23 research outputs found

    Deubiquitinating enzymes as oncotargets

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    Carcinogenesis is a complex process tightly regulated at multiple levels by post-translational modifications. Epigenetics plays a major role in cancer development, all stable changes to the gene expression process that are not a result of a direct change in the DNA code are described as epigenetics. Epigenetic processes are regulated by post-translational modifications including ubiquitination which can directly affect either histones or transcription factors or may target their co-factors and interacting partners exerting an indirect effect. Deubiquitination of these target proteins is equally important and alterations in this pathway can also lead to cancer development, progression and metastasis. Only the correct, unaltered balance between ubiquitination and deubiquitination ensures healthy cellular homeostasis. In this review we focus on the role of deubiquitinating (DUB) enzymes in various aspects of epigenetics including the regulation of transcription factors, histone modifications, DNA damage repair pathways and cell cycle regulation. We discuss the impact of those processes on tumourigenesis and potential therapeutic applications of DUBs for cancer treatment

    Deubiquitinating enzyme Usp12 regulates the interaction between the androgen receptor and the Akt pathway

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    The androgen receptor (AR) is a transcription factor involved in prostate cell growth, homeostasis and transformation regulated by post-translational modifications, including ubiquitination. We have recently reported that AR is deubiquitinated and stabilised by Usp12 resulting in increased transcriptional activity. In this study we have investigated the relationship between Usp12, PHLPP and PHLPPL tumour suppressors in the regulation of AR transcriptional activity in prostate cancer (PC). PHLPP and PHLPPL are pro-apoptotic phosphatases that dephosphorylate and subsequently deactivate Akt. Phosphorylated Akt is reported to deactivate AR in PC by phosphorylation at Ser213 and Ser791 leading to ligand dissociation and AR degradation. In contrast, PHLPP- and PHLPPL-mediated dephosphorylation and inactivation of Akt elevates the levels of active AR. In this report we demonstrate that Usp12, in complex with Uaf-1 and WDR20, directly deubiquitinates and stabilises the Akt phosphatases PHLPP and PHLPPL resulting in decreased levels of active pAkt. Decreased pAkt in turn down-regulates AR Ser213 phosphorylation resulting in enhanced receptor stability and transcriptional activity. Additionally, we observe that depleting Usp12 sensitises PC cells to therapies aimed at Akt inhibition irrespectively of their sensitivity to androgen ablation therapy. We propose that Usp12 inhibition could offer a therapeutic alternative for castration resistant prostate cancer

    Centrosome dysfunction associated with somatic expression of the synaptonemal complex protein TEX12

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    The synaptonemal complex (SC) is a supramolecular protein scaffold that mediates chromosome synapsis and facilitates crossing over during meiosis. In mammals, SC proteins are generally assumed to have no other function. Here, we show that SC protein TEX12 also localises to centrosomes during meiosis independently of chromosome synapsis. In somatic cells, ectopically expressed TEX12 similarly localises to centrosomes, where it is associated with centrosome amplification, a pathology correlated with cancer development. Indeed, TEX12 is identified as a cancer-testis antigen and proliferation of some cancer cells is TEX12-dependent. Moreover, somatic expression of TEX12 is aberrantly activated via retinoic acid signalling, which is commonly disregulated in cancer. Structure-function analysis reveals that phosphorylation of TEX12 on tyrosine 48 is important for centrosome amplification but not for recruitment of TEX12 to centrosomes. We conclude that TEX12 normally localises to meiotic centrosomes, but its misexpression in somatic cells can contribute to pathological amplification and dysfunction of centrosomes in cancers

    The novel anti-androgen candidate galeterone targets deubiquitinating enzymes, USP12 and USP46, to control prostate cancer growth and survival

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    Metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer is one of the main causes of male cancer associated deaths worldwide. Development of resistance is inevitable in patients treated with anti-androgen therapies. This highlights a need for novel therapeutic strategies that would be aimed upstream of the androgen receptor (AR). Here we report that the novel small molecule anti-androgen, galeterone targets USP12 and USP46, two highly homologous deubiquitinating enzymes that control the AR-AKT-MDM2-P53 signalling pathway. Consequently, galeterone is effective in multiple models of prostate cancer including both castrate resistant and AR-negative prostate cancer. However, we have observed that USP12 and USP46 selectively regulate full length AR protein but not the AR variants. This is the first report of deubiquitinating enzyme targeting as a strategy in prostate cancer treatment which we show to be effective in multiple, currently incurable models of this disease

