17,104 research outputs found

    Anomalous diffusion, clustering, and pinch of impurities in plasma edge turbulence

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    The turbulent transport of impurity particles in plasma edge turbulence is investigated. The impurities are modeled as a passive fluid advected by the electric and polarization drifts, while the ambient plasma turbulence is modeled using the two-dimensional Hasegawa--Wakatani paradigm for resistive drift-wave turbulence. The features of the turbulent transport of impurities are investigated by numerical simulations using a novel code that applies semi-Lagrangian pseudospectral schemes. The diffusive character of the turbulent transport of ideal impurities is demonstrated by relative-diffusion analysis of the evolution of impurity puffs. Additional effects appear for inertial impurities as a consequence of compressibility. First, the density of inertial impurities is found to correlate with the vorticity of the electric drift velocity, that is, impurities cluster in vortices of a precise orientation determined by the charge of the impurity particles. Second, a radial pinch scaling linearly with the mass--charge ratio of the impurities is discovered. Theoretical explanation for these observations is obtained by analysis of the model equations.Comment: This article has been submitted to Physics of Plasmas. After it is published, it will be found at http://pop.aip.org/pop

    Helmholtz solitons in optical materials with a dual power-law refractive index

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    A nonlinear Helmholtz equation is proposed for modelling scalar optical beams in uniform planar waveguides whose refractive index exhibits a purely-focusing dual powerlaw dependence on the electric field amplitude. Two families of exact analytical solitons, describing forward- and backward-propagating beams, are derived. These solutions are physically and mathematically distinct from those recently discovered for related nonlinearities. The geometry of the new solitons is examined, conservation laws are reported, and classic paraxial predictions are recovered in a simultaneous multiple limit. Conventional semi-analytical techniques assist in studying the stability of these nonparaxial solitons, whose propagation properties are investigated through extensive simulations

    Angular dependent magnetothermopower of alpha-(ET)2KHg(SCN)4

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    The magnetic field and angular dependencies of the thermopower and Nernst effect of the quasi-two-dimensional organic conductor alpha-(ET)2KHg(SCN)4 are experimentally measured at temperatures below (4 K) and above (9 K) the transition temperature to fields of In addition, a theoretical model which involves a magnetic breakdown effect between the q1D and q2D bands is proposed in order to simulate the data. Analysis of the background components of the thermopower and Nernst effect imply that at low temperatures, in the CDW state, the properties of alpha-(ET)2KHg(SCN)4 are determined mostly by the orbits on the new open Fermi sheets. Quantum oscillations observed in the both thermoelectric effects, at fields above 8 T, originate only from the alpha orbit.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figure

    Spatiotemporal dispersion and wave envelopes with relativistic and pseudorelativistic characteristics

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    A generic nonparaxial model for pulse envelopes is presented. Classic Schro¨dinger-type descriptions of wave propagation have their origins in slowly-varying envelopes combined with a Galilean boost to the local time frame. By abandoning these two simplifications, a picture of pulse evolution emerges in which frame-of-reference considerations and space-time transformations take center stage. A wide range of effects, analogous to those in special relativity, then follows for both linear and nonlinear systems. Explicit demonstration is presented through exact bright and dark soliton pulse solutions

    Vacuum Stability, Perturbativity, and Scalar Singlet Dark Matter

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    We analyze the one-loop vacuum stability and perturbativity bounds on a singlet extension of the Standard Model (SM) scalar sector containing a scalar dark matter candidate. We show that the presence of the singlet-doublet quartic interaction relaxes the vacuum stability lower bound on the SM Higgs mass as a function of the cutoff and lowers the corresponding upper bound based on perturbativity considerations. We also find that vacuum stability requirements may place a lower bound on the singlet dark matter mass for given singlet quartic self coupling, leading to restrictions on the parameter space consistent with the observed relic density. We argue that discovery of a light singlet scalar dark matter particle could provide indirect information on the singlet quartic self-coupling.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures; v2 - fixed minor typos; v3 - added to text discussions of other references, changed coloring of figures for easier black and white viewin

    Impacts of Co-Solvent Flushing on Microbial Populations Capable of Degrading Trichloroethylene

