100 research outputs found

    Attitude towards and use of ecstasy in medical university interns? based on HBM

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    Using a self-reported questionnaire, 130 Yazd Medical University students were surveyed about their knowledge towards ecstasy and their use of ecstasy based on Health Belief Model. The age range was 18-31 years. Approximately, 23% of students had seen an ecstasy tablet, 6 (4.6%) had used ecstasy (2 female and 4 male), 4 of them lived in a dormitory and 2 were tenants. The levels of knowledge, perceived barrier and perceived benefit of students who had used ecstasy were lower than those who hadn?t used ecstasy. There was a significant difference between the knowledge, perceived barrier and perceived benefit of samples and use of ecstasy (p inf. 0.008, p inf. 0.003 and p inf. 0.13, respectively). Approximately, 74% of the students were eager to know more about ecstasy and its effects. Finally, the students were asked to select one or more item from a list of six which they considered the best way for providing young people with accurate information, and the responses (as percentages) for each source were as follows: discussion with parents: 1.5%; television programs: 64.6%; radio programs: 1.5%; talk at university: 12.3%; friends: 12.3%; newspapers/magazine articles: 7.7%. The data revealed that the knowledge of participants about ecstasy was low (mean = 27.69 ± 3.53 out of 48).The mean grade score of knowledge of males was more than females. A survey in Kerman (Iran) showed that the knowledge of general practitioners about ecstasy was lower than 50% and the knowledge of males was more than females

    The Status of Smokeless Tobacco Use and its Associated Factors Among the Business Guilds Population of Chabahar

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    Purpose: Use of smokeless tobacco is a major preventable cause of premature death and diseases. It leads to over 5 million deaths annually worldwide. This study aimed to investigate the status of smokeless tobacco use and its associated factors among the business guilds population of Chabahar City, Iran. Method: The present descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 320 users of various types of smokeless tobacco selected by simple random sampling method. Data were collected using a researcher-made demographic questionnaire, smokeless tobacco inventory, attitude questionnaire, and behavior questionnaire. The validity and reliability of these tools were confirmed in the previous studies. Data were analyzed in SPSS using descriptive (mean, standard deviation, frequency, and %age) and inferential statistics (Kruskal-Wallis and Exact Fisher test). Results: Most of the participants used the chewing tobaccos Gutkha and Pan-Parag (24%, 95% CI= 28.7-19.4 and 23%, 95% CI= 27.7-18.5, respectively). The mean scores (standard deviations) of the participants\u27 behavior and attitude were 7.71 (2.59) and 22.34 (7.60), respectively. The results of bivariate analysis indicated no significant difference among different smokeless tobacco groups regarding the attitude scores (P = 0.104). A significant association was observed among different groups of smokeless tobacco regarding the behavioral scores (P = 0.007). Conclusion: The scores of attitude and behavior were significantly low among the business guilds population of Chabahar City regarding consumption of smokeless tobacco. Therefore, effective steps should be taken urgently to launch social awareness programs to educate people about the consequences of tobacco use and effectiveness in curbing the problem

    Application of Transtheoretical Model to Exercise in Office Staff

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    Abstract:Background: Transtheoretical model is identified as a comprehensive model for behavior exercise. The aim of this study was to check the situation of stage of change in exercise behavior of office personnel of Yazd city using transtheoretical model.Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 220 office personnel selected from administrative offices of Yazd through two-stage cluster-sampling method. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire that included demographic variables and constructs of transtheoretical model. The reliability and validity of the instruments were examined and approved by experts. The data was analyzed using SPSS soft ware.Results: 152 males (69.1%) and 68 females (30.9%) with an average age of 34±8.68 years were selected. Sixty percent of the subjects were in precontemplation and contemplation stages and only 7.3% were in action stages. Significant differences were found between TTM constructs and stages of change (P=0.000). The results also showed significant differences between components of decisional balance and behavioral process and cognitive process with the stages of change. We found that behavioral process of change and self efficacy were the most important variables for improving levels of exercise.Conclusion: Most of the participants were in the precontemplation and contemplation stages and most problems were related to behavioral process and self efficacy. Therefore, strategies and programs are needed to be taken into account to improve exercise among the staff