    ING3 promotes prostate cancer growth by activating the androgen receptor

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    Background The androgen receptor (AR) is a major driver of prostate cancer, and increased AR levels and co-activators of the receptor promote the development of prostate cancer. INhibitor of Growth (ING) proteins target lysine acetyltransferase or lysine deacetylase complexes to the histone H3K4Me3 mark of active transcription, to affect chromatin structure and gene expression. ING3 is a stoichiometric member of the TIP60 lysine acetyltransferase complex implicated in prostate cancer development. Methods Biopsies of 265 patients with prostate cancer were stained for ING3, pan-cytokeratin, and DNA. LNCaP and C4-2 androgen-responsive cells were used for in vitro assays including immunoprecipitation, western blotting, Luciferase reporter assay and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Cell viability and migration assays were performed in prostate cancer cell lines using scrambled siRNA or siRNA targeting ING3. Results We find that ING3 levels and AR activity positively correlate in prostate cancer. ING3 potentiates androgen effects, increasing expression of androgen-regulated genes and androgen response element-driven reporters to promote growth and anchorage-independent growth. Conversely, ING3 knockdown inhibits prostate cancer cell growth and invasion. ING3 activates the AR by serving as a scaffold to increase interaction between TIP60 and the AR in the cytoplasm, enhancing receptor acetylation and translocation to the nucleus. Activation is independent of ING3's ability to target the TIP60 complex to H3K4Me3, identifying a previously unknown chromatin-independent cytoplasmic activity for ING3. In agreement with in vitro observations, analysis of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data (n = 498) and a prostate cancer tissue microarray (n = 256) show that ING3 levels are higher in aggressive prostate cancers, with high levels of ING3 predicting shorter patient survival in a low AR subgroup. Including ING3 levels with currently used indicators such as the Gleason score provides more accurate prognosis in primary prostate cancer. Conclusions In contrast to the majority of previous reports suggesting tumor suppressive functions in other cancers, our observations identify a clear oncogenic role for ING3, which acts as a co-activator of AR in prostate cancer. Data from TCGA and our previous and current tissue microarrays suggest that ING3 levels correlate with AR levels and that in patients with low levels of the receptor, ING3 level could serve as a useful prognostic biomarker

    Nutlin-3 inhibits androgen receptor-driven c-FLIP expression, resulting in apoptosis of prostate cancer cells

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    Inhibition of androgen receptor (AR) signalling represents the conventional medical management of prostate cancer. Ultimately this treatment fails because tumors develop an incurable, castrate resistant phenotype, resulting in an unmet need for new treatments in prostate cancer. The AR remains a viable therapeutic target in castrate resistant disease, such that novel ways of downregulating AR activities are attractive as potential treatments. Here we describe a mechanism by which the AR can be downregulated by the MDM2 antagonist Nutlin-3, resulting in loss of pro-survival c-FLIP gene expression and apoptosis. We additionally show that loss of c-FLIP sensitises prostate cancer cells to Nutlin-3. Finally, we demonstrate that the unrelated MDM2 antagonist Mi-63 also impinges upon AR signalling, supporting the concept of future treatment of prostate cancer with MDM2 antagonists

    Ubiquitin-specific protease 12 interacting partners Uaf-1 and WDR20 are potential therapeutic targets in prostate cancer

