893 research outputs found

    Regulation of surface architecture by symbiotic bacteria mediates host colonization

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    Microbes occupy countless ecological niches in nature. Sometimes these environments may be on or within another organism, as is the case in both microbial infections and symbiosis of mammals. Unlike pathogens that establish opportunistic infections, hundreds of human commensal bacterial species establish a lifelong cohabitation with their hosts. Although many virulence factors of infectious bacteria have been described, the molecular mechanisms used during beneficial host–symbiont colonization remain almost entirely unknown. The novel identification of multiple surface polysaccharides in the important human symbiont Bacteroides fragilis raised the critical question of how these molecules contribute to commensalism. To understand the function of the bacterial capsule during symbiotic colonization of mammals, we generated B. fragilis strains deleted in the global regulator of polysaccharide expression and isolated mutants with defects in capsule expression. Surprisingly, attempts to completely eliminate capsule production are not tolerated by the microorganism, which displays growth deficits and subsequent reversion to express capsular polysaccharides. We identify an alternative pathway by which B. fragilis is able to reestablish capsule production and modulate expression of surface structures. Most importantly, mutants expressing single, defined surface polysaccharides are defective for intestinal colonization compared with bacteria expressing a complete polysaccharide repertoire. Restoring the expression of multiple capsular polysaccharides rescues the inability of mutants to compete for commensalism. These findings suggest a model whereby display of multiple capsular polysaccharides provides essential functions for bacterial colonization during host–symbiont mutualism

    Life History Analysis And Individual Differences In Humans: A Test Of The Application Of An R/k Analysis

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    A number of psychologists have begun to apply principles from evolutionary biology to their domains in an attempt to provide an integrated model of human behaviour. One such application, a theory based on the r/K continuum of reproductive strategies, postulates that a single heritable reproductive dimension underlies a broad range of individual differences in life histories, physiological functioning, and social behaviour (Rushton, 1985). The two experiments reported here provide a test of this theory. Experiment 1 was conducted to determine if such a reproductive dimension exists and the extent of its heritability. Numerous reproductive and other variables from a sample of 7620 twins were subjected to principal component analyses. The obtained solutions for both male and female twins revealed factors which resembled the proposed dimension. Comparisons of aggregated standard scores for monozygotic twin pairs and same-sexed dizygotic pairs indicated that the dimension was moderately heritable. The second experiment replicated and extended the first study using a broader range of variables from a sample of 250 university undergraduates. In both experiments, strongest support for the theory was found for the physiological and sexual-reproductive variables, with the findings for personality variables being less supportive. The results were generally interpreted as providing initial support for the application of r/K theory to humans

    Gut biogeography of the bacterial microbiota

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    Animals assemble and maintain a diverse but host-specific gut microbial community. In addition to characteristic microbial compositions along the longitudinal axis of the intestines, discrete bacterial communities form in microhabitats, such as the gut lumen, colonic mucus layers and colonic crypts. In this Review, we examine how the spatial distribution of symbiotic bacteria among physical niches in the gut affects the development and maintenance of a resilient microbial ecosystem. We consider novel hypotheses for how nutrient selection, immune activation and other mechanisms control the biogeography of bacteria in the gut, and we discuss the relevance of this spatial heterogeneity to health and disease

    The human commensal Bacteroides fragilis binds intestinal mucin

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    The mammalian gastrointestinal tract harbors a vast microbial ecosystem, known as the microbiota, which benefits host biology. Bacteroides fragilis is an important anaerobic gut commensal of humans that prevents and cures intestinal inflammation. We wished to elucidate aspects of gut colonization employed by B. fragilis. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed on colonic tissue sections from B. fragilis and Escherichia coli dual-colonized gnotobiotic mice. Epifluorescence imaging reveals that both E. coli and B. fragilis are found in the lumen of the colon, but only B. fragilis is found in the mucosal layer. This observation suggests that physical association with intestinal mucus could be a possible mechanism of gut colonization by B. fragilis. We investigated this potential interaction using an in vitro mucus binding assay and show here that B. fragilis binds to murine colonic mucus. We further demonstrate that B. fragilis specifically and quantitatively binds to highly purified mucins (the major constituent in intestinal mucus) using flow cytometry analysis of fluorescently labeled purified murine and porcine mucins. These results suggest that interactions between B. fragilis and intestinal mucin may play a critical role during host-bacterial symbiosis

