13 research outputs found

    Ovary Differentiation and Activity in Teleostei Fish

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    Teleostei fishes constitute a very large group among the vertebrates. They present several reproductive strategies, and many species are gonochoristics. During the gonadal differentiation, the gonadal primordium undergoes morphological changes giving rise to male or female gonads. Considering the lack of information about gonadal morphogenesis in Teleostei, especially in tangent aspects concerning the establishment of the germinal epithelium and its relation with the formation of the ovarian cavity, Tanichthys albonubes, Corydoras schwartzi, and Amatitlania nigrofasciata were taken as biological models to establish a comparative analysis of the female gonadal differentiation. In undifferentiated gonad, the epithelial cells associate with primordial germ cells and form germline cysts. These are distributed throughout the gonadal tissue; after the entrance of the oogonia into meiosis, the folliculogenesis occurs forming the first follicles, in a quite conserved process. However, the formation of the ovarian cavity is distinct. In T. albonubes and A. nigrofasciata, the lumen is formed by pleating and in C. schwartzi, it is formed by cavitation. The central lumen formed characterizes the cystovarian of Teleostei. Although there are differences in the chronology of the differentiation, the processes involved are quite similar and culminate in the formation of analogous structures

    Action of the Metalloproteinases in Gonadal Remodeling during Sex Reversal in the Sequential Hermaphroditism of the Teleostei Fish Synbranchus marmoratus (Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae)

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    Teleostei present great plasticity regarding sex change. During sex reversal, the whole gonadincluding the germinal epithelium undergoes significant changes, remodeling, and neoformation.However, there is no information on the changes that occur within the interstitial compartment.Considering the lack of information, especially on the role played by metalloproteinases (MMPs)in fish gonadal remodeling, the aim of this study was to evaluate the action of MMPs on gonadsof sex reversed females of Synbranchus marmoratus, a fresh water protogynic diandric fish. Gonadswere processed for light microscopy and blood samples were used for the determination of plasmasex steroid levels. During sex reversal, degeneration of the ovaries occurred and were graduallyreplaced by the germinal tissue of the male. The action of the MMPs induces significant changesin the interstitial compartment, allowing the reorganization of germinal epithelium. Leydig cellsalso showed an important role in female to male reversion. The gonadal transition coincides withchanges in circulating sex steroid levels throughout sex reversion. The action of the MMPs, in thegonadal remodeling, especially on the basement membrane, is essential for the establishment of anew functional germinal epithelium.Fil: Mazzoni, Talita Sarah. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Lo Nostro, Fabiana Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental. Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología Acuática; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Antoneli, Fernanda. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Quagio-Grassiotto, Irani. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; Brasi

    Zygoparity in Characidae: the first case of internal fertilization in the teleost cohort Otomorpha

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    Most teleosts are externally fertilizing, with internal fertilization occurring as a relatively rare event. Until now, Euteleosteomorpha is the only teleost cohort known to undergo internal fertilization. In the teleost cohort Otomorpha, it has been recorded the presence of sperm in the ovaries of some species of Characiformes and Siluriformes, but no fertilized eggs have been found so far in the female reproductive tract. It has been presumed that oocytes can be released into the water with associated spermatozoa and only there becomes fertilized, and the term insemination has been used to characterize the strategy adopted by these fish. Here, we present the discovery of the first case of internal fertilization in the teleost cohort Otomorpha, in Compsura heterura (Characiformes: Characidae). In the course of spawning, the eggs form the perivitelline space and the animal and vegetative poles within the ovaries, evidencing oocyte fertilization. The newly spawned eggs then continue to form the animal and vegetative poles and increase the perivitelline space. These eggs are in the zygotic stage. These data indicate that fertilized eggs are only retained for a short period, providing evidence that C. heterura is a zygoparous fish.A maioria dos teleósteos são espécies com fecundação externa, sendo a fecundação interna um evento relativamente raro. Até o momento, Euteleosteomorpha é a única coorte de teleósteos conhecida com espécies de fecundação interna. Na coorte de teleósteos Otomorpha, tem sido registrada a presença de esperma nos ovários de algumas espécies de Characiformes e Siluriformes, porém nenhum ovo fecundado foi encontrado até agora no trato reprodutor feminino. Presume-se que os oócitos possam ser liberados na água associados aos espermatozoides e que somente lá são fecundados, e o termo inseminação tem sido empregado para caracterizar a estratégia adotada por esses peixes. Apresentamos aqui a descoberta do primeiro caso de fecundação interna na coorte de teleósteos Otomorpha, em Compsura heterura (Characiformes: Characidae). Durante a desova, os ovos formam o espaço perivitelino e os polos animal e vegetal dentro dos ovários, evidenciando a fecundação interna. Os ovos recém-desovados continuam a formação dos polos animal e vegetal e aumentam o espaço perivitelino. Esses ovos estão na fase zigótica. Estes dados indicam que os ovos fertilizados são retidos por um curto período, fornecendo evidências de que C. heterura é um peixe zigóparo

