106 research outputs found

    The transition of smooth muscle cells from a contractile to a migratory, phagocytic phenotype : direct demonstration of phenotypic modulation

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    Atherosclerotic plaques are populated with smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and macrophages. SMCs are thought to accumulate in plaques because fully-differentiated, contractile SMCs reprogram into a ‘synthetic’ migratory phenotype, so-called phenotypic modulation, whilst plaque macrophages are thought to derive from blood-borne myeloid cells. Recently, these views have been challenged, with reports that SMC phenotypic modulation may not occur during vascular remodelling and that plaque macrophages may not be of haematopoietic origin. Following the fate of SMCs is complicated by the lack of specific markers for the migratory phenotype and direct demonstrations of phenotypic modulation are lacking. Therefore, we employed long-term, high-resolution, time-lapse microscopy to track the fate of unambiguously identified, fully-differentiated, contractile SMCs in response to the growth factors present in serum. Phenotypic modulation was clearly observed. The highly-elongated, contractile SMCs initially rounded up, for 1-3 days, before spreading outwards. Once spread, the SMCs became motile and displayed dynamic cell-cell communication behaviours. Significantly, they also displayed clear evidence of phagocytic activity. This macrophage-like behaviour was confirmed by their internalisation of 1µm fluorescent latex beads. However, migratory SMCs did not uptake acetylated low-density lipoprotein or express the classic macrophage marker CD68. These results directly demonstrate that SMCs may rapidly undergo phenotypic modulation and develop phagocytic capabilities. Resident SMCs may provide a potential source of macrophages in vascular remodelling

    FK506 regulates IP3 evoked Ca2+ release independently of FKBP in endothelial cells

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    Background and Purpose FK506 and rapamycin are modulators of FK-binding proteins (FKBP) that are used to suppress immune function after organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantations. The drugs share the unwanted side-effect of evoking hypertension that is associated with reduced endothelial function and nitric oxide production. The underlying mechanisms are not understood. FKBP may regulate IP3 and ryanodine receptors to alter Ca2+ signalling in endothelial cells. Experimental Approach We investigated the effects of FK506 and rapamycin on Ca2+ release via IP3 and ryanodine receptors in large numbers of endothelial cells in intact arteries. Key Results While confirmed to be present, FKBP modulation with rapamycin did not alter IP3-evoked Ca2+ release. Conversely, FK506, which modulates FKBP and additionally blocks calcineurin, increased IP3-evoked Ca2+ release. Inhibition of calcineurin (using okadiac acid or cypermethrin) also increased IP3-evoked Ca2+ release and blocked FK506 effects. Indeed, when calcineurin was inhibited with okadiac acid, FK506 reduced IP3-evoked Ca2+ release. These findings suggest that FKBP does not modulate IP3-evoked Ca2+ release and FK506 increased IP3-evoked Ca2+ release by calcineurin inhibition. FK506 and rapamycin are also unlikely to mediate their effects via RyR. The RyR activator caffeine and ryanodine itself failed to evoke Ca2+ changes suggesting that RyR is not functional in native endothelium. Conclusion and Implications The hypertensive effects of the immunosuppressant drugs FK506 and rapamycin, while mediated by endothelial cells, do not appear to be exerted at documented cellular targets of the drugs on Ca2+ release and altered FKBP binding to IP3 and RyR

    The endothelium solves problems that endothelial cells do not know exist

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    The endothelium is the single layer of cells that lines the entire cardiovascular system and that regulates vascular tone and blood-tissue exchange, recruits blood cells, modulates blood clotting and determines the formation of new blood vessels. To control each function, the endothelium uses a remarkable sensory capability to continuously monitor vanishingly small changes in the concentration of many simultaneously arriving extracellular activators that each provide cues to physiological state. Here, we suggest that the extraordinary sensory capabilities of the endothelium does not come from single cells but from the combined activity of a large number of endothelial cells. Each cell has a limited, but distinctive, sensory capacity and shares information with neighbours so that sensing is distributed among cells. Communication of information among connected cells provides a system-level sensing substantially greater than the capabilities of any single cell and, as a collective, the endothelium solves sensory problems too complex for any single cell

    Flicker-assisted localization microscopy reveals altered mitochondrial architecture in hypertension