    Effect of the Living Environment on falls among the Elderly in Urmia

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    BACKGROUND: The living environment has an impact on the health of the elderly, and the safety of the house is one of the concerns of the elderly. Disregarding the safety concerns increases the falling. AIM: This research was conducted with the aim of influencing the living environment on falls among elderly people in Urmia city. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional (descriptive-analytic) study which 200 elderly people were selected by random cluster sampling. Data were collected by using a two-part questionnaire including demographic information, and home safety assessment checklist. Data were analysed by using chi-square test and logistic regression in SPSS v. 21 software. RESULTS: The incidence of falling in the elderly was 30%. There was a significant statistical association with age, sex, marital status and history of chronic disease. Results of logistic regression showed non-safe stairs (OR = 1.1, p = 0.002), unsafe toilet/bath (OR = 1.3, p = 0.001), unsafe bedrooms (OR = 1.7, p = 0.05) unsafe living room (OR = 1.4, p = 0.02) increase the falls in the elderly, as well as male gender (OR = 1.14, p < 0.001) and living with other people (OR = 0.19, p = 0.002) reduce the falls in the elderly. CONCLUSION: By identifying the risk factors of the physical space of the home, we can plan for implementing necessary interventions according to the risk factor or risk factors to prevent and reduce the falls in the elderly community

    The Determinants of Salivary Cotinine Concentration in Smokeless Tobacco Users

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    BACKGROUND: Smokeless tobacco products due to their high nicotine content are highly addictive and ultimately lead to an increased risk of oral cavity, laryngeal and oesophagal cancer. AIM: This research was conducted with the aim of assessing the relationship between the salivary cotinine concentration and demographic characteristics and smokeless tobacco use for the first time in tradespeople in Chabahar, Iran. METHODS: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 different tradespeople using smokeless tobacco in Chabahar who were selected through simple random sampling in 2018. In addition to the salivary cotinine measurement, data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire with demographic and behavioural items. The data obtained were analysed in SPSS-16 using descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS: The mean salivary cotinine score was 887.7 ± 180.7 in men and 611.2 ± 139.7 in women, making for a significant intergroup difference (P = 0.043). The mean salivary cotinine score was higher in those who used two or more smokeless tobacco products compared to those who used one type of tobacco, and a significant difference was observed between the type of smokeless tobacco used and the salivary cotinine score in the participants (P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Based on the results of the regression analysis, the type of smokeless tobacco used was a strong predictor of the concentration of salivary cotinine in the participants. It is, therefore, necessary for the government to adopt appropriate policies and take educational measures to reduce the vending and use of these substances

    The Relationship between Premenstrual Syndrome and Women’s Marital Satisfaction

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    Background & aim: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) includes different symptoms that appear periodically throughout the luteal phase of the menstrual period. The PMS has not been properly investigated as an influencing factor of marital satisfaction. Thus the purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between PMS and its symptoms with women's marital satisfaction. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 246 women referred to health centers in Yazd, Iran. The data were collected through the Index of Marital Satisfaction and Premenstrual Syndrome Screening Tool and analyzed in SPSS software (version 18) using the Chi-Square test. Results: According to the results, "somatic symptom disorders, such as breast pain, headache, muscle pain, arthritis, bloating, and weight gain" (%22.8) and "anger and irritability" (%21.5) obtained the highest frequency in terms of syndrome severity. With regard to the effect of symptoms on daily life, the strongest impact was on "the relationship with the family" (%10.6). The results showed that the levels of marital dissatisfaction among women with PMS (P=0.013) were higher, compared to the non-affected population. Conclusion: The severe symptoms of this syndrome disrupt family relationship leading to marital dissatisfaction. Therefore, the women and their families are required to receive the required training for better communication in this period