    Formation of germinal epithelium during gonodal morphogenesis and differentiation in Cyprinus carpio (Teleostei:Cypriniformes) : a structural and ultrastructural analysis of the germ and somatic cells

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    Orientador: Irani Quagio-GrassiottoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: Numa nova visão da morfogênese gonadal, sua descrição em Cyprinus carpio, mostra como a proliferação e diferenciação de células germinativas e somáticas a partir do primórdio gonadal levam à formação das diferentes estruturas ovarianas e testiculares e à constituição do epitélio germinativo que margeia as lamelas ovígeras e os túbulos testiculares. Em C. carpio, o primórdio gonadal é formado por células germinativas primordiais (CGPs) rodeadas por células somáticas. Após sucessivas divisões mitóticas das células somáticas, o tecido gonadal aumenta em comprimento e espessura. As CGPs isoladas entre células somáticas se dividem mitoticamente formando grupos de células germinativas, que se organizam em cordões contínuos, os quais são invadidos por células somáticas, levando à uma reorganização estrutural e diferenciação gonadal. Nas gônadas femininas, as oogônias são envolvidas por expansões citoplasmáticas das agora células pré-foliculares, formando cistos, delimitados por uma membrana basal em formação. Cada oogônia divide-se por mitose, formando novas oogônias ou entra em meiose originando os oócitos. Com a entrada e permanência em diplóteno, os oócitos, ainda no interior dos cistos, iniciam seu desenvolvimento que completar-se-á no interior dos folículos ovarianos. As células pré-foliculares progressivamente interpenetram nos cistos e envolvem cada oócito individualizando-os. Estas gradativamente sintetizam a membrana basal envolvendo progressivamente o folículo em formação. As células foliculares assentadas em parte na membrana basal do próprio epitélio germinativo mantêm uma região de contato entre o folículo ovariano e o epitélio germinativo, que compartilham uma mesma membrana basal. Ao término da foliculogênese, o oócito inicia seu crescimento primário. No tecido gonadal, células mesenquimais se interconectam e se diferenciam, dando origem ao estroma ovariano, isolado do compartimento germinativo pela membrana basal. Células indiferenciadas do estroma emitem prolongamentos que contatam os folículos em formação, constituindo a teca. Células somáticas periféricas por migração e invaginação no tecido gonadal, formam as lamelas ovígeras. Lâminas teciduais de células somáticas formam-se em ambos os lados do ovário, projetando-se até se contatarem, formando o lúmen ovariano. Nas gônadas masculinas, as células somáticas, pré- Sertoli, invadem os cordões contínuos de CGPs. Estas, agora espermatogônias, são envolvidas por expansões citoplasmáticas das células de Sertoli, formando cistos. Estes formam conjuntos celulares que se distribuem ao longo da gônada, cada qual circundado por células somáticas. Ao redor de cada conjunto celular, inicia-se a formação da membrana basal, porém de forma incompleta. Gradativamente, os cistos de espermatogônias que constituem um mesmo conjunto, afastam-se uns dos outros, criando um espaço central. Células somáticas de conjuntos celulares adjacentes afastam-se, permitindo fusão entre os dois conjuntos celulares e aumento do espaço central formando um único compartimento luminal, delimitado por cistos de espermatogônias, estes, apoiados na membrana basal. Formam-se os túbulos testiculares e o epitélio germinativo masculino é estabelecido. O compartimento germinativo encontra-se agora separado pela membrana basal dos demais componentes celulares, que irão se diferenciar no compartimento intersticial. Inicia-se a espermatogênese no interior de cada cisto, de forma sincrônica. Após espermiogênese, os espermatozóides são liberados no lúmen, e os túbulos testiculares se anastomosam, culminando com a formação do ducto espermático na porção dorsal do testículoAbstract: The description of gonadal morphogenesis in Cyprinus carpio provides a new vision of proliferation and differentiation of germ and somatic cells from the gonadal primordium leading to the formation of different ovarian and testicular structures, and the constitution of germinal epithelium which borders the ovigerous lamellae and the seminiferous tubules. In C. carpio the gonadal primordium is an elongated structure with individual PGCs scattered among somatic cells. The PGCs divide and organize into continuous cords that are delimited by the somatic cells. Then, in female gonad, somatic cells move into the cords, wrap around and individualize the PGCs that subsequently differentiate in oogonia. Each oogonium is wrapped by the now prefollicle cells giving rise to a cyst. Prefollicle cells rest upon a forming basement membrane. Inside the cysts oogonium proliferates by mitosis, originating new oogonia. Or, they enter into meiosis, becoming oocytes. Oocytes advance to diplotene where meiosis is arrested. Still inside the cysts oocytes enter primary growth, they are subsequently surrounded by prefollicle cells, and they become ovarian follicles. The differentiating gonad maintains a compact structure, continues elongating and becomes larger. Invaginations appear in the ventral region of the ovary; these form the ovigerous lamellae. Mesenchymal cells scattered inside the lamellae move away from one another giving rise to the extra-vascular space in the developing stroma where the cellular processes of these cells connect to one another and form a cellular net. Meanwhile, epithelial cells coming from the gonad periphery, and present in the ventral invaginations, associate with oogonia forming germinal epithelium. These also interact with the follicles that become connected to the epithelium sharing some extension of the basement membrane. Mesenchymal cells surround the ovarian follicles, becoming theca and, include the follicle, forms the follicle complex. On either side of the developing ovary, a coelomic epithelial cell proliferation forms a laminar tissue that grows ventrally, then extending beneath the developing ovary and fusing to form the central lumen of the carp cystovarian ovary. In male gonad, somatic cells move into the cords, wrap around and individualize the PGCs that subsequently differentiate in spermagonia. Each spermatogonium wrapped by the now pre-Sertoli cells giving rise to a cyst. The cysts join one another forming clusters. A basement membrane is synthesized around each cluster. Pre-Sertoli cells rest upon the forming basement membrane. In the center of the clusters a space is created when pre-Sertoli cells move away from one another. Then, nearby clusters fuse to one another that become connected by the same luminal space. The progressive fusion of the clusters gives rise to the seminiferous tubules that are bordered by the new formed germinal epithelium constituted by the cysts that rest upon the basement membrane. Mesenchymal cells surround the seminiferous tubules give rise to the cellular components of the interstitial compartment. Inside the cysts spermatogenesis starts. As the final spermatic cells are released into the luminal compartment, the anostomosis of the testicular tubules occurs forming the spermatic duct on the dorsal region of the testisMestradoBiologia CelularMestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutura

    Formation of germinal epithelium during gonodal morphogenesis and differentiation in Cyprinus carpio (Teleostei:Cypriniformes) : comparative analysis between groups more basal (Ostariophysi) and more derivative (Atherinomorpha and Percomorpha) within Teleostei