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    The androgen receptor (AR) is a key transcription factor in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer (PC) and is a major therapeutic target for the treatment of advanced disease. Unfortunately, current therapies are not curative for castration resistant PC and a better understanding of AR regulation could identify novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers to aid treatment of this disease. The AR is known to be regulated by a number of post-translational modifications and we have recently identified the deubiquitinating enzyme Usp12 as a positive regulator of AR. We determined that Usp12 deubiquitinates the AR resulting in elevated receptor stability and activity. Furthermore, Usp12 silencing was shown to reduce proliferation of PC cells. Usp12 is known to require the co-factors Uaf-1 and WDR20 for catalytic activity. In this report we focus further on the role of Uaf-1 and WDR20 in Usp12 regulation and investigate if these co-factors are also required for controlling AR activity. Firstly, we confirm the presence of the Usp12/Uaf-1/WDR20 complex in PC cells and demonstrate the importance of Uaf-1 and WDR20 for Usp12 stabilisation. Consequently, we show that individual silencing of either Uaf-1 or WDR20 is sufficient to abrogate the activity of the Usp12 complex and down-regulate AR-mediated transcription via receptor destabilisation resulting in increased apoptosis and decreased colony forming ability of PC cells. Moreover, expression of both Uaf-1 and WDR20 is higher in PC tissue compared to benign controls. Overall these results highlight the potential importance of the Usp12/Uaf-1/WDR20 complex in AR regulation and PC progression. Androgen receptor is a key transcriptional regulator in prostate cancer. Usp12/Uaf-1/WDR20 complex plays a crucial role in androgen receptor stability and activity. Destabilising an individual Usp12/Uaf-1/WDR20 complex member reduces the protein levels of the whole complex and diminishes androgen receptor activity. Protein levels of all members of the Usp12/Uaf-1/WDR20 complex are significantly increased in PC

    Identification of a novel K311 ubiquitination site critical for androgen receptor transcriptional activity

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    The androgen receptor (AR) is the main driver of prostate cancer (PC) development and progression, and the primary therapeutic target in PC. To date, two functional ubiquitination sites have been identified on AR, both located in its C-terminal ligand binding domain (LBD). Recent reports highlight the emergence of AR splice variants lacking the LBD that can arise during disease progression and contribute to castrate resistance. Here, we report a novel N-terminal ubiquitination site at lysine 311. Ubiquitination of this site plays a role in AR stability and is critical for its transcriptional activity. Inactivation of this site causes AR to accumulate on chromatin and inactivates its transcriptional function as a consequence of inability to bind to p300. Additionally, mutation at lysine 311 affects cellular transcriptome altering the expression of genes involved in chromatin organization, signaling, adhesion, motility, development and metabolism. Even though this site is present in clinically relevant AR-variants it can only be ubiquitinated in cells when AR retains LBD suggesting a role for AR C-terminus in E2/E3 substrate recognition. We report that as a consequence AR variants lacking the LBD cannot be ubiquitinated in the cellular environment and their protein turnover must be regulated via an alternate pathway

    Resolution of R-loops by INO80 promotes DNA replication and maintains cancer cell proliferation and viability

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    Collisions between the DNA replication machinery and co-transcriptional R-loops can impede DNA synthesis and are a major source of genomic instability in cancer cells. How cancer cells deal with R-loops to proliferate is poorly understood. Here we show that the ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling INO80 complex promotes resolution of R-loops to prevent replication-associated DNA damage in cancer cells. Depletion of INO80 in prostate cancer PC3 cells leads to increased R-loops. Overexpression of the RNA:DNA endonuclease RNAse H1 rescues the DNA synthesis defects and suppresses DNA damage caused by INO80 depletion. R-loops co-localize with and promote recruitment of INO80 to chromatin. Artificial tethering of INO80 to a LacO locus enabled turnover of R-loops in cis. Finally, counteracting R-loops by INO80 promotes proliferation and averts DNA damage-induced death in cancer cells. Our work suggests that INO80-dependent resolution of R-loops promotes DNA replication in the presence of transcription, thus enabling unlimited proliferation in cancers

    Molecular mechanism of the TP53-MDM2-AR-AKT signalling network regulation by USP12

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    The TP53-MDM2-AR-AKT signalling network plays a critical role in the development and progression of prostate cancer. However, the molecular mechanisms regulating this signalling network are not completely defined. By conducting transcriptome analysis, denaturing immunoprecipitations and immunopathology, we demonstrate that the TP53-MDM2-AR-AKT cross-talk is regulated by the deubiquitinating enzyme USP12 in prostate cancer. Our findings explain why USP12 is one of the 12 most commonly overexpressed cancer-associated genes located near an amplified super-enhancer. We find that USP12 deubiquitinates MDM2 and AR, which in turn controls the levels of the TP53 tumour suppressor and AR oncogene in prostate cancer. Consequently, USP12 levels are predictive not only of cancer development but also of patient’s therapy resistance, relapse and survival. Therefore, our findings suggest that USP12 could serve as a promising therapeutic target in currently incurable castrate-resistant prostate cancer