3,832 research outputs found

    Spin and energy correlations in the one dimensional spin 1/2 Heisenberg model

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    In this paper, we study the spin and energy dynamic correlations of the one dimensional spin 1/2 Heisenberg model, using mostly exact diagonalization numerical techniques. In particular, observing that the uniform spin and energy currents decay to finite values at long times, we argue for the absence of spin and energy diffusion in the easy plane anisotropic Heisenberg model.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, gzipped postscrip

    Exact renormalization of the random transverse-field Ising spin chain in the strongly ordered and strongly disordered Griffiths phases

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    The real-space renormalization group (RG) treatment of random transverse-field Ising spin chains by Fisher ({\it Phys. Rev. B{\bf 51}, 6411 (1995)}) has been extended into the strongly ordered and strongly disordered Griffiths phases and asymptotically exact results are obtained. In the non-critical region the asymmetry of the renormalization of the couplings and the transverse fields is related to a non-linear quantum control parameter, Δ\Delta, which is a natural measure of the distance from the quantum critical point. Δ\Delta, which is found to stay invariant along the RG trajectories and has been expressed by the initial disorder distributions, stands in the singularity exponents of different physical quantities (magnetization, susceptibility, specific heat, etc), which are exactly calculated. In this way we have observed a weak-universality scenario: the Griffiths-McCoy singularities does not depend on the form of the disorder, provided the non-linear quantum control parameter has the same value. The exact scaling function of the magnetization with a small applied magnetic field is calculated and the critical point magnetization singularity is determined in a simple, direct way.Comment: 11 page

    Are acceptance, support, and the factors that affect them, different? Examining perceptions of U.S. fuel economy standards

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    Understanding the acceptance of and support for transportation policies focused on the environment, such fuel economy standards, is important because of the positive impact policies can have on the environment and overall sustainability goals. This study investigates the acceptance of and support for fuel economy standards through an online survey of Maine residents. Specifically, we assess the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, which aim to increase fuel economy of vehicles, while decreasing greenhouses gas emissions and foreign fuel dependence in the United States. We assess how perceptions of the policy and economic views of the market affect acceptance and support. We differentiate acceptance and support on two dimensions, a temporal and attitudinal–behavioral dimension. In doing so, we improve upon traditional measures of these variables and provide evidence that acceptance and support are distinct constructs. We find that perceived fairness, perceived effectiveness, and a subscription to a free-market ideology play a role in acceptance and support. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to survey methods, policy communications, and an interdisciplinary understanding of environmental policy

    Griffiths-McCoy singularities in random quantum spin chains: Exact results through renormalization

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    The Ma-Dasgupta-Hu renormalization group (RG) scheme is used to study singular quantities in the Griffiths phase of random quantum spin chains. For the random transverse-field Ising spin chain we have extended Fisher's analytical solution to the off-critical region and calculated the dynamical exponent exactly. Concerning other random chains we argue by scaling considerations that the RG method generally becomes asymptotically exact for large times, both at the critical point and in the whole Griffiths phase. This statement is checked via numerical calculations on the random Heisenberg and quantum Potts models by the density matrix renormalization group method.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 figures include

    Finite-size scaling properties of random transverse-field Ising chains : Comparison between canonical and microcanonical ensembles for the disorder

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    The Random Transverse Field Ising Chain is the simplest disordered model presenting a quantum phase transition at T=0. We compare analytically its finite-size scaling properties in two different ensembles for the disorder (i) the canonical ensemble, where the disorder variables are independent (ii) the microcanonical ensemble, where there exists a global constraint on the disorder variables. The observables under study are the surface magnetization, the correlation of the two surface magnetizations, the gap and the end-to-end spin-spin correlation C(L)C(L) for a chain of length LL. At criticality, each observable decays typically as ewLe^{- w \sqrt{L}} in both ensembles, but the probability distributions of the rescaled variable ww are different in the two ensembles, in particular in their asymptotic behaviors. As a consequence, the dependence in LL of averaged observables differ in the two ensembles. For instance, the correlation C(L)C(L) decays algebraically as 1/L in the canonical ensemble, but sub-exponentially as ecL1/3e^{-c L^{1/3}} in the microcanonical ensemble. Off criticality, probability distributions of rescaled variables are governed by the critical exponent ν=2\nu=2 in both ensembles, but the following observables are governed by the exponent ν~=1\tilde \nu=1 in the microcanonical ensemble, instead of the exponent ν=2\nu=2 in the canonical ensemble (a) in the disordered phase : the averaged surface magnetization, the averaged correlation of the two surface magnetizations and the averaged end-to-end spin-spin correlation (b) in the ordered phase : the averaged gap. In conclusion, the measure of the rare events that dominate various averaged observables can be very sensitive to the microcanonical constraint.Comment: 24 page

    Lifespan theorem for constrained surface diffusion flows

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    We consider closed immersed hypersurfaces in R3\R^{3} and R4\R^4 evolving by a class of constrained surface diffusion flows. Our result, similar to earlier results for the Willmore flow, gives both a positive lower bound on the time for which a smooth solution exists, and a small upper bound on a power of the total curvature during this time. By phrasing the theorem in terms of the concentration of curvature in the initial surface, our result holds for very general initial data and has applications to further development in asymptotic analysis for these flows.Comment: 29 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1201.657

    The open XXZ-chain: Bosonisation, Bethe ansatz and logarithmic corrections

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    We calculate the bulk and boundary parts of the free energy for an open spin-1/2 XXZ-chain in the critical regime by bosonisation. We identify the cutoff independent contributions and determine their amplitudes by comparing with Bethe ansatz calculations at zero temperature T. For the bulk part of the free energy we find agreement with Lukyanov's result [Nucl.Phys.B 522, 533 (1998)]. In the boundary part we obtain a cutoff independent term which is linear in T and determines the temperature dependence of the boundary susceptibility in the attractive regime for T1T\ll 1. We further show that at particular anisotropies where contributions from irrelevant operators with different scaling dimensions cross, logarithmic corrections appear. We give explicit formulas for these terms at those anisotropies where they are most important. We verify our results by comparing with extensive numerical calculations based on a numerical solution of the T=0 Bethe ansatz equations, the finite temperature Bethe ansatz equations in the quantum-transfer matrix formalism, and the density-matrix renormalisation group applied to transfer matrices.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Dimer and N\'eel order-parameter fluctuations in the spin-fluid phase of the s=1/2 spin chain with first and second neighbor couplings

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    The dynamical properties at T=0 of the one-dimensional (1D) s=1/2 nearest-neighbor (nn) XXZ model with an additional isotropic next-nearest-neighbor (nnn) coupling are investigated by means of the recursion method in combination with techniques of continued-fraction analysis. The focus is on the dynamic structure factors S_{zz}(q,\omega) and S_{DD}(q,\omega), which describe (for q=\pi) the fluctuations of the N\'eel and dimer order parameters, respectively. We calculate (via weak-coupling continued-fraction analysis) the dependence on the exchange constants of the infrared exponent, the renormalized bandwidth of spinon excitations, and the spectral-weight distribution in S_{zz}(\pi,\omega) and S_{DD}(\pi,\omega), all in the spin-fluid phase, which is realized for planar nnnn anisotropy and sufficiently weak nnn coupling. For some parameter values we find a discrete branch of excitations above the spinon continuum. They contribute to S_{zz}(q,\omega) but not to S_{DD}(q,\omega).Comment: RevTex file (7 pages), 8 figures (uuencoded ps file) available from author