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    Orientador: Irani Quagio-GrassiottoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: Considerando o status atual de conhecimento da morfogênese e diferenciação gonadal nos Teleostei frente à restrição de informações, especialmente em aspectos tangentes ao estabelecimento do epitélio germinativo e sua relação com a formação da estrutura gonadal tomou-se aqui como modelos biológicos Tanichthys albonubes, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, Corydoras schwartzi, Amatitlania nigrofasciata e Poecilia reticulata, representando as séries Otophysi, Percomorpha e Atherinomorpha, visando estabelecer uma análise comparativa da diferenciação gonadal entre as espécies, considerando suas posições na escala filogenética. A proliferação e diferenciação de células germinativas e somáticas a partir do primórdio gonadal em T. albonubes, G. ternetzi, C. schwartzi, A. nigrofasciata e P. reticulata levam à formação das diferentes estruturas ovarianas e testiculares e à constituição do epitélio germinativo que margeia as lamelas ovígeras e os túbulos/lóbulos testiculares. Nesses animais, o primórdio gonadal é formado por células germinativas primordiais (CGPs) rodeadas por células somáticas. Após sucessivas divisões mitóticas das células somáticas, o tecido gonadal aumenta, originando uma gônada indiferenciada, com as mesmas características morfológicas entre machos e fêmeas de T. albonubes e C. schwartzi. Em A. nigrofasciata e P. reticulata grupos de células germinativas e somáticas organizam-se de maneira distintas em machos e fêmeas. Nas gônadas femininas, as CGPs estão distribuídas por todo o tecido gonadal, enquanto que nas masculinas, as CGPs localizam-se na periferia. Na região dorsal das gônadas masculinas de A. nigrofasciata e P. reticulata, células somáticas organizam-se formando o ducto testicular, enquanto que em T. albonubes, G. ternetzi e C. schwartzi esse é a última estrutura a se formar. Nas gônadas femininas das cinco espécies, os processos envolvidos na diferenciação gonadal, como a foliculogênese, o estabelecimento do epitélio germinativo e a formação da cavidade ovariana são bastante semelhantes. Nas gônadas masculinas, as células somáticas, pré-Sertoli, associam-se às CGPs, formando cistos de espermatogônias; estas proliferam formando conjuntos celulares. Em T. albonubes e A. nigrofasciata os cistos de espermatogônias que constituem um mesmo conjunto, afastam-se uns dos outros, criando um espaço central, que se torna maior, originando um compartimento luminal, delimitado por cistos de espermatogônias. Formam-se os túbulos e lóbulos testiculares e o epitélio 2 germinativo masculino é estabelecido. Em G. ternetzi o tecido gonadal masculino é estabelecido e organizado em túbulos após a diferenciação gonadal feminina, sobre um ovário previamente desenvolvido, constituindo uma diferenciação gonocorística do tipo indireta. C. schwartzi apresenta um tecido gonadal masculino compacto, que sofre degenerações no interior de estruturas acinares compostas por cistos, para constituir os túbulos testiculares. Em P. reticulata, os conjuntos de espermatogônias conectam-se ao ducto em formação, originando os primeiros lóbulos testiculares. Ao final da diferenciação gonadal, os testículos de T. albonubes, G. ternetzi e C. schwartzi apresentam espermatogônias distribuídas aleatoriamente no túbulo. Estes anastomosam-se, caracterizando o testículo como tubular anastomosado. Em P. reticulata, as espermatogônias ficam restritas na região periférica dos lóbulos, os quais não apresentam lúmen testicular, características estas de um testículo lobular restrito. A mesma distribuição aleatória de cistos nos túbulos dos Otophysi ocorre nos