197 research outputs found

    Fungal diseases of watermelon in Morogoro urban, Tanzania

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    A study to examine fungal diseases infecting watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) plants in Morogoro urban, Tanzania was conducted in November, 2011. Forty eight watermelon samples with necrotic symptoms collected from randomly selected home gardens were tested for infection using the Blotter method. Identification of the detected fungi was done based on morphological characters of the mycelia and conidia Observed under the stereo and compound microscopes. The results indicated that, watermelon samples were infected by Alternaria alternata (96.7%), Cercospora citrullina (93.3%), Fusarium oxysporum (40%), Microphomina phaseolina (38.3%) and Cladosporium cucumevicum (14.2%). Such results implied that, a number of fungal pathogens infect watermelon in Morogoro urban district. This is the first report of these fungal pathogens in Tanzania. More work is therefore, needed to study the incidence, distribution and economical impact of diseases of watermelon caused by these fungal pathogens in different locations in the country

    An Evaluation of the Effects of Lead on the Biodegradation of Organic Wastes

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    This study constitutes an additional step in limiting the concentration of lead in wastewater effluent from waste stabilization ponds. The effects of lead on the biodegradation rate of organic wastes were investigated at lead concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200mg/l in batch cultures. Several runs were in order to determine temperature effects. A model was proposed to predict deoxygenation rate for different concentrations of lead at various temperatures. The model parameters  namely the ultimate BOD, reaction rate constant and lag time were optimized by ordinary least squares (OLS) using the modified Gompertz model. The ultimate BOD and lag time increased as lead concentration was increased. However the deoxygenation rate decreased as lead concentration increased. The deoxygenation rate and ultimate BOD had maximum values at optimum temperature range of 30.15-33.50 oC. &nbsp

    Plant extracts and essential oils in seed treatment::production of healthy tomato transplants

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    Nouveau concept de séchage et de fumage artisanal des aliments : application en milieu de pêche artisanale au Gabon

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    L’objet de cette étude est de présenter la conception détaillée et la fabrication d’un fumoir à poissons dont les spécificités permettent de répondre aux besoins de PED (pays en développement) côtiers tropicaux liés au traitement de poissons fraîchement péchés. Cette technique de séchage et fumage correspond à un mode de conservation traditionnel en Afrique subsaharienne et permet l’exportation des produits finis. Le dispositif de fumage proposé ici est autonome en ce sens qu’il fonctionne sans électricité et ne nécessite que l’utilisation de bois de combustion et de bois de pyrolyse ; il est de plus modulaire et réalisable avec les matériaux et les outils standards de la maçonnerie et de la chaudronnerie. Il permet de séparer en deux phases distinctes, les opérations de séchage et de fumage. Le séchage des poissons se fait par convection, conduction et rayonnement à partir des conduites de fumées. De ce fait, nous avons une chaleur uniforme au sein de l'enceinte. Le système de fumage permet d'obtenir une teneur des benzo (a) pyrène recommandé par les organismes internationaux.Mots-clés : bois, conception, fumage, PED, poissons, séchage.New concept of drying and smoking of artisanal foods : application in middle of artisanal fishing in GabonThe purpose of this study is to present the detailed design and construction of a fish smokehouse whose characteristics can meet the needs of tropical coastal developing countries related to the treatment of freshly caught fish. This technique of drying and smoking is a traditional way of conservation in subSaharan Africa and allows the export of finished products. The smoking device proposed here is autonomous in the sense that it works without electricity and requires only the wooden use of combustion and wood of pyrolysis; it is of more modular and built with materials and standard tools of the masonry and the boilermaking. He allows to separate in two different phases, the operations of drying and smoking. The drying of fishes is made by convection, conduction and radiation with smoke ducts. Therefore, we have a uniform heat within the smokehouse. The system of smoking allows to obtain a content of benzo ( a ) pyrène recommended by the international bodies.Keywords : wood, design, smoking, PED, fish, drying

    A Review of Literature on International Accounting Harmonization

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    Unlike financial accounting, international accounting has been poorly documented. This lack of research interest in International Accounting Harmonization stems, relatively speaking, from the primacy of international accounting standard setting as the preferred research framework for academic research. The purpose of this paper is to question the contribution of research on the issue of International Accounting Harmonization. The paper aims to provide a synthesis of the literature on the actors, debates and theories of international accounting harmonization. A bibliometric search carried out on the google scholar and Social Science Research Network sites using the key words "international accounting harmonization" allows us to identify more than two hundred papers from 1995 to 2017. The content analysis of these papers allows us to select about thirty papers, on the basis of which four areas of interest are identified. The research suggests the supremacy of the harmonization of practiced work, which opens the door to fruitful research on the reconciliation of these four research streams. New evaluation measures and theoretical frameworks are also presented with a view of providing a fruitful framework for future research on international accounting harmonization. Ultimately, two International Accounting Harmonization solutions are emerging: the American solution and the European solution

