162 research outputs found

    Récolte des céréales. Formation producteurs de semences en Camargue

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    Ce document a été réalisé à l'occasion d'une formation sur la récolte des céréales dispensée à des producteurs de semence en Camargue. Il présente les caractéristiques techniques des différents éléments d'une moissonneuse batteuse : table de coupe, convoyeur, batteur, contre batteur, vis d'alimentation, tablier de coupe. Des conseils sur le réglage et l'entretien de ce matériel sont donné

    Monitoring active volcanoes: The geochemical approach

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    The geochemical surveillance of an active volcano aims to recognize possible signals that are related to changes in volcanic activity. Indeed, as a consequence of the magma rising inside the volcanic "plumbing system" and/or the refilling with new batches of magma, the dissolved volatiles in the magma are progressively released as a function of their relative solubilities. When approaching the surface, these fluids that are discharged during magma degassing can interact with shallow aquifers and/or can be released along the main volcano-tectonic structures. Under these conditions, the following main degassing processes represent strategic sites to be monitored.The main purpose of this special volume is to collect papers that cover a wide range of topics in volcanic fluid geochemistry, which include geochemical characterization and geochemical monitoring of active volcanoes using different techniques and at different sites. Moreover, part of this volume has been dedicated to the new geochemistry tools

    Monitoring active volcanoes: The geochemical approach

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    Shallow magmas located beneath active volcanoes release volatiles both during eruptive activity and during inter-eruptive periods (passive degassing). The fluids in active volcanic areas rise directly from magma, and their composition is characterized mainly by H2O, CO2, SO2, H2S, HF and HCl (condensable gases), and by some non-condensable gases (e.g. He, H2, N2, CO, CH4). The chemical composition of fumarolic gases can reflect the pressure, temperature and oxygen fugacity conditions of the deep magmatic source, provided that during their rise towards the surface, the gases do not undergo re-equilibration processes [Giggenbach 1980, Giggenbach 1996, Nuccio and Paonita 2001, Paonita et al. 2002]. As the equilibrium kinetics of several chemical reactions is much slower than the rising velocities of the gases, the gas molecular compositions often undergo quenching phenomena, so that the gases show temperature and pressure equilibria higher than their outlet values. The concentration of magmatic species or their molecular ratios can be determined by means of direct sampling of fumarole gases or by using telemetric methods of observation. The extensive parameters (mass output) of volcanic fluids, coupled with the intensive parameters described before, provide basic and useful information for the formulation of volcanic fluid degassing models [Italiano et al. 1997, Brusca et al. 2004, Inguaggiato et al. 2011]. The first step in the framework of the geochemical investigation of a volcanic system aimed at surveillance is the chemical and isotopic characterization of the fluids, and the putting forward of a geochemical model [Inguaggiato et al. 2011]; within this geochemical model, it is possible to interpret the observed changes in any single investigated parameter. The geochemical approach is to identify the following topics: ‱ The main end-members involved in the studied system; ‱ The possible type and degree of interaction processes: e.g. water-rock and gas-water interactions; ‱ The mixing among the individual end-members; ‱ The chemical and isotopic characterization of a possible hydrothermal system; ‱ The formulation of a geochemical model

    La politique au camping : analyse comparée des rapports au politique des classes populaires en France et au Québec

