4,040 research outputs found

    Characteristics of epizootic situation of rabies for the animal species in Ukraine from 2011–2016

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    У статті наведені результати аналізу динаміки захворюваності тварин на сказ і видової характеристики епізоотії сказу в Україні за 2011–2016 рр. У роботі проаналізовані експертизи лабораторних досліджень, звіти обласних управлінь ветеринарної медицини, Державної ветеринарної та фітосанітарної служби (Держпродспоживслужби) України за період з 2011 по 2016 рр. та інформація, яка представлена в Європейському бюлетені зі сказу. За досліджуваний період в Україні зареєстровано 8807 випадків захворювання на сказ серед 17-и видів тварин. Проведення аналізу випадків захворювання вказує на те, що основним резервуаром вірусу сказу в дикій природі є лисиці, відсоток захворюваності яких від загальної кількості випадків, становив від 38,8% в 2014 році до 31,2% в 2016 році. Серед домашніх тварин в структурі захворюваності на сказ перше місце займають коти, відсоток яких складає від 25,9% в 2014 році до 32,5% в 2016 році. На другому місці знаходяться собаки, частка яких становить від 18% в 2012 до 23,5% в 2016 році від загальної кількості хворих на сказ тварин. Підвищення рівня захворюваності домашніх тварин, особливо серед котів і собак, є наслідком неповного обсягу охоплення профілактичними антирабічними щепленнями та прямим свідченням неналежного виконання діючої «Інструкції щодо заходів боротьби та профілактики сказу».В статье представлены результаты анализа динамики заболеваемости животных бешенством и видовой характеристики эпизоотии бешенства в Украине за 2011–2016 гг. В работе проанализированы экспертизы лабораторных исследований, отчеты областных управлений ветеринарной медицины, Государственной ветеринарной и фитосанитарной службы (Держпродспоживслужбы) Украины за период с 2011 по 2016 и информация, которая представлена в Европейском бюллетени по бешенству. За исследуемый период в Украине зарегистрировано 8807 случаев заболевания бешенством среди 17-и видов. Анализ случаев заболевания указывает на то, что основным резервуаром вируса бешенства в дикой природе являются лисы, процент заболеваемости которых от общего количества случаев, составлял от 38,8% в 2014 году до 31,2% в 2016 году. Среди домашних животных в структуре заболеваемости бешенством первое место занимают коты, процент которых составляет от 25,9% в 2014 году до 32,5% в 2016 году. На втором месте находятся собаки, доля которых составляет от 18% в 2012 до 23,5% в 2016 году от общего количества больных бешенством животных. Повышение уровня заболеваемости домашних животных, особенно среди кошек и собак, является следствием неполного объема охвата профилактическими антирабической прививками и прямым свидетельством ненадлежащего исполнения действующей «Инструкции о мерах борьбы и профилактики бешенства».The article presents analysis of dynamics of the animal rabies incidence and characteristics of rabies epizootic situation for the animal species in Ukraine from 2011–2016. We analyzed the laboratory research expertise, reports of regional departments of Veterinary Medicine and the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine (now State Service of Ukraine on issues of food safety and consumer protection) for the period from 2011 to 2016, and the information that is presented in the Rabies Bulletin Europe. During this period in Ukraine registered 8807 cases of rabies among 17 animal species. Analysis of rabies cases indicates that the main reservoir of rabies virus among wild animals is foxes. Fox incidence rate ranged from 38.8% in 2014 to 31.2% in 2016 from total cases of rabies. Among domestic animals, the first place in the structure of the incidence of rabies is occupied cats, part of which is 25.9% in 2014 to 32.5% in 2016. In the second place are dogs, which account for 18% in 2012 to 23.5% in 2016 of the total number of animal rabies cases. Increased incidence of domestic animals, especially in cats and dogs, are the result of an incomplete rabies vaccination coverage and direct evidence of improper performance of the current "Instructions for measures to combat and prevent of rabies.