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    Mitochondrial morphology is central to normal physiology and disease development. However, in many live cells and tissues, complex mitochondrial structures exist and morphology has been difficult to quantify. We have measured the shape of electrically-discrete mitochondria, imaging them individually to restore detail hidden in clusters and demarcate functional boundaries. Stochastic “flickers” of mitochondrial membrane potential were visualized with a rapidly-partitioning fluorophore and the pixel-by-pixel covariance of spatio-temporal fluorescence changes analyzed. This Flicker-assisted Localization Microscopy (FaLM) requires only an epifluorescence microscope and sensitive camera. In vascular myocytes, the apparent variation in mitochondrial size was partly explained by densely-packed small mitochondria. In normotensive animals, mitochondria were small spheres or rods. In hypertension, mitochondria were larger, occupied more of the cell volume and were more densely clustered. FaLM provides a convenient tool for increased discrimination of mitochondrial architecture and has revealed mitochondrial alterations that may contribute to hypertension

    Pressure-dependent regulation of Ca2+ signaling in the vascular endothelium

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    The endothelium is an interconnected network upon which hemodynamic mechanical forces act to control vascular tone and remodeling in disease. Ca2+ signaling is central to the endothelium's mechanotransduction and networked activity. However, challenges in imaging Ca2+ in large numbers of endothelial cells under conditions that preserve the intact physical configuration of pressurized arteries have limited progress in understanding how pressure-dependent mechanical forces alter networked Ca2+ signaling. We developed a miniature wide-field, gradient-index (GRIN) optical probe designed to fit inside an intact pressurized artery which permitted Ca2+ signals to be imaged with subcellular resolution in a large number (∼200) of naturally-connected endothelial cells at various pressures. Chemical (acetylcholine) activation triggered spatiotemporally-complex, propagating IP3-mediated Ca2+ waves that originated in clusters of cells and progressed from there across the endothelium. Mechanical stimulation of the artery, by increased intraluminal pressure, flattened the endothelial cells and suppressed IP3-mediated Ca2+ signals in all activated cells. By computationally modeling Ca2+ release, endothelial shape changes were shown to alter the geometry of the Ca2+ diffusive environment near IP3 receptor microdomains to limit IP3-mediated Ca2+ signals as pressure increased. Changes in cell shape produce a geometric, microdomain-regulation of IP3-mediated Ca2+ signaling to explain macroscopic pressure-dependent, endothelial-mechanosensing without the need for a conventional mechanoreceptor. The suppression of IP3-mediated Ca2+ signaling may explain the decrease in endothelial activity as pressure increases. GRIN imaging provides a convenient method that provides access to hundreds of endothelial cells in intact arteries in physiological configuration

    Chapter 9 Mitochondria Structure and Position in the Local Control of Calcium Signals in Smooth Muscle Cells

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    Features of Ca2+ signals including the amplitude, duration, frequency and location are encoded by various physiological stimuli. These features of the signals are decoded by cells to selectively activate smooth muscle functions that include contraction and proliferation [1–3]. Central, therefore, to an appreciation of how smooth muscle is controlled is an understanding of the regulation of Ca2+

    Elevations of intracellular calcium reflect normal voltage-dependent behavior, and not constitutive activity, of voltage-dependent calcium channels in gastrointestinal and vascular smooth muscle

