17 research outputs found

    Exploring Project Complexity Relations to Scope Changes in Construction Projects: A Case Study of NEC Projects in South Africa

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    Construction projects are of very complex nature, and subject to circumstances of high uncertainties and risks due to the interdependences of activities and processes in the project performance.  As a result of the dynamic complexities inherited in construction projects, changes in the scope of work are inevitable. Of particular concern is that, when scope changes are introduced in a project, contractors follow a systematic procedure in managing the changes, but with poor planning and implementation thereof because the project complexities that underpin the scope changes are not fully understood. Therefore, despite that complexity is an inherent and defining feature of construction projects, studies in the literature have failed to grasp and present the dynamics of project complexity which underlie the scope changes in the delivery of construction project. The TOE (Technical Organizational Environmental) framework was adopted and applied on a multiple-case study research design in order to explore and denote project complexity relations to scope changes in construction projects. Through a content analysis procedure, six key elements of project complexities that relate to scope changes in the construction projects has emerged. Understanding these complexity elements could enable the project management team to apply a front-end planning approach in the initiation phase of the projects in order to better manage scope changes in the execution phase of the project, and eventually to improve the project performance

    An evaluation of the nature and extent of alignment between the strategic performance plans of selected Eastern Cape provincial government departments and the provincial growth and development plan 2004-2014

