233 research outputs found

    Monitoring of the calibration constants of the DVCS calorimeter

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    Radiation exposure of the DVCS calorimeter during data taking has degraded the optical properties of the cristals in a time dependent way. This note presents a method which allows to determine the effective gain of each single block all along data taking, relying on the two absolute elastic calibrations performed at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Consideration of time dependent gain is shown to improve the missing mass resolution, allowing for a better identification of DVCS events

    The Effect of Low-Density Polyethylene Addition and Temperature on Creep-recovery Behavior of Hot Mix Asphalt

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    Industrial and domestic plastic waste is second harmful products to the environment. Considering the technological development and the current way of life, this non-biodegradable waste and its enormous quantities threaten the balance of the ecosystem and human health. The present study was an attempt to investigate the effect of Low-density polyethylene “LDPE” plastic waste, used us asphalt additive, on creep-recovery behavior of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). This technique is a contribution to the improvement of the quality and cost of HMA, for alternate materials. In this experimental study, two mixes of asphalts were prepared, basic and modified asphalts, and tested in four points bending test at two different temperatures, medium (20°C) and high temperature (50°C). The use of 5 % of LDPE gave a better thermo-mechanical performance. As well as, a decrease in total deformation by 51 % and 13 % at 20°C and 50°C respectively. A clear improvement of the resistance to the creep permanent deformation, rigidity and lasted in life. This modification serves a powerful, economic and environmental solution for road construction of hot Saharan areas at medium and high temperature of service

    Integration of Renewable Energies in Mobile Employment Promotion Units for Rural Populations

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    The article aims to analyze, evaluate, and improve solutions for the integration of hybrid energy sources (Solar Photovoltaic PV/Batteries/Diesel Generator (DG)) in mobile service units (MSU), designed to provide services to rural populations (drug delivery, vaccination, training, employment promotion, bank, laboratory, etc.). The first objective is to evaluate the performance of two already deployed photovoltaic systems installed on the roofs of trucks, with respective powers of 2.12 and 3.54 kWp. Solar production, consumption, and SOC (State of Charge) of batteries are collected and analyzed. We modelled the energy conversion chain and simulated its behavior on all days of the year. Simulated results are then compared to the on-site measurements. Several association scenarios (PV/batteries) are then studied to propose the optimal combination, taking into account the surface offered for the installation of the PV modules (roof of the truck), the weight, and the lifespan of the batteries. The developed and deployed solution proposes more advantageous association scenarios (PV/Storage), and reduces the time of recourse to the DG. From this perspective, we simulated the operation of the hybrid system for the three battery capacities: 40,000, 31,680, and 19,200 Wh (~1667, 1320, and 800 Ah). The results reveal that the uncaptured energy for a 3540 Wp field is five times greater than that of a 2120 Wp field. On the other hand, the number of battery charge/discharge cycles is divided by ten. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-07-07 Full Text: PD

    Prediction of diagenesis and reservoir quality using wireline logs: evidence from the Upper Triassic (Raethian) fluvial reservoir tags - Toual field, Gassi Touil Area, SE Algeria

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    Reservoir quality is mainly controlled by environment deposit type and diagenesis processes. To investigate such subject we usually proceed to microscopic techniques. Absence of outcrops and missing of core samples let us use conventional wireline logs and core lab measurements as primary data. Direct lecture of well logs calibrated by core photos and wellsite description, well logs correlation and cross plots were our main methodology axis. Target of this study is the fluvial Shaly Sandstones of Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) reservoir (abreviated in French; TAGS) located in Toual field – SE of Algeria. The present investigation confirms the absence of clean sandstone levels in the studied reservoir. It detects also the presence of halite and clays (Illite) as cements in sandstone. The influence of illite on permeability was confirmed whereas porosity is less affected.Keywords: Diagenesis; Reservoir Quality; Well logs; Fluvial System; Triassic; Toua

    Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off the Neutron

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    The present experiment exploits the interference between the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) and the Bethe-Heitler processes to extract the imaginary part of DVCS amplitudes on the neutron and on the deuteron from the helicity-dependent D(e⃗,eâ€ČÎł)X cross section measured at Q2=1.9  GeV2 and xB=0.36. We extract a linear combination of generalized parton distributions (GPDs) particularly sensitive to Eq, the least constrained GPD. A model dependent constraint on the contribution of the up and down quarks to the nucleon spin is deduced

    Tagger design optimization

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    This note presents the simulations and tests performed at LPSC Grenoble for the optimization of the DVCS tagger paddles. The choice of the wrapping material and the addition of a light guide with a specific triangular cut are discussed and confronted to experimental measurements. This study led to the final configuration of the DVCS tagger


