34 research outputs found

    3D printable device for automated operant conditioning in the mouse

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    Operant conditioning is a classical paradigm and a standard technique used in experimental psychology in which animals learn to perform an action in order to achieve a reward. By using this paradigm, it is possible to extract learning curves and measure accurately reaction times. Both these measurements are proxy of cognitive capabilities and can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in mouse models of disease. Here we describe a fully 3D printable device that is able to perform operant conditioning on freely moving mice, while performing real-time tracking of the animal position. We successfully trained 6 mice, showing stereotyped learning curves that are highly reproducible across mice and reaching more than 70% of accuracy after two days of conditioning. Different products for operant conditioning are commercially available, though most of them do not provide customizable features and are relatively expensive. This data demonstrate that this system is a valuable alternative to available state-of-the-art commercial devices, representing a good balance between performance, cost, and versatility in its use.Significance Statement 3D printing is a revolutionary technology that combines cost-effectiveness with an optimal trade off between standardization and customization. Here we show a device that performs operant conditioning in mice using largely 3D printed parts. This tool can be employed to test learning and memory in models of disease. We expect that the open design of the chamber will be useful for scientific teaching and research as well as for further improvements from the open hardware community

    From pupil to the brain: New insights for studying cortical plasticity through pupillometry

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    Pupil size variations have been associated with changes in brain activity patterns related with specific cognitive factors, such as arousal, attention, and mental effort. The locus coeruleus (LC), a key hub in the noradrenergic system of the brain, is considered to be a key regulator of cognitive control on pupil size, with changes in pupil diameter corresponding to the release of norepinephrine (NE). Advances in eye-tracking technology and open-source software have facilitated accurate pupil size measurement in various experimental settings, leading to increased interest in using pupillometry to track the nervous system activation state and as a potential biomarker for brain disorders. This review explores pupillometry as a non-invasive and fully translational tool for studying cortical plasticity starting from recent literature suggesting that pupillometry could be a promising technique for estimating the degree of residual plasticity in human subjects. Given that NE is known to be a critical mediator of cortical plasticity and arousal, the review includes data revealing the importance of the LC-NE system in modulating brain plasticity and pupil size. Finally, we will review data suggesting that pupillometry could provide a quantitative and complementary measure of cortical plasticity also in pre-clinical studies

    Focal Stroke in the Developing Rat Motor Cortex Induces Age- and Experience-Dependent Maladaptive Plasticity of Corticospinal System

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    Motor system development is characterized by an activity-dependent competition between ipsilateral and contralateral corticospinal tracts (CST). Clinical evidence suggests that age is crucial for developmental stroke outcome, with early lesions inducing a "maladaptive" strengthening of ipsilateral projections from the healthy hemisphere and worse motor impairment. Here, we investigated in developing rats the relation between lesion timing, motor outcome and CST remodeling pattern. We induced a focal ischemia into forelimb motor cortex (fM1) at two distinct pre-weaning ages: P14 and P21. We compared long-term motor outcome with changes in axonal sprouting of contralesional CST at red nucleus and spinal cord level using anterograde tracing. We found that P14 stroke caused a more severe long-term motor impairment than at P21, and induced a strong and aberrant contralesional CST sprouting onto denervated spinal cord and red nucleus. The mistargeted sprouting of CST, and the worse motor outcome of the P14 stroke rats were reversed by an early skilled motor training, underscoring the potential of early activity-dependent plasticity in modulating lesion outcome. Thus, changes in the mechanisms controlling CST plasticity occurring during the third postnatal week are associated with age-dependent regulation of the motor outcome after stroke

    Measuring Cot-Side the Effects of Parenteral Nutrition on Preterm Cortical Function