    Can soilless farming feed urban East Africa? An assessment of the benefits and challenges of hydroponics in Uganda and Tanzania

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    This research article was published by Elsevier in 2022East Africa has the potential to boost its urban food production through adoption of soilless farming techniques. The case study assessed the benefits and drawbacks allied with hydroponic vegetable farming among urban and peri‑urban farms in Northern Tanzania and Central Uganda. Snowball sampling was used to identify 150 vegetable farms/farmers through urban farmers’ groups and recommendations from the agricultural organizations from Uganda and Tanzania. Based on the complexity and distinctiveness of this farming system, only 51 individuals engaging in hydroponic vegetable production took part in responding to the semi-structured Google form questionnaire that was issued through social media platforms, face to face interviews and farm visits. Results from the study showed that hydroponics is a climate smart farming system (n = 13, 26%), produces high yields within limited space (n = 24, 48%), has no soil borne pests and diseases (n = 10, 20%) and gives the farmer the ability to control environmental conditions (n = 2, 4%). On the contrary, over 50% of the respondents reported high investment costs (n = 16, 31%) and lack of adequate knowledge on hydroponics (n = 11, 22%) as the main limitations of the technology. Based on farmers’ recommendations, hydroponics has potential to increase food security within urban areas if more efforts are put in sensitization about the farming system and research into ways to reduce the high costs associated with the technology

    Sampling-detection procedures:bacterial leaf spot pathogen of tomato. Technical bulletin

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    Le régime alimentaire de Schilbe multitaeniatus (Pellegrin, 1913) (Siluriforme, Schilbeidae) de la rivière Rembo Bongo au Gabon (Afrique Centrale)

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    S. multitaeniatus est un Schilbeidae tres capture et apprecie des eaux  douces du Gabon. Sa bioecologie peu etudiee a fait lfobjet dfune attention particuliere dans lfoptique de gerer durablement, de proteger et  entreprendre des essais de domestication en elevage de lfespece. De juin 2010 a decembre 2011, une etude experimentale de son regime  alimentaire a ete faite dans la riviere Rembo Bongo par lfanalyse de 292estomacs de poissons peches aux filets dormants de mailles 10, 15, 20, 25 30, 35, 40 et 50 mm. Les resultats ont montre que son alimentation est variee et constituee dfinsectes (Io = 36,5%; Iab= 29,29%), de poissons (Io= 24,31%; Iab = 18,18%), de debris dfanimaux (Io =  12,16%; Iab = 9,1%), de crustaces (Io = 4,06%; Iab = 5,05%), dfarachnides (Io = 1,35%; Iab = 1,01%), de fruits (Io = 13,51%; Iab = 28,28%) et de debris de vegetaux (Io = 6,76%; Iab = 6,06%). Cette alimentation differe entre jeunes-adultes (α = 0) dfune part et entresaisons de pluies et saison seche (α = -20) dfautre part. Globalement, lfespece a un regime omnivore a tendance ichtyophage, toutefois, avec une preference dfinsectes au stade jeune et de poissons au stade adulte.c 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots cles : Cours dfeau, Siluriforme, Schilbe multitaeniatus, alimentatio

    The Effect of Field Margin Plants with Pesticide Properties on Growth and Yield of Lablab

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    A research article was published by International Journal of Environmental Science Volume 8, 2023Lablab crop is an essential pulse, cum vegetable, and is more adapted to different environmental conditions than any other legume. Like other crops, it is infested by insect pests. The specific objective was to assess the effect of field margin plants with pesticide properties on growth and yield of lablab. Lablab seeds, tephrosia vogelii powders and field margin plants (Ocimum, Hyptis and Sphaeranthus) were used in this study. The experimental field was tilled, then the plots of 10m x 10m were established at the distance of 20m apart and randomized complete block design (CRBD) with three replications was used to assign treatment in each plot. The growth components plant heights (H) and the number of leaves per plant were measured on the 4th, 8th and 12th weeks after germination while the yields was measured after harvest and threshing. The study findings demonstrated effectiveness of field margin plants with pesticide properties at the edge in reducing pest incidents by attracting more natural enemies on 4th week found 3 spiders and no insect pest compared to other treatments, and reduce severity of foliage damage as well as increasing lablab yields (129.84kg/ha) compared to those with no field margin pesticidal plants which yielded 115.49kg/ha, hence higher yields on plots with field margin pesticidal plants in combination with application of fish bean [Tephrosia vogelii] which yielded 222.70kg/ha. Hence, the use of field margins with desired pesticide properties offer a sustainable way to increase yield
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