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    One of the key challenges that continue to confront governments, worldwide, with regard to development management, other than the obvious limited resources to meet the overwhelming and competing needs of the constituencies, is the efficiency and effectiveness of the state machinery. Within state machinery itself the major issue that is viewed as a primary shortcoming is the process of translating sound development policies into implementable programmes and projects. Within the processes of policy implementation the key weaknesses appear to lie on planning processes. As such, governments continue to cite poor alignment between policies, plans and priorities across various spheres of government, a challenge that manifests itself in a lack of integrated service delivery, duplication in application of resources and efforts, lack of sustainability of development initiatives, slow pace and poor quality of services provided to communities. This study was aimed at evaluating the nature and extent of alignment between the Strategic Performance Plans of selected Eastern Cape provincial government departments and the Provincial Growth and Development Plan (PGDP): 2004-2014. The main objectives of the study were to gain insight into the nature and extent of alignment between the Strategic Performance Plans of selected Eastern Cape provincial government departments and the PGDP objectives, indicators and targets; identify the new service delivery mechanisms, policies, procedures and change management plans that have been introduced, if any, to ensure the successful implementation of the PGDP programmes; and indentify risks and challenges that pose a threat to the successful implementation of the PGDP programmes and provide preliminary risk response strategies. Of paramount importance is that this study was not limited to assessing the nature and extent of harmony or strategic fit between a macro-provincial plan, known as the PGDP, and sector specific plans, called Strategic Performance Plans, but it sought to determine the bases of alignment, where it exists, and sources of misalignment where planning disjuncture are found. To this end, the study was intended to generate a conceptual framework for assessing alignment of plans within public institutions across all levels of government. Ten provincial government departments drawn from the four provincial administrative clusters that feed their work into, and hence accountable to various Cabinet Committees and, ultimately, Cabinet, participated in the study. Key issues that emerged, and remained unresolved, during the direct engagement of provincial government departments were consolidated and verified, later on, with the public entity that supports the Office of the Premier on matters of macro-policy and strategy development and socio-economic research, known as the Eastern Cape Socio Economic and Consultative Council (ECSECC). This study followed a qualitative research methodology approach. Strategic Performance Plans of selected provincial government departments were analysed to establish linkages with the PGDP. A standard Alignment Evaluation Matrix was utilized to provide the results of content analysis of departmental plans. This Matrix was developed based on extensive literature study conducted that yielded a working Strategic Planning Alignment Model. The results of analysis of departmental plans and the key features of the Planning Alignment Model formed the basis of engagement of selected government departments during field study. Managers and officials working in components such as Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Special Programmes, infrastructure Planning, Demand Management and Research, Budget Planning and Control, Municipal Support, Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Planning, participated in the focus groupdiscussions. This study revealed both positive and negative factors on how provincial government departments have, over time, attempted to give effect to the intentions of the Provincial Growth and Development Plan; 2004-2014. Firstly, the study demonstrated that the PGDP was viewed in the same light as any other planning framework generated at national and local government level, with its priorities and targets found in the same basket of policy issues that are competing for limited resources. Secondly, it was found that the PGDP has, over time, degenerated in terms of its strategic significance in the planning environment, with new priorities that have emerged at a national government level securing more attention of politicians and senior administrators at the detriment of the PGDP intentions. Political championing of the PGDP was viewed as having dwindled from one term of government to the next. As such, the PGDP was not found to be having the level of significance and traction that the regionalist-planning paradigm is beginning to suggest within the global policy development discourse. Thirdly, the study revealed that while plans of selected government departments had a sound articulation of the PGDP goals, this did not translate into well-costed operational plans with clear targets and timelines that link to the 2014 targets. Organisational structures and service delivery models of the selected government departments had not fundamentally changed since the PGDP was introduced in the Province. Incremental changes to departmental processes have been seen since the PGDP came into effect. The changes were more influenced by new priorities that emerged at national government level. As such, provincial government departments continued to be more inclined towards sector priorities which could be viewed as unfunded provincial priorities. As such, budget allocation to PGDP programmes was limited from department to department, due to competing national priorities. One argument advanced for this disjuncture in planning was that the PGDP itself should have, from time to time, been reviewed to consider priorities that might have emerged at national and local government sphere, including conditions that have changed in the socio, economic and political environments. This seemed not to have happened, despite a Planning Coordination and Monitoring Unit being established within the Office of the Premier, during PGDP inception, for this explicit purpose. Fourthly, the study noted the challenge of different planning cycles between the provincial and local government spheres, which was viewed as promoting planning disjuncture within the two spheres. This was pointed out as of critical importance in alignment since provincial government departments are expected to respond to community needs that are embodied in Integrated Development Plans of municipalities. For this vertical integration to happen, the study revealed that there has been over-reliance in inter-governmental structures which were relatively weak in various municipalities. In the same vein, horizontal integration at provincial government level seemed to be a challenge also due to the ineffectiveness of the cluster system introduced since 1999. While part of a Cluster system, and submitting plans and reports to Clusters, provincial government departments continued to work in silos. Priority setting, spatial targeting and resource allocation has remained a competency of individual provincial departments. The cluster budgeting and programme implementation envisaged in the PGDP was still to be seen, and it appeared that there was no Treasury tool to give effect to this noble intention. In fact, this intention was viewed as contradictory with the spirit of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 that places single financial accountability on Heads of Departments, as individuals rather than a group or cluster. Fifthly, the study further revealed that the PGDP itself had design deficiencies that created a challenge for implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The PGDP was viewed as straddling between being a strategic framework that guides socio-economic planning, with a longer-term focus, and being a provincial plan. The PGDP was also found to be an all encompassing plan that contains a basket of everything that a provincial government would be expected to do. A viewpoint advanced herein regards international experience which suggests that being strategic means being selective, sorting the critical few from the important many, and giving that selection a ‘bite’ by shifting resources and demanding performance sufficient to make the desired impact. The latter was viewed as a fundamental shortcoming of the PGDP. In fact, the study revealed that some of the PGDP programmes were underway within provincial government departments even before the PGDP was formulated. Whether those programmes would serve the province achieve the few outcomes it set itself for 2014, is a matter the PGDP design could not confirm. It also transpired that a number of provincial departments were not adequately consulted during the determination of PGDP targets. Furthermore, it has emerged that the province lacks coherent competency at a level higher than provincial departments, which is capacitated with a pool of analysts possessing a deeper appreciation of various government sectors and the provincial economy. This competency would include development planners, spatial planners, sector policy analysts, researchers and other technical skills