    Evidence of Strong-Coupled Superconductivity in CaC6 from Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    Point-contact tunneling on CaC6_6 crystals reproducibly reveals superconducting gaps, Δ\Delta, of 2.3±\pm0.2 meV which are \sim~40% larger than earlier reports. That puts CaC6_6 into the class of very strong-coupled superconductors since 2Δ\Delta/kTc_c\sim~4.6. Thus soft Ca phonons will be primarily involved in the superconductivity, a conclusion that explains the large Ca isotope effect found recently for CaC6_6. Consistency among superconductor-insulator-normal metal (SIN), SIS and Andreev reflection (SN) junctions reinforces the intrinsic nature of this result.Comment: 2nd version, 4 pages, 4 figures, re-submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Cosmological Dark Energy: Prospects for a Dynamical Theory

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    We present an approach to the problem of vacuum energy in cosmology, based on dynamical screening of Lambda on the horizon scale. We review first the physical basis of vacuum energy as a phenomenon connected with macroscopic boundary conditions, and the origin of the idea of its screening by particle creation and vacuum polarization effects. We discuss next the relevance of the quantum trace anomaly to this issue. The trace anomaly implies additional terms in the low energy effective theory of gravity, which amounts to a non-trivial modification of the classical Einstein theory, fully consistent with the Equivalence Principle. We show that the new dynamical degrees of freedom the anomaly contains provide a natural mechanism for relaxing Lambda to zero on cosmological scales. We consider possible signatures of the restoration of conformal invariance predicted by the fluctuations of these new scalar degrees of freedom on the spectrum and statistics of the CMB, in light of the latest bounds from WMAP. Finally we assess the prospects for a new cosmological model in which the dark energy adjusts itself dynamically to the cosmological horizon boundary, and therefore remains naturally of order H^2 at all times without fine tuning.Comment: 50 pages, Invited Contribution to New Journal of Physics Focus Issue on Dark Energ

    Gravastar Solutions with Continuous Pressures and Equation of State

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    We study the gravitational vacuum star (gravastar) configuration as proposed by other authors in a model where the interior de Sitter spacetime segment is continuously extended to the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. The multilayered structure in previous papers is replaced by a continuous stress-energy tensor at the price of introducing anisotropy in the (fluid) model of the gravastar. Either with an ansatz for the equation of state connecting the radial prp_r and tangential ptp_t pressure or with a calculated equation of state with non-homogeneous energy/fluid density, solutions are obtained which in all aspects satisfy the conditions expected for an anisotropic gravastar. Certain energy conditions have been shown to be obeyed and a polytropic equation of state has been derived. Stability of the solution with respect to possible axial perturbation is shown to hold.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Latest version contains new and updated references along with some clarifying remarks in the stability analysi

    Gravastars must have anisotropic pressures

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    One of the very small number of serious alternatives to the usual concept of an astrophysical black hole is the "gravastar" model developed by Mazur and Mottola; and a related phase-transition model due to Laughlin et al. We consider a generalized class of similar models that exhibit continuous pressure -- without the presence of infinitesimally thin shells. By considering the usual TOV equation for static solutions with negative central pressure, we find that gravastars cannot be perfect fluids -- anisotropic pressures in the "crust" of a gravastar-like object are unavoidable. The anisotropic TOV equation can then be used to bound the pressure anisotropy. The transverse stresses that support a gravastar permit a higher compactness than is given by the Buchdahl--Bondi bound for perfect fluid stars. Finally we comment on the qualitative features of the equation of state that gravastar material must have if it is to do the desired job of preventing horizon formation.Comment: V1: 15 pages; 4 figures; uses iopart.cls; V2: 16 pages; added 3 references and brief discussio


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    The article adduces the methods of scientific research of medical school students. The students get the previous specialization of professional preparation carrying the research work out.У статті обгрунтовано важливість та подано методи проведення науково-дослідної роботи студентів медичного училища. Проводячи пошуково-дослідну роботу, студенти отримують попередню соціалізацію фахової підготовки, активно готуються до майбутньої професійної діяльності

