791 research outputs found

    On the “blindness” of blindsight: What is the evidence for phenomenal awareness in the absence of primary visual cortex (V1)?

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    Blindsight has been central to theories of phenomenal awareness; that a lesion to primary visual cortex (V1) abolishes all phenomenal awareness while unconscious visual functions can remain has led to the views that this region plays in generating visual consciousness. However, since the early 20th century, there have been reports, many of which controversial, of phenomenal awareness in patients with V1 lesions. These reports include selective sparing of motion awareness, hemianopic completion and visual aftereffects. More recently, there have been successful attempts of inducing visual qualia with noninvasive brain stimulation. Here we critically review this evidence and discuss their implications to theoretical understanding of phenomenal awareness

    Le conseguenze sulla spesa farmaceutica pubblica di un nuovo inibitore di pompa protonica: esomeprazolo

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    Aim of the present study is to check the economic advantage of esomeprazole, a new proton pump inhibitor that suppresses gastric acid secretion. The efficacy and tolerability of esomeprazole have been already demonstrated, now the pharmacoeconomic studies must investigate the possible savings for the SSN in case of esomeprazole immission on the Italian market. In this paper the authors present two pharmacoeconomic evaluations, the first based on cost/efficacy analysis, the second based on cost minimization analysis. For both analyses, the term of comparison is omeprazole, “gold standard” in the treatment of acid reflux-related pathologies. The effect in terms of volumes (DDD) and costs of the introduction of esomeprazole in the italian market has also been simulated

    Il costo sociale del morbillo in età pediatrica. L’epidemia a Palermo nel 1996-97

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    Objective To determine the direct and indirect costs associated with a measles epidemic occurring between September 1996 and August 1997 in Palermo (Italy) in paediatric-aged patients. Design A total of 2,029 cases of measles in a paediatric patient population were identified from a total of 38 paediatricians databases (24% of total). An extrapolation to the general population was then performed to estimate a total of 9,059 cases. Patient information obtained from the database such as patient age, risk factors, complications, vaccination history, as well as caretaker’s profession were included in a questionnaire compiled for each patient. Setting Inpatient and outpatient clinics in Palermo, Italy. Patients and participants Participants were paediatric-aged patients who had been diagnosed with measles. Included in the study was a group of previously vaccinated patients (6%). Main outcome measures and results The average cost of care was 464.000 Italian lire (Lit.) per case with a total cost of Lit. 4,2 billion for the entire epidemic. The direct costs comprehended 46.6% (Lit. 217.000 per case) of the total costs related to the measles epidemic and were subdivided according to in-patient care (55.4%), paediatric outpatient visits (33.5%) and drugs (9.7%). The average health-care cost associated to previously vaccinated patients (6%) was lower than for non-vaccinated patients, Lit. 110.000 vs Lit. 223.000 per case, respectively. Conclusion The demographic and economic data obtained highlights not only the social and economic impact of the epidemic, but also provides relevant information useful for cost-effectiveness analysis

    I costi della sepsi in Italia

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate additional hospitalisation costs and intangible costs (mortality) in patients with sepsis (intended as severe sepsis or sepsis shock) in Italy. The evaluation is based on clinical data from the Italian Sepsis Study, a prospective, multicentre study conducted in 99 Intensive Care Units (ICUs)located across Italy. Each ICU enrolled the first two (or three) patients admitted each month, during the year April 1993 to March 1994. In particular, data collected included the Average Length Of Stay (ALOS) in ICU and later in the regular ward, and the mortality within four weeks and in hospital. Out of the 2,946 patients enrolled, 2,641 never developed sepsis and were considered as the control group (comparability was confirmed based on gender, age, and comorbidity). The additional (respective to the control group) ALOSs of the patients with sepsis were valued in monetary terms using per diem full costs, inflated to 2000: 1,033.43 Euro for l day in ICU (published data) and 299.54 Euro for l day in the regular ward (estimated data based on published materials). Statistical significance was tested with Student t test. The hospitalisation cost of a patient with sepsis (21,571.88 Euro) is significantly higher (+86%) than that patient without sepsis (11,590.84 Euro), due to a longer (+ 163%) stay in the expensive ICU, not balanced by shorter stay in the regular ward. Also intangible costs are significantly higher: the risk for an ICU patient with sepsis to die in hospital is 3 times higher than that of an ICU patient without sepsis. In particular, those patients developing sepsis after admission are more costly and with a higher mortality risk

