances in metagenomics and next generation sequencing, giving students an opportunity to apply these current technologies to novel questions regarding microbial community diversity and dynamics

    A method for calculating effective lifetime risk of radiation-induced cancer from screening mammography

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    Purpose: To propose a method for evaluating the effective lifetime risk of radiation-induced cancer from screening mammography and to present initial data for the UK National Breast Screening Programme. Material and methods: The imaging was undertaken using a Hologic Selenia full field digital mammographic unit. The proposed method utilises an ATOM phantom containing thermoluminescent dosimeters and a perspex-polyethylene breast phantom to measure organ doses during a standard four view screening mammogram. Effective dose was calculated and effective risk was modelled for a range of client ages. The total lifetime effective risk was then calculated for the UK national screening programme. Calculation of effective risk includes the radiation dose to examined and contralateral breasts in addition to other body organs; this is an advantage over the mean glandular dose. Results: The contralateral breast, thyroid, thymus, brain, lung, salivary glands, and bone marrow all receive more than 1 mGy radiation dose during screening mammography. A major difference exists for total effective lifetime risk of radiation-induced cancer between clients with average and high breast cancer risk. Differences are attributed to the commencement age of screening and time interval between screens. Conclusion: This study proposes a method to evaluate effective lifetime risk of radiation-induced cancer from screening mammography in order to compare different mammography screening programmes

    Incomplete ovarian tissue removal in female dogs and cats

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    Incomplete ovariectomy (IO) is the unintentional partial or complete lack of removal of one or both ovaries during an ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy procedure, and is often referred to as ‘ovarian remnant syndrome’. It usually has a clear clinical presentation, although there are a number of other conditions that may have similar presenting signs. In female cats and dogs these include: non-oestrous mounting behaviour, non-oestrous vulval discharge and, solely in bitches, sexual interest from males and iatrogenic pseudopregnancy. This article considers the causes, presentation, methods of diagnosis and management of IO in bitches and queens

    Dewetting of thin polymer films near the glass transition

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    Dewetting of ultra-thin polymer films near the glass transition exhibits unexpected front morphologies [G. Reiter, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 186101 (2001)]. We present here the first theoretical attempt to understand these features, focusing on the shear-thinning behaviour of these films. We analyse the profile of the dewetting film, and characterize the time evolution of the dry region radius, Rd(t)R_{d}(t), and of the rim height, hm(t)h_{m}(t). After a transient time depending on the initial thickness, hm(t)h_{m}(t) grows like t\sqrt{t} while Rd(t)R_{d}(t) increases like exp⁥(t)\exp{(\sqrt{t})}. Different regimes of growth are expected, depending on the initial film thickness and experimental time range.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures Revised version, published in Physical Review Letters: F. Saulnier, E. Raphael and P.-G. de Gennes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 196101 (2002