    Relationship between Religious Orientation, Anxiety, and Depression among College Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Religious obligation helps people to develop mental health by creating internal commitment to special rules. This meta-analysis aimed to determine the relationship between religious orientation and anxiety among college students. Methods: Major scientific databases including PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct, EBSCO, ProQuest and PsycINFO were searched for original research articles published 1987-2016. A random effect model was used to combine Correlation coefficient. All analyses were performed using Stata MP. Results: After screening of 7235 documents, 13 articles including 5620 participants met inclusion criteria in this meta-analysis. Correlation coefficient was -0.08 (95% CI= -0.19, -0.03) which indicated with increasing religious orientation, anxiety and depression reduced (P<0.001). Characteristics such as sex, geographic region, and type of religions were potential sources of heterogeneity. Based on fill-and-trim method the adjusted pooled r was obtained, -0.06 (95% CI= -0.16, -0.04). Conclusion: There was a weakness relationship between religious orientation and mental anxiety and depression. Therefore, it needs to improve knowledge of student about advantages of religious orientation

    Relationships between Locus of Control and Adherence to Diabetes Regimen

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    Abstract Background: Adequate self-care in diabetes causes quality of life promotion and decreases the number of inpatient cases. The health locus of control theory is used to assess adherence to diabetes regimen in some studies in developed countries. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of diabetes locus of control in a sample of diabetic patients in Iran and investigation of it&apos;s relationship to adherence to diabetes regimen. Methods: This analytical and cross-sectional study was carried out on 120 patients referred to Yazd Diabetes Research Center. The Iranian versions of Diabetes Locus of Control scale and Diabetes Selfcare Activities scale were used for data collection. Results: Men were more internal locus of control and women were more chance locus of control. The attributions of external locus of control increased by age, while the internal locus of control increased by education level and chance locus of control decreased by education level. A positive association between internal locus of control and adherence to diabetes regimen was found and there was a negative association between chance locus of control and adherence to diabetes regimen. Conclusion: Findings suggest that interventions aimed at improving internal locus of control may improve adherence to diabetes regimen but different diabetic patients have different attribution styles and interventional programs to enhance diabetes self-care will be more successful if patient&apos;s locus of control is addressed

    Relationship between Religious Orientation, Anxiety, and Depression among College Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Religious obligation helps people to develop mental health by creating internal commitment to special rules. This meta-analysis aimed to determine the relationship between religious orientation and anxiety among college students. METHODS: Major scientific databases including PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct, EBSCO, ProQuest and PsycINFO were searched for original research articles published 1987-2016. A random effect model was used to combine Correlation coefficient. All analyses were performed using Stata MP. RESULTS: After screening of 7235 documents, 13 articles including 5620 participants met inclusion criteria in this meta-analysis. Correlation coefficient was -0.08 (95% CI= -0.19, -0.03) which indicated with increasing religious orientation, anxiety and depression reduced (P<0.001). Characteristics such as sex, geographic region, and type of religions were potential sources of heterogeneity. Based on fill-and-trim method the adjusted pooled r was obtained, -0.06 (95% CI= -0.16, -0.04). CONCLUSION: There was a weakness relationship between religious orientation and mental anxiety and depression. Therefore, it needs to improve knowledge of student about advantages of religious orientation. KEYWORDS: Anxiety; Depression; Meta-analysis; Religious orientatio

    Exercise and Its Relation to Self Efficacy Based on Stages of Change Model in Employees of Yazd in 2008

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    Abstract: Background & Aims: Despite advantages of exercise most employees in various countries do not exercise adequately. Transtheoretical model has been identified as a comprehensive model for behavior change and self efficacy is regarded as a fundamental structure of this model. Hence, in this study, the situation of exercise in comployees of Yazd according to the Transtheoretical Model and its relation with self efficacy have been evaluated. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 220 employees of Yazd offices were selected by two-stage cluster sampling. In order to gather information a questionnaire with acceptable validity and reliability consisting of demographic data and constructs of model and self efficacy was used. Data analysis was performed with SPSS. Results: In whole, 152 males and 68 females with mean age of 34±8.68 years were participated. From 220 cases, 44 ones were in precontemplation stage, 88 ones in contemplation, 30 ones in preparation stage, 16 ones in action stage and 42 ones were in maintenance stage. There were significant differences between self efficacy and variables of stages of change (P=0.0001), sex (P=0.01), and education (P=0.005) Conclusion: According to this study, self efficacy plays an important role in exercise behavior and any improvement of self efficacy level requires support of the related institutions such as the Physical Education Organization and universities
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