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    In smooth muscle, the gating of dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channels may either be stochastic and voltage dependent or coordinated among channels and constitutively active. Each form of gating has been proposed to be largely responsible for Ca2+ influx and determining the bulk average cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration. Here, the contribution of voltage-dependent and constitutively active channel behavior to Ca2+ signaling has been studied in voltage-clamped single vascular and gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells using wide-field epifluorescence with near simultaneous total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Depolarization (−70 to +10 mV) activated a dihydropyridine-sensitive voltage-dependent Ca2+ current (ICa) and evoked a rise in [Ca2+] in each of the subplasma membrane space and bulk cytoplasm. In various regions of the bulk cytoplasm the [Ca2+] increase ([Ca2+]c) was approximately uniform, whereas that of the subplasma membrane space ([Ca2+]PM) had a wide range of amplitudes and time courses. The variations that occurred in the subplasma membrane space presumably reflected an uneven distribution of active Ca2+ channels (clusters) across the sarcolemma, and their activation appeared consistent with normal voltage-dependent behavior. Indeed, in the present study, dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channels were not normally constitutively active. The repetitive localized [Ca2+]PM rises (“persistent Ca2+ sparklets”) that characterize constitutively active channels were observed rarely (2 of 306 cells). Neither did dihydropyridine-sensitive constitutively active Ca2+ channels regulate the bulk average [Ca2+]c. A dihydropyridine blocker of Ca2+ channels, nimodipine, which blocked ICa and accompanying [Ca2+]c rise, reduced neither the resting bulk average [Ca2+]c (at −70 mV) nor the rise in [Ca2+]c, which accompanied an increased electrochemical driving force on the ion by hyperpolarization (−130 mV). Activation of protein kinase C with indolactam-V did not induce constitutive channel activity. Thus, although voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels appear clustered in certain regions of the plasma membrane, constitutive activity is unlikely to play a major role in [Ca2+]c regulation. The stochastic, voltage-dependent activity of the channel provides the major mechanism to generate rises in [Ca2+]

    Carbenoxolone and 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid inhibit inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-mediated endothelial cell calcium signalling and depolarise mitochondria

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    Background and Purpose: Coordinated endothelial control of cardiovascular function is proposed to occur by endothelial cell communication via gap junctions and connexins. To study intercellular communication, the pharmacological agents carbenoxolone (CBX) and 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid (18βGA) are used widely as connexin inhibitors and gap junction blockers. Experimental Approach: We investigated the effects of CBX and 18βGA on intercellular Ca 2+ waves, evoked by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP 3) in the endothelium of intact mesenteric resistance arteries. Key Results: Acetycholine-evoked IP 3-mediated Ca 2+ release and propagated waves were inhibited by CBX (100 μM) and 18βGA (40 μM). Unexpectedly, the Ca 2+ signals were inhibited uniformly in all cells, suggesting that CBX and 18βGA reduced Ca 2+ release. Localised photolysis of caged IP 3 (cIP 3) was used to provide precise spatiotemporal control of site of cell activation. Local cIP 3 photolysis generated reproducible Ca 2+ increases and Ca 2+ waves that propagated across cells distant to the photolysis site. CBX and 18βGA each blocked Ca 2+ waves in a time-dependent manner by inhibiting the initiating IP 3-evoked Ca 2+ release event rather than block of gap junctions. This effect was reversed on drug washout and was unaffected by small or intermediate K +-channel blockers. Furthermore, CBX and 18βGA each rapidly and reversibly collapsed the mitochondrial membrane potential. Conclusion and Implications: CBX and 18βGA inhibit IP 3-mediated Ca 2+ release and depolarise the mitochondrial membrane potential. These results suggest that CBX and 18βGA may block cell–cell communication by acting at sites that are unrelated to gap junctions

    Mitochondria structure and position in the local control of calcium signals in smooth muscle cells

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    In smooth muscle mitochondria are major regulators of contractility, proliferation and growth through the organelles' control of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations. Mitochondria regulate cytoplasmic Ca2+ over concentrations of the ion that range from 200nM – 50 µM. An acknowledged feature of the organelle’s ability to control Ca2+ over the higher Ca2+ concentrations (>10 µM) is the position and structure of the organelles at sites near ion channels. However, the precise relationship between Ca2+ signalling and mitochondria is preliminary in large part because the structure and position of the organelles is not well understood. We recently developed methods to determine the structure and position of each mitochondrion and the entire organelle complement in live, fully-differentiated cells smooth muscle cells. In fully differentiated smooth muscle, mitochondria are distributed through the cytoplasm mainly as spherical or short rod shaped structures (mean length 0.9 µm). Mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake regulates Ca2+ release from IP3R clusters. However, the organelles do not appear to regulate the gating of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels on the plasma membrane. Nonetheless the position of mitochondria correlates with an increased magnitude of voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry. Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel expression or distribution, or both, may be regulated by mitochondria

    Photoactivated release of membrane impermeant sulfonates inside cells.

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    Photouncaging delivers compounds with high spatial and temporal control to induce or inhibit biological processes but the released compounds may diffuse out. We here demonstrate that sulfonate anions can be photocaged so that a membrane impermeable compound can enter cells, be uncaged by photoirradiation and trapped within the cell