508 research outputs found

    Biochar Reduced Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Soil with Different Water and Temperature Cycles

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    Interactions among biochar, respiration, nitrification, and soils can result in biochar increasing, decreasing, or not impacting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This experiment determined the impact of water-filled porosity (WFP) and corn (Zea mays L.) stover biochar on CO2 and N2O emissions in May (spring) and August (summer). The May experiment contained two N rates [0 and 224 kg Ca(NO3)2–N ha–1], whereas the August had three N rates [0, 224 kg Ca(NO3)2–N ha–1, and 224 kg (NH4)2SO4–N ha–1]. The average temperatures in the May and Augusts 2014 experiments were 14 and 24°C, respectively. Biochar reduced CO2–C emissions in the high WFP Ca(NO3)2 treatment in the May and August experiments 15.4 and 16.3 kg ha–1, respectively. Associated with the CO2–C decrease was a 15.7% reduction in the soil solution dissolved organic C. In addition, N2O–N and CO2–C emissions were not correlated in the May Ca(NO3)2 ha–1 treatment, whereas in the August experiment, N2O–N and CO2–C emissions were correlated (r2 = 0.98, P \u3c 0.01). In August, biochar increased the apparent nitrification from 16 to 25 kg NH4–N (ha × d)–1 in the low WFP (NH4)2SO4treatment, and it did not influence the nitrification rate in the high WFP (NH4)2SO4 treatment. In general, N2O–N emissions increased with WFP and N rate and were reduced 21.7% by biochar. The findings suggest that multiple mechanisms contributed to N2O emissions and seasonal differences in soil temperature could result in biochar having a mixed impact on GHG emissions

    Decay of the first isobaric analog state in Ge69

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    The alpha-decay branching ratio for the lowest isobaric analog state in Ge69 has been measured to be less than 1.0×10-2. Transitions to this level contribute significantly to the cross section for the capture of high-energy neutrinos by Ga69. Since the analog state decays almost exclusively by gamma-ray emission, induced Ge69 radioactivity may be used for the detection of high-energy neutrinos in large-scale gallium neutrino detectors

    Disparities among 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) hospital admissions: A mixed methods analysis - Illinois, April-December 2009

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    During late April 2009, the first cases of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) (pH1N1) in Illinois were reported. On-going, sustained local transmission resulted in an estimated 500,000 infected persons. We conducted a mixed method analysis using both quantitative (surveillance) and qualitative (interview) data; surveillance data was used to analyze demographic distribution of hospitalized cases and follow-up interview data was used to assess health seeking behavior. Invitations to participate in a telephone interview were sent to 120 randomly selected Illinois residents that were hospitalized during April-December 2009. During April-December 2009, 2,824 pH1N1 hospitalizations occurred in Illinois hospitals; median age (interquartile range) at admission was 24 (range: 6-49) years. Hospitalization rates/100,000 persons for blacks and Hispanics, regardless of age or sex were 2-3 times greater than for whites (blacks, 36/100,000 (95% Confidence Interval ([95% CI], 33-39)); Hispanics, 35/100,000 [95%CI,32-37] (; whites, 13/100,000[95%CI, 12-14); p<0.001). Mortality rates were higher for blacks (0.9/100,000; p<0.09) and Hispanics (1/100,000; p<0.04) when compared with the mortality rates for whites (0.6/ 100,000). Of 33 interview respondents, 31 (94%) stated that they had heard of pH1N1 before being hospitalized, and 24 (73%) did not believed they were at risk for pH1N1. On average, respondents reported experiencing symptoms for 2 days (range: 1-7) before seeking medical care. When asked how to prevent pH1N1 infection in the future, the most common responses were getting vaccinated and practicing hand hygiene. Blacks and Hispanics in Illinois experienced disproportionate pH1N1 hospitalization and mortality rates. Public health education and outreach efforts in preparation for future influenza pandemics should include prevention messaging focused on perception of risk, and ensure community wide access to prevention messages and practices

    Gamma decays of isobaric analog states relevant to neutrino detection

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    Measurements have been made of the gamma ray branching ratios for the decay of the lowest isobaric analog states of Ge71 and Kr81. These states could be populated by high-energy neutrinos in gallium- and bromine-based detectors. Although these states are unbound to particle decay, all channels with significant penetrabilities are isospin forbidden, so that gamma decay is a possibility. Our results indicate that these states decay mainly by neutron emission and therefore contribute very little to detection sensitivities for Ga71 and Br81

