123 research outputs found

    perceiving animacy and arousal in transformed displays of human interaction

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    When viewing a moving abstract stimulus, people tend to attribute social meaning and purpose to the movement. The classic work of Heider and Simmel [1] investigated how observers would describe movement of simple geometric shapes (circle, triangles, and a square) around a screen. A high proportion of participants reported seeing some form of purposeful interaction between the three abstract objects and defining this interaction as a social encounter. Various papers have subsequently found similar results [2,3] and gone on to show that, as Heider and Simmel suggested, the phenomenon was due more to the relationship in space and time of the objects, rather than any particular object characteristic. The research of Tremoulet and Feldman [4] has shown that the percept of animacy may be elicited with a solitary moving object. They asked observers to rate the movement of a single dot or rectangle for whether it was under the influence of an external force, or whether it was in control of its own motion. At mid-trajectory the shape would change speed or direction, or both. They found that shapes that either changed direction greater than 25 degrees from the original trajectory, or changed speed, were judged to be "more alive" than others. Further discussion and evidence of animacy with one or two small dots can be found in Gelman, Durgin and Kaufman [5] Our aim was to further study this phenomenon by using a different method of stimulus production. Previous methods for producing displays of animate objects have relied either on handcrafted stimuli or on parametric variations of simple motion patterns. It is our aim to work towards a new automatic approach by taking actual human movements, transforming them into basic shapes, and exploring what motion properties need to be preserved to obtain animacy. Though the phenomenon of animacy has been shown for many years, using various different displays, very few specific criteria have been set on the essential characteristics of the displays. Part of this research is to try and establish what movements result in percepts of animacy, and in turn, to give further understanding of essential characteristics of human movement and social interaction. In this paper we discuss two experiments in which we examine how different transformations of an original video of a dance influences perception of animacy. We also examine reports of arousal, Experiment 1, and emotional engagement in Experiment 2

    Advances in Targeting Signal Transduction Pathways

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    Over the past few years, significant advances have occurred in both our understanding of the complexity of signal transduction pathways as well as the isolation of specific inhibitors which target key components in those pathways. Furthermore critical information is being accrued regarding how genetic mutations can affect the sensitivity of various types of patients to targeted therapy. Finally, genetic mechanisms responsible for the development of resistance after targeted therapy are being discovered which may allow the creation of alternative therapies to overcome resistance. This review will discuss some of the highlights over the past few years on the roles of key signaling pathways in various diseases, the targeting of signal transduction pathways and the genetic mechanisms governing sensitivity and resistance to targeted therapies

    The need for impulsivity & smoothness: improving HCI by qualitatively measuring new high-level human motion features

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    The aim of this paper is to develop algorithms to measure motion features by investigating concepts which are commonly used to describe movement characteristics in both research studies and everyday life: impulsivity and smoothness. We also aim to implement such definitions in our developing environment EyesWeb and finally test if they can effectively measure impulsivity and smoothness in the same way these characteristics are perceived by human users