    An evaluation of the nature and extent of alignment between the strategic performance plans of selected Eastern Cape provincial government departments and the provincial growth and development plan 2004-2014

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    One of the key challenges that continue to confront governments, worldwide, with regard to development management, other than the obvious limited resources to meet the overwhelming and competing needs of the constituencies, is the efficiency and effectiveness of the state machinery. Within state machinery itself the major issue that is viewed as a primary shortcoming is the process of translating sound development policies into implementable programmes and projects. Within the processes of policy implementation the key weaknesses appear to lie on planning processes. As such, governments continue to cite poor alignment between policies, plans and priorities across various spheres of government, a challenge that manifests itself in a lack of integrated service delivery, duplication in application of resources and efforts, lack of sustainability of development initiatives, slow pace and poor quality of services provided to communities. This study was aimed at evaluating the nature and extent of alignment between the Strategic Performance Plans of selected Eastern Cape provincial government departments and the Provincial Growth and Development Plan (PGDP): 2004-2014. The main objectives of the study were to gain insight into the nature and extent of alignment between the Strategic Performance Plans of selected Eastern Cape provincial government departments and the PGDP objectives, indicators and targets; identify the new service delivery mechanisms, policies, procedures and change management plans that have been introduced, if any, to ensure the successful implementation of the PGDP programmes; and indentify risks and challenges that pose a threat to the successful implementation of the PGDP programmes and provide preliminary risk response strategies. Of paramount importance is that this study was not limited to assessing the nature and extent of harmony or strategic fit between a macro-provincial plan, known as the PGDP, and sector specific plans, called Strategic Performance Plans, but it sought to determine the bases of alignment, where it exists, and sources of misalignment where planning disjuncture are found. To this end, the study was intended to generate a conceptual framework for assessing alignment of plans within public institutions across all levels of government. Ten provincial government departments drawn from the four provincial administrative clusters that feed their work into, and hence accountable to various Cabinet Committees and, ultimately, Cabinet, participated in the study. Key issues that emerged, and remained unresolved, during the direct engagement of provincial government departments were consolidated and verified, later on, with the public entity that supports the Office of the Premier on matters of macro-policy and strategy development and socio-economic research, known as the Eastern Cape Socio Economic and Consultative Council (ECSECC). This study followed a qualitative research methodology approach. Strategic Performance Plans of selected provincial government departments were analysed to establish linkages with the PGDP. A standard Alignment Evaluation Matrix was utilized to provide the results of content analysis of departmental plans. This Matrix was developed based on extensive literature study conducted that yielded a working Strategic Planning Alignment Model. The results of analysis of departmental plans and the key features of the Planning Alignment Model formed the basis of engagement of selected government departments during field study. Managers and officials working in components such as Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Special Programmes, infrastructure Planning, Demand Management and Research, Budget Planning and Control, Municipal Support, Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Planning, participated in the focus groupdiscussions. This study revealed both positive and negative factors on how provincial government departments have, over time, attempted to give effect to the intentions of the Provincial Growth and Development Plan; 2004-2014. Firstly, the study demonstrated that the PGDP was viewed in the same light as any other planning framework generated at national and local government level, with its priorities and targets found in the same basket of policy issues that are competing for limited resources. Secondly, it was found that the PGDP has, over time, degenerated in terms of its strategic significance in the planning environment, with new priorities that have emerged at a national government level securing more attention