1,486 research outputs found

    Clocked Atom Delivery to a Photonic Crystal Waveguide

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    Experiments and numerical simulations are described that develop quantitative understanding of atomic motion near the surfaces of nanoscopic photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs). Ultracold atoms are delivered from a moving optical lattice into the PCW. Synchronous with the moving lattice, transmission spectra for a guided-mode probe field are recorded as functions of lattice transport time and frequency detuning of the probe beam. By way of measurements such as these, we have been able to validate quantitatively our numerical simulations, which are based upon detailed understanding of atomic trajectories that pass around and through nanoscopic regions of the PCW under the influence of optical and surface forces. The resolution for mapping atomic motion is roughly 50 nm in space and 100 ns in time. By introducing auxiliary guided mode (GM) fields that provide spatially varying AC-Stark shifts, we have, to some degree, begun to control atomic trajectories, such as to enhance the flux into to the central vacuum gap of the PCW at predetermined times and with known AC-Stark shifts. Applications of these capabilities include enabling high fractional filling of optical trap sites within PCWs, calibration of optical fields within PCWs, and utilization of the time-dependent, optically dense atomic medium for novel nonlinear optical experiments

    A comparison of single-cycle versus multiple-cycle proof testing strategies

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    An evaluation of single-cycle and multiple-cycle proof testing (MCPT) strategies for SSME components is described. Data for initial sizes and shapes of actual SSME hardware defects are analyzed statistically. Closed-form estimates of the J-integral for surface flaws are derived with a modified reference stress method. The results of load- and displacement-controlled stable crack growth tests on thin IN-718 plates with deep surface flaws are summarized. A J-resistance curve for the surface-cracked configuration is developed and compared with data from thick compact tension specimens. The potential for further crack growth during large unload/reload cycles is discussed, highlighting conflicting data in the literature. A simple model for ductile crack growth during MCPT based on the J-resistance curve is used to study the potential effects of key variables. The projected changes in the crack size distribution during MCPT depend on the interactions between several key parameters, including the number of proof cycles, the nature of the resistance curve, the initial crack size distribution, the component boundary conditions (load vs. displacement control), and the magnitude of the applied load or displacement. The relative advantages of single-cycle and multiple-cycle proof testing appear to be specific, therefore, to individual component geometry, material, and loading

    High-Resolution Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Two-Dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal Modes

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    We present two dimensional (2D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of 2D Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) modes, which are exact nonlinear steady-state solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson equations, on a 2D plane perpendicular to a background magnetic field, with a cylindrically symmetric electric potential localized on the plane. PIC simulations are initialized using analytic electron distributions and electric potentials from the theory. We confirm the validity of such solutions using high-resolutions up to a 2048^2 grid. We show that the solutions are dynamically stable for a stronger background magnetic field, while keeping other parameters of the model fixed, but become unstable when the field strength is weaker than a certain value. When a mode becomes unstable, we observe that the instability begins with the excitation of azimuthal electrostatic waves that ends with a spiral pattern

    Analysis of small crack behavior for airframe applications

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    The small fatigue crack problem is critically reviewed from the perspective of airframe applications. Different types of small cracks-microstructural, mechanical, and chemical-are carefully defined and relevant mechanisms identified. Appropriate analysis techniques, including both rigorous scientific and practical engineering treatments, are briefly described. Important materials data issues are addressed, including increased scatter in small crack data and recommended small crack test methods. Key problems requiring further study are highlighted


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    Efficacy and safety of a novel delayed-release risedronate 35 mg once-a-week tablet

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    Dosing regimens of oral bisphosphonates are inconvenient and contribute to poor compliance. The bone mineral density response to a once weekly delayed-release formulation of risedronate given before or following breakfast was non-inferior to traditional immediate-release risedronate given daily before breakfast. Delayed-release risedronate is a convenient regimen for oral bisphosphonate therapy