    Proinflammatory T-cell responses to gut microbiota promote experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    Although the effects of commensal bacteria on intestinal immune development seem to be profound, it remains speculative whether the gut microbiota influences extraintestinal biological functions. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a devastating autoimmune disease leading to progressive deterioration of neurological function. Although the cause of MS is unknown, microorganisms seem to be important for the onset and/or progression of disease. However, it is unclear how microbial colonization, either symbiotic or infectious, affects autoimmunity. Herein, we investigate a role for the microbiota during the induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for MS. Mice maintained under germ-free conditions develop significantly attenuated EAE compared with conventionally colonized mice. Germ-free animals, induced for EAE, produce lower levels of the proinflammatory cytokines IFN-γ and IL-17A in both the intestine and spinal cord but display a reciprocal increase in CD4^(+)CD25^(+)Foxp3^+ regulatory T cells (Tregs). Mechanistically, we show that gut dendritic cells from germ-free animals are reduced in the ability to stimulate proinflammatory T cell responses. Intestinal colonization with segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) is known to promote IL-17 production in the gut; here, we show that SFBs also induced IL-17A–producing CD4^+ T cells (Th17) in the CNS. Remarkably, germ-free animals harboring SFBs alone developed EAE, showing that gut bacteria can affect neurologic inflammation. These findings reveal that the intestinal microbiota profoundly impacts the balance between pro- and antiinflammatory immune responses during EAE and suggest that modulation of gut bacteria may provide therapeutic targets for extraintestinal inflammatory diseases such as MS

    Gut Microbiota Promote Hematopoiesis to Control Bacterial Infection

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    The commensal microbiota impacts specific immune cell populations and their functions at peripheral sites, such as gut mucosal tissues. However, it remains unknown whether gut microbiota control immunity through regulation of hematopoiesis at primary immune sites. We reveal that germ-free mice display reduced proportions and differentiation potential of specific myeloid cell progenitors of both yolk sac and bone marrow origin. Homeostatic innate immune defects may lead to impaired early responses to pathogens. Indeed, following systemic infection with Listeria monocytogenes, germ-free and oral-antibiotic-treated mice display increased pathogen burden and acute death. Recolonization of germ-free mice with a complex microbiota restores defects in myelopoiesis and resistance to Listeria. These findings reveal that gut bacteria direct innate immune cell development via promoting hematopoiesis, contributing to our appreciation of the deep evolutionary connection between mammals and their microbiota

    Communicable Ulcerative Colitis Induced by T-bet Deficiency in the Innate Immune System

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been attributed to overexuberant host immunity or the emergence of harmful intestinal flora. The transcription factor T-bet orchestrates inflammatory genetic programs in both adaptive and innate immunity. We describe a profound and unexpected function for T-bet in influencing the behavior of host inflammatory activity and commensal bacteria. T-bet deficiency in the innate immune system results in spontaneous and communicable ulcerative colitis in the absence of adaptive immunity and increased susceptibility to colitis in immunologically intact hosts. T-bet controls the response of the mucosal immune system to commensal bacteria by regulating TNF-α production in colonic dendritic cells, critical for colonic epithelial barrier maintenance. Loss of T-bet influences bacterial populations to become colitogenic, and this colitis is communicable to genetically intact hosts. These findings reveal a novel function for T-bet as a peacekeeper of host-commensal relationships and provide new perspectives on the pathophysiology of IBD

    Depsipeptide substrates for sortase-mediated N-terminal protein ligation

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    Technologies that allow the efficient chemical modification of proteins under mild conditions are widely sought after. Sortase-mediated peptide ligation provides a strategy for modifying the N or C terminus of proteins. This protocol describes the use of depsipeptide substrates (containing an ester linkage) with sortase A (SrtA) to completely modify proteins carrying a single N-terminal glycine residue under mild conditions in 4–6 h. The SrtA-mediated ligation reaction is reversible, so most labeling protocols that use this enzyme require a large excess of both substrate and sortase to produce high yields of ligation product. In contrast, switching to depsipeptide substrates effectively renders the reaction irreversible, allowing complete labeling of proteins with a small excess of substrate and catalytic quantities of sortase. Herein we describe the synthesis of depsipeptide substrates that contain an ester linkage between a threonine and glycolic acid residue and an N-terminal FITC fluorophore appended via a thiourea linkage. The synthesis of the depsipeptide substrate typically takes 2–3 d
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