288 research outputs found

    Il culto della croce nella liturgia del venerdì santo nell’altomedioevo

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    O artigo intende mostrar a origem do rito da adoração da cruz na liturgia de Sexta-feira santa. Para o efeito examinam-se as liturgias romana, galicana e moçarábica. A partir dos documentos estudados, verifica-se que até ao séc. VII a Sexta-feira santa não conhece nenhuma liturgia própria. Em Roma, o sacramentário Gelasianum Vetus é o primeiro livro litúrgico a mencionar, para este dia, uma liturgia da palavra seguida do rito da veneração da cruz e da comunhão dos fiéis. A história deste rito está ligada ao culto da relíquia da verdadeira cruz praticado na liturgia estacional do Papa. A relíquia era levada em procissão da basílica de S. João de Latrão até à basílica de Santa Cruz em Jerusalém, onde era depositada num altar. Na primeira parte do séc. VIII, o Ordo romanus XXIII testemunha esta prática da liturgia papal, decalcando a descrição feita por Egéria sobre os ritos da semana santa em Jerusalém nos finais do séc. IV. A liturgia da Gália ignora qualquer rito de adoração da cruz. Na tradição hispânica, a origem dos ritos de Sexta-feira santa relaciona-se com o Ofício de Laudes, Tércia e Noa, que têm como tema dominante a paixão de Cristo. O autor conclui, por conseguinte, que o rito da adoração da cruz não nasce em Roma nem em Espanha, mas é um desenvolvimento da veneração da relíquia da santa cruz e do Ofício divino, respectivamente.This article aims to show the origin of the rite of the adoration of the Cross in the Good Friday liturgy. For this purpose we will examine the Roman, Gallican and Mozarabic liturgies. From the documents studied we find that up to the 7th century no specific liturgy is known. In Rome the sacramentary Gelasianum Vetus is the first liturgical book to mention a liturgy of the Word for this day followed by a rite of veneration of the Cross and by the communion of the faithful. The history of this rite is linked to the worship of the relic of the true Cross practised in the stational liturgy of the Pope. The relic was taken in procession from the Basilica of St. John Lateran to the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, where it was deposited on an altar. In the early 8th century, the Ordo romanus XXIII testifies to this Papal liturgical practice, following the description made by Egeria of the Holy Week rites in Jerusalem in the late 4th century. The Gallican liturgy knows of no rite of adoration of the Cross. In the Hispanic tradition, the origin of the Good Friday rites is related to the Offices of Lauds, Terce and None, where the predominant theme is the Passion of Christ. The author concludes, therefore, that the rite of the adoration of the Cross was not born in Rome or in Spain, but was a development of the veneration of the relic of the Holy Cross and of the Divine Office, respectively

    Les fruits de l’eucharistie: clé d’une sacralité chrétienne: un essai à la lumière de la christologie de Bernard Lonergan

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    The present article approaches the Eucharist in its sacred dimension or as a sacred rite. This dimension is particularly manifest in the fruits of the sacrament of the altar. Here we will focus on an analysis of the ultimate “res” (res tantum). Taking up the patristic tradition and analysing the Eucharistic anaphoras, the Eucharist is considered in its nexus with the Christus totus. In the second part, data gathered from the patristic and liturgical tradition are compared with the Christology and Soteriology of Bernard Lonergan, to show that the binomial sacred-profane is not adequate for the mystery of the Eucharist, as a key to interpreting its purpose, its relation to life, the world and history.O artigo aborda a eucaristia na sua dimensão sagrada ou enquanto rito sacro. Esta dimensão é particularmente manifesta nos frutos do sacramento do altar. Centrar-nos-emos na análise da “res” última (res tantum). Retomando a tradição patrística e analisando as anáforas eucarísticas, a eucaristia é considerada no seu nexo com o Christus totus. Numa segunda parte, confrontamos os dados recolhidos na tradição patrística e litúrgica com a cristologia e soteriologia de Bernard Lonergan, para mostrar que o binómio sagrado-profano não é adequado ao mistério da eucaristia, como chave de interpretação da sua finalidade, sua relação com a vida, o mundo e a história

    La liturgia come “anàmnesis”: una nozione da riesaminare?