    Absolute electron and positron fluxes from PAMELA/Fermi and Dark Matter

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    We extract the positron and electron fluxes in the energy range 10 - 100 GeV by combining the recent data from PAMELA and Fermi LAT. The {\it absolute positron and electron} fluxes thus obtained are found to obey the power laws: E−2.65E^{-2.65} and E−3.06E^{-3.06} respectively, which can be confirmed by the upcoming data from PAMELA. The positron flux appears to indicate an excess at energies E\gsim 50 GeV even if the uncertainty in the secondary positron flux is added to the Galactic positron background. This leaves enough motivation for considering new physics, such as annihilation or decay of dark matter, as the origin of positron excess in the cosmic rays.Comment: Accepted by JCA

    I127(3He,t)127Xe reaction with relevance to neutrino detection

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    The I127(3He,t)127Xe reaction has been measured for low-lying states in Xe127 which may play a role in neutrino capture by I127. High-spin states at excitation energies Ex=309 and 646 keV are found to be much more strongly populated than the Jπ=((3/2-(7/2)+ states relevant to neutrino capture by I127

    Large lepton asymmetry from Q-balls

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    We propose a scenario which can explain large lepton asymmetry and small baryon asymmetry simultaneously. Large lepton asymmetry is generated through Affleck-Dine (AD) mechanism and almost all the produced lepton numbers are absorbed into Q-balls (L-balls). If the lifetime of the L-balls is longer than the onset of electroweak phase transition but shorter than the epoch of big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), the large lepton asymmetry in the L-balls is protected from sphaleron effects. On the other hand, small (negative) lepton numbers are evaporated from the L-balls due to thermal effects, which are converted into the observed small baryon asymmetry by virtue of sphaleron effects. Large and positive lepton asymmetry of electron type is often requested from BBN. In our scenario, choosing an appropriate flat direction in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), we can produce positive lepton asymmetry of electron type but totally negative lepton asymmetry.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, ReVTeX

    R-parity preserving super-WIMP decays

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    We point out that when the decay of one electroweak scale super-WIMP state to another occurs at second order in a super-weak coupling constant, this can naturally lead to decay lifetimes that are much larger than the age of the Universe, and create observable consequences for the indirect detection of dark matter. We demonstrate this in a supersymmetric model with Dirac neutrinos, where the right-handed scalar neutrinos are the lightest and next-to-lightest supersymmetric partners. We show that this model produces a super-WIMP decay rate scaling as m_nu^4/(weak scale)^3, and may significantly enhance the fraction of energetic electrons and positrons over anti-protons in the decay products. Such a signature is consistent with the observations recently reported by the PAMELA experiment.Comment: 14 pages, v3 JHEP versio

    Development of a tight-binding potential for bcc-Zr. Application to the study of vibrational properties

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    We present a tight-binding potential based on the moment expansion of the density of states, which includes up to the fifth moment. The potential is fitted to bcc and hcp Zr and it is applied to the computation of vibrational properties of bcc-Zr. In particular, we compute the isothermal elastic constants in the temperature range 1200K < T < 2000K by means of standard Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The agreement with experimental results is satisfactory, especially in the case of the stability of the lattice with respect to the shear associated with C'. However, the temperature decrease of the Cauchy pressure is not reproduced. The T=0K phonon frequencies of bcc-Zr are also computed. The potential predicts several instabilities of the bcc structure, and a crossing of the longitudinal and transverse modes in the (001) direction. This is in agreement with recent ab initio calculations in Sc, Ti, Hf, and La.Comment: 14 pages, 6 tables, 4 figures, revtex; the kinetic term of the isothermal elastic constants has been corrected (Eq. (4.1), Table VI and Figure 4

    Is cosmology consistent?

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the latest CMB measurements (including BOOMERaNG, DASI, Maxima and CBI), both alone and jointly with other cosmological data sets involving, e.g., galaxy clustering and the Lyman Alpha Forest. We first address the question of whether the CMB data are internally consistent once calibration and beam uncertainties are taken into account, performing a series of statistical tests. With a few minor caveats, our answer is yes, and we compress all data into a single set of 24 bandpowers with associated covariance matrix and window functions. We then compute joint constraints on the 11 parameters of the ``standard'' adiabatic inflationary cosmological model. Out best fit model passes a series of physical consistency checks and agrees with essentially all currently available cosmological data. In addition to sharp constraints on the cosmic matter budget in good agreement with those of the BOOMERaNG, DASI and Maxima teams, we obtain a heaviest neutrino mass range 0.04-4.2 eV and the sharpest constraints to date on gravity waves which (together with preference for a slight red-tilt) favors ``small-field'' inflation models.Comment: Replaced to match accepted PRD version. 14 pages, 12 figs. Tiny changes due to smaller DASI & Maxima calibration errors. Expanded neutrino and tensor discussion, added refs, typos fixed. Combined CMB data, window and covariance matrix at http://www.hep.upenn.edu/~max/consistent.html or from [email protected]