lóbulos testiculares de A. nigrofasciata, caracterizando um testículo com organização lobular do tipo irrestritaAbstract: Considering the lack of information about the gonadal morphogenesis and differentiation in Teleostei, especially in tangent aspects concerning the establishment of the germinal epithelium and its relation with the formation of the gonadal structure, in the present study, it was taken Tanichthys albonubes, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, Corydoras schwartzi, Amatitlania nigrofasciata and Poecilia reticulata as biological models, representing the series Otophysi, Percomorpha and Atherinomorpha, to establish a comparative analysis of the gonadal differentiation among the species, taking into account their position in the phylogenetic scale. The proliferation and differentiation of germ and somatic cells from the gonadal primordium of the T. albonubes, G. ternetzi, C. schwartzi, A. nigrofasciata and P. reticulata lead to the formation of different testicular and ovarian structures and to the formation of the germinal epithelium of the ovigerous lamellae and the testicular lobules/tubules. In these animals, the gonadal primordium is formed by primordial germ cells (PGCs) surrounded by somatic cell. After successive mitotic divisions of the somatic cells, the gonadal tissue increases, resulting in a undifferentiated gonad, with the same morphological characteristics between males and females of T. albonubes and C. schwartzi. In A. nigrofasciata and P. reticulata groups of germ and somatic cells organize distinctly in males and females. In the female gonads, the PGCs are distributed throughout the gonadal tissue. In the male, the PGCs are located in the periphery. In the dorsal region of the male gonads of A. nigrofasciata and P. reticulata somatic cells are organized forming the testicular duct, whereas at T. albonubes, G. ternetzi and C. schwartzi this is the last structure formed. In female gonads of the five species, the processes involved in gonadal differentiation, such as folliculogenesis, the establishment of the germinal epithelium and the formation of the ovarian cavity are quite similar. In male gonads, the somatic cells, pre-Sertoli, associate to the PGCs forming cysts of spermatogonia; these proliferate and form clusters. In T. albonubes and A. Nigrofasciata, the cysts of the spermatogonia, which form a single cluster, move away from each other, creating a central space, which becomes greater, originating a luminal compartment, delimited by cysts of spermatogonia. Thus, testicular tubules and lobules are formed and male germinal epithelium is established. In G. Ternetzi, the male gonadal tissue is established and organized in tubules after the female gonadal 4 differentiation on an ovary previously developed, constituting an indirect gonochoristic differentiation. C. schwartzi presents a compact male gonadal tissue, which undergoes degeneration within acinar structures composed of cysts, forming the testicular tubules. In P. reticulata, the clusters of spermatogonia connect to the duct in formation, originating the first testicular lobules. At the end of gonadal differentiation, the testis from T. albonubes, G. ternetzi and C. schwartzi present spermatogonia, distributed along the tubule. These anastomose, characterizing the testis as anastomosing tubular. In P. reticulata, the spermatogonia are restricted at the periphery of the lobules, which do not have lumen, features of a restricted lobular testis. The same random distribution of cysts in the tubules of the Otophysi occurs in testicular lobules of A. nigrofasciata, featuring a testis with unrestricted lobular organizationDoutoradoBiologia CelularDoutora em Biologia Celular e Estrutura