of politicians and senior administrators at the detriment of the PGDP intentions. Political championing of the PGDP was viewed as having dwindled from one term of government to the next. As such, the PGDP was not found to be having the level of significance and traction that the regionalist-planning paradigm is beginning to suggest within the global policy development discourse. Thirdly, the study revealed that while plans of selected government departments had a sound articulation of the PGDP goals, this did not translate into well-costed operational plans with clear targets and timelines that link to the 2014 targets. Organisational structures and service delivery models of the selected government departments had not fundamentally changed since the PGDP was introduced in the Province. Incremental changes to departmental processes have been seen since the PGDP came into effect. The changes were more influenced by new priorities that emerged at national government level. As such, provincial government departments continued to be more inclined towards sector priorities which could be viewed as unfunded provincial priorities. As such, budget allocation to PGDP programmes was limited from department to department, due to competing national priorities. One argument advanced for this disjuncture in planning was that the PGDP itself should have, from time to time, been reviewed to consider priorities that might have emerged at national and local government sphere, including conditions that have changed in the socio, economic and political environments. This seemed not to have happened, despite a Planning Coordination and Monitoring Unit being established within the Office of the Premier, during PGDP inception, for this explicit purpose. Fourthly, the study noted the challenge of different planning cycles between the provincial and local government spheres, which was viewed as promoting planning disjuncture within the two spheres. This was pointed out as of critical importance in alignment since provincial government departments are expected to respond to community needs that are embodied in Integrated Development Plans of municipalities. For this vertical integration to happen, the study revealed that there has been over-reliance in inter-governmental structures which were relatively weak in various municipalities. In the same vein, horizontal integration at provincial government level seemed to be a challenge also due to the ineffectiveness of the cluster system introduced since 1999. While part of a Cluster system, and submitting plans and reports to Clusters, provincial government departments continued to work in silos. Priority setting, spatial targeting and resource allocation has remained a competency of individual provincial departments. The cluster budgeting and programme implementation envisaged in the PGDP was still to be seen, and it appeared that there was no Treasury tool to give effect to this noble intention. In fact, this intention was viewed as contradictory with the spirit of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 that places single financial accountability on Heads of Departments, as individuals rather than a group or cluster. Fifthly, the study further revealed that the PGDP itself had design deficiencies that created a challenge for implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The PGDP was viewed as straddling between being a strategic framework that guides socio-economic planning, with a longer-term focus, and being a provincial plan. The PGDP was also found to be an all encompassing plan that contains a basket of everything that a provincial government would be expected to do. A viewpoint advanced herein regards international experience which suggests that being strategic means being selective, sorting the critical few from the important many, and giving that selection a ‘bite’ by shifting resources and demanding performance sufficient to make the desired impact. The latter was viewed as a fundamental shortcoming of the PGDP. In fact, the study revealed that some of the PGDP programmes were underway within provincial government departments even before the PGDP was formulated. Whether those programmes would serve the province achieve the few outcomes it set itself for 2014, is a matter the PGDP design could not confirm. It also transpired that a number of provincial departments were not adequately consulted during the determination of PGDP targets. Furthermore, it has emerged that the province lacks coherent competency at a level higher than provincial departments, which is capacitated with a pool of analysts possessing a deeper appreciation of various government sectors and the provincial economy. This competency would include development planners, spatial planners, sector policy analysts, researchers and other technical skills