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    Cotutelle internationale de thĂšse rĂ©alisĂ©e entre l'UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al et l'UniversitĂ© de LilleRĂ©sumĂ© Victoire inattendue de Donald Trump aux États-Unis lors de la campagne prĂ©sidentielle de 2016 ; succĂšs du camp du Brexit au Royaume-Uni la mĂȘme annĂ©e ; disparition des deux partis de gouvernement au deuxiĂšme tour de la campagne prĂ©sidentielle en France lors de l’élection de 2017 ; victoire majoritaire d’un tiers-parti, la Coalition Avenir QuĂ©bec, lors de l’élection provinciale de 2018 au QuĂ©bec : des deux bords de l’Atlantique, d’importantes recompositions des scĂšnes partisanes et des rĂ©sultats Ă©lectoraux inopinĂ©s agitent les analyses politiques, mĂ©diatiques et pour partie universitaires. Ces phĂ©nomĂšnes sont parfois interprĂ©tĂ©s au travers du prisme de la « montĂ©e des populismes ». Certains travaux pointent du doigt le « peuple » et sa propension Ă  se laisser sĂ©duire, voire berner, par des leaders « populistes ». L’explication, souvent sur la base d’enquĂȘtes de sondage, serait Ă  trouver dans le vote, pĂȘlemĂȘle, des « perdants de la mondialisation », des classes populaires ou encore du monde ordinaire des zones rurales. Le constat d’un champ politique apparemment chamboulĂ© par les franges dominĂ©es du monde social s’accompagne du paradoxe de pauvres votant contre leurs intĂ©rĂȘts supposĂ©s. En France, ces questionnements s’inscrivent en partie dans des dĂ©bats autour du vote des classes populaires dans un contexte d’effacement du clivage gauche-droite comme rĂ©fĂ©rent politique. Au contraire, au QuĂ©bec, la scĂšne partisane est prĂ©sentĂ©e comme de plus en plus polarisĂ©e autour de ce clivage en raison du moindre attrait de la cause souverainiste tandis que la notion de classes populaires n’est pas aussi centralement mobilisĂ©e par les analyses politiques. En comparant ces deux cas distincts, ce travail de recherche vise Ă  Ă©clairer sous un jour qualitatif les rapports Ă  la politique et au politique des classes populaires en France et au QuĂ©bec. Sur la base d’une enquĂȘte ethnographique dans deux campings populaires dans le Pas-de-Calais et dans la partie sud de la rĂ©gion de QuĂ©bec, ce travail Ă©tudie par le bas et dans une perspective comparĂ©e les reprĂ©sentations et les attitudes politiques de campeuses et de campeurs saisonniers dans des contextes de loisirs. Je mobilise comme donnĂ©es d’enquĂȘte une campagne d’une cinquantaine d’entretiens, des observations ethnographiques rĂ©alisĂ©es pendant deux saisons estivales dans ces deux campings et dans d’autres espaces de loisirs. En analysant les reprĂ©sentations ordinaires des sphĂšres partisanes et les sens sociaux du vote auprĂšs des enquĂȘtĂ©-e-s rencontrĂ©-e-s, ce travail souligne une mĂȘme distance soupçonneuse vis-Ă -vis du champ politique auprĂšs de groupes sociaux aux propriĂ©tĂ©s sociales comparables. Le vote y apparait comme une information politique Ă©quivoque et parfois difficilement interprĂ©table. A rebours des seuls schĂšmes savants de comprĂ©hension du jeu politique, ce travail souligne la mobilisation parmi les classes populaires françaises et quĂ©bĂ©coises d’outils profanes comparables, les indices et les rumeurs, qui observĂ©s in situ illustrent la pluralitĂ© des modes d’apprĂ©hension de la politique. Pour partie faiblement connectĂ©es aux enjeux du champ politique, souvent en Ă©cho Ă  des expĂ©riences personnelles, les attitudes politiques des classes populaires nĂ©cessitent d’ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©es dans une perspective plus large. Ces rapports au politique se comprennent davantage en rĂ©inscrivant ces reprĂ©sentations politiques et du monde social dans les relations qu’entretiennent ces enquĂȘtĂ©-e-s Ă  l’État et dans les frontiĂšres identitaires et de classe qu’ils et elles mobilisent pour se situer socialement. Cette recherche souligne ainsi les divergences et les effets de trajectoires sociales et de lieu dans les visions du monde que mobilisent les classes populaires dans ces deux espaces nationaux. Ma contribution vise donc Ă  Ă©clairer sous un autre jour les recompositions des scĂšnes partisanes en France et au QuĂ©bec en abordant la question au travers des rapports ordinaires Ă  la politique des classes populaires. Elle esquisse une sociologie politique des classes populaires au QuĂ©bec et prend position dans les dĂ©bats portant sur la droitisation des classes populaires et sur la « montĂ©e des populismes » en France et au QuĂ©bec en proposant une contribution mĂ©thodologique Ă  l’ethnographie du politique.Abstract Donald Trump’s unforeseen victory in the U.S’s 2016 presidential campaign. The unexpected Brexit in the U.K. the same year. The disappearance of the two governing political parties in France at the 2017 elections. The electoral success of a third party, the Coalition Avenir QuĂ©bec, during the provincial elections in 2018 in Quebec. On both sides of the Atlantic, unpredicted electoral results and a large reshuffling of partisan scenes are upsetting political, media and academic analyses. These phenomena are sometimes summed up as part of the “rise of populism”. Some works single out the “people” and their habit of being seduced, sometimes of being fooled, by “populist” leaders. The (jumbled) causes – built through statistical explications – are usually found with the “losers of the globalization”, the popular social classes or with ordinary people of rural regions. The observation of a political world turned upside down by the more dominated margins of society is usually brought up with the paradox of poor people voting against their supposed interests. In France, these reflections are part of the larger debate concerning the voting habits of the popular classes in the context of the slow demise of the right-left divide as the main political reference. On the contrary, in Quebec, the partisan sphere is seen as being more and more polarized around this divide, as the question of sovereignty loses its significance. At the same time, the notion of popular social classes is not as centrally used by analysts in Quebec. Comparing these two cases allows this research to shed – a qualitative – light on the popular classes’ relations to politics and political sides in France and in Quebec. This work is based on an ethnographic fieldwork in two lower class campgrounds in Pas-de-Calais (in France) and in the south of the “ region of QuĂ©bec ”. It is a study, from the bottom-up and in a comparative perspective, of the representations and political attitudes of seasonal campers in a leisurely context. My analysis is based on around fifty interviews and a set of ethnographic observation made during two summer seasons in two campgrounds and in other spaces of leisure. In my analysis of the research participants, ordinary representations of the political parties and of the social significance of voting underlines a suspicious distance from the political realm that is common to socially comparable groups. Voting habits appear to give ambiguous political information that is often difficult to interpret. Far from the erudite patterns of understanding the political game, my work emphasizes common secular tools used by popular classes in France and in Quebec. When such tools, like the use of clues or of rumors for instance, are observed on site, they illustrate the plurality of the participants’ understanding of and relationship to the political. The political attitudes of the popular classes are very loosely connected to the issues of the political realm and are usually rooted in personal experiences. They thus need to be studied in a larger perspective. These relationships to the political are better understood when they are connected to the participants’ relationship to the State and to their own mobilization of identities which allows them to situate themselves socially. My work therefore underscores the divergences and effects of diverse social and spatial trajectories on the social representations and world visions that the popular social classes muster in these two distinct national spaces. My work consequently aims at shedding a different light on the reshuffling of the partisan scenes in France and in Quebec by orienting the debate towards the ordinary relationships of the popular classes to the political. This thesis points at a political sociology of popular classes in Quebec. It also takes a stand in the debates on the shift to the right of these lower classes and on the “rise of populism” in France and in Quebec. This stand is rooted in a methodological contribution to the ethnography of the political