    Conformal Invariance, Dark Energy, and CMB Non-Gaussianity

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    In addition to simple scale invariance, a universe dominated by dark energy naturally gives rise to correlation functions possessing full conformal invariance. This is due to the mathematical isomorphism between the conformal group of certain 3 dimensional slices of de Sitter space and the de Sitter isometry group SO(4,1). In the standard homogeneous isotropic cosmological model in which primordial density perturbations are generated during a long vacuum energy dominated de Sitter phase, the embedding of flat spatial sections in de Sitter space induces a conformal invariant perturbation spectrum and definite prediction for the shape of the non-Gaussian CMB bispectrum. In the case in which the density fluctuations are generated instead on the de Sitter horizon, conformal invariance of the horizon embedding implies a different but also quite definite prediction for the angular correlations of CMB non-Gaussianity on the sky. Each of these forms for the bispectrum is intrinsic to the symmetries of de Sitter space and in that sense, independent of specific model assumptions. Each is different from the predictions of single field slow roll inflation models which rely on the breaking of de Sitter invariance. We propose a quantum origin for the CMB fluctuations in the scalar gravitational sector from the conformal anomaly that could give rise to these non-Gaussianities without a slow roll inflaton field, and argue that conformal invariance also leads to the expectation for the relation n_S-1=n_T between the spectral indices of the scalar and tensor power spectrum. Confirmation of this prediction or detection of non-Gaussian correlations in the CMB of one of the bispectral shape functions predicted by conformal invariance can be used both to establish the physical origins of primordial density fluctuations and distinguish between different dynamical models of cosmological vacuum dark energy.Comment: 73 pages, 9 figures. Final Version published in JCAP. New Section 4 added on linearized scalar gravitational potentials; New Section 8 added on gravitational wave tensor perturbations and relation of spectral indices n_T = n_S -1; Table of Contents added; Eqs. (3.14) and (3.15) added to clarify relationship of bispectrum plotted to CMB measurements; Some other minor modification

    On Infrared Effects in de~Sitter Background

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    We have estimated higher order quantum gravity corrections to de~Sitter spacetime. Our results suggest that, while the classical spacetime metric may be distorted by the graviton self-interactions, the corrections are relatively weaker than previously thought, possibly growing like a power rather than exponentially in time.Comment: 17, UM-TH-94-11, (1 postscript fig. at end

    The Quantum Gravitationally Induced Stress Tensor

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    We derive non-perturbative relations between the expectation value of the invariant element in a homogeneous and isotropic state and the quantum gravitationally induced pressure and energy density. By exploiting previously obtained bounds for the maximum possible growth of perturbative corrections to a locally de Sitter background we show that the two loop result dominates all higher orders. We also show that the quantum gravitational slowing of inflation becomes non-perturbatively strong earlier than previously expected.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX 2 epsilo

    Water Dynamics at Protein Interfaces: Ultrafast Optical Kerr Effect Study

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    The behavior of water molecules surrounding a protein can have an important bearing on its structure and function. Consequently, a great deal of attention has been focused on changes in the relaxation dynamics of water when it is located at the protein surface. Here we use the ultrafast optical Kerr effect to study the H-bond structure and dynamics of aqueous solutions of proteins. Measurements are made for three proteins as a function of concentration. We find that the water dynamics in the first solvation layer of the proteins are slowed by up to a factor of 8 in comparison to those in bulk water. The most marked slowdown was observed for the most hydrophilic protein studied, bovine serum albumin, whereas the most hydrophobic protein, trypsin, had a slightly smaller effect. The terahertz Raman spectra of these protein solutions resemble those of pure water up to 5 wt % of protein, above which a new feature appears at 80 cm–1, which is assigned to a bending of the protein amide chain