62 research outputs found

    L’architecture urbaine, cinquante ans aprùs

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    L’architecture urbaine comme champ spĂ©cifique de la discipline de l’architecture Ă©merge au cours des annĂ©es 1960. C’est Ă  ce moment que s’impose, au sein d’un groupe relativement important d’universitaires, la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’un travail Ă©pistĂ©mologique sur les fondements du mĂ©tier de l’architecte. La recherche du sens de sa posture intellectuelle n’est pas sĂ©parĂ©e d’une rĂ©flexion sur sa traduction en une Ɠuvre construite suivant la triade vitruvienne : respect des normes techniques, recherche d’h..

    Études sur la sociĂ©tĂ© grecque moderne et contemporaine

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    Yannis Tsiomis, directeur d’étudesPierre Chabard, maitre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’ENSA Marne-la-VallĂ©eIsabelle Grudet, ingĂ©nieure de recherche Ă  l’ENSAPLVCristiana Mazzoni, professeur Ă  l’ENSA StrasbourgEstelle Thibault, maitre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’ENSA Paris-Belleville Villes, capitales, mĂ©tropoles Lors du sĂ©minaire de cette annĂ©e nous avons poursuivi notre Ă©tude des idĂ©ologies et des pratiques de l’urbanisme aux XIXe et XXe siĂšcles Ă  partir des textes fondateurs des thĂ©ories et doctrines architectu..

    Synthesis of functionalized iron N-heterocyclic carbene complexes and their potential application as flame behavior modifier in cross linked epoxy resins

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    The design of new flame retardants (FR) that avoid the use of halogen and phosphorus additives is challenging and urgent. Herein we report on the synthesis of bis-amino functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene cyclopentadienone iron complexes aimed at promoting the production of iron containing epoxy resins. Iron complexes are successfully employed to obtain high Tg thermosets with as low as 5% hardener content. Moreover the obtained resins display an impressive charring ability that paves the way to the application of such systems for material with improved flame behavior

    Études sur la sociĂ©tĂ© grecque moderne et contemporaine

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    Yannis Tsiomis, directeur d’études (*)Pierre Chabard, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’ENSA Marne-la-VallĂ©eIsabelle Grudet, ingĂ©nieure de recherche Ă  l’ENSAPLVCristiana Mazzoni, professeur Ă  l’ENSA StrasbourgEstelle Thibault, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’ENSAPB Villes, capitales, mĂ©tropoles : Le Corbusier, les Ă©crits Dans le cadre de ce sĂ©minaire qui Ă©tudie les thĂ©ories et doctrines urbaines des XIXe et XXe siĂšcles, nous nous sommes penchĂ©s cette annĂ©e sur la prise de conscience, parfois lente et contr..

    La Tendenza, une avant-garde italienne. 1950-1980

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    Lire et comprendre la ville. Perspective sur les notions critiques de la Tendenza