    Serotype-specific differences in inhibition of reovirus infectivity by human-milk glycans are determined by viral attachment protein σ1

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    AbstractHuman milk contains many bioactive components, including secretory IgA, oligosaccharides, and milk-associated proteins. We assessed the antiviral effects of several components of milk against mammalian reoviruses. We found that glucocerebroside (GCB) inhibited the infectivity of reovirus strain type 1 Lang (T1L), whereas gangliosides GD3 and GM3 and 3′-sialyllactose (3SL) inhibited the infectivity of reovirus strain type 3 Dearing (T3D). Agglutination of erythrocytes mediated by T1L and T3D was inhibited by GD3, GM3, and bovine lactoferrin. Additionally, α-sialic acid, 3SL, 6′-sialyllactose, sialic acid, human lactoferrin, osteopontin, and α-lactalbumin inhibited hemagglutination mediated by T3D. Using single-gene reassortant viruses, we found that serotype-specific differences segregate with the gene encoding the viral attachment protein. Furthermore, GD3, GM3, and 3SL inhibit T3D infectivity by blocking binding to host cells, whereas GCB inhibits T1L infectivity post-attachment. These results enhance an understanding of reovirus cell attachment and define a mechanism for the antimicrobial activity of human milk

    A pooled analysis of fall incidence from placebo‐controlled trials of denosumab

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    Recent studies suggest that the RANK/RANKL system impacts muscle function and/or mass. In the pivotal placebo‐controlled fracture trial of the RANKL inhibitor denosumab in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, treatment was associated with a lower incidence of non‐fracture‐related falls (p = 0.02). This ad hoc exploratory analysis pooled data from five placebo‐controlled trials of denosumab to determine consistency across trials, if any, of the reduction of fall incidence. The analysis included trials in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis and low bone mass, men with osteoporosis, women receiving adjuvant aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer, and men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. The analysis was stratified by trial, and only included data from the placebo‐controlled period of each trial. A time‐to‐event analysis of first fall and exposure‐adjusted subject incidence rates of falls were analyzed. Falls were reported and captured as adverse events. The analysis comprised 10,036 individuals; 5030 received denosumab 60 mg subcutaneously once every 6 months for 12 to 36 months and 5006 received placebo. Kaplan–Meier estimates showed an occurrence of falls in 6.5% of subjects in the placebo group compared with 5.2% of subjects in the denosumab group (hazard ratio = 0.79; 95% confidence interval 0.66–0.93; p = 0.0061). Heterogeneity in study designs did not permit overall assessment of association with fracture outcomes. In conclusion, denosumab may reduce the risk of falls in addition to its established fracture risk reduction by reducing bone resorption and increasing bone mass. These observations require further exploration and confirmation in studies with muscle function or falls as the primary outcome

    Clocked atom delivery to a photonic crystal waveguide

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    Experiments and numerical simulations are described that develop quantitative understanding of atomic motion near the surfaces of nanoscopic photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs). Ultracold atoms are delivered from a moving optical lattice into the PCW. Synchronous with the moving lattice, transmission spectra for a guided-mode probe field are recorded as functions of lattice transport time and frequency detuning of the probe beam. By way of measurements such as these, we have been able to validate quantitatively our numerical simulations, which are based upon detailed understanding of atomic trajectories that pass around and through nanoscopic regions of the PCW under the influence of optical and surface forces. The resolution for mapping atomic motion is roughly 50 nm in space and 100 ns in time. By introducing auxiliary guided-mode (GM) fields that provide spatially varying AC Stark shifts, we have, to some degree, begun to control atomic trajectories, such as to enhance the flux into the central vacuum gap of the PCW at predetermined times and with known AC Stark shifts. Applications of these capabilities include enabling high fractional filling of optical trap sites within PCWs, calibration of optical fields within PCWs, and utilization of the time-dependent, optically dense atomic medium for novel nonlinear optical experiments