    Total CO2 output from Vulcano island (Aeolian Islands, Italy)

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    Total CO2 output from fumaroles, soil gas, bubbling gas discharges and water dissolved gases discharged from the island, was estimated for Vulcano island, Italy. The CO2 emission from fumaroles from the La Fossa summit crater was estimated from the SO2 crater output, while CO2 discharged through diffuse soil emission was quantified on the basis of 730 measurements of CO2 fluxes from the soil of the island, performed by using the accumulation chamber method. The results indicate an overall output of ≅500 t day 1 of CO2 from the island. The main contribution to the total CO2 output comes from the summit area of the La Fossa cone (453 t day 1), with 362 t day 1 from crater fumaroles and 91 t day 1 from crater soil degassing. The release of CO2 from peripheral areas is ≅20 t day 1 by soil degassing (Palizzi and Istmo areas mainly), an amount comparable to both the contribution of water dissolved CO2 (6 t day 1), as well as to seawater bubbling CO2 (4 t day 1 measured in the Istmo area). Presented data (September 2007) refer to a period of moderate solphataric activity, when the fumaroles temperature were 450°C and gas/water molar ratio of fumaroles was up to 0.16. The calculated total CO2 emission allows the estimation of the mass release and related thermal energy from the volcanic-hydrothermal system