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    Early nutritional compromise after preterm birth is shown to affect long-term neurodevelopment, however, there has been a lack of early functional measures of nutritional effects. Recent progress in computational electroencephalography (EEG) analysis has provided means to measure the early maturation of cortical activity. Our study aimed to explore whether computational metrics of early sequential EEG recordings could reflect early nutritional care measured by energy and macronutrient intake in the first week of life. A higher energy or macronutrient intake was assumed to associate with improved development of the cortical activity. We analyzed multichannel EEG recorded at 32 weeks (32.4 ± 0.7) and 36 weeks (36.6 ± 0.9) of postmenstrual age in a cohort of 28 preterm infants born before 32 weeks of postmenstrual age (range: 24.3–32 weeks). We computed several quantitative EEG measures from epochs of quiet sleep (QS): (i) spectral power; (ii) continuity; (iii) interhemispheric synchrony, as well as (iv) the recently developed estimate of maturational age. Parenteral nutritional intake from day 1 to day 7 was monitored and clinical factors collected. Lower calories and carbohydrates were found to correlate with a higher reduction of spectral amplitude in the delta band. Lower protein amount associated with higher discontinuity. Both higher proteins and lipids intake correlated with a more developmental increase in interhemispheric synchrony as well as with better progress in the estimate of EEG maturational age (EMA). Our study shows that early nutritional balance after preterm birth may influence subsequent maturation of brain activity in a way that can be observed with several intuitively reasoned and transparent computational EEG metrics. Such measures could become early functional biomarkers that hold promise for benchmarking in the future development of therapeutic interventions.Peer reviewe

    {MEYE}: Web-app for translational and real-time pupillometry

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    Pupil dynamics alterations have been found in patients affected by a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, in- cluding autism. Studies in mouse models have used pupillometry for phenotypic assessment and as a proxy for arousal. Both in mice and humans, pupillometry is noninvasive and allows for longitudinal experiments sup- porting temporal specificity; however, its measure requires dedicated setups. Here, we introduce a convolu- tional neural network that performs online pupillometry in both mice and humans in a web app format. This solution dramatically simplifies the usage of the tool for the nonspecialist and nontechnical operators. Because a modern web browser is the only software requirement, this choice is of great interest given its easy deployment and setup time reduction. The tested model performances indicate that the tool is sensitive enough to detect both locomotor-induced and stimulus-evoked pupillary changes, and its output is compara- ble to state-of-the-art commercial devicesPupil dynamics alterations have been found in patients affected by a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, including autism. Studies in mouse models have used pupillometry for phenotypic assessment and as a proxy for arousal. Both in mice and humans, pupillometry is noninvasive and allows for longitudinal experiments supporting temporal specificity; however, its measure requires dedicated setups. Here, we introduce a convolutional neural network that performs online pupillometry in both mice and humans in a web app format. This solution dramatically simplifies the usage of the tool for the nonspecialist and nontechnical operators. Because a modern web browser is the only software requirement, this choice is of great interest given its easy deployment and setup time reduction. The tested model performances indicate that the tool is sensitive enough to detect both locomotor-induced and stimulus-evoked pupillary changes, and its output is comparable to state-of-the-art commercial devices

    Novel translational phenotypes and biomarkers for creatine transporter deficiency

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    Abstract Creatine transporter deficiency is a metabolic disorder characterized by intellectual disability, autistic-like behaviour and epilepsy. There is currently no cure for creatine transporter deficiency, and reliable biomarkers of translational value for monitoring disease progression and response to therapeutics are sorely lacking. Here, we found that mice lacking functional creatine transporter display a significant alteration of neural oscillations in the EEG and a severe epileptic phenotype that are recapitulated in patients with creatine transporter deficiency. In-depth examination of knockout mice for creatine transporter also revealed that a decrease in EEG theta power is predictive of the manifestation of spontaneous seizures, a frequency that is similarly affected in patients compared to healthy controls. In addition, knockout mice have a highly specific increase in haemodynamic responses in the cerebral cortex following sensory stimuli. Principal component and Random Forest analyses highlighted that these functional variables exhibit a high performance in discriminating between pathological and healthy phenotype. Overall, our findings identify novel, translational and non-invasive biomarkers for the analysis of brain function in creatine transporter deficiency, providing a very reliable protocol to longitudinally monitor the efficacy of potential therapeutic strategies in preclinical, and possibly clinical, studies

    Focal Stroke in the Developing Rat Motor Cortex Induces Age- and Experience-Dependent Maladaptive Plasticity of Corticospinal System