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    Following the 2nd Vatican Council, the various liturgical rites in use in the Western Church underwent reforms. Contemporaneously with this, a new interpretative category applied to liturgical action came to be used widely, that of anàmnesis. Liturgy came to be described as the anàmnesis of the work of salvation. The fortune of this conceptions is well-deserved, if we bear in mind the problems it helps to avoid, especially in ecumenical contexts, but that is not to say that it is not open to questioning. Recent studies, which need to be taken into account, raise the question: is it possible or not to be explicit about the sacramental nature of the Eucharistic rite and, by extension, of the Christian liturgy without recourse to be notion of anàmnesis?Na sequência do Concílio Vaticano II, os vários ritos litúrgicos foram, na Igreja do Ocidente, alvo de reformas. Contemporaneamente, conheceu uma ampla difusão uma nova categoria interpretativa aplicada à acção litúrgica, a de anàmnesis. A liturgia vem descrita como anàmnesis da obra da salvação. A fortuna desta concepção é bem merecida, se considerarmos os problemas que ela ajuda a evitar, sobretudo em sede ecuménica, mas não deixa de ser passível de questionamento. Estudos recentes, que importa ter em conta, levam a perguntar: é ou não possível explicitar a sacramentalidade do rito eucarístico e, por extensão, da liturgia cristã sem recorrer à noção de anàmnesis

    Modelling and Control of a Grid-Connected RES-Hydrogen Hybrid Microgrid

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    This paper proposes a Hybrid Microgrid (HµG) model including distributed generation (DG) and a hydrogen-based storage system, controlled through a tailored control strategy. The HµG is composed of three DG units, two of them supplied by solar and wind sources, and the latter one based on the exploitation of the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology. Furthermore, the system includes an alkaline electrolyser, which is used as a responsive load to balance the excess of Variable Renewable Energy Sources (VRES) production, and to produce the hydrogen that will be stored into the hydrogen tank and that will be used to supply the fuel cell in case of lack of generation. The main objectives of this work are to present a validated dynamic model for every component of the HµG and to provide a strategy to reduce as much as possible the power absorption from the grid by exploiting the VRES production. The alkaline electrolyser and PEM fuel cell models are validated through real measurements. The State of Charge (SoC) of the hydrogen tank is adjusted through an adaptive scheme. Furthermore, the designed supervisor power control allows reducing the power exchange and improving the system stability. Finally, a case, considering a summer load profile measured in an electrical substation of Politecnico di Torino, is presented. The results demonstrates the advantages of a hydrogen-based micro-grid, where the hydrogen is used as medium to store the energy produced by photovoltaic and wind systems, with the aim to improve the self-sufficiency of the system

    Impact of bidirectional EV charging stations on a distribution network: a Power Hardware-In-the-Loop implementation

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    The need for decarbonizing the entire energy system calls for new operational approaches in different sectors, currently (almost) fully dominated by fossil fuels, such as the transports. In particular, the decarbonization of the light-duty passenger transport, based on the implementation of Battery Electric Vehicles, may have a twofold benefit, because of (i) the reduction of local and global direct emissions, and (ii) the role that the Battery Electric Vehicles can have in supporting the operation of the power system in case of large share of non-dispatchable renewable energy sources. This paper aims to investigate, through a Power Hardware-In-the-Loop laboratory setup, the impacts of the Vehicle-to-Grid and Grid-to-Vehicle paradigms on a Low Voltage grid portion serving as grid infrastructure an energy community. The results show that the Low Voltage grid losses, if not taken into account, can cause a wrong evaluation of the expected impact on the grid of the Battery Electric Vehicles. Furthermore, the harmonics of current injected into the grid by several chargers could compromise the perceived power quality. Both the analyzed aspects must be hence carefully considered for properly evaluating pros and cons that the installation of several chargers may have on the grid side. The main contributions refer to the calculation of losses and to the evaluation of the power quality aspects through a Power Hardware-In-the-Loop configuration, enabling to take into account the harmonics interaction between charging stations and power grid

    Co-simulation Management Algorithm for Distribution System Operation with Real-Time Simulator

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    This article presents a co-simulation framework consistent with the real-time simulation for operational analysis of electrical distribution networks. Realtime simulators have become a fundamental tool for testing and optimising control strategies in a safe and controlled environment. The proposed methodology outlines the steps required for setting up, controlling, and monitoring an electrical grid using a real-time simulator. The framework proposes the use of the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport communication between the electrical grid module and an external coordinator. An algorithm based on the Python programming language is proposed to manage the real-time simulation, create the grid topology, and communicate with the external coordinator. The implementation of the electrical network and the validation of the real-time simulator network are also presented. The article concludes that the proposed framework can improve the performance and flexibility of co-simulation for studies on the penetration of power electronics-based renewable sources

    Voltage Control in Low-Voltage Grids Using Distributed Photovoltaic Converters and Centralized Devices

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    This paper studies the application of distributed and centralized solutions for voltage control in low voltage (LV) grids with high photovoltaic (PV) penetration. In traditional LV grids, the coordination of distributed PV converters and a centralized device would require massive investments in new communication and control infrastructures. The alternative of exploiting distributed PV converters for voltage control is discussed, showing that it can help to stabilize the voltage in the grid connection points also without coordination between them and/or with a centralized unit. The goal of this paper is to investigate how the setup of the voltage controllers inside PV inverters affects the operation of these controllers taking into account the limits for reactive power injection. In addition, the interaction of distributed PV converters with centralized devices (static var compensators and on load tap changers) is analyzed to assess whether additional benefits may come in these cases