    CO2 output discharged from Stromboli Island (Italy)

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    Total CO2 output from soil gas and plume, discharged from the Stromboli Island, was estimated. The CO2 emission of the plume emitted from the active crater was estimated on the basis of the SO2 crater output and C/S ratio, while CO2 discharged through diffuse soil emission was quantified on the basis of 419 measurements of CO2 fluxes from the soil of the whole island, performed by using the accumulation chamber method. The results indicate an overall output of ≅416 t day−1 of CO2 from the island. The main contribution to the total CO2 output comes from the summit area (396 t day−1), with 370 t/day from the active crater and 26 t day−1 from the Pizzo sopra La Fossa soil degassing area. The release of CO2 from peripheral areas is ≅20 t day−1 by soil degassing (Scari area mainly). The result of the soil degassing survey confirms the persistence of the highest CO2 degassing areas located on the North-East crater side and Scari area

    La diglossie comme marque linguistique de la polyphonie dans l’énoncĂ© journalistique algĂ©rien : cas du tamazight et du français

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    RĂ©sumĂ© : Cette Ă©tude a pour objectif d’analyser le phĂ©nomĂšne de la diglossie, qui caractĂ©rise les pratiques langagiĂšres des locuteurs algĂ©riens. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne sociolinguistique rĂ©vĂšle une pluralitĂ© de langues et de voix au sein du mĂȘme discours. Nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© d’étudier la diglossie dans la presse Ă©crite algĂ©rienne, Ă©tant donnĂ© que cette derniĂšre est le miroir de la sociĂ©tĂ©, elle est le reflet des diffĂ©rentes mutations, sociales qu’elles soient ou linguistiques, qui se passent dans la sociĂ©tĂ© algĂ©rienne. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que l’énoncĂ© journalistique algĂ©rien se caractĂ©rise par une pluralitĂ© de langues, ce qui engendre une pluralitĂ© de discours, due Ă  la pluralitĂ© des voix qui coexistent au sein du mĂȘme Ă©noncĂ©. Mots-clĂ©s : Diglossie ; Polyphonie ; Enoncé ; Locuteur ; Enonciation

    Les graffitis en Algérie, entre professionnels et démunis : indices sémiologiques et spécificités langagiÚres

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    RĂ©sumé : Dans le prĂ©sent article, nous ciblons l’une des formes expressives des jeunes algĂ©riens :  les graffitis. TantĂŽt considĂ©rĂ©es comme un art tantĂŽt comme un acte de vandalisme, cette voix du silence exprime dans toutes ses formes la vie des jeunes chĂŽmeurs dĂ©munis ou celle des professionnels. Dans cet article, nous allons analyser les spĂ©cificitĂ©s langagiĂšres et les indices sĂ©miologiques de quelques graffitis collectĂ©s sur le net (Alger, Oran, Bejaia, SĂ©tif) et sur les murs de la commune de Tighennif, et la ville de Mascara. L'interprĂ©tation socioculturelle que nous proposons dans cet article va mettre l'accent sur l'aspect professionnel des graffitis et son rapport avec les dĂ©munis. Ainsi que le rĂŽle de cet art pour construire une nouvelle vision du monde et donner naissance Ă  une nouvelle civilisation. Mots-clĂ©s : graffitis, spĂ©cificitĂ©s langagiĂšres, indices sĂ©miologiques, art de civilisation, professionnel et dĂ©muni