    The 2019 carbon tax in South Africa: Effects on relative cost of building materials, welfare, emissions, and energy consumption for households

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    The introduction of the carbon tax by South Africa was primarily aimed at reducing pollution, and possibly improving the welfare of South African households. One of the ways of reducing pollution in the construction industry is to discourage the use of building materials that are high carbon emitters or have high energy intensities. This article used the Input-Output (IO) method and sensitivity analysis to study the effects of carbon tax on welfare distribution of South African households, using the 2014-2015 Living Conditions Survey (LCS). The study also set out to determine the relative sensitivity of price changes of some building materials after application of the 2019 carbon tax. Results showed that non-ferrous, ferrous, and prefabricated-based building materials had higher relative price sensitivities to carbon tax compared to other materials that were predominantly based on glass, cement, and treated metals. Increases in carbon tax may not discourage usage of relatively higher emissions-intensity materials like cement compared to wood. Operational building costs were dominated by electricity costs, with the burden being highest for lower income households. Any revenue-recycling efforts of the 2019 carbon tax for welfare purposes were marginal. However, the tax can be used to subsidize energy for lower income households

    A framework for the management of human settlements: Nigeria and South Africa as cases

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    Since 1965, the United Nations has underscored the vital role of human settlements management in creating a sustainable living environment, stating that the building of houses alone does not bring the desired change, as it does not significantly improve the living conditions of both low- and middle-income households (UN, 1969: vi). However, there is still a global challenge of depreciating human settlements, particularly in developing countries, despite several novel policies and programmes. This article reports the results of a study done to propose a framework that could be of assistance to the human settlements management function in Nigeria and South Africa. With a dearth of literature on human settlements management, literature on property, facility, housing and urban management was reviewed to develop a quantitative questionnaire for identifying factors that influence human settlements management, as perceived by stakeholders in the private or public sectors of human settlements management. Two constructs (management [10 factors with 51 measurements] and sustainable management [5 factors with 25 measurements]), measured on a 5-point Likert scale, test and rate each factor’s influence on human settlements management. Based on the findings, legal, political/policy, socio-economic, organisational, physical, human resource, technological, environmental, and ethical/moral factors form the basis of the proposed framework. The latter may assist human settlements managers in their role of managing human settlements for sustainability

    Relative comparison of the benefits of wall envelope insulation materials in the South African energy zones, subject to the new national building energy efficiency standards

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    Introduction: South Africa is ranked among the 20 highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters worldwide, mainly due to its heavy reliance on coal for energy. The residential building industry can play a significant role towards the minimization of both GHG emissions and energy consumption. This research assesses the beneficial impacts of utilizing wall envelope insulation measures using five insulation materials, for a detached residential building, within the seven energy zones of South Africa in accordance with the South African National code for Building energy efficiency (SANS10400-XA).Methods: Lifecycle analysis (for 50 years), regression methods and sequential search techniques of building energy modelling were used to determine both the energy saving implications of adopting the insulation materials (at various levels of thickness), and their corresponding energy payback periods. The study area consisted of eight selected locations representing all the seven energy zones in South Africa (Welkom, Witbank, Thohoyandou, Cape Town, Pretoria, Ixopo, Sutherland, and Fraserburg).Results: Sutherland (zone 6), Cape Town (zone 4) and Fraserburg (zone 7) benefitted most from energy savings due to application of insulation measures. Witbank (Zone 2), Thohoyandou (zone 3) and Pretoria (zone 5) never benefitted from application of wall envelope insulation (in terms of energy savings). Cellulose and straw yielded the lowest payback periods. Generally, polyurethane yielded the highest net energy savings at lower insulation thickness levels, while cellulose was preferable at higher insulation thickness levels in Welkom (zone1) Cape Town (zone 4), Ixopo (zone 5H), Sutherland (zone 6) and Fraserburg (zone 7).Discussion: Lower optimal wall envelope insulation thicknesses (that maximized energy savings) appeared to correspond to locations with higher annual temperature ranges. Higher temperature ranges (hence, higher degree days) would ensure that more energy is saved in order to keep the indoor temperatures within the acceptable comfort limits, due to application of insulation. However, the selection of insulation material is also influenced by other factors such as resistance to insect and mould attack (which easily affect bio-insulation materials), fire retardancy, durability (which affects cellulose), sound proofing, structural strength, and resistance to water vapour

    An Investigation of Waste Management Practice in a South African Township: A Case Study of Ekuphumleni Township, Ndlambe Municipality