    The Basement Membrane And The Sex Establishment In The Juvenile Hermaphroditism During Gonadal Differentiation Of The Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi (teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae)

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Although there are several studies on morphogenesis in Teleostei, until now there is no research describing the role of the basement membrane in the establishment of the germinal epithelium during gonadal differentiation in Characiformes. In attempt to study these events that result in the formation of ovarian and testicular structures, gonads of Gymnocorymbus ternetzi were prepared for light microscopy. During gonadal development in G. ternetzi, all individuals first developed ovarian tissue. The undifferentiated gonad was formed by somatic cells (SC) and primordial germ cells (PGCs). After successive mitosis, the PGCs became oogonia, which entered into meiosis originating oocytes. An interstitial tissue developed. In half of the individuals, presumptive female, prefollicle cells synthesized a basement membrane around oocyte forming a follicle. Along the ventral region of the ovary, the tissue invaginated to form the ovigerous lamellae, bordered by the germinal epithelium. Stroma developed and the follicle complexes were formed. The gonadal aromatase was detected in interstitial cells in the early steps of the gonadal differentiation in both sexes. In another half of the individuals, presumptive male, there was no synthesis of basement membrane. The interstitium was invaded by numerous granulocytes. Pre-Leydig cells proliferated. Apoptotic oocytes were observed and afterward degenerated. Spermatogonia appeared near the degenerating oocytes and associated to SCs, forming testicular tubules. Germinal epithelium developed and the basement membrane was synthesized. Concomitantly, there was decrease of the gonadal aromatase and increase in the 3b-HSD enzyme expression. Thus, the testis was organized on an ovary previously developed, constituting an indirect gonochoristic differentiation. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.2981219842010Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Male Gonadal Differentiation and the Paedomorphic Evolution of the Testis in Teleostei