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    This briefing note for the Habilitation Ă  diriger des recherches (HDR) focuses on the theoretical thought of the Tendenza, a movement of ideas that took shape during the 1960s in Venice and Milan in academic circles as well as in the circles of intellectuals and practical architectural journals. In the 1970s, as the movement became more international, it began to die out, its epigones choosing, for reasons inherent in the movement itself, to devote themselves essentially to their practice as professional architects. At the basis of the theoretical position they expressed in the 1960s we find what Umberto Eco defines as the "Leonardian" dream of the architect, the dream of the "complete intellectual" architect who seeks to harmonize through his approach all the problems and responses of the culture of his time. With this vision takes shape the idea of redefining the values linked to architectural modernity and the foundation of a movement of neo-modernity which draws its meaning from the confrontation with the two great movements of semantic rupture in architecture: that of the architects of the Enlightenment and that of the avant-gardes of the 1920s. The search for the meaning and significance of architecture that accompanies this vision is based on the reflections carried out, in parallel, in the fields of semiology, semiotics and structuralist linguistics. The aim is to operate an architectural semiotics with the tools forged in these different fields of knowledge, relating at the same time to the values of history. The object of study is the city understood as a material work. The weakening of theoretical thinking and the retreat into the various professional practices which began in the early 1970s has continued over the last three decades. The break-up of the discipline we are experiencing today calls for a re-reading of the elements of the Italian debates of the 1960s, debates which gave 20th century architectural culture a new foundation and their initiators the strength to confront the masters of the Modern Movement on an equal footing.My analytical work aims at shedding light on the "grey areas" that ran through the Italian debates of the 1960s and 1970s and which seem to be at the origin of the confusion that currently hangs over this chapter in the history of architectural theory. Through a rereading of the founding texts of the Tendenza, I propose to rediscover the meaning attributed by this movement of ideas to the notions and methods of analysis that structured the debates. The most important and precious legacy left by the Tendenza, on the basis of which we will build new debates and new intellectual positions, would in fact be that relating to the notions that structure not only the field of urban architecture but also the discipline of architecture itself.Cette note de synthĂšse pour l’obtention de l’Habilitation Ă  diriger des recherches (HDR) est centrĂ©e sur la pensĂ©e thĂ©orique de la Tendenza, un mouvement d’idĂ©es qui prend corps au cours des annĂ©es 1960 Ă  Venise et Ă  Milan dans le milieu universitaire ainsi que dans les cercles des intellectuels et des revues spĂ©cialisĂ©es en architecture. Dans les annĂ©es 1970, alors que le mouvement s’internationalise, celui-ci commence Ă  s’éteindre, ses Ă©pigones choisissant, pour des raisons inhĂ©rentes au mouvement mĂȘme, de se consacrer essentiellement Ă  leur pratique d’architectes professionnels. A la base de la position thĂ©orique qu’ils expriment au cours des annĂ©es 1960 on retrouve ce qu’Umberto Eco dĂ©finit comme le rĂȘve « lĂ©onardien » de l’architecte, le rĂȘve de l’architecte « intellectuel complet » qui cherche Ă  harmoniser Ă  travers sa dĂ©marche tous les problĂšmes et toutes les rĂ©ponses de la culture de son temps. Avec ce rĂȘve prend forme l’idĂ©e de la redĂ©finition des valeurs liĂ©es Ă  la modernitĂ© architecturale et la fondation d’un mouvement de neo-modernitĂ© qui tire son sens de la confrontation avec les deux grands mouvements de rupture sĂ©mantique de l’architecture : celui des architectes des LumiĂšres et celui des avant-gardes des annĂ©es 1920. La recherche de la signification et du sens de l’architecture qui accompagne ce rĂȘve s’appuie sur les rĂ©flexions menĂ©es, parallĂšlement, dans les champs de la sĂ©miologie, de la sĂ©miotique et de la linguistique structuraliste. Le but est d’opĂ©rer une sĂ©miotique architecturale avec les outils forgĂ©s dans ces diffĂ©rents champs du savoir, se rattachant en mĂȘme temps aux valeurs de l’histoire. L’objet d’étude est la ville entendue comme Ɠuvre matĂ©rielle. L’affaiblissement de la pensĂ©e thĂ©orique et le repli dans les diffĂ©rentes pratiques professionnelles qui s’annoncent dĂšs le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1970 se poursuivent au cours des trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. L’éclatement disciplinaire que nous vivons aujourd’hui appelle Ă  une relecture des Ă©lĂ©ments des dĂ©bats italiens des annĂ©es 1960, dĂ©bats qui ont donnĂ© Ă  la culture architecturale du XXe siĂšcle un nouveau fondement et Ă  leurs initiateurs la force de se confronter Ă  mesure Ă©gale aux maĂźtres du Mouvement moderne.Mon travail analytique vise Ă  faire la lumiĂšre sur les « zones d’ombre » qui ont traversĂ© les dĂ©bats italiens des annĂ©es 1960 et 1970 et qui semblent ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine de la confusion qui plane actuellement sur ce chapitre de l’histoire de la thĂ©orie architecturale. A travers une relecture des textes fondateurs de la Tendenza, je propose de retrouver le sens attribuĂ© par ce mouvement d’idĂ©es aux notions et aux mĂ©thodes d’analyse qui ont structurĂ© les dĂ©bats. L’hĂ©ritage le plus important et le plus prĂ©cieux que la Tendenza a laissĂ©, Ă  partir duquel nous construirons de nouveaux dĂ©bats et de nouvelles positions intellectuelles, serait de fait celui relatif aux notions qui structurent non seulement le champ de l’architecture urbaine mais aussi la discipline mĂȘme de l’architectur

    La Tendenza, une avant-garde italienne. 1950-1980

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    Alta tecnologia e progetto urbano: la problematica della cittĂ  intelligente esposta alla Futian Railway station di Shenzhen