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    Motor system development is characterized by an activity-dependent competition between ipsilateral and contralateral corticospinal tracts (CST). Clinical evidence suggests that age is crucial for developmental stroke outcome, with early lesions inducing a “maladaptive” strengthening of ipsilateral projections from the healthy hemisphere and worse motor impairment. Here, we investigated in developing rats the relation between lesion timing, motor outcome and CST remodeling pattern. We induced a focal ischemia into forelimb motor cortex (fM1) at two distinct pre-weaning ages: P14 and P21. We compared long-term motor outcome with changes in axonal sprouting of contralesional CST at red nucleus and spinal cord level using anterograde tracing. We found that P14 stroke caused a more severe long-term motor impairment than at P21, and induced a strong and aberrant contralesional CST sprouting onto denervated spinal cord and red nucleus. The mistargeted sprouting of CST, and the worse motor outcome of the P14 stroke rats were reversed by an early skilled motor training, underscoring the potential of early activity-dependent plasticity in modulating lesion outcome. Thus, changes in the mechanisms controlling CST plasticity occurring during the third postnatal week are associated with age-dependent regulation of the motor outcome after stroke

    A Comprehensive Atlas of Perineuronal Net Distribution and Colocalization with Parvalbumin in the Adult Mouse Brain

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    Perineuronal nets (PNNs) surround specific neurons in the brain and are involved in various forms of plasticity and clinical conditions. However, our understanding of the PNN role in these phenomena is limited by the lack of highly quantitative maps of PNN distribution and association with specific cell types. Here, we present a comprehensive atlas of Wisteria Floribunda Agglutinin (WFA) positive PNNs and colocalization with parvalbumin (PV) cells for over 600 regions of the adult mouse brain. Data analysis shows that PV expression is a good predictor of PNN aggregation. In the cortex, PNNs are dramatically enriched in layer 4 of all primary sensory areas in correlation with thalamocortical input density, and their distribution mirrors intracortical connectivity patterns. Gene expression analysis identifies many PNN correlated genes. Strikingly, PNN anticorrelated transcripts are enriched in synaptic plasticity genes, generalizing PNN role as circuit stability factors

    Cyclocreatine treatment ameliorates the cognitive, autistic and epileptic phenotype in a mouse model of Creatine Transporter Deficiency

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    Creatine Transporter Deficiency (CTD) is an inborn error of metabolism presenting with intellectual disability, behavioral disturbances and epilepsy. There is currently no cure for this disorder. Here, we employed novel biomarkers for monitoring brain function, together with well-established behavioral readouts for CTD mice, to longitudinally study the therapeutic efficacy of cyclocreatine (cCr) at the preclinical level. Our results show that cCr treatment is able to partially correct hemodynamic responses and EEG abnormalities, improve cognitive deficits, revert autistic-like behaviors and protect against seizures. This study provides encouraging data to support the potential therapeutic benefit of cyclocreatine or other chemically modified lipophilic analogs of Cr

    mGluR5 PAMs rescue cortical and behavioural defects in a mouse model of CDKL5 deficiency disorder

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    Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) deficiency disorder (CDD) is a devastating rare neurodevelopmental disease without a cure, caused by mutations of the serine/threonine kinase CDKL5 highly expressed in the forebrain. CDD is characterized by early-onset seizures, severe intellectual disabilities, autistic-like traits, sensorimotor and cortical visual impairments (CVI). The lack of an effective therapeutic strategy for CDD urgently demands the identification of novel druggable targets potentially relevant for CDD pathophysiology. To this aim, we studied Class I metabotropic glutamate receptors 5 (mGluR5) because of their important role in the neuropathological signs produced by the lack of CDKL5 in-vivo, such as defective synaptogenesis, dendritic spines formation/maturation, synaptic transmission and plasticity. Importantly, mGluR5 function strictly depends on the correct expression of the postsynaptic protein Homer1bc that we previously found atypical in the cerebral cortex of Cdkl5-/y mice. In this study, we reveal that CDKL5 loss tampers with (i) the binding strength of Homer1bc-mGluR5 complexes, (ii) the synaptic localization of mGluR5 and (iii) the mGluR5-mediated enhancement of NMDA-induced neuronal responses. Importantly, we showed that the stimulation of mGluR5 activity by administering in mice specific positive-allosteric-modulators (PAMs), i.e., 3-Cyano-N-(1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)benzamide (CDPPB) or RO6807794, corrected the synaptic, functional and behavioral defects shown by Cdkl5-/y mice. Notably, in the visual cortex of 2 CDD patients we found changes in synaptic organization that recapitulate those of mutant CDKL5 mice, including the reduced expression of mGluR5, suggesting that these receptors represent a promising therapeutic target for CDD