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    Testis differentiation from representatives of the Otophysi (Cyprinus carpio), Percomorpha (Amatitlania nigrofasciata), and Atherinomorpha (Poecilia reticulata) was comparatively described. In the undifferentiated gonad of C. carpio, the primordial germ cells (PGCs) are scattered throughout the gonads while in A. nigrofasciata and P. reticulata the PGCs are restricted to the ventral periphery. In the dorsal region of the developing gonads, with the exception of C. carpio, somatic cell rearrangements result in the differentiation of the sperm duct. Pre-Sertoli cells wrap around single spermatogonia forming cysts that proliferate forming acinar-clusters. In C. carpio and A. nigrofasciata, the cysts in each acinar-cluster move away from each other, creating a central lumen. In C. carpio, the acinar-clusters then fuse to each other forming tubules that become lined by the germinal epithelium. Subsequently, the tubules anastomose dorsally and create the sperm duct. In A. nigrofasciata, the acinar-clusters elongate, forming lobules that individually connect to the sperm duct. These are lined by the germinal epithelium. In P. reticulata, the spermatogonial cysts remain in the acinar-cluster organization. Subsequently, developing ducts connect each cluster to the sperm duct and lobules subsequently develop. In the differentiated testis of C. carpio and A. nigrofasciata, spermatogonia are distributed along the lengths of the anastomosing tubules or lobules, respectively. However, in P. reticulata, the spermatogonia remain restricted to the terminal end of the lobules. Considering testis ontogeny, the spermatogonial acinar-cluster is the adult characteristic of more derived taxa that approximate the early gonad developmental stages of the basal taxa. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    The basement membrane and the sex establishment in the juvenile hermaphroditism during gonadal differentiation of the Gymnocorymbus ternetzi (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae)

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    Although there are several studies on morphogenesis in Teleostei, until now there is no research describing the role of the basement membrane in the establishment of the germinal epithelium during gonadal differentiation in Characiformes. In attempt to study these events that result in the formation of ovarian and testicular structures, gonads of Gymnocorymbus ternetzi were prepared for light microscopy. During gonadal development in G. ternetzi, all individuals first developed ovarian tissue. The undifferentiated gonad was formed by somatic cells (SC) and primordial germ cells (PGCs). After successive mitosis, the PGCs became oogonia, which entered into meiosis originating oocytes. An interstitial tissue developed. In half of the individuals, presumptive female, prefollicle cells synthesized a basement membrane around oocyte forming a follicle. Along the ventral region of the ovary, the tissue invaginated to form the ovigerous lamellae, bordered by the germinal epithelium. Stroma developed and the follicle complexes were formed. The gonadal aromatase was detected in interstitial cells in the early steps of the gonadal differentiation in both sexes. In another half of the individuals, presumptive male, there was no synthesis of basement membrane. The interstitium was invaded by numerous granulocytes. Pre-Leydig cells proliferated. Apoptotic oocytes were observed and afterward degenerated. Spermatogonia appeared near the degenerating oocytes and associated to SCs, forming testicular tubules. Germinal epithelium developed and the basement membrane was synthesized. Concomitantly, there was decrease of the gonadal aromatase and increase in the 3β-HSD enzyme expression. Thus, the testis was organized on an ovary previously developed, constituting an indirect gonochoristic differentiation