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    Cosa succede se la cittĂ  acquisisce la capacitĂ  di “vedere” ciĂČ che accade all’interno dei suoi confini, se gli strumenti off erti dalle nuove tecnologie divengono gli “occhi” di un ambiente costruito, che non Ăš piĂč solo l’oggetto passivo dello sguardo umano? Rischiamo di perdere il decantato diritto all’anonimato, garanzia di una cittĂ  collettiva e democratica? Da queste domande nasce il tema Eyes of the city, scelto dai curatori dell’Urban and Architecture Bi-City Biennale 2019 di Shenzhen e Hong Kong per indagare il ruolo delle nuove tecnologie nel dibattito architettonico e urbano contemporaneo. La mostra, inaugurata a Shenzhen nel novembre scorso, ha esplorato le implicazioni dell’utilizzo di alte tecnologie nello sviluppo di grandi progetti urbani con uno sguardo particolare rivolto all’area cinese di Great Bay: una dimensione interessante in cui approcci High-tech hanno permesso di non trascurare - ma anzi rimettere al primo posto - il contributo umano e Lowtech e il ripristino di alcune qualitĂ  essenziali del vivere in cittĂ . Tra le sezioni tematiche in cui Ăš stato articolato il percorso della mostra, particolarmente interessante si Ăš rivelata la sessione Mobility Landscapes, incentrata sul ruolo chiave che la mobilitĂ  della nuova era puĂČ assumere per il progetto territoriale. La stessa location scelta per la mostra - la stazione metropolitana e ad alta velocitĂ  di Shenzhen - Ăš stato il primo espediente per sperimentare un rapporto inedito tra infrastruttura e spazio urbano. La “stazione-museo”, luogo ideale per incontrare flussi di persone ed osservare la comunitĂ  dei visitatori, ha consentito infatti una inedita interpretazione del luogo espositivo contemporaneo: non piĂč “una galleria di progetti curati” per un pubblico selezionato, ma un “forum aperto ad affrontare questioni di interesse generale e promuovere la ricerca sul campo” (Curatorial team UABB, 2019), un’occasione per sperimentare i vantaggi di un progetto espositivo Open-source. Per la prima volta infatti tutti i progetti esposti sono stati concepiti per una realizzazione completamente digitale e liberamente accessibile on-line. Sulla base dei saggi critici e delle dichiarazioni curatoriali cercheremo, nella prima parte dell’articolo, di ripercorrere e raccontare le tematiche emerse dal dibattito e l’approccio innovativo con cui cono state trattate; nella seconda parte, il racconto sarĂ  incentrato sull’approfondimento di una delle otto sottosezioni della Biennale, Mobility Landscape. Lo sguardo d’analisi e i contenuti selezionati fanno eco alle ricerche condotte dal team della China Room del Politecnico di Torino e dal team del laboratorio UMR AUSser di Parigi, guidate dalla stessa convinzione dei curatori della mostra del ruolo cruciale del progetto nel ridefinire i confini della cittĂ  contemporanea, esplorare scenari futuri alternativi e riflettere su di essi per affrontare le grandi sfide del presente.What happens when the city acquires “eyes” and develops the ability to “see” what is happening within its boundaries? What about the risk of “losing anonymity”, one of the “most important qualities that diff erentiates a city from a village”? These research questions were chosen and developed for the Urban and Architecture Bi-City Biennale 2019 (UABB 2019, over 60 exhibits) in Shenzhen to understand how urban technologies - from facial recognition to ubiquitous detection - emerge today in the urban debate. These questions also provided an opportunity to explore the implications of technology, particularly in the development of major projects in China’s Great Bay area, and to find ways of using high-tech approaches to restore some of the essential qualities of the city, without forgetting the human and low-tech contribution. On the basis of the critical essays and curatorial statements of the UABB 2019 Biennale’s catalogue, we resume in this article it’s innovative approach. We also explore the above questions making a link to both research frameworks and topics: 1. The “Boundaries of the contemporary city model” explored by the research team of the China-Room at the Politecnico di Torino, and linked with the Tsinghua university in Beijing and the South China University of Technology in Guangzhou; 2. The “Metropolitan Architecture and Great Events” investigated by the UMR AUSser research team in Paris, jointly with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, the CAUP-Tongji University in Shanghai and the Academy of Fine Arts of Guangzhou (MAGE Chair)

    Images et récits pour la ville archipel

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    International audienceLe livre propose une rĂ©flexion sur la façon dont Strasbourg a donnĂ© consistance, dĂšs le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980, Ă  une dĂ©marche "concertĂ©e" de projet sur la ville. Si les approches, les thĂ©matiques et les notions du dĂ©bat ont Ă©voluĂ©, la problĂ©matique du souci de l'urbain conjuguĂ©e au devenir mĂ©tropolitain est plus que jamais d'actualitĂ©. PrĂ©sente dans les projets en cours, elle demande Ă  ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ©e dans les scĂ©narios et les projets Ă  venir, surplombĂ©s par des enjeux d'un nouvel ordre qui projettent la ville dans une dimension tout Ă  fait transfrontaliĂšre et globale. L'objectif est re rĂ©vĂ©ler ce qui a Ă©tĂ© pensĂ© et entrepris dans le but de contribuer Ă  construire, aujourd'hui, des postures intellectuelles axĂ©es sur de nouveaux dĂ©fis tout en tenant compte des l'enseignement et des moments forts de l'histoire rĂ©cente. Les articles regroupĂ©s dans l'ouvrage rendent compte des thĂ©matiques dĂ©veloppĂ©es dans le cadre d'une recherche du programme "Plateforme d'observation des projets et des stratĂ©gies urbaines" (POPSU, 2e session) du ministĂšre de l'Ecologie, du DĂ©veloppement durable et de l'Environnement (MEDDE)