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    With increased application of co-solvent flushing technologies for removal of nonaqueous phase liquids from groundwater aquifers, concern over the effects of the solvent on native microorganisms and their ability to degrade residual contaminant has also arisen. This study assessed the impact of ethanol flushing on the numbers and activity potentials of trichloroethylene (TCE)-degrading microbial populations present in aquifer soils taken immediately after and 2 years after ethanol flushing of a former dry cleaners site. Polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed soluble methane monooxygenase genes in methanotrophic enrichments, and 16S rRNA analysis identified Methylocystis parvus with 98% similarity, further indicating the presence of a type II methanotroph. Dissimilatory sulfite reductase genes in sulfate-reducing enrichments prepared were also observed. Ethanol flushing was simulated in columns packed with uncontaminated soils from the dry cleaners site that were dosed with TCE at concentrations observed in the field; after flushing, the columns were subjected to a continuous flow of 500 pore volumes of groundwater per week. Total acridine orange direct cell counts of the flushed and nonflushed soils decreased over the 15-week testing period, but after 5 weeks, the flushed soils maintained higher cell counts than the nonflushed soils. Inhibition of methanogenesis by sulfate reduction was observed in all column soils, as was increasing removal of total methane by soils incubated under methanotrophic conditions. These results showed that impacts of ethanol were not as severe as anticipated and imply that ethanol may mitigate the toxicity of TCE to the microorganisms

    Single-grain post-IR IRSL signals of K-feldspars from alluvial fan deposits in Baja California Sur, Mexico

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    Single grains of K-feldspar from alluvial fan units are dated using a more time-stable signal, the post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence, or, ‘post-IR IRSL’. A quick measurement protocol is discussed, ‘fast post-IR IRSL,’ that stimulates first with the IR diodes at the lower temperature and then measures grain-by grain at the higher temperature. A criterion is offered for rejecting outlying grains based on hierarchical clustering. Single-grain fading rates are found to diverge from single aliquot fading values, and the fading rates from the brightest subset of grains correspond well with an infinite age cobble and independent age control. Age comparison with a cosmogenic depth-profile age shows agreement at 1σ. The depositional chronology suggests that the climate responsible for regionally-extensive, upper-regime floods which aggraded the older units, transitioned into a climate producing weaker channelized floods around the Late Pleistocene–Holocene transition

    The Evolution of Circumstellar Disks in Ophiuchus Binaries

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    Four Ophiuchus binaries, two Class I systems and two Class II systems, with separations of ~450-1100 AU, were observed with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) millimeter interferometer. In each system, the 3 mm continuum maps show dust emission at the location of the primary star, but no emission at the position of the secondary. This result is different from observations of less evolved Class 0 binaries, in which dust emission is detected from both sources. The nondetection of secondary disks is, however, similar to the dust distribution seen in wide Class II Taurus binaries. The combined OVRO results from the Ophiuchus and Taurus binaries suggest that secondary disk masses are significantly lower than primary disk masses by the Class II stage, with initial evidence that massive secondary disks are reduced by the Class I stage. Although some of the secondaries retain hot inner disk material, the early dissipation of massive outer disks may negatively impact planet formation around secondary stars. Masses for the circumprimary disks are within the range of masses measured for disks around single T Tauri stars and, in some cases, larger than the minimum mass solar nebula. More massive primary disks are predicted by several formation models and are broadly consistent with the observations. Combining the 3 mm data with previous 1.3 mm observations, the dust opacity power-law index for each primary disk is estimated. The opacity index values are all less than the scaling for interstellar dust, possibly indicating grain growth within the circumprimary disks

    Wave envelopes with second-order spatiotemporal dispersion: II. Modulational instabilities and dark Kerr solitons

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    A simple scalar model for describing spatiotemporal dispersion of pulses, beyond the classic “slowly-varying envelopes + Galilean boost” approach, is studied. The governing equation has a cubic nonlinearity and we focus here mainly on contexts with normal group-velocity dispersion. A complete analysis of continuous waves is reported, including their dispersion relations and modulational instability characteristics. We also present a detailed derivation of exact analytical dark solitons, obtained by combining direct-integration methods with geometrical transformations. Classic results from conventional pulse theory are recovered as-ymptotically from the spatiotemporal formulation. Numerical simulations test new theoretical predictions for modulational instability, and examine the robustness of spatiotemporal dark solitons against perturbations to their local pulse shape