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    En dĂ©pit des conditions contraignantes du site d’implantation, les mozabites ont toujours implantĂ© leurs Ă©tablissements humains selon leurs rĂ©fĂ©rences culturelles, Ă  partir d’élĂ©ments dominants et ordonnateurs, et le milieu naturel dans lequel ils vivent. Tout le long de leur histoire, les Ă©tablissements humains du M’zab ont toujours prĂ©servĂ© leur identitĂ© incarnĂ©e dans leur typologie, le climat, le site et leurs rĂ©alitĂ©s sociales. MĂȘme les ksour nouvellement Ă©difiĂ©s font perdurer la tradition millĂ©naire sans pour autant renier les exigences de la vie contemporaine. Le langage architectural, qui sous-tend cette production, n’a pas connu de profonds bouleversements. Les mozabites ont tirĂ© avantage de leur patrimoine. La tradition ancestrale, qui a jadis prĂ©sidĂ© Ă  la constitution d’un domaine bĂąti trĂšs particulier, demeurerait puissante. L’article annonce une rĂ©flexion sur les nouveaux ksour dans un contexte physiquement contraint oĂč la tradition sĂ©culaire, qui a jadis prĂ©sidĂ© Ă  la constitution d’un domaine bĂąti trĂšs particulier, demeurerait puissante. En effet, la production locale de l’espace, aprĂšs avoir connu le discrĂ©dit, a repris spectaculairement vigueur depuis une dĂ©cennie. Le travail consiste Ă  faire une Ă©tude comparative entre les caractĂ©ristiques urbaines et architecturales qui sous-tendent la mise en Ɠuvre des nouveaux quartiers et celles des anciens noyaux.  In spite of the constraining conditions of the site, the mozabites always established their human settlements according to their cultural references, starting from dominant and directing elements, and the natural environment in which they live. All along their history, the human settlements of the Mzab always preserved their identity incarnated in their typology, the climate, the site and their social realities. Even the lately built ksour combine the thousand-year-old tradition with the requirements of the contemporary life. The architectural language, which underlies this production, did not know deep upheavals. The mozabites drew favors of their heritage. The ancestral tradition, which formerly governed the constitution of a very particular built field, would remain powerful. The article announces a thought on new ksour in a physically constrained context where the secular tradition, which formerly governed the constitution of a very particular built field, would remain powerful. Indeed, the local production of space, after having known discredit, has spectacularly taken again strength for one decade. Work consists in making a comparative study between the urban and architectural characteristics which underlie the implementation of the new districts and those of the old cores

    Phytosanitary practices of apple growers in the Ifrane province of the Middle Atlas of Morocco and perspectives of improvement.

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    This study consisted of a survey of the phytosanitary practices of apple growers in the Ifrane province of the Middle Atlas of Morocco during the 2014-2015 growing season, in order to improve them to protect the human health and preserve the environment. The results of the survey showed that farmers do not have clear and defined strategies to control the pests and diseases, with only 52% of the cases contending with following weather forecasts on media before deciding to apply pesticides. The remaining 48% have no surveillance plan and engage in pesticide sprays after they observe pests and diseases in their orchards. Furthermore, the spraying equipment shares not properly calibrated in about half of the cases, which could lead to more pesticide input in orchards. Pesticide applications varied from a minimum of 8 treatments in the least treated fram to a maximum of 25 in the most treated farm, thus bringing pesticide input from 25 kg of active ingredients/ha in the less treated orchard to over 70 kg a.i./ha in heavily treated orchards. This stresses the importance of farmer education to a more rational use of pesticides to preserve human health and the environement. Concerning pest resistance, 74% of the interviewed farmers declared alternating active ingredients to avoid pest resistance, the remaining 26 % contended with alternating commercial products. The majority of apple growers (78%) declared respecting the safety period separating the last pesticide application from fruit harvest, while 22% remain ignorant of this safety standard

    Breathing Current Domains in Globally Coupled Electrochemical Systems: A Comparison with a Semiconductor Model

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    Spatio-temporal bifurcations and complex dynamics in globally coupled intrinsically bistable electrochemical systems with an S-shaped current-voltage characteristic under galvanostatic control are studied theoretically on a one-dimensional domain. The results are compared with the dynamics and the bifurcation scenarios occurring in a closely related model which describes pattern formation in semiconductors. Under galvanostatic control both systems are unstable with respect to the formation of stationary large amplitude current domains. The current domains as well as the homogeneous steady state exhibit oscillatory instabilities for slow dynamics of the potential drop across the double layer, or across the semiconductor device, respectively. The interplay of the different instabilities leads to complex spatio-temporal behavior. We find breathing current domains and chaotic spatio-temporal dynamics in the electrochemical system. Comparing these findings with the results obtained earlier for the semiconductor system, we outline bifurcation scenarios leading to complex dynamics in globally coupled bistable systems with subcritical spatial bifurcations.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 70 references, RevTex4 accepted by PRE http://pre.aps.or

    A fitter code for Deep Virtual Compton Scattering and Generalized Parton Distributions

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    We have developped a fitting code based on the leading-twist handbag Deep Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) amplitude in order to extract the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPD) information from DVCS observables in the valence region. In a first stage, with simulations and pseudo-data, we show that the full GPD information can be recovered from experimental data if enough observables are measured. If only part of these observables are measured, valuable information can still be extracted, certain observables being particularly sensitive to certain GPDs. In a second stage, we make a practical application of this code to the recent DVCS Jefferson Lab Hall A data from which we can extract numerical constraints for the two HH GPD Compton Form Factors.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure