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    Solid waste is a global challenge that is more pronounced in developing countries such as South Africa, where its management is a major concern. The government has recently made a concerted effort to engage the public in sustainable waste management practices to resolve the crisis occasioned by the challenge. This chapter investigates waste management practices in the South African Township of Ekuphumleni and relied on a sample of 353 households to obtain some primary data with a questionnaire on the subject matter. The data collected was analyzed using “R,” and the results were presented using charts, tables, and figures. Data collected revealed that waste paper, cans, used plastics, and bottles were major waste components generated by the respondents and these wastes were generally stored unseparated domestically in plastic bags and home garbage can. Furthermore, the respondent indicated that the municipality does a door-to-door collection of their waste and they were unwilling to pay for waste collection services. While the waste management practice is in tandem with the municipal system, the study recommends that the respondents must be educated on circularity, which will ensure reducing, reusing, recycling, and recovering waste and further aid economic empowerment

    User-acceptance of sanitation technologies in South Africa and Malawi

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    There is a great need for the planning and implementation of sanitation technologies (STs) to take into consideration the user-acceptance factor and, therefore, limit resource wastage. This article aims to determine whether the pattern of relative importance of the factors that affect sanitation technology user-acceptance (STUA) is similar across study areas located in South Africa and Malawi with respect to the STs rolled out. Information from the study is especially critical for resource conservation, considering the recent relatively poor performance of the South African economy (a 7% slump) in 2020. Desktop research methods, using data from previous studies, were used to perform an analysis of the significance of the underlying factors that influence STUA. These were based on a systematic review that uses a structured protocol for literature review, together with the snowball approach. The methodology proposed by the Water Research Commission (WRC) under the sanitation suitability index was used to perform the sanitation technology comparisons. This article adds value to previous research in that, unlike previous research studies, it considers several relevant researched technologies to establish whether there exist similar patterns of relative significance of factors that influence STUA. Reliability, health, user- and technical acceptability were the predominant influencers of STUA. Education, training, and technical support are necessary throughout the sanitation project life cycle

    DataSheet1_Relative comparison of the benefits of wall envelope insulation materials in the South African energy zones, subject to the new national building energy efficiency standards.CSV

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    Introduction: South Africa is ranked among the 20 highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters worldwide, mainly due to its heavy reliance on coal for energy. The residential building industry can play a significant role towards the minimization of both GHG emissions and energy consumption. This research assesses the beneficial impacts of utilizing wall envelope insulation measures using five insulation materials, for a detached residential building, within the seven energy zones of South Africa in accordance with the South African National code for Building energy efficiency (SANS10400-XA).Methods: Lifecycle analysis (for 50 years), regression methods and sequential search techniques of building energy modelling were used to determine both the energy saving implications of adopting the insulation materials (at various levels of thickness), and their corresponding energy payback periods. The study area consisted of eight selected locations representing all the seven energy zones in South Africa (Welkom, Witbank, Thohoyandou, Cape Town, Pretoria, Ixopo, Sutherland, and Fraserburg).Results: Sutherland (zone 6), Cape Town (zone 4) and Fraserburg (zone 7) benefitted most from energy savings due to application of insulation measures. Witbank (Zone 2), Thohoyandou (zone 3) and Pretoria (zone 5) never benefitted from application of wall envelope insulation (in terms of energy savings). Cellulose and straw yielded the lowest payback periods. Generally, polyurethane yielded the highest net energy savings at lower insulation thickness levels, while cellulose was preferable at higher insulation thickness levels in Welkom (zone1) Cape Town (zone 4), Ixopo (zone 5H), Sutherland (zone 6) and Fraserburg (zone 7).Discussion: Lower optimal wall envelope insulation thicknesses (that maximized energy savings) appeared to correspond to locations with higher annual temperature ranges. Higher temperature ranges (hence, higher degree days) would ensure that more energy is saved in order to keep the indoor temperatures within the acceptable comfort limits, due to application of insulation. However, the selection of insulation material is also influenced by other factors such as resistance to insect and mould attack (which easily affect bio-insulation materials), fire retardancy, durability (which affects cellulose), sound proofing, structural strength, and resistance to water vapour.</p