    NUV-HD SiPMs with metal-filled trenches

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    In this paper we present the performance of a new SiPM that is sensitive to blue light and features narrow metal-filled trenches placed in the area around the single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) that allow an almost complete suppression the internal optical crosstalk. In particular, we show the benefits of this technological upgrade in terms of electro-optical SiPM performance when compared to the previous technology which had only a partial optical screening between the SPADs. The most relevant effect is the much higher bias voltage that can be applied to the new device before the noise diverges. This allows to optimize and improve both the photon detection efficiency and the single-photon time resolution. We also coupled the SiPMs to LYSO scintillators to verify the performance for possible application in Positron-Emission Tomography. Thanks to the better electro-optical features we were able to measure an improved coincidence time resolution. Furthermore, the optimal voltage operation region is substantially larger, making this SiPM more suitable for real system application where thousands of channels have to provide stable and reproducible performance

    Oral Feeding Competences of Healthy Preterm Infants: A Review

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    Background. With increasing sophistication and technology, survival rates hugely improved among preterm infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Nutrition and feeding remain a challenge and preterm infants are at high risk of encountering oral feeding difficulties. Objective. To determine what facts may impact on oral feeding readiness and competence and which kind of interventions should enhance oral feeding performance in preterm infants. Search Strategy. MEDILINE database was explored and articles relevant to this topic were collected starting from 2009 up to 2011. Main Results. Increasingly robust alertness prior to and during feeding does positively impact the infant's feeding Skills. The review found that oral and non-oral sensorimotor interventions, provided singly or in combination, shortened the transition time to independent oral feeding in preterm infants and that preterm infants who received a combined oral and sensorimotor intervention demonstrated more advanced nutritive sucking, suck-swallow and swallow-respiration coordination than those who received an oral or sensorimotor intervention singly

    LH peak and ovulation in buffalo cows treated for oestrus synchronisation using two different hormonal schedule

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    Since oestrus behaviour in buffalo is frequently scarcely clear and the oestrus signs, even when showed, are not reliable, ovulation can not be predicted. Furthermore high individual variability of the oestrus signs – LH peak interval was observed both in spontaneous and hormonal induced oestrus (Moioli et al., 1998; Barile et al, 1998)

    An Optical Search for New Outbursting Low Mass X-Ray Binaries

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    Transient Low-Mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) are discovered largely by X-ray and gamma-ray all-sky monitors. The X-ray outburst is also accompanied by an optical brightening, which empirically can precede detection of X-rays. Newly sensitive optical synoptic surveys may offer a complementary pathway for discovery, and potential for insight into the initial onset and propagation of the thermal instability that leads to the ionization of the accretion disk. We use the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) alert stream to perform a comprehensive search at optical wavelengths for previously undiscovered outbursting LMXBs. Our pipeline first crossmatches the positions of the alerts to cataloged X-ray sources, and then analyzes the 30-day lightcurve of matched alerts by thresholding on differences with an 8-day exponentially weighted moving average. In addition to an nineteen month-long live search, we ran our pipeline over four years of ZTF archival data, recovering 4 known LMXBs. We also independently detected an outburst of MAXI J1957+032 in the live search and found the first outburst of Swift J1943.4+0228, an unclassified X-ray transient, in 10 years. Using Monte Carlo simulations of the Galactic LMXB population, we estimate that 29% of outbursting LMXBs are detectable by ZTF and that 4.4% of LMXBs would be present in the crossmatched X-ray catalogs, giving an estimated Galactic population of 3390−1930+39803390^{+3980}_{-1930}. We estimate that our current pipeline can detect 1.3% of all outbursting LMXBs, including those previously unknown, but that Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will be able to detect 43% of outbursting LMXBs.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Influence of land use on the hydrobiogeochemistry of the Camanducaia and Jaguari watersheds, Brazil.

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    Two medium-sized watersheds of the Piracicaba river basin, the Camanducaia and Jaguari subbasins,are being studied to evaluate the effects of land use change on the basin?s hydrobiogeochemistry. The Jaguari basin is an important provider the Cantareira reservoir system that supplies around six million inhabitants of the Metropolitan Region of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil. A one-year hydrological study began on January 2015 to monitor some water quality parameters such as pH, electric conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved organic and inorganic carbon (DOC and DIC), nitrate (NO ), ammonium (NH ) and total nitrogen (TN). For that purpose we established 19 sampling stations along the Camanducaia (8 stations) and Jaguari (11 stations) river channels; two stations at their main tributaries Mosquito and Camanducaia Mineiro, respectively; and another two stations at small streams in headwater areas of the Jaguari and Camanducaia watersheds. Preliminary results show that DOC concentrations are correlated DIC (r=0.81 at Jaguari; r=0.70 at Camanducaia; p <0.05). We observe that DOC tends to increase by multiples of 2.5 and 3.5 times from forested headwater areas to the most downstream stations of Jaguari and Camanducaia, respectively. Regarding DIC these multiples are 4.4 and 1.9 times greater. The four most downstream stations at Jaguari show urban area effects with higher DIC monthly values ranging from 28.7 to 33 mg L . Also DIC correlated with EC values (means around 160 ?S) at two of these stations. We expect that at the end of this monitoring year results will show stronger relations between hydrobiogeochemical parameters and land use change
